Purpose. To provide for the development of commercial areas for retail and service establishments, professional and office uses, and related enterprises in a manner that implements the general plan and accommodates the needs of community residents. Specifically, these regulations are designed to provide appropriate locations for retail, service, office and professional uses; promote and encourage convenient access to developments; promote and encourage aesthetically pleasing design; and ensure adequate size, shape and space to meet the needs of development. The commercial and professional zones are as follows:
C-1 (professional);
C-2 (limited retail business);
C-3 (retail commercial);
CM (commercial-manufacturing).
Permitted Uses. Uses permitted are specified in Table C (see appendix).
Permitted Uses Subject to a Conditional Use Permit and Minor Conditional Use Permit. Uses permitted subject to a conditional use permit and minor conditional use permit are specified in Table C (see appendix) and are described by the terms CUP and MCUP.
Development Standards.
General Standards. The maximum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum setbacks, maximum building height, and minimum floor area shall be as specified in Table D (see appendix).
Required Walls. Masonry walls of six feet, measured from the highest adjacent grade, shall be provided on property lines contiguous to residential zones.
Refuse Areas. Refuse areas shall be provided for the storage of refuse containers. All refuse shall be deposited in refuse containers in the refuse areas which shall be screened by walls six feet in height and a solid gate not less than five feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The refuse containers shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated.
Adult Businesses. Adult businesses shall not be located closer than one thousand feet to any residential zone, church, school or day care facility.
Service Stations. Service stations shall be permitted subject to conditional use permit approval only in the zones specified in Table C (see appendix). When authorized by a conditional use permit, the following minimum standards shall apply. This subsection shall not replace or reduce any minimum zoning, building or other ordinance requirements; however, when the requirements of this subsection are more restrictive, the requirements of this subsection shall control.
Service stations shall be permitted only at the intersections of arterial and/or collector streets. The total number of service stations permitted at the intersection of two or more through streets shall not exceed two. The total number of service stations permitted at "T" intersections shall not exceed one. Service stations shall not be permitted within two hundred fifty feet of any property used as a school, church, theater or other place of assembly.
A minimum of four pumps shall be provided before a convenience store is permitted.
The minimum lot area for a full-service station shall be twenty-two thousand five hundred square feet with minimum street frontage of one hundred fifty feet on each adjacent street.
The minimum building floor area for a full-service station without a convenience store shall be one thousand two hundred square feet. One accessory structure of not less than one hundred fifty square feet may be provided when located beneath a canopy. No other accessory structures except public phone booths and refuse areas shall be permitted.
The minimum building floor area for a full-service station with a convenience store shall be two thousand eight hundred square feet. At least one thousand six hundred square feet of floor area shall be devoted to the operation of a convenience store. At least one thousand two hundred square feet of floor area shall be devoted to repair facilities. No other accessory structures except public phone booths and refuse areas shall be permitted.
The minimum lot area for a self-service station without a convenience store shall be fifteen thousand square feet with a minimum street frontage of one hundred twenty-five feet on each adjacent street.
The minimum lot area for a self-service station with a convenience store shall be twenty-two thousand square feet with a minimum street frontage of one hundred fifty feet on each adjacent street.
The minimum building floor area for a self-service station without a convenience store shall be one hundred fifty square feet when beneath a canopy or in a building of not less than six hundred square feet. No other accessory structures except public phone booths and refuse areas shall be permitted.
The minimum building floor area for a self-service station with a convenience store shall be one thousand six hundred square feet. No other accessory structures except public phone booths and refuse areas shall be permitted.
No service station shall have more than two access ways on any one street frontage.
Public restrooms shall be provided at full-service stations and at self-service stations when a building is provided exclusive of canopies. Restroom entrances shall be screened from view of adjacent property and public rights-of-way.
Air and water facilities shall be made available for public use.
Landscaping, in addition to that otherwise required by this title, shall include two hundred square feet of planting area, raised by curbs six inches in height, at the intersection of street property lines and planters three feet wide, raised by curbs six inches in height, along interior property lines except where building placement prevents the placement of such planters.
Exterior lighting shall be arranged and shielded to prevent spill over on adjoining property and the public right-of-way.
Each pump island may include computerized payment stations. Such stations shall be situated in a manner that will not cause interference with circulation or the sale of motor fuels.
Merchandise, wares and crates, in the form of storage or displays, shall be within the confines of the building provided that outside placement of soft drink dispensers when associated with a water cooling system may be approved by the director.
