The office of the city manager is created and established. The city manager shall be appointed by the city council wholly on the basis of his or her administrative and executive ability and qualifications, and shall hold office for and during the pleasure of the city council.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
Residence in the city at the time of appointment of a city manager shall not be required as a condition of the appointment, but, no person shall hold the office of city manager unless such person resides within the regulated response time as prescribed by city council.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
No person elected as a councilmember of the city shall, subsequent to such election, be eligible for appointment as city manager until one year has elapsed after such councilmember shall have ceased to be a member of the city council.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
The city manager shall furnish a corporate surety bond to be approved by the city council in such sum as may be determined by the city council and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties imposed upon the city manager as herein prescribed. Any premium for such bond shall be a proper charge against the city.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
The city manager shall appoint, subject to the approval of the city council, one of the other officers or department heads of the city to serve as manager pro tem during any temporary absence or disability of the city manager. In case of the absence or disability of the city manager, and his or her failure to so appoint a manager pro tem, the city council may designate some qualified city employee to perform the duties of the city manager during the period of absence or disability of the city manager; subject, however, to such person furnishing a corporate surety bond conditioned upon faithful performance of the duties required to be performed, as set forth in Section 2.08.040 hereof.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
Subject to the limitations imposed by Assembly Bill No. 1344, the city manager shall receive such compensation and expense allowances as the city council shall from time to time determine and fix by contract, and such compensation and expenses shall, to the extent not prohibited by Assembly Bill No. 1344, be a proper charge against such funds of the city as the city council shall designate.
Subject to the terms and conditions of any contract of employment, the city manager shall be reimbursed for all sums necessarily incurred or paid by him or her in the performance of his or her duties or incurred when traveling on business pertaining to the city under direction of the city council. Reimbursement shall only be made, however, when a verified itemized claim, setting forth the sums expended for such business for which reimbursement is requested, has been presented to the mayor for approval.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002; Ord. 2034 § 1, 2018)
The city manager is the administrative head of the government of the city, under the direction and control of the city council except as otherwise provided in this chapter. He or she shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all the affairs of the city which are under his or her control. In addition to his or her general powers as administrative head and, not as a limitation thereon, it shall be his or her duty and he or she shall have all the powers set forth in the following subsections:
Law Enforcement. It is the duty of the city manager to enforce all laws and ordinances of the city and to see that all franchises, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the city council are faithfully observed;
Authority Over Employees. It is the duty of the city manager, and he or she shall have the authority to control, order and give directions to all heads of departments and to subordinate officers and employees of the city under his or her jurisdiction through their department heads;
Power of Appointment, Etc. It is the duty of the city manager to appoint, remove, promote and demote any and all officers and employees of the city except the city attorney. Appointment of department heads, including the city clerk and city treasurer, shall be subject to ratification by the city council;
Reorganization of Offices, Etc. It is the duty and responsibility of the city manager to recommend to the city council such reorganization of offices, positions, departments or units under his or her direction as may be indicated in the interest of efficient, effective and economical conduct of the city's business;
Ordinances. It is the duty of the city manager to recommend to the city council for adoption such measures and ordinances as he or she deems necessary or expedient;
Attendance at Council Meetings. It is the duty of the city manager to attend all meetings of the city council unless excused therefrom, except when his or her removal is under consideration;
Financial Reports. It is the duty of the city manager to keep the city council at all times fully advised as to the financial conditions and needs of the city;
Budget. It shall be the duty of the city manager to prepare and submit the proposed annual budget and the proposed annual salary plan to the city council for its approval;
Purchasing Agent. It shall be the duty of the city manager and he or she shall be responsible for the purchase of all supplies for all of the departments or divisions of the city. No expenditures shall be submitted or recommended to the city council except on report and approval of the city manager;
Investigations. It is the duty of the city manager to make investigations into the affairs of the city and any department or division thereof, and of any contract or of the proper performance of any obligation of the city;
Public Utilities—Franchises. It is the duty of the city manager to investigate all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the city government and in regard to the service maintained by public utilities in the city, and to see that all franchise permits granted by the city are faithfully performed and observed;
Public Buildings. It is the duty of the city manager to exercise control over all public buildings, public parks and all other public property which are under the control and jurisdiction of the city council;
Hours of Employment. It is the duty of the city manager to devote his or her entire working time to the duties of his or her office in the interests of the city, except on permission of the city council by action thereof;
Additional Duties. It is the duty of the city manager to perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be delegated to him or her from time to time by ordinance or resolution or other action of the city council;
Council-Manager Relations. The city council and its members shall deal with the administrative services of the city only through the city manager, except for the purpose of inquiry; and neither the city council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the city manager. The city manager shall take his or her orders and instructions from the city council only when sitting in a duly held meeting of the city council, and no individual councilman shall give any orders, or instructions to the city manager. Nothing in this section, however, shall prevent any member of the city council from discussing with the city manager any matter of general public interest or concern relative to the proper operations of the city or of the needs, problems, or projects thereof;
Departmental Cooperation. It is the duty of all subordinate officers as well as the city treasurer and city attorney to assist the city manager in administering the affairs of the city efficiently, economically and harmoniously so far as may be consistent with their duties as prescribed by law and by the ordinances of the city;
Attendance at Commission Meetings. The city manager may attend any and all meetings of any commissions, boards or committees created by the city council upon his or her own volition or upon direction of the city council. At such meetings which the city manager attends, he or she shall be heard by such commissions, boards or committees as to all matters upon which he or she wishes to address the members thereof, and he or she shall inform the members as to the status of any matter being considered by the city council, and he or she shall cooperate to the fullest extent with the members of all commissions, boards or committees appointed by the city council;
To prescribe administrative policies and procedures providing direction to city employees for the courteous and efficient operation of all offices of the city under the direction and control of the city manager;
To prepare the meeting agendas for the council meetings and, in preparing such agendas, to annotate in concise language, each agenda item, which, in the manager's judgment, is of sufficient importance to warrant additional explanatory material for the purpose of clarification of such item to the council;
To keep a personnel file on all city employees, avoiding duplication, whenever it is practical to do so.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002)
The removal of the city manager shall be only upon a majority vote of the entire city council seated in a regular city council meeting.
(Ord. 1762 § 2, 2002; Ord. 2034 § 2, 2018)