In addition to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act governing the filing of tentative maps, the following hereby are adopted as additional requirements:
Tract Number Or Name.
Before filing a tentative map the subdivider shall obtain from the county surveyor the assignment of a number for the tract to be subdivided, or shall submit to the county surveyor for his or her approval, a name, title or other designation to be given such tract;
If such name, title or designation includes the name or designation of any existing city, town or unincorporated community, other than the city, or if such name, title or designation is the same or so nearly the same as to cause confusion, or mislead the public as that of any other tract or subdivision, a map or plat of which shall have been previously recorded in Los Angeles County, such name, title or designation shall be disapproved by the county surveyor and the subdivider shall submit such other name, title or designation as shall meet such approval;
When a number shall have been assigned or a name, title or designation shall have been approved by the county surveyor for a subdivision, the subdivider shall place the same upon each tentative or final map of the subdivision and the number, name, title or designation shall not thereafter be changed nor altered in any manner upon any tentative or final map of the subdivision, unless and until a new number shall have been approved by the county surveyor as in this section provided. In the event that a subdivider elects to file an approved record of survey map in place of a final map, such number, title or designation shall not appear upon the approved record of survey map;
Size and scale: Each tentative map shall be eight inches by twelve inches or any multiple thereof, and shall be drawn to such scale as to clearly show the details of the plan thereon. Wherever practicable, such scale shall be a scale of one inch to one hundred feet;
Identity of subdivider. When a tentative map is submitted the commission may require the subdivider to show any of the following:
That he or she is the owner of the property shown on the map as proposed for subdivision;
That he or she has an option or contract to purchase the property or that portion of which he or she is not the owner; and
That he or she is the authorized agent of one who can comply with the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) above.
(Prior code § 18.2)
The tentative map shall show and contain the following matters as an aid to the commission in its consideration of the design of the subdivision:
The tract number, name or designation;
Sufficient legal description of the land as to define the boundaries of the proposed tract;
Name and address of subdivider and of registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor, if any;
The location, names and existing widths of all adjoining highways, streets or ways;
The width and approximate grades of all highways, streets and ways within such proposed subdivision;
The width and approximate locations of all existing proposed easements, whether public or private, for roads, drainage, sewers or public utility purposes;
Approximate radius of all curves;
The approximate lot layout and the approximate divisions of each lot;
Approximate locations of all areas subject to inundation or storm water overflow and the locations, widths and conditions of flow of all watercourses;
Source of water supply, if any;
Proposed method of sewage disposal, if any;
Use of property proposed;
Proposed public areas, if any;
Approximate contours where topography controls street layout;
Date, north point and scale;
Number of each lot;
Approximate location of each area covered by trees with a statement of the nature of the cover and the kind and approximate location of all trees standing within the boundaries of proposed public rights-of-way;
Approximate location and outline to scale of each building or structure which is not to be moved in the development of the subdivision;
Provided, however, that if it is impossible or impracticable to place upon the tentative map any matter hereinabove in this section required, such matter or information shall be furnished in a written statement which shall be submitted with such map;
Each street shown by its actual street name or by temporary name or letter for the purposes of identification until the proper name of such street is determined.
(Prior § 18.2)
The planning commission and/or the council may reject a tentative map if the practical use which can be made of the property as proposed to be subdivided is a use prohibited by any ordinance, statute, law or other valid regulation.
(Prior code § 18.2)
All tentative maps filed hereunder shall be filed with the city clerk. Not less than the original and four copies of each map offered shall be so filed, being one copy for the city clerk, one for the commission, one for the city engineer and one copy for the subdivider, to be returned to the subdivider with the required changes, corrections and additions, if any, noted thereon. The original map shall also be returned to the subdivider if corrections, etc, are required, and when such corrections, etc., have been made, such map shall be returned to the city clerk, together with two copies thereof, being one copy for the commission and one copy for the city engineer.
The city clerk shall immediately mark each map and each copy with the word "FILED," insert date of filing and sign his or her name and official title thereunder.
The city clerk shall immediately refer such map to the engineer for his or her examination, checking and report, and shall not present the same to the planning commission until such report has been received. The fees required by Section 20.16.060 must accompany the filing of the map.
(Prior code § 18.2)
A vesting tentative map confers a vested right to proceed with development in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in effect at the time the application for the vesting tentative map is determined to be complete or the vesting tentative map is approved, as provided in Government Code Section 66498.1. A vesting tentative map shall be processed in a manner pursuant to requirements of the subdivision map act and to the requirements for tentative maps as prescribed in this chapter. Additionally, the following requirements shall apply to a vesting tentative map:
The words "Vesting Tentative Map" shall be printed conspicuously on the face of the proposed map;
The rights conferred by a vesting tentative map shall last for a period of one year beyond recordation of the final map.
(Ord. 1482 § 1, 1986)