A convenience store's display area shall be divided between the display of beverage and food items and nonfood items such that nonfood items shall account for at least sixty-five percent of the display area.
Hours of operation for the sale of motor fuels, lubricating oils, brake and cooling fluids, and such services and replacements as are permitted without the confines of a building are unlimited. Automobile repair operations required to be within a building shall be conducted between the hours of seven a.m. to seven p.m. Delivery of products, excluding automobile fuels, are limited to the hours between seven a.m. to ten p.m.
For each twenty lineal feet of pump island fascia that is served by a nozzle, one-half of one parking stall shall be deducted from the required parking for a convenience store. No more than three parking stalls may be deducted in this manner.
Convenience Stores.
The site shall have frontage along an arterial or collector street. The site shall not have direct access to a local residential street.
One access drive shall be permitted on each street frontage. The design and location of access drives shall be subject to the approval of the director.
A bicycle rack designed to accommodate a minimum of three bicycles shall be installed in a convenient location visible from the inside of the store.
Restrooms shall be provided within the store.
Public pay telephones provided on-site shall be featured with call-out service only.
Video games shall not be installed or operated on the premises.
Hotels and Motels. Hotels and motels shall be permitted subject to conditional use permit approval only in the zones specified in Table C (see appendix). When authorized by a conditional use permit, the following minimum standards shall apply:
The minimum floor area for a guest room shall be two hundred seventy-five square feet, except that a guest room with a kitchenette shall have a minimum floor area of three hundred square feet.
The minimum floor area for a manager's unit shall meet the dwelling unit floor area requirements of the R-3, multiple-family residence zone.
The minimum lot area to develop a hotel or motel shall be three acres.
The maximum number of vending machines shall be limited to a ratio of one machine for every five guest rooms. All outdoor vending machines are to be enclosed on three sides and located so as not to be visible from a public street.
Public Storage Facilities. Public storage facilities shall be permitted subject to conditional use permit approval only in the zones specified in Table C (see appendix). When authorized by a conditional use permit, the following minimum standards shall apply:
The use shall be limited to the lease or rental of separate storage spaces. On-site, twenty-four hour management shall be provided. Outdoor storage, sale, washing, repair or maintenance of boats, vehicles or other equipment or materials shall not be permitted.
The use shall only be permitted along arterial streets.
The minimum lot area shall be forty thousand square feet and the minimum street frontage shall be two hundred feet.
The maximum building height shall be twenty-five feet, but not exceeding two stories, except that any building or portion of a building within twenty-five feet of the front or street side setback shall have a maximum height of ten feet, but not exceeding one story.
Swap Meets, Indoor. Indoor swap meets shall be permitted subject to conditional use permit approval only in the zones specified in Table C (see appendix). When authorized by a conditional use permit, the following minimum standards shall apply:
The use shall not be located on any parcel within two hundred fifty feet of a residential zone;
The minimum building size shall be thirty thousand square feet;
Each business tenant shall conduct the sale of new or used goods and merchandise from a tenant enclosure;
Each tenant enclosure shall have a minimum area of nine hundred square feet with a minimum dimension of thirty feet;
Each tenant enclosure shall be surrounded on three sides by an eight-foot-high wall, which shall be constructed out of material approved by the Uniform Building Code;
Each tenant enclosure shall have a wall covering of one-half-inch drywall, which shall be fire taped and painted and four-inch base molding within one-fourth-inch of the finish floor of the enclosure. Other material may be used as approved by the director;
Each tenant enclosure wall shall be appropriately secured to a building wall or foundation;
Each business tenant shall have a seller's permit from the State Board of Equalization;
A building manager, over the age of twenty-one years, must be present during all business operating hours;
A minimum one thousand square feet of storage area shall be provided for each ten thousand square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof.
Beauty/Health Spa or Ancillary Massage Therapy Use in Conjunction with a Beauty/Health Spa or Gym.
An ancillary massage therapy use in conjunction with a beauty/health spa or gym shall not occupy more than thirty percent of the gross floor area of the primary use.
A beauty/health spa or ancillary massage therapy use shall be located only on the ground-floor of a building.
Curtains or blackened windows that obscure retail storefronts or retail windows containing beauty/health spa or ancillary massage therapy uses shall not be allowed.
Pawn Shops and Gold and Silver Dealers.
The purpose of this subsection is to regulate the locations and general operation and maintenance standards for pawn shops and gold and silver dealers within the city to ensure security and compatibility with surrounding uses and properties and to avoid any impacts associated with such uses.
