No person shall move any building in, on, upon, across or along
or into any public street or highway in the city, except upon complying
with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 17.9)
No person shall move or cause to be moved any building in, on,
upon or across or along or into any public street or highway in the
city without first obtaining from the superintendent of streets a
permit in writing to do so.
(Prior code § 17.10)
Any person desiring to remove or to have removed a building
shall file an application with the superintendent of streets, which
application shall specify the character of the building to be removed,
the place from which and place to which the building is to be moved,
and the streets on, over or through which it is desired to make such
removal and the name of the person who will have charge of such removal.
(Prior code § 17.11)
The permit required by this chapter shall not be issued until
the person applying therefor shall have paid the superintendent of
streets a fee, established pursuant to resolution of the city council,
for such permit and a deposit, established pursuant to resolution
of the city council, as a guarantee that the party will pay any and
all damages which may result by reason of the removal of the house
or building by the party, his or her agents, employees or workmen
to any fence, tree, pavement, street, sidewalk or to any pole or wire
or to any other property belonging to the city. The deposit shall
be returned to the applicant after the building has been moved, less
such sum as shall be necessary to pay for all damages which may have
resulted to any fence, tree, pavement, street, sidewalk, pole, wire
or any other property belonging to the city.
(Prior code § 17.12; Ord. 1536 § 14, 1989)
All removals made under permits as provided by this chapter
shall be done in a careful manner, shall be prosecuted with diligence
and shall be under the superintendence and control and performed to
the satisfaction and approval of the superintendent of streets.
(Prior code § 17.13)
No person owning or having charge of the removal of any building
through the public streets shall permit the building to or stand on
any street, lane, alley or public grounds within the limits of one
block for a longer period than fifteen hours, unless such time is
extended by the superintendent of streets.
(Prior code § 17.14)
When a building being moved under the provisions of this chapter
is left standing in, on, upon, across or along any public street,
highway or place after sunset of any day the person having charge
thereof shall place lighted lanterns upon four sides thereof and shall
so maintain such lighted lanterns thereon until sunrise the next day.
(Prior code § 17.15)
No person owning or having charge of the removal of any building
through the public streets shall allow or cause the injury of any
street, sidewalk, curb, tree, fence or private or public property
by reason of such removal.
(Prior code § 17.16)
No person owning or having charge of the removal of any building
shall permit the same to obstruct the operation of any street railroad
or railroad except between the hours of one-thirty a.m. and five a.m.
(Prior code § 17.17)
When the cutting or temporary removal of any pole or any wire
of any public or private telegraph, telephone, electric light, street
railroad, or railroad or any other wire passing along or over any
street, lane or alley becomes necessary for the removal of any building,
the person in charge of such removal, at least twenty-four hours in
advance of reaching the same, shall notify the person having charge
of and control over such pole or wire, and the person so notified
shall cause such wires to be promptly cut or removed and replaced
upon receiving from the party moving such house or other structure
the cost of cutting or removing and replacing such wire or pole.
(Prior code § 17.18)
In every case in which the cutting of the wires of the city
may be necessary, the superintendent of streets shall be notified
and he or she shall have the wires cut and replaced. The person having
charge of the removal of the building shall pay the entire cost and
expense of cutting, removing and replacing the same, including the
poles to which the wires of the city may be attached.
(Prior code § 17.19)
In the event of damage being done by reason of the removal of any building as provided for by this chapter, to any fence, tree, pavement, street, sidewalk or to any pole or wire or other property belonging to the city, the person removing the building and causing the damage, shall immediately repair or replace the damage so done and in the event that repair or replacement cannot be made, then the superintendent of streets shall estimate the amount of damage in money actually done and the person causing the damage shall pay the damage so done by the person and in the event that upon three days' notice to the person to repair or replace or pay the damage so made as aforesaid, the repair or replacement or payment of the damage has not been made, the repair or replacement or payment for damage may be made by the city out of the money deposited with the superintendent of streets as provided by Section
(Prior code § 17.20)