For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"Abandoned property"
Property which the owner, upon notification of its whereabouts, refuses to claim; or
Property for which the owner refuses, on demand, to pay the reasonable charges for the care and storage thereof pursuant to Section 2080.1(b) of the California Civil Code; or
Property which the finder refuses to claim pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2080.3.
"Embezzled property"
means property which has been fraudulently appropriated by one to whom it has been entrusted.
"Lost property"
means misplaced property, the whereabouts of which is unknown by its rightful owner or one who has a right to possession of it.
"Perishable property"
means property in danger of perishing or losing the greater part of its value.
"Police chief"
means the chief of police of the Glendora police department or any designee of the chief of police.
"Stolen property"
means property which has been taken and carried away feloniously or the possession of which has been obtained by false or fraudulent representation or pretense.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)
Property in Custody of Police Officer; Disposition Made in Accordance with State Statutes. When property alleged to be stolen or embezzled comes into the custody of a police officer, he or she shall deliver it to the property section of the police department where it shall be disposed of in accordance with Chapter 12 of Title 10 of the California Penal Code, commencing with Section 1407.
Definitions. Whenever any of the terms defined in this section appear in Chapter 12 of Title 10 of the California Penal Code, commencing with Section 1407, each such term shall be construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this subsection:
"Clerk" or "person
in charge of the property section" means the police chief.
"Peace officer"
means any employee of the Glendora police department.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)
Duty of the Finder. Any person who finds or saves and takes possession of any money, goods, domestic animals or other personal property shall dispose of such property in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 4 of Title 6 of the California Civil Code, commencing with Section 2080.
Disposition of Property in Possession of Police Department. Whenever any property described in Section 2.44.010 is turned in to the police department, it shall be disposed of by the police department in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 4 of Title 6 of the California Civil Code, commencing with Section 2080.1, unless:
The finder of the property does not want title to the property pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2080.3, in which event it shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2.44.040; or
The property is determined by the police chief to be perishable, in which event it shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2.44.050; or
The property is found in the course of employment by a city employee, in which event it shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2.44.060.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)
Property Other than Money or Perishable Property. Abandoned property, other than money or perishable property, which is in the custody of the police department shall be disposed of by sale at public auction in accordance with Section 2.44.060.
Abandoned Money. All abandoned money which is in the custody of the police department shall be deposited by the police chief with the city treasurer for deposit into the general fund.
Perishable Property. All abandoned property determined by the police chief to be perishable shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2.44.050.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)
Where property, whether lost and unclaimed or abandoned, is determined by the police chief to be perishable and upon reasonable diligence the owner of the property cannot be found, the police chief shall offer such property to the finder thereof. If the finder refuses to accept such property, the police chief shall dispose of it as he or she sees fit.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)
All abandoned property or property found within the scope of employment by a city employee, except perishable property, shall be sold by the police chief at public auction to the highest bidder, in accordance with the following procedure, unless such property is determined by the police chief to be needed for a public use, in which case, the property need not be sold and may be retained by the city.
Notice of Sale. Notice of such public auction sale shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation circulated in the city. The first publication shall be at least five days prior to the time fixed for the auction. Such notice shall contain a statement of the time and place fixed by the police chief for such auction, together with a general statement of the kind of property offered for sale.
Disposition of Proceeds from Sale. Immediately after the completion of any sale, the police chief shall give to the city treasurer a statement of the proceeds thereof, together with the expense incurred, if any, in conducting such sale. The police chief shall forthwith pay such proceeds to the city treasurer and the city treasurer shall deposit the same in the general fund.
Procedure When No Bids Offered. If there are no bids for property offered for sale at auction under this section, the property shall again be offered for sale together with other such property at the next auction sale. If such property is not sold at the second auction sale, the police chief may make such disposition thereof in the public interest as he or she shall deem fit.
(Ord. 1407 § 2, 1983)