Site Location, Operation and Development Standards. The standards set forth in this subsection shall apply to pawn shops and gold and silver dealers unless otherwise specified in this subsection.
Site Location Standards.
Pawn shops and gold and silver dealers shall be limited to CM, commercial manufacturing zones.
A minimum separation distance of five hundred feet is required between each commercial manufacturing zoned parcel containing a pawn shop or gold and silver dealer use, and no more than one pawn shop or gold and silver dealer is allowed per parcel.
No pawn shops or gold and silver dealers are allowed on commercial manufacturing zoned parcels that abut residentially zoned parcels. No pawn shops or gold and silver dealer uses are allowed on commercial manufacturing zoned parcels that are located within fifty-nine feet of a residentially zoned parcel.
No ingress or egress is allowed onto a residential street from a commercial manufacturing zoned parcel containing a pawn shop or gold and silver dealer.
Operation and Development Standards.
The business shall have lighting to provide illumination for security and safety of parking and access areas. On-site lighting plans shall be submitted to the city for review and approval prior to issuance of a business license.
A security plan shall be provided to the Glendora police department and planning department for review and approval prior to issuance of a business license.
The business windows shall not be tinted or obscured in any way, including by temporary or painted window signs, and the interior lighting of the business from the exterior of the business shall remain at adequate levels to clearly see into the business from the exterior of the business.
A sign shall be posted in the front of the business indicating that no loitering is permitted per the Glendora Municipal Code.
Prior to occupancy of the business, the business owner shall sign a trespass authority letter authorizing the Glendora police department to enforce trespass law. A copy of this letter shall be provided to the planning department.
Hours of operation shall be limited to nine a.m. to seven p.m., Monday through Sunday.
Design Standards. The provisions of this section shall apply to work requiring a building permit within any commercial zone except the civic center district, which is regulated by the civic center district overlay development standards.
Site Planning. Placement of buildings shall consider the existing context of the commercial area, the location of incompatible land uses, the location of major traffic generators as well as an analysis of a site's characteristics and particular influences.
Buildings shall be sited in a manner that will complement adjacent buildings. Building sites shall be developed in a coordinated manner to provide order and diversity and avoid a jumbled, confused development.
New buildings shall be clustered to create plazas and pedestrian malls and to prevent long rows of buildings. When clustering is impractical, a visual link shall be established between separate buildings. This link shall be accomplished through the use of an arcade system, trellis or other open structure.
Outdoor spaces between buildings shall have clear, recognizable shapes that reflect careful planning and not simply "left over" areas between buildings. Such spaces shall provide pedestrian amenities such as shade, benches, fountains, etc.
Freestanding, singular commercial buildings shall be oriented with their major façade and entry toward the street.
Outdoor spaces shall be clustered into large, predominant landscape areas rather than distributed into areas of low impact such as at building peripheries, behind buildings, or in areas of low visibility when not required as a buffer or setback.
Landscaping shall be used to define specific areas such as entrances to buildings and parking areas, transitions between land uses, and screening for loading and equipment areas.
Landscaping shall be in scale with adjacent buildings at maturity.
Landscaping shall be provided around the base of buildings to reduce building mass and height.
Trees shall be located throughout the parking area and not simply at the ends of parking aisles.
Landscaping shall be protected with raised planting surfaces, depressed walks, or curbs. Mowing strips shall be provided between turf and shrub areas.
Vines and climbing plants shall be provided on building walls, trellises, and garden walls.
Boxed and tubbed plants in clay or wood containers shall be provided, especially along pedestrian walks.
Landscaping shall be maintained to provide adequate visibility.
Walls and Fences.
Walls and fences shall not be used, unless needed or required for screening, security, or buffering land uses. Walls and fences shall be as low as possible while performing these functions.
Walls shall be compatible with building architecture and site design. Landscaping shall be used in combination with such walls when possible.
Chain link fences shall not be visible from public rights-of-way.
Long expanses of fence or wall surfaces shall be architecturally designed to prevent monotony. Landscape pockets shall be provided.
Screening. Screening shall be compatible with building architecture and site design.
Architectural Design Standards.
Buildings shall relate to open spaces to allow adequate sun and ventilation, provide protection from prevailing winds, create views of mountains and hills, and minimize obstruction of views of mountains and hills.
Buildings shall be compatible with the height and scale of surrounding buildings. The height of new buildings shall transition from the height of adjacent buildings to the maximum height of the proposed buildings.
Planes of exterior walls shall be varied in depth and/or direction. Wall planes shall not exceed fifty feet in length without an offset.
The height of a building shall be varied to give the appearance of divided, distinct massing elements.
