There is presently within the city of Glendora a shortage of spaces for the location of mobilehomes. Because of this shortage, there is a low vacancy rate and rents have for several years risen rapidly in some mobilehome parks causing concern among a substantial number of city residents. Because of the high cost of moving mobilehomes, the potential damage resulting therefrom, the requirements relating to the installation of mobilehomes, including permits, landscaping and site preparation, the lack of alternative home sites for mobilehome residents and the substantial investment of mobilehome owners in such homes, a virtual monopoly exists in the rental of mobilehome spaces, creating a situation where park owners have unbridled discretion and ability to exploit mobilehome park tenants. For these reasons, among others, the city council finds and declares it necessary to protect the owners of mobilehomes from unreasonable rent increases, while at the same time recognizing the need of park owners to receive a fair return on their property and rental income sufficient to cover increases in the cost of repairs, maintenance, insurance, employee services, additional amenities, and other costs of operation.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
For the purposes of this chapter, the terms set forth in this section have the following meanings:
means correct mathematically on the rent schedule form and any supplement application material.
"Capital improvement"
means any addition or betterment made to a mobilehome park which has a useful life of five or more years, which add to the value of the property and appreciably prolongs its useful life, and which may be amortized in accordance with applicable Internal Revenue Code regulations. "Capital improvement" does not include mere repair or replacement of existing facilities or improvements.
means the city of Glendora.
"City council"
means the legislative body of the city.
"City staff" or "staff"
means the staff of the city.
means rent schedule forms as required by this chapter are filled out properly.
means the submittal of rent schedule forms and other requested material, documentation, information and responses to staff questions to comply with this chapter.
"Consumer Price Index" or "CPI"
means the "Cost of Living Index for Urban Consumer of the Los Angeles— Anaheim—Riverside Area" (all items) based on the year 1982 = 100, as published by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Statistics, as of the twelve-month period ending four months prior to the effective date of the proposed rent increase (e.g., November effective date would be for twelve-month period ending June 30th).
"Fair return" or "reasonable expense"
means that space rent permitted for occupancy of a space or for operation and maintenance costs, or charges for capital improvements or rehabilitation work as determined by the factors set forth in Civil Code Section 1947.15.
"Gross income"
means the sum of the gross space rent plus other income generated as the result of operating a mobilehome park (e.g., laundry facilities, recreational vehicle storage, etc.) plus revenue received from the sale of utility services (e.g., gas, water, electricity, cable TV, refuse, etc.) where such utilities are billed individually to the tenants by the owners.
means a structure with dimensions larger than eight feet by forty feet or size larger than three hundred twenty square feet designed for human habitations, transported over streets and highways to a permanent occupancy site, and installed on the site either with or without a permanent foundation.
"Mobilehome park" or "park"
means a manufactured housing community as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 18801 or an area of land in the city of Glendora where five or more mobilehome spaces are rented or leased out for mobilehomes used as residences. Mobilehome park does not include developments which sell lots for mobilehomes or manufactured housing, or which provide condominium, community apartment or stock cooperative ownership, even if any homes in the development are rented or leased out. Mobilehome park includes trailer park.
"Mobilehome park owner" or "owner"
means the owner, lessor, operator or manager of a mobilehome park. Mobilehome park owner includes trailer park owner.
"Mobilehome park rent mediation committee," "mediation committee" or "committee"
means that group selected from time to time by the affected mobilehome park owners and affected tenants to review rent increases as provided in this chapter. A committee convened for the purposes set forth in this chapter shall be composed of the following membership:
Two representatives for the owners of the affected mobilehome park, appointed by the owner or the manager of said mobilehome park; and
Two representatives for the tenants of the affected mobilehome park selected by all of the affected tenants through secret ballot; and
A mediator selected by a majority of the other four members of the mediation committee;
The mobilehome park rent review officer or his or her designee who shall not have a vote.
