In order to establish efficient procedures to ensure the safety of the public and city employees and to protect the city from loss and to secure for the city insurance coverage at the lowest possible cost commensurate with quality needed, a risk management program is adopted.
(Ord. 1590 § 2, 1991)
The finance director is designated to be the risk manager; the finance director or the finance director's designee shall perform the duties and exercise the authority of the risk manager.
(Ord. 1590 § 2, 1991)
The finance director may combine the duties of the risk manager with those of any position in the finance department. The risk manager shall have the responsibility to:
Negotiate, process the placement of, contract for, obtain and purchase all broker or agent services and insurance coverages deemed necessary by the risk manager and available to protect the city's interests, in accordance with procedures developed by the risk manager and approved by the city council. These coverages include but are not limited to liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and property insurance, or if self-insured in one or more areas, then excess coverage of this insurance.
Execute all applications, broker of record letters and other documents pertaining to the placement of, contracting for, obtaining and purchasing insurance coverages.
(Ord. 1590 § 2, 1991)
The risk manager is authorized to settle all claims and actions against the city in which the settlement amount does not exceed the sum of twenty five thousand dollars. The risk manager is authorized to reject all claims and actions against the city in which the demand does not exceed the sum of twenty five thousand dollars. It shall be the duty of the city council to approve or reject all other claims and settlements presented to the city.
(Ord. 1832 § 2, 2006)
The risk manager may establish safety programs deemed necessary or in the best interest of the city in order to avoid or reduce hazardous conditions.
(Ord. 1590 § 2, 1991)
No city officer or employee shall, except for his or her own service, present any claim, account or demand for allowance against the city or in any way, except in the discharge of his or her official duty, advocate the relief asked in the claim or demand made by any other.
(Ord. 1590 § 2, 1991)