Sections 17452 to 17456, inclusive, of the Health and Safety Code of the state, which require connection to a street sewer for the disposal of sewage and waste, shall be enforced by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 16.3)
All plumbing affecting the sanitary condition of any building, habitation or structure within the boundaries of any lot shall be connected with a public sewer, provided, however, that if there is no public sewer in a public street, alley, or right-of-way on which the property abuts, or if the building or structure is located beyond the prescribed limit from such sewer, according to Sections 15.24.030 through 15.24.060, such building or structure may be connected to a septic tank.
(Prior code § 16.4; Ord. 2042 § 3, 2019)
The prescribed distance from existing sewers within which the subdivider shall be required to construct sewer mains is established at approximately five hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. In the event the subdivision is located more than five hundred feet from an existing sewer, the city engineer may deem it advisable to require construction of additional lines to connect. The request of the city engineer must be ratified by the city council. If the subdivider feels that the request to connect to the sewers constitutes undue hardship regardless of the distance from existing sewers, he or she may request council consideration for a waiver of the requirements herein prescribed.
(Prior code § 16.4)
The prescribed distance from existing sewers within which the property being split shall be required to construct sewers is established at approximately two hundred feet. In the event the property is located more than two hundred feet from an existing sewer, the city engineer may deem it advisable to request construction of additional lines. The request of the city engineer must be ratified by the city council.
(Prior code § 16.4)
If there is no public sewer in a public street, alley or right-of-way on which the property abuts, such building or structure may be connected to a cesspool and septic tank as permitted under Section 1101 of the Uniform Plumbing Code unless otherwise specified by the city engineer. In such instance, the city engineer's recommendation must be ratified by the city council.
(Prior code § 16.4)
The need for extending sewer lines to connect to existing facilities will be determined by the city engineer in approving the plans according to the type of sewage to be disposed. The specifications governing such requests are to be in accordance with Sections 15.24.080 through 15.24.110, on industrial waste, and in accordance with the water pollution control board.
(Prior code § 16.4)
In the event the city engineer or the city council determines that the off site sewer construction is an undue hardship on a subdivision, lot split or individually owned parcel then the developer of the property shall construct a "dry line" sewer including laterals and appurtenances for future service within the development and adjacent thereto as prescribed by the city engineer.
In addition to the "dry line" sewer the developer shall also install private sewage disposal in accordance with the requirements of the Glendora Plumbing Code.
(Prior code § 16.4; Ord. 907 § 1, 1963)
The city authorizes the discharge of industrial waste to the sewer subject to the general provision that no harm will result from such discharge. Reference is made to the county sanitation district policy governing the use of district trunk sewers and the industrial waste sections of the Los Angeles County Industrial Waste and Sewer Ordinance No. 6130 which provisions are adopted as part of this title.
(Prior code § 16.6)
An industry in the city, seeking to connect to a city lateral, will make application for a connection permit and an industrial waste disposal permit to the city. The city will process the application, conferring with the sanitation districts if it is deemed advisable, and will transmit to the sanitation districts the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The type of industry;
The type of pretreatment proposed; and
The quantity and character of effluent.
(Prior code § 16.6)
An industry in the city seeking to connect directly to a district trunk sewer will make application to the chief engineer of the Los Angeles sanitation district. Complete plans, specifications and descriptions of the proposed connection will be submitted to the chief engineer of the district, together with the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The type of industry;
The quantity and character of effluent; and
The type of pretreatment proposed.
Upon receipt of such plans, specifications and descriptions, the district chief engineer, if he or she shall find that the proposed connection complies with the requirements of the sanitation districts, shall approve the proposed connection and so certify upon the plans. Two sets of approved prints shall be returned to the district office. After such approval, the chief engineer or his or her representative shall inspect the actual work and for that purpose will require at least forty-eight hours' notice prior to the inspection. The inspection will be completed within forty-eight hours of such notice. An industry waste disposal permit must also be obtained from the city.
(Prior code § 16.6)
Industries desiring to discharge industrial wastes by tank truck to manholes on lateral or collecting sewers will make application for an industrial waste disposal permit to the city engineer. The city engineer will, in turn, transmit to the sanitation district the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The quantity and character of discharge; and
The location of manholes used for discharge.
Industries desiring to discharge industrial wastes by tank truck to manholes on district trunk sewers will make application directly to the sanitation districts and will submit to the sanitation districts the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The name and address of the tank truck operator; and
The quantity and character of discharge.
The office of the district chief engineer will designate suitable manholes for discharge. An industrial waste disposal permit must also be obtained from the city engineer.
(Prior code § 16.6)
It is unlawful for any person to connect any cellar drain or basement or yard shower directly with the soil or waste pipe, but such cellar drain or shower shall be trapped by a sand trap or any approved fitting according to the Uniform Plumbing Code.
(Prior code § 16.8)
It is unlawful for any person to connect any special waste pipe from any establishment or piece of equipment directly to any public sewer of the city, or house connection sewer leading thereto, but such special waste pipe shall discharge into a water supplied sink or similar plumbing fixture which may in turn be connected to the sewer.
(Prior code § 16.9)
It is unlawful for any person to cause, suffer, allow or permit the exhaust from any engine or the blowoff from any boiler to be connected directly to any public sewer of the city, or house connection sewer leading thereto, but such exhaust or blowoff shall first connect with a watertight sump which may, in turn, be connected to the public sewer.
(Prior code § 16.10)
The cost of the installation of house connections from the street sewer to the house shall be borne by the owner or subdivider. The cost shall include:
Permit to excavate in public street as required by Sections 13.12.03013.12.130;
Inspection fees required by the building inspector covering inspection of the sewer from the property line to the building;
All sewer connection permits and fees herein required;
All construction costs as follows:
Excavation according to Chapter 13.12,
Laying pipe as specified in Specification No. 30,
Backfill and compaction in accordance with Specification No. 30,
Temporary patching.
Permanent resurfacing shall be performed by the city street forces. All sewer work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner by a qualified state licensed sewer contractor in accordance with Specification No. 30.
(Prior code § 16.11)
All work done under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to inspection. Notice must be given to the city engineer by the person doing the work, or causing the same to be done, immediately after the work is ready for inspection. Up to the time of the inspection, all work must be and remain uncovered and convenient for the inspector's examination, and every facility must be given the inspector to make a thorough examination. If any pipes are enclosed, or covered in any way whatsoever, so as to tend to obstruct a thorough inspection of the drainage system, such obstruction must be removed upon notice to do so from the city engineer before an inspector shall be required to inspect the work. When, upon examination by the inspector, it appears that any such work is defective either in its construction or material, the same shall be made to conform to the requirements set forth in this chapter in default whereof, the permit therefor shall be revoked by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 16.12)
When it appears to the satisfaction of the city engineer that any work mentioned in this title has been constructed according to, and meets the requirements of, all provisions of this title and other applicable laws, and that all the fees for the doing and inspection thereof have been paid, the city engineer shall cause to be issued to the person constructing such work a certificate of final inspection, which certificate shall recite that such work has been done pursuant to the permit, has been constructed according to this code and other ordinances of the city and that the work is in a sanitary condition. The city engineer shall not issue such certificate of inspection, unless the requirements of this title have been adhered to.
(Prior code § 16.12)