It is unlawful for any person to dig in, excavate, tear up or injure any street of the city without express authority therefor, and without complying with all the provisions of this code and other ordinances of the city relating thereto.
(Prior code § 17.1)
It is unlawful for any person to move the contents of any cesspool on or along any public highway, unless such contents are placed in a vehicle or receptacle sufficiently strong and tight to prevent any leakage. Such vehicle or receptacle shall be tightly covered so as to prevent any offensive odor coming therefrom.
(Prior code § 17.2)
It is unlawful for any person to haul any dirt, sand, gravel, manure, fertilizer or similar material upon or along any paved, oiled or macadamized street in the city, unless contained in a box or receptacle sufficiently tight to prevent the same from sifting or dropping upon such street.
(Prior code § 17.3)
No person shall:
Drain or permit water to run onto any public highway, from premises owned, occupied or in possession of any person, which water as aforesaid shall or may endanger the life, limb, health or property of any person, or which shall cause injury to such public highway;
Drain, or permit water to drain from any premises owned, occupied or in his or her possession, which causes injury to any public highway;
Drain, or permit water to be drained from any swimming pool without having first obtained a permit therefor from the department of public works and which permit shall be issued when the applicant has paid the appropriate permit fee per the master schedule of fees to the city and when the department of public works determines that such drainage will not conflict with any downstream construction.
Every person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is otherwise made a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.01.110(b).
(Prior code § 17.5; Ord. 1044 § 1, 1967; Ord. 1163 § 1, 1972; Ord. 1416 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1967 § 1, 2012)
When notice of the conditions enumerated in Section 13.04.040 is given by the director of public works to any person permitting or suffering such damage to any highway or permitting or suffering any such condition to exist, such person shall immediately cease and discontinue such drainage or diversion of waters, or shall discontinue and prevent such drainage, seepage or overflow, and shall repair the highway at his or her own expense.
(Prior code § 17.6; Ord. 1163 § 2, 1972)
If any person is notified as provided by Section 13.04.050 and fails, neglects or refuses to cease and discontinue such diversion, or to discontinue and prevent the drainage, seepage or overflow of such waters, or to make the repairs required, the city may make such repairs and may also perform such work as is necessary to prevent the further drainage, diversion, overflow or seepage of such waters.
(Prior code § 17.7)
The city may recover in an action at law, in any court of competent jurisdiction, the amount expended for repairs and work as authorized by Section 13.04.060 and in addition thereto, the sum of ten dollars for each day such drainage, diversion, overflow or seepage of such waters is permitted to continue after the service of the notice as required by Section 13.04.050, together with the costs and expenses incurred in such action.
(Prior code § 17.8)
It is unlawful for any person to stencil or restencil house numbers on curbs in the public right-of-way. This section shall not apply to any person who has a contract with the city to stencil or restencil house numbers on curbs in the public right-of-way.
(Ord. 1527 § 1, 1988)