Any real property located in the city and shown on the latest adopted county tax roll as a unit shall not be divided by any person (1) into less than five parcels, or (2) into any number of parcels if such division of land does not constitute a "subdivision" pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act of the state, as set forth in California Business and Professions Code, commencing with Section 11500, without first obtaining the approval of the city as provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 18.10; Ord. 1120 § 1, 1970; Ord. 1207 § 1, 1974)
Anyone proposing to divide property as provided for in this chapter shall make his or her application therefor to the city planning commission by submitting to such commission a map showing boundaries and building locations in accordance with the proposed division of land accompanied by an application which is in form and content provided for in this chapter.
(Prior code § 18.10)
The city planning commission shall be vested with the authority to approve the application for the division of land as provided for in this section subject to review and reversal and final determination by the city council in accordance with the procedures provided for in this chapter.
(Prior code § 18.10)
The approval of the application form for the division of land as provided for in this chapter by the city may be subject to conditions imposed upon the applicant by the city planning commission or by the city council to make or guarantee necessary improvements and dedication of land which will serve the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare and promote the orderly development and planning of the city.
(Prior code § 18.10)
Among the improvements which may be required as a condition by the planning commission or the city council for the approval of a division of land as provided for in this chapter are the following:
Curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street pavements;
Sanitary sewer facilities and connections;
Rights-of-way and easements for the installation of drains, sewers, roads and alleys;
Drainage facilities; and
Water lines and appurtenances.
(Prior code § 18.10)
If the installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street pavements or dedication of easements and rights-of-way or other improvements or dedications are imposed as a condition to the approval of the division of land as provided for in this chapter, the cost of construction and compliance shall be secured in the same manner as provided for subdivision improvements as set forth in this title.
(Prior code § 18.10)
The decision of the planning commission may be appealed to the city council for review and determination upon the request of the applicant or upon the motion of the city council. An appeal made by the applicant to the city council shall be made in writing to the city clerk within fifteen days of the time when the planning commission takes formal action by resolution on the application. If the applicant makes a timely request for appeal, the city clerk shall place the matter on the agenda for the meeting of the city council next following the receipt of the applicant's request for appeal.
The city council may review the decision of the planning commission with respect to the application for the division of and as provided for in this chapter on its own motion made within fifteen days of the time when the planning commission takes formal action by resolution on the application. When the city council reviews the determination of the planning commission, it shall give the applicant not less than five days written notice thereof prior to taking final action thereon.
(Prior code § 18.10)
The application for a division of land as provided for in this chapter and which is to be first submitted to the office of the planning commission of the city shall consist of the following information and items:
Name and address of the applicant;
Name and address of the owner of the property which is proposed to be divided;
The street address and legal description of the property which is proposed to be divided;
The total square footage of the area to be divided; and
An original and three prints of maps showing that the proposed division of the lot into two or more parcels, the exact dimension and bearing of each line, the boundaries, the monument set, the building location and all other applicable matters and shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or a licensed surveyor.
A filing fee, as established by city council resolution, is to be paid with the application. If the lot split is not completed within one year from its approval, an extension may be granted upon a written application therefor and the payment of an additional fee, as established by city council resolution, for the filing of such application.
(Prior code § 18.10; Ord. 1040 § 4, 1967; Ord. 1327 § 3, 1979)
Any conveyance of property resulting in the division of land without compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be voidable by the grantee, buyer or person contracting to purchase, his or her heirs and assigns, within one year from the execution of the instrument conveying title or interest in title or the contract of sale. Furthermore, if land shall be divided without complying with the provisions of this chapter, no building permit shall be issued for the improvement of any part of such land until the requirements of this chapter shall have been complied with. These sanctions are in addition to any other penalties provided by law.
(Prior code § 18.10)
If the division of land is approved, the applicant shall cause the approved map to be approved by the county engineer and to be recorded with the county recorder.
(Prior code § 18.10)
Nothing to the contrary herein withstanding, the terms and provisions of Chapter 20.08, shall not apply to the divisions of land made for the purpose of adjusting boundaries and not resulting in the creation of a new and separate building site.
(Prior code § 18.10; Ord. 983 § 1, 1965)