In addition to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act governing the filing of final maps, the following sections are hereby adopted as additional requirements.
(Prior code § 18.4)
All final maps filed hereunder shall be filed with the city clerk. Not less than the original and five copies of each map offered shall be so filed. Such map shall consist of the title sheet and as many additional sheets as shall be required to show the land to be subdivided with all requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and of this title. One copy shall be delivered to the city engineer, one to the city attorney, one to the city clerk, and one copy to be returned to the subdivider with the required changes, corrections and additions, if any, noted thereon. The original map shall also be returned to him or her for corrections if required.
In addition to the above, the information required under Section 20.12.020, regarding tentative maps, shall also be furnished with final maps.
After the final map or record of survey map has been approved by the city engineer and council, and checked and approved by the county surveyor and recorded, three black or blue line prints or sets of prints of such record map, including the title sheet, shall be immediately furnished to the city clerk, one of each such prints or sets of prints for the city clerk and city engineer.
(Prior code § 18.4; Ord. 2081, 1/9/2024)
The procedure and practice of all survey work done on any subdivision, whether for preparation of a final map or approved record of survey map shall conform to the accepted standards of the engineering profession. The allowable error of closure on any portion of a final map or approved record of survey map shall be one ten thousandth.
In the event that the city engineer, the county surveyor, county road commissioner or the state highway engineer shall have established the center line of any street or alley in or adjoining a subdivision the final map or approved record of survey map shall show such center line, together with reference to a field book or map showing such center line and the monuments which determine its position. If determined by ties, that fact shall be stated upon the final map or approved record of survey map.
(Prior code § 18.4)
Boundary. Each final map or approved record of survey map shall show durable monuments found or set at or near each boundary corner and at intermediate points, approximately one thousand feet apart, or at such lesser distances as may be made necessary by topography or culture to insure accuracy in the reestablishment of any point or line without unreasonable difficulty. The precise position and the character of each such monument shall be shown on such map. Such durable monument shall be not less substantial than iron pipe of a two inch outside diameter, not less than two and one-half feet in length, with plug and tack, and set at least two feet into the ground or of such other character and stability as may be approved by the county surveyor or the city engineer. For the purposes of this title a lead and tack set in permanent concrete or masonry shall be considered as a durable monument. The approximate elevation of the top of each such monument with respect to the surface of the ground shall be shown on the map.
Street Center Line. Whenever, in the opinion of the county surveyor or city engineer, a monument is necessary to mark the intersection of two streets, such monument shall be set at the intersection of the center lines of the streets, unless, in the opinion of the county surveyor or the city engineer, the conditions at such intersection point make preferable the setting of the monument at a different point. Each such monument shall be not less durable and substantial than:
In asphaltic concrete or concrete pavements a lead and tack;
In unsurfaced, graveled or soiled surfaces a two-inch pipe set not less than twelve inches below the surface, or such depth as may be approved by the county surveyor or city engineer;
In bituminous macadam pavements a spike not less than six inches long.
Notes to be Furnished. For each center line intersection monument set the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey has been made shall furnish to the county surveyor and to the city engineer each a set of notes show clearly the ties between such monument and a sufficient number, normally four, of durable distinctive reference points or monuments. Such reference points or monuments may be leads and tacks in sidewalks, or two inch iron pipe set back of curb line and below the surface of the ground, or such substitute therefor as appears to be not more likely to be disturbed.
Such set of notes shall be of such quality, form and completeness and shall be on paper of such quality and size as may be necessary to conform to the standardized office records of the county surveyor. All such notes shall be indexed and filed by the county surveyor and the city engineer as a part of the permanent public records of their respective offices.
Identification Marks. All monuments set as required herein shall be permanently and visibly marked or tagged with the registration or license number of the engineer or surveyor under whose supervision the survey was made.
Deferment. In the event that any or all of the monuments required to be set are to be set subsequent to the recordation of the map, as provided in the subdivision map act of state, the map shall show clearly which monuments are to be set.
Inspection and Approval. All monuments shall be subject to inspection and approval by the city engineer in connection with his or her checking of the map.
(Prior code § 18.4)
Upon the submission of a final map, the subdivider shall deposit with the county surveyor a sum of money equal to the amount required by law for the recordation of a subdivision map, which money shall be deposited in a trust fund for that purpose, and upon the filing of such map for record in the office of the county recorder, such money shall be used by the surveyor in payment of the fee for recording of such map.
In the event that the subdivider abandons his or her intention to cause such map to be recorded, and so notifies the county surveyor of such fact in writing, such money shall be refunded to the subdivider who deposited the same.
