California Government Code Section 65450 authorizes preparation of specific plans to implement a jurisdiction's general plan. State law provides limited guidance regarding the content and scope of a specific plan, indicating that a specific plan must address the distribution, location, and extent of land use; the infrastructure—both public and private—necessary to support the land use plan; and an implementation plan that includes identification of financing measures. Also, the specific plan must include a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the general plan. The specific plan may also address any other subjects which decision makers find necessary to desirable to achieve city goals, as stated in the general plan.
The regulations contained in this specific plan apply to all properties within the specific plan area. The regulations contained herein take precedence over the zoning regulations contained in Title 21 of the City of Glendora Municipal Code. Following adoption of the specific plan by the city council, all subsequent development within the project area must be consistent with specific plan regulations and standards. This includes all local public works projects, tentative maps, and parcel maps (Government Code Section 65455). Where a particular standard is not addressed in this specific plan, the regulations of Title 21 shall apply. Applications are to comply precisely with the provisions of this specific plan, or be deemed in conformance by means of the substantial conformance provisions of this specific plan.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)
Pursuant to local and state CEQA guidelines, the city of Glendora has prepared a mitigated negative declaration. Mitigations required by the MND have been incorporated into this specific plan, or are part of the subdivision approval.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)
The provisions of the specific plan shall generally be enforced through subsequent zoning actions the city must take to approve development in the specific plan. The city will monitor compliance with the specific plan:
During the approval of any CEQA document.
During the review and approval of subsequent development permits and use permits.
During the review of working drawings, and prior to the issuance of grading or building permits.
Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building within the specific plan area.
Prior to the recording of any parcel map or final map within the specific plan boundaries.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)
In accordance with the California Government Code Section 65450 (et seq.), specific plans shall be prepared, adopted, and amended in the same manner as general plans, except that specific plans may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance. The specific plan may be amended, as necessary, in the same manner that it was adopted, pursuant to Section 21.06.060(E) of the Glendora Municipal Code. Said amendment shall not require a concurrent general plan amendment unless it is determined by the city that the proposed amendment would substantively affect the city of Glendora general plan goals, objectives, policies, or programs for the specific plan area. Any specific plan amendment application shall be subject to review as required by the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)
General Plan. Citrus Avenue in the city's 2025 general plan is classified as an arterial roadway that terminates at Foothill Boulevard (Exhibit CIR-1).
Specific Plan. Citrus Avenue will terminate at Monrovia Place (approximately at the Azusa/Glendora municipal boundary line) and will not continue north to Sierra Madre Avenue. In accordance with city of Glendora general plan policy, no new street connections will be maintained to an adjoining jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)
"Substantial conformance" means that any proposed activity, construction and development complies with the Monrovia Nursery specific plan, adopted mitigation measures, and project conditions of approval, where no additional units (except accessory dwelling units), property, or parcels beyond that provided by the specific plan or approved map are involved, approved minimum lot sizes are maintained, proposed construction is consistent with the architectural guidelines provided in the specific plan, no grading beyond substantial conformance limits is proposed, and no significant environmental impact is created. The directors of public works and department of planning and redevelopment or their designees shall make a determination of substantial conformance prior to the issuance of any permits or approval of plans. No written determination is required provided that plans submitted to the city for approval exhibit substantial conformance with the Monrovia Nursery specific plan. Plans found not to be in substantial conformance shall not be approved and shall be revised.
Issuance of Permits and Development Approval through Substantial Conformance. The purpose of substantial conformance is to provide an administrative mechanism which allows for the implementation of the specific plan and development of the site in accordance with the provisions of the Monrovia Nursery specific plan, adopted project mitigation measures, and conditions of approval that may apply (such as through an approved tentative tract map). Substantial conformance allows the city to approve plans and issue necessary permits for proposed infrastructure and site improvement plans that implement the specific plan as well as approve non-substantial modifications to the specific plan which do not modify the effect of the specific plan's adoption on surrounding property. Public works improvement plans, development plans, and other city applications which may be approved under a ministerial building permit or other administrative permit approval as required by the city under these substantial conformance provisions include, but are not limited to, the following when consistent with the approved specific plan and project CEQA document:
Accessory buildings and uses such as cabanas, carports, garages, and patios.