Different parts of a building façade shall be articulated by the use of color, the arrangement of elements, or a change in materials.
Building scale shall be reduced through window patterns, structural bays, roof overhangs, siding, awnings, moldings, fixtures and other details.
Building scale shall be related to pedestrian areas such as plazas and courtyards.
Large buildings shall be broken up by creating horizontal emphasis through the use of trim; adding awnings, eaves, windows or other architectural ornamentation; using combinations of complementary colors; and using landscape materials.
Large areas of intense white or dark colors shall be avoided. Subdued colors shall be used as dominant overall colors. Bright colors shall only be used for trim.
Colors shall be compatible with that of adjacent buildings, unless colors of adjacent buildings strongly diverge from these standards.
The number of colors on building exteriors shall not exceed three.
Primary colors shall only be used to accent building elements, such as door and window frames and architectural details.
Architectural detailing shall be painted to complement the façade and adjacent buildings.
Wall materials shall be chosen that will withstand abuse by vandals or accidental damage from machinery and equipment.
Roller shutter doors shall be located on the inside of buildings.
Roof lines shall not exceed fifty feet in length without an offset or jog.
Nearly vertical roofs shall not be permitted. Mansard roofs shall wrap around the entire building perimeter.
Corrugated metal, high contrast surfaces, brightly colored surfaces, highly reflective surfaces and illuminated roofing shall not be permitted.
Awnings used along a row of contiguous buildings shall be of the same form and uniformly located with a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet.
Awnings shall be of canvas, treated canvas, matte finish vinyl or fabric.
Internally lit awnings shall not be permitted.
Adequate lighting shall be provided for the security and safety of areas such as parking areas, loading areas, vehicle and pedestrian circulation areas, building entrances and working areas.
Light fixtures and supports shall be compatible with building architecture and site design. Illuminators shall be integrated within the architectural design of buildings.
Lighting shall be shielded to prevent spillover.
(Ord. 1618 § 1 Exh. A, 1993; Ord. 1648 § 1, 1996; Ord. 1827 § 1, 2005; Ord. 1924 § 11, 2009; Ord. 1962 § 3, 2012; Ord. 1984 § 3, 2014)
Purpose. The purpose of this zone is to provide for the development of hospitals, health care and other medical related facilities in a manner that implements the policies and programs of the general plan. These regulations are designed to ensure that adequate land area is provided and that the facilities are aesthetically pleasing.
Permitted Uses.
Medical offices and laboratories;
Pharmacies, limited to the sale of drugs and supplies only, associated with a hospital, medical office or care facility.
Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit.
Community care, convalescent and nursing facilities;
Senior housing;
Accessory buildings and dormitories.
Development Standards.
Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be sixty thousand square feet.
Lot Width. The minimum lot width shall be one hundred feet.
Lot Depth. The minimum lot depth shall be two hundred feet.
Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be twenty-five feet.
Side Yards. The minimum side yard shall be twenty feet.
Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
Height. The maximum height shall be thirty-five feet, but not exceeding two stories.
Building Area. The minimum gross floor area for each building shall be one thousand six hundred square feet.
Refuse Areas. Refuse areas shall be provided for the storage of refuse containers. All refuse shall be deposited in refuse containers in the refuse area, which shall be screened by a wall six feet in height and a solid gate not less than five feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The refuse containers shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated.
Population Density. The total number of patient and dormitory beds shall not exceed one bed for each eight hundred square feet of lot area.
Outdoor Recreation Area. For all uses with patient or dormitory beds, a minimum of fifty square feet of outdoor recreation or patio area shall be provided for each bed.
Design Standards. The design standards governing the medical services zone shall be the same as those delineated for the commercial and professional zones, Section 21.05.010(E).
Development Plan Review Required. Development shall be subject to development plan review prior to the issuance of permits in accordance with Section 21.02.040.
(Ord. 2017 § 2, 2017)
Purpose. These zones provide for the development of manufacturing and industrial areas in a manner that implements the general plan and ensures that uses are compatible with other uses in the community. These regulations are designed to provide appropriate areas for manufacturing and industrial uses; encourage convenient access to developments; promote aesthetically pleasing design; and ensure minimal adverse impacts on adjoining properties and the community. The manufacturing and industrial zones are as follows:
M-1 (light manufacture);
M-1A (limited industrial);
IP (industrial park).
Permitted Uses. Uses permitted by right are specified in Table C (see appendix).
Permitted Uses Subject to Conditional Use Permit. Uses permitted subject to conditional use permit are specified in Table C (see appendix).