All moneys paid out of such trust fund shall be paid by warrant of county auditor which shall be drawn upon the requisition of the county surveyor.
(Prior code § 18.4)
In addition to all other fees and charges required by law, upon submitting a tentative map, a final map, or approved record of survey map under the provisions of the subdivision map act of the state, the subdivider shall pay to the city clerk at the time the tentative map is filed a fee, as established by city council resolution, for checking said map, by the city engineer, and a plan checking fee to the city engineer or county surveyor, whichever may perform the duties of checking the final map or approved record of survey map, a sum estimated by the city engineer or county surveyor to cover all his or her costs of checking such map.
(Prior code § 18.4; Ord. 1040 § 5, 1967; Ord. 1327 § 1, 1979)
Block Designation. In the event that the subdivider elects to number or letter the blocks in any subdivision, all blocks therein shall be numbered or lettered in numerical or alphabetical order, respectively, commencing with the numeral "1" or the letter "A" and continuing without omission or duplication. Such numbers or letters shall be solid and of sufficient size and thickness as to be conspicuous on the map, and shall be so placed as not to obliterate any figure, dimension or course, and shall not be enclosed in any circle or other design. Except where necessitated by a scale sufficiently large to show all details clearly no block shall be divided between two or more sheets.
Lot Number. The lots in each block therein shall be numbered beginning with the numeral "1" and continuing without omission or duplication in any such block. No prefix or suffix nor combination of letter and number shall be used. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
Subdivision Boundary (Blue Border). The boundary line of a subdivision shall be indicated by a border of light blue ink approximately one-eighth inch wide, applied on the reverse side of the tracing and inside such boundary line. Such ink shall be of such density as to be transferred to a blue line print of such map and not to obliterate any such line, figure or other data appearing on such map.
Title Sheet. The title sheet of each final map shall contain a title consisting of the number, name or designation of the subdivision, also the words "In the city of Glendora" or "Partly in the city of Glendora and partly in unincorporated territory," as the case may be; also except as provided in subsection (e) hereof, a subtitle consisting of a description of all of the property being subdivided, by reference to such map of the property shown therein as shall have been previously recorded, or shall have been previously filed with the county clerk pursuant to a final judgment in any action in partition, or shall have been previously filed in the office of the county recorder under authority of Chapter 3, Part 2 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code of the state, or by reference to the plat of any United States survey. When necessary for greater clarity or definiteness supplemental reference may be made to any other map on file in the office of the county recorder.
Each reference in such description to any tract or subdivision shall be spelled out and worded identically with the original record thereof and must show a complete reference to the book and page of records of the county.
Upon such title sheet the certificate of the surveyor or engineer referred to in Section 11592 of the Subdivision Map Act shall appear. Also upon such title sheet, or upon least one map sheet shall appear the basis of bearings making reference to some recorded subdivision map, county surveyor's map or other record acceptable to the count surveyor or to a solar or polaris observation.
All stamped or written matter, including signatures, shall be so made with opaque ink that legible the line prints may be obtained therefrom.
Reversion to Acreage. Upon the title sheet of each map filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage, the subtitle shall consist of the words, "A Reversion to Acreage of _______." (insert a general description of the land being reverted).
Evidence of Determining Boundary. On each final map or approved record of survey map shall be fully and clearly shown and identified such stakes, monuments or other evidence determining the boundaries of the subdivision as were found on the ground, together with sufficient corners of adjoining subdivision, by lot and block number, tract name and place of record, or by section, township and range, or other proper designation as may be necessary to locate precisely the limits of the subdivision.
Orientation. The map on each sheet and the lettering thereon shall be so oriented that, with the north point directed away from the reader, the map may be read most conveniently from the bottom or lower right corner of such sheet, the binding edge to be at the left and lengthwise of the sheet.
Title, Scale, North Point, Number and Cross Reference. Each sheet of a final map or approved record of survey map, excepting the title sheet or sheets thereof, shall bear the main title of the map, the scale of the map, north point and sheet number, together with a designation of the relation, if any, between each sheet and each other sheet thereof.
Bearings and Lengths of Lines. The bearing and length of each lot line, block line and boundary line shall be shown on the final map or approved record of survey map; provided, that when bearings or lengths of lot lines in any series of lots are the same, such bearings or length may be omitted from each interior parallel lot line of such series. Each required bearing and length shall be shown in full and no ditto marks or other designation or repetition shall be used.
