It is unlawful for any person to keep or maintain or permit to be kept or maintained in any place within the city limits any animal or fowl or reptile of any kind or description except as specifically provided in this chapter.
No species of animals commonly referred to as wild as defined in Fish and Game Code Section 2116 may be kept or maintained on any property within the city.
Every person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is otherwise made a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.01.110(b).
(Ord. 1970 § 2, 2013)
The following words whenever used in this chapter shall have the meaning set forth in this section, unless the context indicates otherwise:
means any male or female dog over the age of four months.
means any male or female cat over the age of four months.
means the city of Glendora.
"Grooming parlor"
means any place of business where animals are groomed, clipped, bathed or otherwise conditioned as pets or for show or for both.
includes domestic fowl and animals.
(Ord. 1252 § 1, 1976; Ord. 1431 § 1, 1984)
The hereinafter specified animals may be kept and maintained as household pets within the city limits, as follows:
Not more than three weaned dogs;
Not more than three weaned domestic cats;
Canaries, finches, parrots and other nonpredatory birds, limited to a total of thirty birds, with the following exceptions:
The keeping of roosters is prohibited,
The number of barnyard poultry, consisting of chickens (hens only), turkeys, ducks, and geese shall not exceed two,
The number of game birds shall not exceed ten;
Mice, rats, turtles, guinea pigs, hamsters, nonpoisonous snakes, and rabbits; however, no one shall keep or maintain as household pets on any property more than four in number of each species of animals specified herein.
Nothing in this section to the contrary withstanding, offspring, litters and clutches of animals kept and maintained pursuant to this chapter are not prohibited provided that the same are removed within ten weeks from the time of birth.
(Ord. 1970 § 4, 2013)
The keeping and maintaining of horses is permitted in the residential zones of E-6, E-7, R-A and RHR, in accordance with the terms and provisions of this chapter, and, except as provided in this chapter, the keeping and maintaining of horses is specifically prohibited within the city limits.
(Prior code § 38C; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966; Ord. 1217 § 1, 1974)
Not more than two horses shall be kept and maintained on any property containing the minimum area of not less than twenty thousand square feet and one additional horse shall be permitted for each additional fifteen thousand square feet of area in excess of the minimum lot area, but in no case shall more than five horses be permitted on any one parcel of property. In every instance where a horse is kept or maintained, a stable shall be constructed to maintain each such horse.
(Prior code § 38D; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
No stable or other structure constructed for the purpose of maintaining and keeping horses shall be located closer than one hundred twenty-five feet to any residence on any property adjacent to the parcel whereon horses are kept and maintained and such structure or stable shall not be located closer than thirty-five feet from any residence situated on the property whereon such horses are kept and maintained. All parcels maintaining and keeping horses shall be fully enclosed by fences, walls or equal.
(Prior code § 38E; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
A minimum four-foot-high fence or wall for a corral or pasture shall be located no closer than seventy-five feet from any residence on any property adjacent to property whereon horses are kept and maintained and no corral or pasture shall be located closer than thirty-five feet from any residence on the property whereon such horses are kept and maintained.
(Prior code § 38F; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
No stall, stable or other structure constructed for the purpose of maintaining horses or any corral or any pasture shall be situated on or located in any required front yard setback as may be required by any zoning ordinance of the city.
(Prior code § 38G; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
Prior to the establishment of the keeping and maintenance of any horses in any zone wherein they are permitted, the property owner proposing to keep and maintain such horses shall submit a plot plan of the property showing the proposed location of all structures to be constructed for the purpose of keeping and maintaining the horses and the location of any proposed pasture or corral and the location of any other structures which are proposed to be constructed thereon and the location of any existing residence, buildings, streets, fences and boundaries. The plot plan shall be submitted to the planning commission of the city for plan review prior to the application for or issuance of a building permit and prior to the keeping and maintaining of any such horses. If such plot plan indicates that the proposed use and construction will be in conformance with the terms and provisions of this chapter, it shall be approved by the planning commission or approved subject to conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and neighboring property values. The decision of the planning commission may be appealed to the city council by written request of the applicant or by written request of any member of the city council. Such written request must be filed with the planning department within thirty days of the decision of the planning commission. Upon receipt of such a written request, the city council shall review the action of the planning commission and render a final decision as to whether the plot plan meets the intent and purpose of this chapter. It shall be incumbent upon the property owner maintaining horses pursuant to this chapter to maintain written evidence of official approval.
(Prior code § 38H; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966; Ord. 1154 § 2, 1972)
Apiaries are permitted in zone E-7 when provided with an ample water supply and located not less than five hundred feet from any residence on any adjacent properties.
(Prior code § 38I; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
The keeping and maintenance of any animals or poultry may be permitted upon the giving of a conditional use permit by the planning commission for any R-1, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7, RHR, or R-A zone. In its determination of whether or not a conditional use permit shall be granted, the planning commission shall be guided by the following standards:
That the keeping and maintenance of animals shall not be for an unlimited term;
That the keeping and maintaining of animals shall not create a hazard to public health;
That the keeping and maintaining of animals shall not result in the creation of obnoxious sounds or odors or be detrimental to the appearance of properties in the general neighborhood wherein such animals are proposed to be kept or maintained.
Application for a conditional use permit to allow the keeping and maintenance of animals shall be made in the same manner as applications for all other conditional use permits as set forth in Chapter 21.54, and be accompanied by a filing fee as established by city council resolution. The decision of the planning commission may be appealed to the city council by the applicant, any owner of property within a three-hundred-foot radius of the subject property, or any two members of the city council, jointly or separately, within fifteen days after the date of such decision of the planning commission. Any such appeal by the applicant or property owner shall be in writing, and shall indicate such grounds upon which the appeal is based, and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by a city council resolution, payable to the city of Glendora. There shall be no requirements for such an appeal by members of the city council other than to notify the city clerk by any means.
Upon receiving such appeal, the city council shall hold a public hearing thereon and shall take action either granting or denying the application for a conditional use permit, and the action of the city council shall be final.
Conditional use permits under this section shall be revocable as provided in Section 21.54.090.
(Prior code § 38J; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966; Ord. 1286 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1293 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1561 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1576 § 1, 1990)
The owner of any property in zones E-6, E-7, R-A and RHR desiring to keep horses may apply for a variance to the requirements of Sections 8.04.040 through 8.04.070 in the same manner and upon the same standards as is provided for variances in Chapter 21.56.
(Ord. 1286 § 2, 1977)
Wherever animals are kept and maintained prior to June 8, 1966, and not in conformance with the terms and provisions of this chapter, and whenever animals are kept and maintained on properties that are not now within the corporate limits of the city and that are hereafter annexed to the city and if the keeping and maintenance of such animals is not in conformance with the terms and provisions of this title, then the keeping and maintenance of such animals in the circumstances as heretofore mentioned, shall be terminated on the first of the following events to occur:
Within ten years from June 8, 1966, for all properties that are within the corporate limits of the city, as of June 8, 1966, and within ten years after the annexation of those properties that are hereafter annexed to the city;
The failure to keep and maintain animals on any property as such nonconforming uses, for any continuous period of six months.
(Prior code § 38K; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)
Nothing in this chapter to the contrary withstanding, no terms or provisions of this chapter shall prohibit the keeping and maintenance of any animal excepting poisonous reptiles in connection with the conduct of a retail pet shop or veterinary hospital in the appropriate commercial zone.
(Prior code § 38L; Ord. 1006 § 1, 1966)