To provide for the continuance of legislative and executive functions in the city during a state of war emergency or a state of emergency or a local emergency, the city council shall appoint three standby officers for each of its members. In case a standby office becomes vacant because of removal, death, resignation or other cause, the city council shall appoint another person to fill the office. Standby officers shall be designated numbers 1, 2 and 3, as the case may be.
The qualifications of each standby officer should be carefully investigated, and the city council may request the chief of police to aid in the investigation of any prospective appointee. No examination or investigation shall be made without the consent of the prospective appointee.
Each standby officer shall take an oath of office required of the person occupying the office for which he or she stands by. Persons appointed as standby officers shall serve in their posts as standby officers at the pleasure of the city council and may be removed and replaced at any time with or without cause.
Each standby officer shall have the following duties:
To inform himself or herself of the duties of the office for which he or she stands by. Employees of the city will assist him or her and shall provide each standby officer with a copy of this chapter.
To keep informed of the business and affairs of the city to the extent necessary to enable him or her to fill his or her post competently. For this purpose the city may arrange information meetings and require attendance.
To immediately report himself or herself ready for duty in the event of a state of war emergency or in the event of a state of emergency or a local emergency at the place and in the method previously designated in the city emergency plan.
To fill the post for which he or she has been appointed when the regular council member is unavailable during a state of war emergency. Standby officers numbers 2 and 3 shall substitute in succession for standby officer number 1 in the same way that the standby officer is substituted in place of the regular council member. He or she shall serve until the regular council member becomes available or until the election or appointment of a new regular council member.
Should all members of the city council, including all standby members, be unavailable, temporary officers shall be appointed to serve until a regular member or a standby member becomes available or until the election or appointment of a new regular or standby member. Temporary officers shall be appointed as follows:
By the chairperson of the board of supervisors of the county, and if he or she is unavailable,
By the chairperson of the board of supervisors of any other county within one hundred fifty miles of the city, beginning with the nearest and most populated county and going to the farthest and least populated, and if he or she is unavailable,
By the mayor of any city within one hundred fifty miles of the city, beginning with the nearest and most populated city and going to the farthest and least populated.
As used in this chapter, the word "unavailable" means that a council member is either killed, missing or so seriously injured as to be unable to attend meetings and otherwise perform his or her duties. The city council or any remaining available members of such body, including standby officers who are serving on the city council, shall settle any question as to whether a particular member is unavailable.
(Ord. 1749 § 2, 2002)