"Mobilehome park rent review officer" or "officer"
means the deputy city manager or such other staff person designated by the city manager from time to time whose duties shall be to receive on behalf of the mobilehome park rent mediation committee all notices filed by an owner or tenant pursuant to this chapter, to set or conduct all hearings required to be held by the mediation committee or him or her pursuant to this chapter, to make all determinations required of him or her by this chapter, to act as staff liaison to the mobilehome park rent mediation committee, to take those other actions or assume those other duties assigned to him or her by the mediation committee and to make all determinations required of the officer by this chapter.
"Mobilehome tenant" or "tenant"
means any person entitled by written or oral agreement or by sufferance to occupy a mobilehome park space to the exclusion of others. Mobilehome tenant includes trailer park tenant.
"Net operating income"
means gross income less operating expenses.
"Operating expenses"
means those costs to operate and maintain a mobilehome park, as defined in the rent schedule forms required by this chapter.
"Operation and maintenance"
means services provided by the mobilehome park owner related to the use or occupancy of a mobilehome park space, including, but not limited to, water and sewer, cable television, natural gas, electricity, refuse removal, management and administration (including employee salaries and fringe benefits), maintenance and repairs, supplies, advertising, recreation facilities, laundry facilities, parking, security services, insurance, property taxes, other governmental assessments, and other costs reasonably attributable to the operation and maintenance of the mobilehome park. The term "operation and maintenance" does not include legal fees related to rent stabilization or tenant relations, costs incurred in proceedings related to this chapter, or mortgage payments, whether for principal or interest, or both.
"Rehabilitation work"
means work done on or in a mobilehome park in order to comply with an order issued by the city, county or other public agency, or to repair damage resulting from fire, earthquake or other natural disaster.
"Rent schedule forms"
means forms, including any accompanying instructions, provided by the city and required by this chapter to be filed by the mobilehome park owner for a proposed rent increase.
"Space rent"
means the consideration, including any bonuses, benefits or gratuities, demanded or received in connection with the use and occupancy of a space in a mobilehome park, or for the services provided, but exclusive of any amount paid by the tenant or tenants for the use of a mobilehome or trailer or utility charges or trash charges which are billed separately whether or not the units are individually metered. "Space rent" does not include (a) reasonable user fees for services actually rendered to some, but not all, of the tenants of the park, (b) any amount paid as a result of committee-approved capital improvement or rehabilitation work, or (c) rent paid for occupancy of a mobilehome owned by a mobilehome park owner.
means that portion of a mobilehome park designated for the location of one mobilehome for the purposes of leasing said portion by the owner to a mobilehome tenant.
"Space transfer charge"
means any one-time charge permitted by this chapter at the time that a mobilehome in a mobilehome park or the space occupied by such a mobilehome is vacated voluntarily, or as a result of an eviction action, or a transfer or resale of the mobilehome; provided, however, that a space transfer charge may not be charged when a transfer occurs by reason of the death of a spouse, a transfer between spouses or co-owners, a transfer to a conservator of a person and/or the estate of the tenants, or a settlement agreement reached between spouses upon a dissolution or separation of their marriage.
means a structure with dimensions of eight feet by forty feet or less, or a size of three hundred twenty square feet or less, designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used for human habitation or for carrying persons and property, including, but not limited to, a trailer coach or a house trailer.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
Mobilehome park spaces rented for nonresidential uses;
Mobilehome parks owned, leased, managed or operated by the United States government, the state of California, the county of Los Angeles or the city;
Mobilehome or trailer parks wherein individual tenancies do not exceed twenty successive days in the same or different locations within the same mobilehome park and which do not contemplate occupancy of more than twenty successive days by any one tenant;
Mobilehome parks which currently, or may in the future, charge less than three hundred fifty dollars per month for space rent shall be exempt unless the proposed increase exceeds fifteen percent of then current space rent at the time of any proposed increase;
Tenancies covered by leases or contracts which provide for more than a month-to-month tenancy; provided, however, that such exemption shall be only for the term of any such lease or contract. Upon the expiration or other termination of the term of any such lease or contract, this chapter shall immediately be applicable to the tenancy. This exemption is not intended to preclude the extension or commencement of any lease or contract. Any extension of a lease or contract or commencement of a new lease or contract by and between a park owner and a tenant shall be exempt from this chapter;
Mobilehome parks or spaces exempt pursuant to Civil Code Section 798.17;
Rents charged for a mobilehome owned by a mobilehome park owner.
