General Plan. The city of Glendora general plan designations for the site are partially Light Industrial (LI) and partially Industrial Park (IP). These designations are intended to encourage general industrial and industrial park uses, including light manufacturing, assembly, fabricating and warehousing. A general plan amendment to medium density residential will be processed concurrently with the specific plan. The project proposes a gross density of 5.1 du/gross ac, which would be included in the general plan designation of medium residential. The medium density category allows for multiple-family, attached housing, and a variety of housing types including townhomes, duplexes, patio homes and single-family detached homes. Upon approval, the Arboreta project site will be subject to the design guidelines and development standards contained in this document as adopted or amended.
Parks Master Plan. In November 2000, the city of Glendora prepared a new parks master plan to assess the adequacy of existing park facilities and to project the need for new facilities, based on existing deficiencies and future growth. The Rain Bird Property was identified to potentially provide a five to seven acre park land dedication.
Zoning Ordinance. The site is currently zoned Limited Industrial (M-1A), and Industrial Park (IP) under the city's zoning code. These designations generally allow for a range of manufacturing uses. A zone change to specific plan (SP) will be processed concurrently with the application package. A rezoning from limited industrial and industrial park to specific plan will be required in order to implement the project. The specific plan designation will allow single-family and multi-family residential units at an overall density of 5.1 units per gross acre and 6.09 dwellings units per net acre and 6.1 dwelling units per net acre.
(Ord. 1835 § 2 Exh. A, 2006)
Existing physical site conditions on and directly adjacent to the subject site are illustrated in site photographs. Refer to Exhibits 3A, 3B and 3C, Existing Conditions.
 Title 21--Image-354.tif
 Title 21--Image-355.tif
 Title 21--Image-356.tif
Land Uses on Site. Current land uses on the site include office, research and development, parking and unoccupied property. Refer to Exhibit 4, Existing/Surrounding Land Use.
Surrounding Land Uses and Relationship. The Arboreta specific plan area is surrounded by the following land uses, as depicted on Exhibit 4, Existing/Surrounding Land Uses:
North: Two schools, single-family residential;
East: Commercial center, single-family residential.
South: MTA Railroad right-of-way, single-family residential, office and research and development uses.
West: Monrovia Nursery operations, single-family residential.
 Title 21--Image-357.tif
Traffic and Circulation. The project boundary is Barranca Avenue to the west, single-family homes and Bennett Avenue to the north and Grand Avenue to the east. Primary access to the specific plan area will be provided from Grand Avenue and secondary access will be from Bennett Avenue. A traffic study will be completed as part of the EIR process.
Aesthetics. The specific plan area contains significant unoccupied and underutilized properties including modular offices, a two-story office building and a product testing center. The specific plan addresses aesthetic and visual quality issues by providing a range of architectural style and significant landscaping for the site.
Public Utilities and Facilities. Provisions for electrical, natural gas, telephone and cable television services will be made prior to development of the specific plan area. All services are available and can be extended by each representative company to meet the project's needs. Utility providers are as follows:
Electrical: Southern California Edison Company;
Natural gas: Southern California Gas Company;
Telephone: Pacific Bell;
Cable television: Adelphia.
Water. The site will be served by the city of Glendora water system, which has facilities directly adjacent to the site. The existing water distribution system includes a ten-inch water main in Grand Avenue and a six-inch water main in Bennett Avenue. Additionally, an eight-inch water main traverses the site, starting at Grand Avenue and continuing westerly to vacated Valencia Street, and then extending along the vacated street area, connecting to the existing eight inch water main in Bennett Avenue.
Sewer. An eight-inch public sewer line exists in the specific plan area and is available to provide service to the project.
Drainage. In the pre-development condition, the specific plan area is divided into two distinct drainage areas, which, for the purpose of the study, are referred to as the West Basin and the East Basin. Both basins are comprised of natural and improved areas as depicted on Exhibit 11, Conceptual Drainage Plan (Existing). The improved impervious areas consist of the Rain Bird Corporation's headquarters, a manufacturing facility and associated paved parking areas, driveways and pathways. These improved areas encompass approximately seven acres of the 27.6-acre specific plan area, or twenty-five percent. This partially accounts for the minimal increase in runoff from the pre-developed to post-developed condition as summarized on Exhibit 11A, Post Development Hydrology.
A Los Angeles County flood control district facility, known as Hook Canyon Channel, crosses the central portion of the site from north to south within an easement along the alignment of vacated Valencia Street. The facility, as it crosses the property, is an underground ten feet by seven feet reinforced concrete box culvert. The hydrology study for Hook Canyon Channel indicates that all but a small portion of the west side of the specific plan area is planned to drain into the facility.
Generally, rainfall runoff from both the West and East Basin areas' sheet flows southerly off of the property onto the north half of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way. Runoff from the East Basin flows westerly within the railroad and is intercepted by Hook Canyon Channel near the center of the property. Runoff from the West Basin area flows westerly within the railroad and is intercepted by an existing storm drain facility in Barranca Avenue. Since the railroad right-of-way presently accepts and conveys runoff from the specific plan area, and since the railroad right-of-way will continue to contribute runoff to both Hook Canyon Channel and the Barranca storm drain post-development, the acreage of the north half of the railroad right-of-way has been included in the study.
(Ord. 1835 § 2 Exh. A, 2006)
The land use plan presented in Article III Specific Plan Elements, was designed to incorporate existing physical site opportunities and constraints. These include:
Surrounding residential character;
Relatively flat terrain;
Existing oak trees;
Direct access to arterial roadways, 210 freeway;
Walkability to two adjacent schools and commercial center.
Public utility easement;
Existing general plan, zoning;
Adjacent residential conditions/rear yards;
Existing railroad right-of-way;
Narrow frontage on Barranca;
Irregular site configuration.
(Ord. 1835 § 2 Exh. A, 2006)