Area Designation. Upon each lot containing an area three-fourths of an acre or more shall be designated the acreage of such lot shown, not less accurately than to the nearest one hundredth of an acre.
Curve Data. The length, radius and total central angle or bearings of terminal radii of each curve, and the bearing of each radial line to each lot corner on each curve, or the central angle of each segment within each lot, shall be shown thereon.
Street Names. Street names within the boundaries of a subdivision shown on a final map or approved record of survey map shall be submitted to the council for approval, and if duplicated elsewhere in the city, or so nearly the same in spelling or pronunciation as to cause confusion, some other name may be required.
Unless a name is so duplicated or confusing, it shall be the same as the name of any street of which it is on line of extension, or the name to which such street may be in the process of being changed;
The word "avenue," "boulevard," "place" or other designation of such street shall be spelled out in full;
The name of each newly dedicated portion of any highway shall be shown in or arrowed on such newly dedicated portion.
Street Widths and Center Line. There shall be shown on each final map or approved record of survey map the center line of each highway, street or way, the total width thereof, the width of that portion, if any, to be dedicated, and, in the case of any existing highways, streets or ways, the width thereof, and the width of each highway, street or way on each side of the center line thereof. On each such center line shall be shown the bearing and length of each tangent and radius, central angle and length of each curve.
The final map or approved record of survey map shall show the width of each railroad right-of-way, flood control or drainage easement, and each other easement appearing on such map, whether previously of record or offered for dedication on such map.
Easement Lines and Ties. Upon a final map shall be shown the center line or side lines of each easement to which the lots in the subdivision are subject. In the event that such easement is not definitely located of record, a statement showing the existence of such easement shall be placed on the map.
Easement Designation. Each easement shown for any storm drain or sewer shall be designated on the final map by fine dashed lines.
Easement Bearings on Lot Lines. Distances and bearings on the side lines of lots which are cut by easements shall be arrowed or so shown as to indicate clearly the actual length of each lot line.
Easement Widths and Ties. The widths of easements or the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties thereto to definitely locate such easements with respect to a subdivision shall be shown on the final map.
Easement Identification. Each easement shall be clearly labeled and identified and, if of record, the record reference shall be shown thereon.
Easement Dedication. If an easement is being dedicated by a final map it shall be properly set out in the owner's certificate of dedication on the map.
Easement Notes and Figures. All notes or figures pertaining to each easement shall be subordinated in form and appearance to those relating to the subdivision itself.
City Boundary Lines. Upon the final map shall be shown the city boundary line; provided, that the subdivision borders thereon and such line shall be clearly designated and tied in.
Land Subject To Flood Hazard. If any portion of the land within the boundaries shown on any final map or approved record of survey map is subject to inundation or flood hazard by storm waters, such fact and portion shall be clearly shown on such final map or approved record of survey map by a prominent note on each sheet of such map whereon any such portion shall be shown.
Land Subject to Overflow, Ponding or High Ground Water. If any portion of such land is subject to sheet overflow or ponding or local storm water, or should the depth to ground water be less than ten feet from the ground surfaces, the commission shall so inform the state real estate commission.
Natural Watercourse Designation. In the event that a subdivision or any part thereof is traversed by any major watercourse, channel, stream or creek, the subdivider shall indicate an adequate right-of-way for storm drainage purposes, if in the opinion of the commission such dedication is necessary. In the event that the natural watercourse does not run entirely within such dedication the subdivider may either construct an adequate channel with such dedication or delineate the course of such watercourse upon the final map, or approved record or survey map.
Sewer and Storm Drains. If, in the opinion of the council, either sewers or storm drains or both are necessary for the general use of lot owners in the subdivision, and such sewers or storm drains or both are not to be installed in the streets of such subdivision, the subdivider shall show upon the maps and dedicate necessary easements for such sewers, storm drains or both.
Dedication Exceptions. Dedication is not required on any map referred to in Section 11537 of the Subdivision Map Act of the state or on any map made for the sole purpose of establishing existing land title boundaries.
Map Showing Structures Required. Any final map of a subdivision presented to the council for acceptance of easements and recordation shall be accompanied by an additional copy on which is delineated all structures existing within the easements, except publicly-owned storm drains, water lines, sewers and other sanitary facilities, whether such structures are on recorded easements or not.