Space rent charged to a tenant or tenants who occupy a space in an area created in an existing mobilehome park by the installation of additional mobilehome rental spaces is not exempted from the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Compliance with Chapter. On and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, it is unlawful for any mobilehome park owner in the city to (1) increase any space rent, and no increase in space rent shall be effective, unless the increase is made in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, or (2) fail to comply with any provision of this chapter.
Effect on Leases. As to any increase in space rent regulated by this chapter, the owner shall indicate which, if any, of the affected mobilehome park spaces are covered by leases or contracts which provide for more than a month-to-month tenancy, together with the expiration date of each such lease or contract. Any space rent increase approved by the mobilehome rent mediation committee or through arbitration pursuant to this chapter shall not be applicable to spaces covered by any such lease or contract during the term of the applicable lease or contract. Upon the expiration of each such lease or contract, the space rent contained in that lease or contract shall remain in effect until the next rent adjustment permitted by this chapter or approved by the mediation committee or through arbitration pursuant to this chapter. This section is not intended to preclude the extension or commencement of any lease or contract which shall be governed by the provisions in Section 5.36.030 (5).
Space Transfer Charge. Subject to the limitations set forth above in Section 5.36.020 (24), when a tenant moves out of a mobilehome space, transfers ownership to another person or entity, or is evicted from a mobilehome space and such event occurs on or after the effective date of this chapter, the mobilehome park owner may charge the new tenant a one-time space transfer charge which shall not exceed five percent of the annual rent to be charged to the new tenant to whom the space is being transferred. The space transfer charge may not be assessed to a vacating tenant, regardless of the reason for the vacation.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Basis for Determination. The procedures and fees set forth in Sections 5.36.060 through 5.36.130, inclusive, shall not apply to any proposed standard space rent increase which does not exceed the lesser of seven percent of the total space rent of each affected mobilehome park space or the then current Consumer Price Index ("CPI"), provided that:
The proposed standard space rent increase shall become effective no sooner than one year from the date the last space rent increase of any kind became effective at the affected mobilehome park.
Not less than ninety days prior to the effective date of the proposed standard space rent increase, the owner filed with the officer a rent schedule form and supporting documentation together with a copy of the written notice of the proposed increase and proof that he or she served each affected tenant, as required herein, personally or by mail, with the notice. The notice shall state (a) as to the tenant served, the number of the space or identification by which the space for which notice is being given is routinely identified within the mobilehome park, (b) the proposed rent for the space and the effective date thereof, and (c) that a copy of the rent schedule form and supporting documentation is available to any affected tenant free of charge upon request at the owner's office in the particular mobilehome park. The rent schedule form shall show the existing rent and proposed new maximum rent for each affected space together with the percentage increase and shall include the Consumer Price Index, together with documentation thereof.
If a space rent increase exceeds the permissible amount as described in subsection (a) of this section, the proposed increase may not be implemented by the mobilehome park owner unless and until approved by the mediation committee or by the arbitrator in accordance with Sections 5.36.060 through 5.36.130, inclusive, as applicable, pursuant to this chapter.
A standard proposed rent increase shall become effective as of the date specified in the notice to the affected tenants described in subsection (a) of this section; provided that the officer has made a written determination that the proposed standard rent increase does not exceed the permissible amount as described in subsection (a) of this section and meets all other requirements of this section. The officer shall comply with all of the following with respect to his or her determination:
The determination of the officer shall be served upon the owner, the affected tenants and any other person who has requested notice of such determination, in writing, within ten days of the filing of the rent schedule form required by subsection (a) (3) of this section;
After notice of the determination of the officer has been given, a hearing de novo for the purpose of reviewing the facts surrounding the officer's determination shall be held by the mediation committee upon the filing of a written request from either the affected owner or the affected tenant(s) for mediation regarding the determination of the officer, setting forth the grounds for such request and any supporting documentation therefor, within ten days of service of the notice of determination by the officer. Notice of the request shall be served by the requesting affected tenant on the owner of the affected park or by the requesting affected owner on all affected tenants, as the case may be;
The de novo hearing shall be had on any request filed pursuant to this subsection within thirty days of service of the request after written notice of the date and time of such hearing given by the officer to the requesting party(ies), the owner of the affected park, and any other person who has requested notice of the notice of determination;
The prior written determination of the officer may be reversed or amended only upon a showing based upon a preponderance of the evidence made by the requesting tenant that the standard rent space increase exceeds the standards set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Basis for Determination. A rent increase in excess of that permitted by Section 5.36.050 (a) which is based solely upon increased operation and maintenance costs, whether such costs are separately billed or included as a component of a single space rent charge shall be permitted, after mediation, only as determined pursuant to the following standards:
The proposed rent increase shall become effective no sooner than one year from the date the last increase became effective at the affected mobilehome park.
