It is unlawful for any person to display any goods, equipment or materials outdoors on premises improved for nonresidential purposes without complying with all of the provisions of this chapter. Every person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is otherwise made a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.01.110(b).
The outdoor display of goods, equipment or materials shall only be permitted in conjunction with, and on the same premises as, a business housed inside a building.
Compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall not preclude the necessity of obtaining any other permit or license required by this code, ordinance of the city or other applicable law.
(Ord. 1420 § 1, 1983)
Outdoor display shall be permitted if:
The applicant has a current business license to conduct business on the premises;
The premises are improved with a building that houses the business for which the current business license has been issued;
The outdoor display of goods, equipment and materials is permitted on the premises, pursuant to Title 21 of this code.
(Ord. 1420 § 1, 1983)
Every outdoor display shall be permitted on condition that the applicant comply with all of the following:
The items being displayed shall be of the same type that are lawfully displayed and sold inside the business conducting the outdoor display on the premises;
The aggregate display area shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the linear frontage of the building or six feet, whichever is greater as indicated by a site plan by the applicant. Outdoor displays may also be conducted on any other areas of a property subject to the approval by the director of planning and redevelopment and the city building official.
No item, or any portion thereof, shall be displayed more than three feet from the building frontage. Outdoor displays may be conducted on any other areas of a property subject to the approval by the director of planning and redevelopment and the city building official.
No item, or any portion thereof, shall be displayed on public property; provided, however, items may be displayed within the public right-of-way if an encroachment permit has first been procured from the city;
Items shall be displayed only during the hours that the business conducted inside the building on the premises is open for business;
The outdoor displays shall be limited to Saturdays only unless an extended outdoor display event is requested by an applicant (an extended outdoor display event may not exceed five consecutive days with each day or portion thereof counting as one day). Such requests may be approved by the director of planning and redevelopment subject to all other requirements of this chapter provided that no more than six requests have been granted in a calendar year.
No items shall be displayed in a manner that causes a safety hazard, obstructs the entrance to any building; interferes with, or impedes the flow of, pedestrian or vehicle traffic; is unsightly or creates any other condition that is detrimental to the appearance of the premises or any surrounding property; or in any other manner is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or causes a public nuisance.
The outdoor display may not violate any of the provisions of the city's Municipal Code including the Sign Code, Zoning Code or Building Codes.
(Ord. 1420 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1839 §§ 2—5, 2006)