There shall be levied and collected by the city for each fiscal year in addition to any other taxes levied and collected by the city, a tax not exceeding fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars of the property in the city taxable for municipal purposes, for the purpose of providing and maintaining parks and music and for advertising purposes.
The tax shall be used for no other purpose than for providing and maintaining parks and music and for advertising purposes and shall be used for, each of such purposes in such amounts, not exceeding in the aggregate the whole sum thereof, as shall be determined by the council.
The tax shall be levied at the time of fixing the general tax levy of the city and in the same manner for such general tax levy provided and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the general tax levy is collected.
The amount collected upon such levy shall be placed in a separate fund to be known as the "Music, Parks and Advertising, Fund."
(Prior code § 19.2)