A "block",
within the meaning of this chapter, shall be that portion of any highway between cross highways, or between a cross highway and an abutting highway, or between two abutting highways.
(Prior code § 17.32)
All entrances to buildings fronting on any of the public highways in the city shall be numbered as set forth on Map Number 1 of the city, which map sets forth the number allotted to each twenty-foot frontage on the public highways in the city. Such map is hereby adopted and made a part of this chapter.
(Prior code § 17.33)
The numbers required by Section 19.28.020 may be placed upon the buildings in a conspicuous place or upon the curbs in front of the entrance to the buildings.
(Prior code § 17.34)
The numbers required by this chapter shall be of sufficient length, breadth and color as to be readily discernible from the highway upon which such building faces.
(Prior code § 17.35)
It shall be the duty of the city clerk to designate and furnish to the owners of the property the respective numbers for buildings now situated or hereafter erected upon the public highways of the city.
(Prior code § 17.36)
The respective starting points or dividing lines for numbers of buildings fronting on public highways in the city shall be:
From the east to the west city limits, Foothill Boulevard, formerly Minnehaha Avenue, shall be the starting point or dividing line for public highways extending in a northerly and southerly direction;
Glendora Avenue from the northerly city limit to the south city limit shall be the starting point or dividing line for all public highways extending in a westerly and easterly direction.
Numbers shall begin at the above named starting points or dividing lines and shall continue to the termini of the streets.
A twenty-foot frontage shall be allowed for each number on all highways.
The numbering shall be done as if the highway extended to the dividing line or starting points of the city as defined herein.
Number one hundred shall be the first number used as a respective beginning point on the sides of the highways which are to contain even numbers; and number one hundred one shall be the first number as the respective beginning point on the sides of the streets which are to contain odd numbers.
At the beginning of the second block from the starting point the first number shall be two hundred and two hundred one respectively, and so continued throughout the system.
(Prior code § 17.37; Ord. 1080 § 1, 1968)
The numbers on the north and west sides shall be odd numbers and the numbers on the east and south sides shall be even numbers.
(Prior code § 17.38)
In case of an abutting highway, a prolonged center line of the highway shall be the dividing line of a block.
(Prior code § 17.39)
All blocks exceeding one thousand feet in length shall be considered as two blocks.
(Prior code § 17.39)
One hundred numbers, or as many thereof as shall be necessary, shall be allotted to each block.
(Prior code § 17.39)