Easement Certificate. Any final map of a subdivision presented to the council for acceptance of easements and recordation shall have written thereon, in addition to or as a part of any other certificate required, a certificate signed by the owner and the subdivider, and by all persons claiming any interest other than right-of-way, easement or other interest, none of which can ripen into a fee, in the lands included within the subdivision shown on the map, in substantially the following form:
"We hereby certify that, except as shown on a copy of this map on file in the office of the city clerk or county surveyor, we know of no easement or structure existing within the easements hereby offered for dedication to the public, other than publicly-owned water lines, sewers or storm drains; that we will grant no right or interest within the boundaries of such easements offered to the public, except where such right or interest is expressly made subject to the easements."
Waiver of Signature. If the owner of an easement or right-of-way of any kind or nature in any right-of-way offered for dedication who has no other interest whatever in any part of the lands included within the subdivision, refuses to make his or her easement subject to any right-of-way offered to the public, but the final map in all other respects complies with this title, with the Subdivision Map Act and with every other applicable statute and ordinance, and the council finds that the subdivider has in good faith attempted to obtain the necessary signatures from such owner and has been unable to do so, and that a refusal to accept the final map for recordation would work an undue hardship on the subdivider, then by a majority vote of all its members the council may accept such map.
(Prior code § 18.4)
At the time the city accepts the final map and all offers of dedication it may, as a condition precedent as "minimum requirements" to the acceptance of any streets or easements, require the subdivider, at his or her option, either to improve or agree to improve the streets or easements in accordance with the plans, profiles, cross sections, detail drawings approved by the city engineer and upon grades established by him or her. All of such work shall be performed in accordance with the specifications for the particular work heretofore adopted by the city. Such work shall consist of the following:
Grading and Paving of Streets. All streets within each subdivision shall be graded and paved to grade for the full width of the roadway thereof with hot plant mixed asphaltic pavement not less than two inches in thickness; provided, that upon primary streets such pavement shall not be less than four inches in thickness. Such grading and paving shall be done in accordance with plans, profiles, cross sections and detail drawings approved by the city engineer and shall be done in accordance with applicable specifications of the city. Such plans, profiles, cross sections and detailed drawings shall be approved by the city engineer before submission of the final map to the council;
Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters Generally. Concrete curbs and gutters, not less than one foot in width shall be constructed on and along each side of the roadway of all streets; and concrete sidewalks not less than five feet in width shall be constructed on and along each side of the roadway of all streets. The exact location of such sidewalks and the method of construction shall be determined by the planning commission or the city council. The city council may dispense with the requirement, for the installation of sidewalks if the terrain or other special conditions make it unsafe or undesirable to install sidewalks;
Specifications of Water Mains. Cast iron pipe water mains shall be laid in all such streets together with all necessary fittings where such pipe connects with any existing city water main or if approved by the city council, number ten gauge automatic electric welded plate steel pipe, double dipped and wrapped with welded field joints, may be laid instead of cast iron pipe. The minimum inside diameter of such water mains shall be not less than six inches; provided, however, that larger diameter pipes shall be laid if required to adequately supply the maximum requirements for domestic and commercial uses, and fire protection purposes;
Gate Valves on Water Pipes. The installation of gate valves of the same size of the pipe installed at all cross connections of water pipes within the subdivision, or where such pipe connects with any existing city water main;
Fire Hydrants. The installation of standard four-inch Corey or equivalent fire hydrants, with six-inch diameter bottom connections for a three-foot depth trench, connected to the water main with six-inch diameter pipe and six-inch diameter gate valve between fire hydrant and water main at the following locations:
At all street intersections, one fire hydrant with two two-and-one-half-inch standard hose connections and one four and one-half inch standard streamer connection;
At intermediate points in long blocks, fire hydrants with two two-and-one-half-inch standard hose connections; provided, that in no case shall the distance between fire hydrants exceed six hundred feet;
Paving Alleys. All alleys shall be graded and paved with hot plant mixed asphaltic pavement not less than one and one-half inches in thickness for the full width of the alley;
Sewers. Sanitary sewers must be installed whenever there is an existing sewer adjacent to the subdivision or within five hundred feet of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision; provided, that the topography permits the use of such sewer;
When Sidewalks Required. Sidewalks may be required on primary streets, secondary streets or any local street where in the opinion of the city council the amount of pedestrian travel requires a sidewalk as a public necessity;
Drainage Facilities. Drainage structures may be required where in the opinion of the city engineer or the city council it is necessary to provide adequate drainage facilities;
Installation of Utilities, Prior to Paving Streets. Wherever water pipe, fire hydrants and appurtenances, including all service connections, sanitary and house connection sewers and appurtenances, gas mains and service connections, drainage structures or any other underground structures and facilities required, all of these shall be installed completely before any portion of the roadway of any street is paved;
Approval of Designs of Improvements, Grades and Drainage Facilities. All designs of improvements, grades and drainage facilities shall be subject to the satisfaction and approval of the city engineer;
Street Improvement Specifications. All street improvement work shall be constructed in accordance with specifications adopted by the city council; provided, however, that the work may be constructed in accordance with alternate specifications for a more substantial type of improvements; provided, that such alternate specifications have been approved by the city council;
Curb Returns. The radius of the curb return at the intersection of two streets shall be equal to the return of the property line return, plus the distance from the curb to the property line, as measured on the intersecting street, having the greater distance between the curb and property line.