Development Standards.
General Standards. The minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, maximum lot coverage, minimum setbacks and maximum building height shall be as specified in Table D (see appendix).
Refuse Areas. Refuse areas shall be provided for the storage of refuse containers. All refuse shall be deposited in refuse containers in the refuse area, which shall be screened by walls six feet in height and a solid gate not less than five feet in height. The gate shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when in use. The refuse containers shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the trash generated.
Design Standards. The provisions of this section shall apply to work requiring a building permit within any manufacturing and industrial zone.
Site Planning.
Building setbacks shall be provided proportionate to the scale of buildings and in consideration of adjacent development.
Building placement shall create patios, plazas, courts or gardens.
Adequate buffering shall be provided to minimize impacts on adjacent land uses.
The site shall be designed to preserve existing stands of trees when possible.
Landscaping shall be used to define specific areas such as entrances to buildings and parking areas, transitions between land uses and screening for loading and equipment areas.
Landscaping shall be in scale with adjacent buildings at maturity.
Landscaping shall be provided around the base of buildings to reduce building mass and height.
Trees shall be located throughout the parking area and not simply at the ends of parking aisles.
Landscaping shall be protected with raised planting surfaces, depressed walks, or curbs. Mowing strips shall be provided between turf and shrub areas.
Vines and climbing plants shall be provided on building walls, trellises and garden walls.
Boxed and tubbed plants in clay or wood containers shall be provided, especially along pedestrian walks.
Landscaping shall be maintained to provide adequate visibility.
A minimum five-foot landscape strip shall be provided between parking areas and the office portion of a structure.
Walls and Fences.
Walls and fences shall not be used, unless needed or required for screening, security or buffering land uses. Walls and fences shall be as low as possible while performing these functions.
Walls shall be compatible with building architecture and site design. Landscaping shall be used in combination with such walls when possible.
Chain link fences shall not be visible from public rights-of-way.
Long expanses of fence or wall surfaces shall be architecturally designed to prevent monotony. Landscape pockets shall be provided.
Screening. Screening shall be compatible with building architecture and site design.
Architectural Design Standards.
Buildings shall relate to open spaces to allow adequate sun and ventilation, provide protection from prevailing winds, create views of mountains and hills and minimize obstruction of views of mountains and hills.
Buildings shall be compatible with the height and scale of surrounding buildings. The height of new buildings shall transition from the height of adjacent buildings to the maximum height of the proposed buildings.
Planes of exterior walls shall be varied in depth and/or direction. Wall planes shall not exceed fifty feet in length without an offset.
The height of a building shall be varied to give the appearance of divided, distinct massing elements.
Different parts of a building façade shall be articulated by the use of color, the arrangement of elements or a change in materials.
Building scale shall be reduced through window patterns, structural bays, roof overhangs, siding, awnings, moldings, fixtures and other details.
Building scale shall be related to pedestrian areas such as plazas and courtyards.
Large building shall be broken up by created horizontal emphasis through the use of trim; adding awnings, eaves, windows or other architectural ornamentation; using combinations of complementary colors; and using landscape materials.
Large areas of intense white or dark colors shall be avoided. Subdued colors shall be used as dominant overall colors. Bright colors shall only be used for trim.
Colors shall be compatible with that of adjacent buildings, unless colors of adjacent buildings strongly diverge from these standards.
The number of colors on building exteriors shall not exceed three.
Primary colors shall only be used to accent building elements, such as door and window frames and architectural details.
Architectural detailing shall be painted to complement the façade and adjacent buildings.
Wall materials shall be chosen that will withstand abuse by vandals or accidental damage from machinery and equipment.
Rolling shutter doors shall be located on the inside of buildings.
Roof lines shall not exceed fifty feet in length without an offset or job.
Nearly vertical roofs shall not be permitted. Mansard roofs shall wrap around the entire building perimeter.
Corrugated metal, high contrast surfaces, brightly colored surfaces, highly reflective surfaces and illuminated roofing shall not be permitted.
Adequate lighting shall be provided for the security and safety of areas such as parking areas, loading areas, vehicle and pedestrian circulation areas, building entrances and working areas.
Light fixtures and supports shall be compatible with building architecture and site design. Illuminators shall be integrated within the architectural design of buildings.
Lighting shall be shielded to prevent spillover.
Development Plan Review Required. Development shall be subject to development plan review prior to the issuance of permits in accordance with Section 21.02.040.
(Ord. 1618 § 1 Exh. A, 1993)