The following commissions are hereby created and established:
The planning commission; and
The community services commission; and
The water commission; and
The library board of trustees; and
Glendora Village Business District advisory board.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
Planning Commission.
A planning commission is necessary to insure and enforce the city's general plan, zoning code, development guidelines, and other laws, as well as goals and policies for directing and managing future growth and development of real properties located within the city.
The planning commission, and its members, shall have all of the rights, privileges, powers and duties as specified in the Planning and Zoning Law (Title 7 California Government Code) which is incorporated and made a part hereof as if the same were set forth in full insofar as the same related to general law cities, and all of the rights, privileges, powers and duties provided for herein are granted to the said planning commission, the council, the members thereof and city officials, and all of the duties required to be performed therein shall be so done and performed within the time and as provided for herein. In the event, however, that any of the provisions of this chapter shall be in conflict with provisions of said aforementioned law, in such case the provisions of said law shall prevail.
Community Services Commission.
The duties of the community services commission shall be to act in an advisory capacity to the council and the director of community services in all matters pertaining to park maintenance; recreation program; park development; and to cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of sound recreation and programming.
With respect to parks, the community services commission shall:
Advise in the development of parks and facilities; and
Recommend the adoption of standards on areas and facilities, programs, and financial support; and
Advise in long range capital improvements; and
Advise in the preparation of such written agreements between the council and participating school districts as are necessary to conduct a coordinated recreation service in the community; and
May advise in planting of all street and parkway trees.
With respect to recreation, human services, transportation and wilderness areas, the community services commission shall:
Review, revise and recommend policies on recreation services for approval by the council and all other participating community agencies; and
Make periodic inventories of recreation services that exist or may be needed, interpret the needs of the public to the director of community services and council; and
Aid in coordinating the community services with the program of other governmental agencies and voluntary organizations; and
May advise in the preparation of the annual recreation program and budget.
Water Commission.
The purpose of the water commission is to advise the city council on policy matters relating to the operation of the city's water system, excluding daily operations. The commission shall advise and recommend to the city council policies and programs related to:
Developing and maintaining a financial plan for the water division;
Implementing conservation efforts;
Evaluating the effectiveness of the water system;
Establishing fees, rates and charges, including, but not limited to, maintaining sufficient funding to pay for all overhead and maintenance, administrative, capital improvement and debt service costs;
Establishing appropriate criteria used to establish the level of funds needed to maintain the water system, including, but not limited to, maintaining sufficient funding to pay for all overhead and maintenance, administrative, capital improvement and debt service costs;
Reviewing such other problems and policy matters which may arise from time to time with regard to the operation and maintenance of the water system and the water division as identified by the city council or the city manager.
The water rate commission shall hold a public hearing on each review of the fees, rates and charges. At least ten calendar days prior to the public hearing, notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing, and a general explanation of the matter to be considered shall be given in the following manner: Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
Library Board of Trustees. The library board of trustees shall have the powers and duties prescribed by Section 18900 et seq., of the California Education Code, as may be amended from time to time.
Glendora Village Business District Advisory Board.
The Business District advisory board shall be an advisory board to the city council.
The Business District advisory board may make recommendations to the city council on the operation and extent of the Glendora Village Business District area, as established by Chapter 5.40 of the Glendora Municipal Code, and the methods and ways in which the revenue derived from the charges, assessments, and contributions imposed or authorized by Chapter 5.40 might be used within the scope of the purposes set forth in Section 5.40.020.
The Business District advisory board shall perform such other duties as the city council may designate.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
Each board and commission established by this chapter shall be comprised of five voting members appointed by the city council, as set forth in Section 2.18.050.
With respect to the community services commission, each public school district, which may contract with the city for recreational community services, may nominate one ex-officio member in an advisory capacity. Ex-officio members shall not have any vote.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
The following requirements for eligibility shall apply to all boards and commissions established by this chapter except as designated below:
Each member is required to be a resident of the city of Glendora, except for the Business District advisory board; and
Each member is required to be at least eighteen years old; and
Each member shall be a registered voter; and
No person who holds office in the city government or who is employed by the city shall be appointed to any board or commission; and
During the term of appointment, if such person ceases to reside within the city, the appointment of such person shall be deemed to have been terminated. This provision shall not apply to the Business District advisory board.
The following additional eligibility requirements shall apply with respect to the following boards and commissions:
With respect to the water commission, each member shall also be a customer of the city's water division of the public works department.
