This designation is intended to provide the City with a mixed use activity center which is oriented towards and enhances the San Diego River. This designation shall be developed under a master plan including community commercial, civic, park/open space and residential uses. The intent of the master plan is to provide the City with a conceptual plan, detailed land uses and appropriate development regulations that are consistent with the General Plan.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019)
The town center district is included in the zoning regulations in order to implement the goals, objectives and land uses specified in the General Plan for town center.
General Requirements.
A town center master plan shall be initiated by the City in order to establish land uses, areas of development, architectural themes and design guidelines for the town center. The City Council shall adopt a town center master plan development plan and text.
All development which is proposed within the town center district pursuant to an adopted town center master plan shall require the submittal of a development review or a conditional use permit, except for certain art and entertainment-related land uses within the art and entertainment overlay district, as specified in Section 13.22.070.
All development which is proposed within the town center district prior to the adoption of the town center master plan shall require the submittal of a conditional use permit. Such proposed development shall be in accordance with the goals and objectives of the town center as stated within the General Plan.
Unless otherwise specified within this code, or by conditional use permit, all activities, work and storage of materials within the town center district shall entirely be within an enclosed building.
(Ord. 566 § 3, 2019; Ord. 573 § 3, 2020)