In addition to improving the streets shown upon the map the subdivider shall improve or agree to improve any or all streets bordering upon the boundaries of the subdivision with curbs and gutters and at the option of the council with sidewalks and paving of the unpaved portion of any of such between the exterior gutter line and the closest line of pavement. If there is no pavement, then up to but not beyond the center line of such street;
Street Planting and Plant Strips. In any subdivision where the subdivider proposes or is ordered by the council to plant trees or shrubs in and along the streets, the subdivider shall first secure from the city council approval of the type and number and location of such trees or shrubs and the council shall advise the subdividers and their successors in interest in the selection and care of trees or shrubs to be planted in any required planting strip, reservation or private property.
Where a subdivider is required by the city council to plant or provide for the planting of street trees, the planting thereof or provision therefor shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
No street trees will be required in front of any property zoned for business or manufacturing use.
In any residential zones, no more than one street tree shall be required for each lot up to and including eighty feet in frontage, but the council may require one tree to be planted in each fifty feet of frontage or fraction thereof, in excess of eighty feet frontage. provided, however, that in no event will trees be required to be planted closer than fifty feet apart.
In any subdivision in which the subdivider proposes to, or is ordered by the council to, plant street trees, the subdivider shall make such plantings under the supervision and direction of the tree warden.
In the event that the subdivider proposes to plant street trees, the city council may at the time of application for approval of subdivision require the deposit of a cash bond or other bond acceptable to the city council in a sum sufficient to assure the purchase and planting of street trees. The bond shall be exonerated or the cash bond refunded at such time as the subdivider shall have purchased and planted street trees to the satisfaction of the city council; provided, however, that the subdivider shall have planted the trees within two years after the deposit of the cash bond or other bond unless such two year period shall be extended by the city council:
Street Signs. For each new street constructed as part of a subdivision, the subdivider shall deposit with the city the cost of such signs as are necessary for the control of traffic along the street. Such signs are to include those which are marked: "Stop," "Slow," "No Exit Street" and any other sign deemed necessary;
Ornamental Street Lights. All streets within any subdivision shall be improved with ornamental street lights.
(Prior code § 18.4; Ord. 1536 § 16, 1989)
If any improvements are not completed to the satisfaction of the council before the final tract map or approved record of survey map is submitted to the council for approval, the subdivider shall, prior to the approval by the council of the final map or approved record of survey map, enter as contractor into an agreement with the city whereby in consideration of acceptance by the council of the dedications offered on final map and the approval of the final map or approved record of survey map, the subdivider, as such contractor, agrees to furnish all necessary equipment and material and to complete such work within the time specified in such agreement.
(Prior code § 18.5)
Purpose. The city council declares that this section is enacted pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 1001 of the statutes of 1965.
Preliminary Soil Report. Prior to the submission of the final subdivision map, the subdivider shall file with the building department and the city engineer, a preliminary soil report, prepared by a civil engineer who is registered by the state of California, based upon adequate test borings or excavations of every subdivision, as defined in Sections 11535 and 11535.1 of the business and professions code. The preliminary report may be waived if the building department and the engineer shall determine that, due to the knowledge of such department as to the soil qualities of the subdivision, no preliminary analysis is necessary.
Soil Investigation. If the preliminary soil report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects, a soil investigation of each lot in the subdivision shall be prepared by a civil engineer who is registered by the state. The soil investigation shall recommend corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each dwelling proposed to be constructed on the expansive soil. The report shall be filed with the building department and the city engineer.
Approval of Soil Investigation. The building department and the city engineer shall approve the soil investigation if it determines that the recommended corrective action is likely to prevent structural damage to each dwelling to be constructed on each lot in the subdivision. Appeal from such determination shall be to the city council. The building permit shall be conditioned upon the incorporation of the approved recommended corrective action in the construction of each dwelling.
(Ord. 992 §§ 1—4, 1966)