For purposes of determining allowable increases pursuant to this section, the space rent shall be divided into two components as follows:
The Portion of the Space Rent Attributable to the Cost of Operation and Maintenance. This component shall be increased as necessary to cover documented increases in operation and maintenance; provided, however, that increases in income from other park-related sources shall be deducted from the gross amounts claimed by the owner as increased operation and maintenance costs in determining the amount of the allowable increased costs for maintenance and operation. In the event that a mobilehome park owner converts from a commonly shared meter system for one or more utilities to a meter system for any one or more utilities for each space, or when the owner initiates a segregated charge or a separate trash or utility billing to each space, the owner shall file a written report of such change with the officer on or before the effective date of the proposed charge. The committee shall determine the amount to be deducted from the space rent as a result of such separate charges or billing. Thereafter, such charges or billings shall not be a part of space rent.
The Remainder of the Space Rent. After deduction from the space rent charge of the component for increased operation and maintenance costs as permitted by this section, the remainder of the space rent charge may be increased by not more than the lesser of the then current Consumer Price Index or seven percent of the then current space rent. Supporting documentation shall be filed to justify the requested increase.
Calculations of space rent increases for the particular mobilehome park, as provided in this section, shall be based upon the consecutive twelve-month period ending four months prior to the effective date of the proposed increase. In no event, however, shall the operation and maintenance component for any month, or portion thereof, be used in the calculations for more than one space rent increase.
Procedure for Obtaining Increase.
Not less than ninety days prior to the effective date of an increase proposed pursuant to this section, the owner shall file with the officer a rent schedule form and supporting documentation together with a copy of the written notice of the proposed increase and proof that he or she served each affected tenant, personally or by mail, with the notice. The notice shall state (a) as to each affected tenant, the number of the space or identification by which the space for which notice is being given is routinely identified within the mobilehome park, (b) the proposed rent for the space and the effective date thereof, and (c) that a copy of the rent schedule form and supporting documentation is available to any affected tenant free of charge upon request at the owner's office in the affected mobilehome park. The rent schedule form shall show the existing rent and proposed new maximum rent for each affected space together with the percentage increase and shall include the Consumer Price Index, together with documentation thereof.
The owner shall deposit a minimum of one hundred dollars for the first space and twenty-five dollars for each additional space, as a "fee" to cover the cost of processing each space rent increase proposed pursuant to this section, including, but limited to, staff time, postage and copying. Upon conclusion of the procedures outlined in this subsection, the balance of the deposited fee not required for the processing, if any, shall be refunded to the owner. If additional costs are incurred, the owner shall be billed for, and shall be liable for, payment of such additional costs.
A mediation committee shall be convened to hear any request made pursuant to this section for increases in space rent or remainder rent of more than the lesser of the then current CPI or seven percent of the then current space rent and complying with the requirements of Section 5.36.060 (a) not later than forty-five days after service upon the officer of the notice required by Section 5.36.060(B)(1). At least ten days prior to the hearing the officer shall give written notice of the time and place at which the hearing will be held to (a) the mobilehome park owner requesting the increase, or his written designee, (b) each affected tenant and (c) to any other person who has requested notice of such hearings in writing. No hearing may be continued for more than twenty days beyond the initial hearing date without the owner's written consent. If the mediation committee approves the increase as requested, or approves an increase lower than that requested by the owner, the same shall take effect on the date specified by the owner in the notice required by this section or as the mediation committee may otherwise direct in its sole discretion unless arbitration is requested pursuant to Section 5.36.150 of this chapter. In the event that arbitration is requested, the decision of the mediation committee shall be held in abeyance until the arbitrator has reached his or her decision.