With respect to the Business District advisory board, each member shall also:
Operate a bona fide business located within the Glendora Village Business District which is subject to charges and assessments imposed by Chapter 5.40 of the Glendora Municipal Code; and
Be current with the payment of charges and assessments imposed by Chapter 5.40 of the Glendora Municipal Code as a condition of appointment and continued membership on the board; and
During the term of appointment, if such person ceases to operate a bona fide business located within the Glendora Village Business District, the appointment of such person shall be deemed to have been terminated.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
Members of each board and commission shall be appointed by a majority vote of the city council and shall serve at the pleasure thereof, except as follows:
With respect to the library board of trustees, each member shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city council as required by state law.
With respect to the Glendora Village Business District, the Business District advisory board shall recommend members for appointment with the consent of the city council as required by state law. The Business District bylaws shall prescribe the process by which board members are selected for appointment.
Pursuant to this code and Government Code Sections 40605, 54974 and 65100 through 65101, the following procedures shall be employed in filling vacancies on the boards and commissions:
The city clerk shall prepare a list of all regular and ongoing citizen boards and commissions and committees, which are appointed by the city council, on or before December 31st of each year, as provided for in the Maddy Act.
If vacancies occur otherwise than by expiration of the term, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment to the unexpired term in the same fashion as the original appointment of members.
Whenever a vacancy occurs, the city clerk shall post notice. Final appointment shall not be made by the city council for at least ten days after the posting of notice.
Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, the city council may, if it finds that an emergency exists, fill the unscheduled vacancy immediately. Such emergency appointments shall be made by the majority of the city council. A person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve only on an acting basis until the final appointment is made pursuant to this section.
Members of any board or commission shall notify the city clerk of their declared vacancy pursuant to the provisions of this code or state law. The city clerk shall in turn advise the city council of such notifications.
The city council may provide by resolution any additional procedures necessary for appointments.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019; Ord. No. 2088, 7/9/2024)
All board and commission members shall comply with the following:
All members of boards and commissions shall take an oath of office administered by the city clerk.
All members shall file with the city clerk a statement of economic interest set forth by the Fair Political Practices Commission upon assuming office, leaving office, and on an annual basis to the extent of the Glendora conflict of interest code defined for each board and commission.
All members shall complete ethics training within sixty days upon assuming office and every two years thereafter as per Government Code Section 53235, as amended.
If a board member fails to comply with the conditions of appointment set forth in subsection (a) above, the city clerk shall provide written notice of the deficiency to that board member and a time period to achieve compliance. If the board or commission member fails to timely comply with the city clerk's written notice, the board or commission member shall not be permitted to attend any further meetings as a voting member with said meetings being deemed unexcused absences, as discussed in Section 2.18.100.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
The following terms of office shall apply:
For the library board of trustees, each appointment shall be for a term of three years.
For all other boards and commissions, each appointment shall be for a term of four years.
Each appointment shall expire June 30th of the year of expiration for the individual term. However, after the expiration of a term, a member may continue to serve until the member's successor is appointed by the city council and qualifies and, in such case that the successor's term does not commence on July 1st, the successor shall not be entitled to any additional time to be added to his or her term.
Staggering of Terms.
For the library board of trustees, three board member terms which will expire on June 30, 2019, and two terms which will expire on June 30, 2021. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019 are designated as offices one, four and five. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021 are designated as offices two and three. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be three years for each office.
For Business Improvement District (BID) advisory board, three commissioner terms will expire on June 30, 2019, and two terms which will expire on June 30, 2021. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019 are designated as offices one, two and three. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021 are designated as offices four and five. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be four years for each office.
For community services commission, three commissioner terms will expire on June 30, 2019, and two terms which will expire on June 30, 2021. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019 are designated as offices three, four and five. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021 are designated as offices one and two. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be four years for each office.
For planning commission, three commissioner terms will expire on June 30, 2019, and two terms which will expire on June 30, 2021. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019 are designated as offices one, two and three. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021 are designated as offices four and five. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be four years for each office.
For water commission, two commissioner terms will expire on June 30, 2019, and three terms which will expire on June 30, 2021. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2019 are designated as offices one and two. The terms scheduled to expire on June 30, 2021 are designated as offices three, four and five. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be four years for each office.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
No member shall serve more than two consecutive full terms in office, calculated from July 1st of one year through June 30th of the following year, which is the standard full term of office established in Section 2.18.070.
