Purpose. This chapter establishes the process for the preparation, adoption, and amendment of a specific plan. The specific plan provides a tool for the development of more specific land use, infrastructure, and/or design or development standards for properties requiring special treatment or consideration. The specific plan is a policy and regulatory tool for implementation of the goals and policies of the Santee General Plan.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the preparation, review, and adoption of all specific plans prepared for all real property within the City. The standards of this chapter, and eligibility for a specific plan, shall only apply to projects composed of a minimum of five acres of contiguous property. Any project of less than five acres shall not be eligible for a specific plan.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
The SP—Specific Plan District requires the preparation of a specific plan for future development of an area within the City. State law authorizes cities to prepare and adopt specific plans for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for all or part of the area covered by the General Plan (California Government Code Section 65450). This district is intended for select properties within the City where a variety of development opportunities may be viable and where the City wishes to encourage innovative and very high-quality development. Specific plans shall contain planning policies and regulations, and may combine zoning regulations, capital improvement programs, detailed development regulations, and other regulatory requirements into one document, which are designed to meet the unique needs of a specific area. Specific plans shall provide a fiscal assessment, identification of required public improvements, public improvement and development phasing, financing plans and a development agreement.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
Applicant-Generated. The preparation of a specific plan, and concurrent zoning and/or General Plan amendment(s), may be started by an applicant or property owner. The use of a specific plan is appropriate where site-specific regulation beyond the scope of this title would be beneficial based upon features or unique characteristics of the property, such as innovative development in the form of buildings, construction, design, or use combinations.
General Plan Consistency. All uses shall be consistent with the intent of the Santee General Plan and this title. Any specific plan proposal shall include a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the General Plan.
Regulating Document. A specific plan may either supplement or supersede land use regulations of this title, including all previously adopted ordinances, standards, and guidelines. Upon adoption of a specific plan and requisite zoning/General Plan amendments, the specific plan shall replace and take precedence over the zoning regulations of this title for the subject property. Where the regulations of a specific plan are silent, the zoning code regulations and all adopted ordinances, regulations, standards, and guidelines of the City shall apply, as deemed appropriate by the Director.
Specific plans shall contain planning policies and regulations, and may combine zoning regulations and other regulatory requirements into one document. Specific plans shall provide a fiscal assessment, identification of required public improvements, public improvement and development phasing, financing plans and a development agreement.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020; Ord. 611 § 2, 2023)
A specific plan shall provide regulations and design standards governing the minimum and maximum development parameters of all real property within the identified specific plan area. A specific plan shall include a statement of its relationship and consistency with the General Plan, and compliance with Article 8 of Chapter 3 of the California Government Code, commencing with Section 65450, and as may be amended by the State. The City maintains full authority and discretion to determine how a specific plan will be prepared. At minimum, a specific plan shall address the following:
Purpose. State the relationship to the goals and policies of the General Plan.
Setting. State the existing and regional setting to establish the conditions and reasons for the project.
Proposed Land Uses. Establish the distribution, type, definitions of, and regulations for all proposed land uses.
Development Standards. Establish all regulating policies, including all the following standards for all building types:
Building height, setbacks, massing, and design standards;
Lot area, width, and depth;
Maximum number of dwelling units and the maximum residential density of the specific plan area and designated land uses consistent with the General Plan;
Usable open space provisions and requirements within the development;
Off-street parking and loading facilities;
Architectural and site planning design and development standards, which may include design themes or similar architectural treatments to control future construction of buildings on parcels covered by the adopted plan; and
Signage requirements, if different from the standards of this title, to be addressed by a unique sign program codified in the specific plan.
Site Planning. Establish a comprehensive map of all streets, open spaces, private and public property, and land uses for all affected properties, consistent with the intent of the General Plan and this title.
Provide site planning at the perimeter of the area boundaries for the mutual protection of the specific plan and the surrounding properties.
Site orientation to use available solar, wind, and natural setting benefits of the site, and to retain natural features and amenities found on site.
Provide landscape architectural concept plans and standards, including project entries, streetscapes, fencing details, lighting, signage, and street furniture.
Infrastructure. Identify the proposed distribution, extent, intensity, and location of major components of public and private circulation/transportation, drainage, energy, sewers, solid waste disposal, water, and other essential facilities proposed.
Include physical and fiscal plans for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and all other public facilities/services required to serve the specific plan area.
All public rights-of-way within or abutting the development shall remain within applicable City specifications unless authorized by the Director.
Include layout and design of private streets and alleys; such private facilities shall be privately owned and maintained without public cost and maintenance responsibility for their intended purpose.
Consideration of other forms of access, such as pedestrian ways, paseos, courts, plazas, driveways, trails, or open public parking areas may be made at the time of specific plan consideration by the City.
Maintenance. Provisions ensuring the continued maintenance of private property, grounds, and all common areas.
Phasing. Development phasing for the full life of the project and anticipated schedule, including start date and completion of each construction phase.
Text and Graphics. A textual document incorporating graphics, including an executive summary and any additional information identified by the Director as pertinent to conveying the development intent, standards, and outcomes of the specific plan.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020; Ord. 611 § 2, 2023)
A specific plan district shall be established upon application of a property owner, and subject to the following provisions:
Submission of a specific plan for approval by the City Council pursuant to this chapter.
Determination by the City Council that the establishment of the District and approval of the specific plan shall:
Provide for the development of a comprehensively planned community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations.
Provide for development within the District in a manner consistent with the General Plan.
Provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by development with the District.
Address any other subjects which in the judgment of the City are necessary or desirable for implementation of the General Plan.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
A specific plan, which qualifies as a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), shall be subject to environmental review in accordance with CEQA and City of Santee environmental review application requirements.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
Public Hearings. The specific plan process is considered a discretionary action. Public hearings shall be held consistent with the public hearing procedures and requirements of Santee Municipal Code Section 13.04.100.
Approval. The specific plan shall be adopted by ordinance or resolution of the City Council, in compliance with State law (California Government Code Section 65453). The City Council's action to adopt a specific plan shall be accompanied by findings that the specific plan is in conformance with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan and other adopted goals and policies of the City.
Incorporation Upon Approval. An application for a specific plan and official Zoning District Base Map amendment shall be subject to review and approval in the same manner as prescribed in Section 13.04.050, "Amendments." Upon specific plan approval, the Zoning District Base Map shall be updated by the letters "SP" followed by reference letters identifying each separate district. The specific plan as approved by the City Council shall be incorporated into this title upon approval.
Specific Plan Fee. The City Council may impose a specific plan fee surcharge on development permits within the specific plan area, in compliance with State law (California Government Code Section 65456).
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)
A specific plan may be amended in the same manner as a zoning amendment, as provided by Section 13.04.050 for a change of district boundaries or for a change in the regulations applicable within a district.
(Ord. 580 § 3, 2020)