The mediation committee shall make a final decision no later than fifteen days after the conclusion of the de novo hearing. The committee's decision shall be based upon a preponderance of the evidence submitted at the hearing. The owner and all tenants, as well as any other person requesting written notice, shall be given written notice of the committee's decision and given a copy of written findings upon which the committee based its decision within three days of the committee's final decision. The decision of the committee is subject to a request for arbitration.
The committee may, with respect to:
The operation and maintenance component, approve all or part, or deny the increase noticed by the owner. Approval of all or part of the increase noticed by the owner shall be based upon a finding that the relevant portion of the rent schedule form, as originally filed by the owner or as amended by the owner, in writing, prior to the close of the hearing, is accurate, complete and in compliance with this chapter. A reduction of the increase requested shall be based on a finding that circumstances, as determined by the committee justify a lesser increase than that noticed by the owner.
The remainder component, (i) approve the increase noticed by the owner, in whole or in part, based upon a finding that the increase as approved, permits a fair return and sufficient rental income in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter, or (ii) deny in total the increase noticed by the owner, based upon a finding that an increase shall not be necessary for the owner to receive a fair return and sufficient rental income in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
An owner shall request that a mediation committee be convened when he or she seeks a discretionary space rent increase otherwise not based upon, or allowed by, Section 5.36.050 or 5.36.060 when he or she contends that the facts and circumstances of the particular case warrant such an increase. It is not the intent of this section to require the owner to justify space rent increases previously approved by the committee.
Basis for Determination.
In order for a discretionary space rent increase to be approved, in whole or in part, it shall be the responsibility of the owner to provide sufficient supporting documentation to justify a requested increase by demonstrating that, as a result of one or more factors, the space rent increase not otherwise permitted by Section 5.36.050 or 5.36.060 is necessary to permit a fair return and sufficient rental income in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter. The owner shall comply with any staff request for additional documentation to permit evaluation of the requested increase.
No increase in space rent shall be approved because of increased principal, interest or other expenses resulting from:
The refinancing of the affected mobilehome park;
The sale of the mobilehome park, except for changes to property taxes and/or other governmental assessments as a result of the sale;
Capital improvements;
Rehabilitation work.
The mediation committee shall, with respect to a discretionary space rent increase noticed by the owner (a) approve the increase, in whole or in part, based upon a finding that the increase, as approved, permits a fair return and sufficient rental income in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter, or (b) deny in total the increase, based upon a finding that an increase is not necessary for the owner to receive a fair return and sufficient rental income in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Procedure for Obtaining Discretionary Increase. The procedures set forth in subsections (b) (1) through (4) of Section 5.36.060 of this chapter shall be applicable to discretionary space rent increases, except that the initial deposit fee shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty-five dollars for the first space and thirty-five dollars for each additional space.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Basis for Determination.
An owner shall request that a mediation committee be convened to consider a capital improvement or rehabilitation work amortization schedule within twelve months after completion of the capital improvement or rehabilitation work. It is not the intent of this section to require the owner to justify the capital improvement or rehabilitation work, provided that the capital improvement or rehabilitation work satisfies the definition of either a capital improvement or rehabilitation work as set forth in Section 5.36.020.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to provide sufficient documentation to support and demonstrate that the capital improvement or rehabilitation work satisfies the definition of either a capital improvement or rehabilitation work as set forth in Section 5.36.020. The owner shall comply with staff requests for additional documentation to permit evaluation of the requested schedule.
The amortization schedule shall spread the cost of the capital improvement or rehabilitation work uniformly among all of the mobilehome park spaces in the affected park, including spaces covered by leases or contracts which provide for more than a month-to-month tenancy, unless the owner can demonstrate with supporting documentation that the capital improvement or rehabilitation work does not benefit all of the spaces in the affected park or that the spaces are not all uniformly benefited.
