The city forester shall authorize the removal of all parkway trees as well as those trees on city-owned property.
The city forester shall review all applications for parkway tree removal and determine whether the tree in question shall be removed.
If an unsafe or undesirable tree is to be removed, the planting of a new tree from the approved list of parkway trees may be required, as determined by the city forester.
Any oak tree removed from city-owned property or within a parkway shall be replaced with an oak or other tree as deemed appropriate by the city forester, at a location within the city of Glendora.
Tree Removal Criteria. The city forester may grant an application for tree removal after consideration of the following criteria:
The tree is dead or is determined to be in a state of severe decline such that it presents a high risk of failure, and is likely to cause damage to property and/or injury to persons;
The tree has acquired an infectious disease or is infested with an insect that is declared to be a serious pest threat to other nearby trees, after consideration of alternative infectious disease and pest control remediation measures;
The tree is healthy but presents an immediate threat to the public health, safety and welfare, and tree removal is determined to be the only option available. An example would be to gain access to property due to an emergency situation created by an earthquake or to allow repair of a broken water main or sewer line located directly underneath the tree's trunk, or to remove a tree split by a storm, or struck by a vehicle and the tree cannot be feasibly restored to a safe condition;
The tree is a threat to the public health, safety and welfare because it impairs visibility for pedestrian or vehicle traffic. Removal shall be considered only if tree pruning would severely disfigure the tree as applied to applicable tree industry standards;
The tree needs to be removed to facilitate hardscape repairs that cannot be completed without severe root pruning which would jeopardize the health and stability of the tree;
The tree repeatedly damages surrounding hardscape within two years after repairs, and root pruning and/or other remedial repair methods cannot feasibly be utilized without severely jeopardizing the health and stability of the tree;
The tree is causing structural damage to a building, and the condition cannot be corrected without removing the tree;
Where the cost of maintaining certain species of trees cannot be justified with respect to the environmental and community benefits such trees provide;
Any other criteria that protects the public health, safety and welfare and is consistent with promoting the city's policy to protect and preserve a healthy urban tree forest that provides valuable benefits to our environment and to the quality of life in Glendora.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1932 § 3, 2010)
All trees growing in that portion of highway set apart for sidewalk use by the ordinances of the city shall be removed by the property owner upon the order of the city forester.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
Any property owner, upon securing permission of the city forester, may remove any tree in the parkway upon or abutting upon the property of such owner. The city forester may require the planting of another tree.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)
It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit any tree or shrub to be planted, maintained or removed in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
Every person who violates any section of this chapter is guilty of an infraction, unless the violation is otherwise made a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.01.110(b).
If the city forester finds any violation of any section of this title, he or she shall, in writing, notify the violator of the existing condition and the violation and direct the violator as to the manner in which the violation is to be corrected. If, after fifteen business days, the cause for the violation has not been corrected as directed, the city forester may cause the violation to be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9.36.
(Ord. 1768 § 2, 2003)