For the purposes of this section, no portion of a full term that is less than a full term will be counted in calculating the term limitation.
Any person who is required to vacate office due to the application of a term limitation shall not be eligible to serve again until the expiration of at least two years. The intent of this subsection is to provide at least a two-year break in service on each board or commission.
The term limitations established by this section shall apply prospectively only to those terms of office which commence on or after July 1, 2019.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
Any member of any board or commission may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the entire city council. No prior notice needs to be given to any commissioner that the city council intends to take such action nor does the city council need to provide any statement of its reasons for taking such action. The city council may remove any commissioner for inadequate attendance in accordance with Section 2.18.100.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
It shall be the obligation of board and commission members to attend all meetings, whether regular or special, except for good cause such as illness, family emergency, or schedule conflicts.
Attendance records for each board and commission meeting shall be prepared by the staff liaison for the board or commission and submitted to the city clerk after each meeting.
If a board or commission member has three consecutive unexcused absences, or three unexcused absences during a calendar year, the position shall automatically be vacated.
If a board or commission member knows he or she will be unable to attend a meeting of the board or commission, the member must notify the chair of the board or commission or the staff member assigned to the board or commission prior to the time established for commencement of the meeting. The member must explain his or her reasons for being absent. At the beginning of the board or commission meeting, the chair shall inform the commission of the reason for the absence of any commissioner, and the commission shall determine whether such absence stems from good cause and whether such absence is excused or unexcused.
The following circumstances shall automatically be deemed an unexcused absence:
Failure by any board or commission member to notify the chair of the board or commission or the staff member assigned to the board or commission prior to the time established for commencement of the meeting of the member's absence.
Late arrival shall be deemed an unexcused absence except that, in the event that any board or commission member arrives at a meeting after the board or commission determines that the member's absence is unexcused, the member may give his or her reasons for being late and the board or commission may then rescind its prior action and find such absence to be excused.
Failure to satisfy conditions of appointment in accordance with the process set forth in subsection (b) of Section 2.18.060.
A board or commission member who misses any regular commission meeting due to an unexcused absence, shall not be entitled to receive that portion of their regular monthly salary, if any, for such meeting, except that if any additional regular or special meeting is held that month and the commissioner attends such meeting, then the commissioner shall be entitled to their regular monthly salary, without deduction.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
A chairperson for each board and commission shall be elected by the membership of that board or commission on an annual basis once annual vacancies have been filled, if applicable. A vice-chair may be elected to fill in for the chair when needed.
A chairperson may serve successive terms.
Duties of Chairperson.
The chairperson shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the board or commission.
The chair shall perform other such duties as established by this chapter, as designated by the majority of the board or commission and as are normally incident to such office.
The chairperson shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations to any person appearing during the course of an investigation or hearing.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
The city council, by resolution thereof and which may be amended from time to time, shall establish a standing hour, day of the month, and location for the regular meeting, or meetings, of all boards and commissions. Any meeting scheduled for any time other than the standing date and time shall be considered a special meeting.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
All commissions established by this chapter are declared to be subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act contained in the California Government Code or any amendments thereto, adhering to open meetings with public comment. In so doing:
All matters are discussed and acted on in an open forum meeting which includes access to the meeting, except as provided for closed session matters.
All meetings shall allow the public to speak on any agenda item.
All agendas shall be posted in accordance with the Brown Act, seventy-two hours prior to a regular meeting on the city's physical bulletin board for the official posting.
Only items listed on the agenda shall be discussed at the meeting. All new topics identified may be placed on a future agenda.
Members may adopt by-laws or other such rules and regulations of procedures for conducting its meetings, including setting the term for chairperson, not to be inconsistent with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act.
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the commission.
Additional rules and regulations may be adopted by resolution of either the city council or any of the respective commissions.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
The city manager shall provide staff support to include the facilitation of meetings, preparation and distribution of the agenda and minutes, for each board and commission to carry out its duties and powers; provided, however, that the commission shall not give additional direction to staff without the approval by the city manager.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)
Members of each board and commission may be paid such compensation that the city council may provide by resolution.
Any board or commission member who misses any regular commission shall not be entitled to receive that portion of their regular monthly compensation, if any, for such meeting, except that if any additional regular or special meeting is held that month and the commissioner attends such meeting, then the commissioner shall be entitled to their regular monthly salary, without deduction.
(Ord. 2036 § 3, 2019)