When the capital improvement or rehabilitation work has been fully amortized, the space charge for said capital improvement or rehabilitation work shall cease.
Procedure for Review and Approval.
The procedures set forth in subsection (b)(1) through (4) of Section 5.36.060 of this chapter shall be applicable to the amortization schedule for capital improvement or rehabilitation work, with the following exceptions:
The owner shall file an amortization schedule in place of a rent schedule form. The amortization schedule shall provide documentation supporting a finding that the capital improvement or rehabilitation work satisfied the definition of a capital improvement or rehabilitation work as set forth in Section 5.36.020 of this chapter, the total cost of the capital improvement or rehabilitation work, and the amortization of such cost to each affected mobilehome park space on a monthly basis;
The initial deposit for determination of a request pursuant to this section shall be five hundred dollars.
The committee shall approve a request made pursuant to this section, in whole or in part, based upon the following findings:
The capital improvement or rehabilitation work satisfied the definition of either a capital improvement or rehabilitation work as set forth in Section 5.36.020 of this chapter;
The amortization schedule spreads the costs of the capital improvement or rehabilitation work equitably to all of the mobilehome spaces benefited by it, consistent with subsection (a) (3) of this section;
The financing of the capital improvement or rehabilitation work is at an interest rate that does not exceed the rate generally available to preferred customers for similar projects from lending institutions located in Los Angeles County; and
The amortization schedule permits the charge of a reasonable expense to the owner in accordance with the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Effect of Amortization Schedule Approved. No owner shall demand or receive in connection with the use and occupancy of a space in a mobilehome park any consideration, including bonuses, benefits or gratuities, for any capital improvement or rehabilitation work, unless an amortization schedule has been approved by the mediation committee as set forth in this section. The amount a tenant is to pay pursuant to an amortization schedule shall be in addition to, and not part of, the space rent. Such amount shall not be used in calculating any increase in space rent.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
All meetings and hearings conducted by the mediation committee pursuant to this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the following:
Except as authorized by state law, all meetings and hearings shall be open to the public.
All parties to a hearing may have the assistance of an attorney, or such other person as may be stipulated by the parties in writing, in presenting evidence or in setting forth their position by oral or written argument. All witnesses shall be sworn and all testimony shall be under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California.
In the event that either an owner or an affected tenant or tenants shall fail to appear at the hearing at the time and place specified in notice thereof, the mediation committee may hear and review such evidence as may be presented and make determinations as if all parties had been present.
All hearings shall be tape recorded and all tapes shall be preserved for two years, or longer if requested, in writing, by any party affected by the hearing.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the decision or determination of the mediation committee shall be rendered in writing and shall be final unless the affected owner or affected tenant(s) request arbitration pursuant to Section 5.30.150.
The mediation process shall in no event take longer than thirty days. If at the end of the thirty-day period, the mediation committee has been unable to reach a decision or the decision of the committee has not been ratified by the owner and sixty-six and two-thirds of the affected tenants, the rent increase shall be deemed denied and either party may seek arbitration as provided in Section 5.36.150 of this chapter.
A decision reached by the committee shall be submitted in writing to the owner and the affected tenants, with a request to ratify or approve the decision. The decision of the committee shall be final if, within ten working days of written notice of the decision to the owner and the affected tenants, it receives the approval of the park owner and at least sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the affected tenants. The committee shall poll the affected tenants after giving written notice of the decision of the mediation committee, by secret ballot which shall be tallied by the mediation committee or its designee(s).
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Tenant's Payment of Retroactive Increase. The procedures set forth in this chapter are intended to result in a final decision prior to the effective date of any space rent increase. If mediation committee action does not result in a final decision by the effective date of the proposed increase, the decision shall be retroactive to the date in the notice of the increase provided by the owner to the affected tenant or tenants. If the final decision results in approval of the space rent increase, in whole or in part, the affected tenants shall pay the retroactive amount to the owner within thirty days after the decision or determination of the committee is noticed.
Owner's Refund of Payments Collected in Violation of this Chapter. If the mediation committee finds that a space rent increase went into effect in violation of this chapter, or any portion thereof, within thirty days after notice of the decision of the committee, the affected owner shall refund to the affected tenants any amount of the increase which has been collected from them or file a request for arbitration pursuant to Section 5.36.150 of this chapter.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Prior to, or at the time of, agreement to rent a mobilehome park space to a new tenant, the owner shall provide the new tenant with a copy of this chapter, as currently in effect.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
A tenant may refuse to pay any increase in space rent which is in violation of this chapter. Such refusal shall be a defense in any action brought to recover possession of a mobilehome park space or to collect the applicable space rent increase.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Statement From Tenant. Any tenant affected by a proposed space rent increase or payment resulting from an approved amortization schedule (hereinafter, collectively, "the adjustment") may file a statement of hardship with the mobilehome park owner not less than forty-five days prior to the effective date of the proposed adjustment. The statement shall identify whether all, or a portion, of the proposed adjustment constitutes an unreasonably severe economic hardship on the tenant. The statement shall be accompanied by a copy of the tenant's two most recent federal tax returns and all other documentation that the tenant believes is relevant to establishing his or her hardship.
Request for Review From Owner. Within ten days after the hardship statement is filed by the tenant with the owner, the owner shall either notify the tenant in writing that the adjustment shall be reduced by the amount identified in the statement or shall file with the officer a written request to convene the mediation committee.
Actions to be Taken by the Mediation Committee With Respect to Tenant Hardship. The mediation committee shall meet and confer with the tenant claiming a hardship within fifteen days of the owner's request to convene the committee and shall take any evidence or comments the tenant wishes the committee to consider. If the owner requests to meet with the committee, the committee shall meet with both the tenant claiming hardship and the owner and the owner may present any comments or evidence which he or she wishes the committee to consider. If the committee determines, pursuant to the requirement of subsection (d) below, that, on balance, the proposed rent adjustment constitutes an unreasonably severe economic hardship on the tenant, it may, by a majority vote, order the adjustment, or any portion thereof, be waived. The decision of the committee shall be final unless either the affected park owner or the affected tenant seeks arbitration pursuant to Section 5.36.150 of this chapter.
Basis for Committee Determination. Any tenant who establishes to the satisfaction of the committee that his or her household income and monthly housing expense meet the criteria established by the Housing Assistance Payment Program under then-existing provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-383), as it may be amended from time to time, and the regulations pertaining thereto, as amended from time to time, or any successor program thereto, shall be deemed to be suffering under an unreasonably severe economic hardship. The burden of proof for establishing unreasonably severe economic hardship by any means other than that specified above in this subsection shall be on the affected tenant.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Notwithstanding Section 5.36.130 of the chapter, in any action brought to recover possession of a mobilehome park space, the court may consider as grounds for denial any violation of any provision of this chapter. Further, the determination that the action was brought in retaliation for the exercise of any rights conferred by this chapter shall be grounds for denial. Any action brought within three months of the determination of a request for a space rent increase pursuant to Sections 5.36.060 through 5.36.080, inclusive, of this chapter, including a determination made as a result of a hearing by the committee pursuant to Section 5.36.050 shall be presumed to be retaliatory. This presumption affects the burden of proof and is rebuttable by the owner.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
If a proposed rent increase is denied by the mediation committee or if mediation fails to reach a settlement, the owner or the affected tenant(s) may file with the mediation committee an application for arbitration; provided that the applying party has not filed for arbitration previously in the immediately preceding twelve month period. Arbitration requests and procedures shall be as follows:
Application. An application for arbitration shall be on a form provided by the mediation committee and shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee of two hundred dollars to cover the cost of the arbitrator. Any funds remaining from the mediation process may be applied to this fee. Half of any arbitration fee paid by an owner shall be charged to the tenants if the arbitration results in a decision favorable to the owner, in the form of a one-time pro rata pass through by the park owner to be paid by the affected tenant(s) within sixty days of the decision or as otherwise agreed between the owner and the affected tenant(s). If arbitration results in a decision favorable to the tenants, the owner shall refund half of the arbitration fee paid by the affected tenants, if any, in the form of a pro rata share applied to the rent of each such tenant within sixty days of the decision of the arbitrator or at such time as the owner and the affected tenant(s) may otherwise agree. Any surplus of the arbitration fee paid shall be returned to the party who paid it, but in no event shall such refund be a part of charges from the owner to the tenant or the tenants to the owner. If the arbitration costs exceed the amount deposited for the arbitration, the applying party shall pay the amount of those costs above the sum already deposited within five days of the close of the hearing.
The application shall specify the address of the mobilehome park, the space numbers for which rent is requested to be increased, the amount of the requested rent increase and the facts supporting the request. The application shall be made under penalty of perjury and supporting documents shall be certified or verified as requested by the arbitrator.
Selection of the Arbitrator. The applicant shall submit to the mediation committee the names of three arbitrators acceptable to him or her. Those names shall be submitted to the other affected party(ies) who may collectively select one of the three to serve as arbitrator. In the event that the other parties do not collectively agree to any of the names submitted, the arbitrator shall be selected by the mediation committee.
Notice. Written notice of the request for arbitration shall be given within ten days of the application for same and shall include: the name and address of the arbitrator, the amount of the increase requested in arbitration, a brief summary of the applicant's justification for seeking arbitration and the increase or relief from the increase, notice that any supporting documents may be inspected at City Hall, notice of the other party's(ies') right to submit documents, written statements or photographs relating to the application within fifteen days of the notice, and the name and address to whom the documents should be submitted.
Records, Receipts or Other Documents Must be Produced as Requested. The applicant shall produce, at the request of the arbitrator, any records, receipts or other documents which the arbitrator may deem necessary.
Affected Tenants May Provide Documents or Other Evidence Supporting Their Position. The party(ies) affected by the arbitration other than the applicant may provide the arbitrator with any documents or other evidence, given under penalty of perjury and certified or verified as the arbitrator may request, which support their opposition to the rent increase.
Decision on Completeness of Application. The arbitrator shall determine within fourteen days after the date by which documentation must be supplied to him or her whether the application is complete. If the arbitrator determines that the application is not complete, the arbitrator shall notify the applicant in writing as to what additional information is required.
Hearing and Hearing Notice. Hearing shall be held by the arbitrator within forty-five days of the date when the application is deemed complete. Notice of the time, date and location of the arbitration hearing shall be given by the mediation committee to the affected tenants and the park owner.
Hearing Procedures. At the arbitration hearing, the applicant and the affected tenants may offer any testimony that is deemed relevant by the arbitrator to the requested rent increases. The applicant shall produce any records, documents or receipt which the arbitrator deems relevant. The applicant and the affected tenants may offer documents, written declarations, or other written or pictorial evidence for the first time at the hearing only if good cause is shown why such evidence was not filed prior to the hearing. Formal rules of evidence shall not be applicable to the hearing. The hearing may be continued from time to time as deemed necessary by the arbitrator. Within fifteen days after the close of the hearing, the arbitrator shall make his or her determination approving or disapproving the rent increase (in whole or in part) for the spaces specified in the application.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
If any owner demands, accepts, receives or retains any payment of space rent in excess of the maximum permitted by this chapter, approved by the committee or through arbitration pursuant to this chapter, the tenant or tenants affected by such violation, individually or by class action, may seek relief in a court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief or damages or both. In any such court proceeding, the prevailing party shall be awarded his or her reasonable attorney fees and court costs. In its discretion, and in addition to any other relief granted or damages awarded, the court shall be empowered to grant to each tenant who is a party to the action or suit, civil damages in the sum of not more than three times the total monthly space rent demanded by the owner from each such tenant in violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
All notices required by this chapter shall be mailed by United States mail, postage prepaid, or personally delivered. All such notices shall be deemed served when personally delivered or, if mailed, as of the second day after deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
Any fees established by this chapter may be changed by a resolution adopted by the city council after hearing.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)
If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications, and to that end, the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.
(Ord. 1642 § 2A, 1995)