Changes in exterior building materials.
Grading and drainage plans resulting in not more than a one-foot increase over building pad elevations depicted in the specific plan grading exhibit for the following lots in the specific plan – north: All lots. In addition, deviation from the specific plan grading exhibit also shall be allowed when necessary to accommodate the minimum slope necessary to provide adequate lot drainage. However the building pad elevation upon which the footprint of the main residence is situated shall be in conformance with the specific plan grading exhibit.
Grading and drainage plans resulting in not more than a one-foot increase over building pad elevations depicted in the specific plan grading exhibit for the following lots in the specific plan – south: Lots 1 through 6, 9 through 23, 33, 45, 46, and 60. Grading and drainage plans for all other lots will be deemed to be in substantial conformance if building pad elevations are within 5 feet of the specific plan grading exhibit. In addition, deviation from the specific plan grading exhibit also shall be allowed when necessary to accommodate the minimum slope necessary to provide adequate lot drainage. However the building pad elevation upon which the footprint of the main residence is situated shall be in conformance with the specific plan grading exhibit.
One-story single-family residences.
Lot line adjustments or lot mergers which result in the sale or transfer of "lettered lots" not part of the project landscape plan as evidenced by an approved landscape plan, or necessary to comply with water quality requirements as evidenced by an approved stormwater quality plan (either temporary or permanent).
Project infrastructure such as for street improvements, water, sewer, storm drain, and water quality, which satisfy the intent of the specific plan with respect to providing the capacity needed, or ensuring the functionality of infrastructure necessary to serve the specific plan area, provided no new environmental impacts are created beyond those evaluated for the project.
Public and private landscaping plans.
Roof-mounted solar panel installations.
Accessory dwelling unit construction.
Swimming pools and spas.
Walls and fences.
Development Approvals for Activity Found Not to Be Under Substantial Conformance. Substantial conformance approval shall not apply to any of the activities listed below but instead shall be subject to the specified review processes. Upon approval by the appropriate reviewing body, the requested permits or approvals may be issued by the city:
The following activities are subject to an amendment of the specific plan following the procedures established by Section 21.06.060 of the municipal code.
Amendments to the specific plan, and any modifications that propose to alter components of the approved master plan, including but not limited to the following:
Modifications in the basic design and layout of the project;
Increase or decrease in the number of lots;
Changes in the specific plan grading design which exceed the limits described above;
Changes which result in an increase in the magnitude of environmental impacts not analyzed in project environmental documents.
The following activities are subject to planning commission and city council approval following the procedures established by Title 20 and Title 21 of the Glendora Municipal Code: Tentative and final approval of parcel maps or tract maps.
The following activities are subject to planning commission approval following the procedures established by Section 21.02.040 of the Glendora Municipal Code.
Approval of a master builder phasing plan for the development of two-story single-family residences;
Approval of two-story custom homes;
Second-story additions.
The following activities are subject to planning director approval following the procedures established by Section 21.02.035 of the Glendora Municipal Code: Approval of minor modifications as defined by Section 21.02.035 of the Zoning Code.
The following activities are subject to approval of the planning director and the city engineer at their discretion, which is limited to making a determination as to the compliance with mitigation measures of the project CEQA document, requirements of the specific plan, project conditions of approval, applicable requirements of the Glendora Municipal Code, or other requirements of state or federal law which the city is obligated to enforce.
Infrastructure Phasing Plan. Approval of an infrastructure phasing plan.
Development Phasing Plan. Approval of a development phasing plan depicting the areas of the site which will be under construction by a single developer, or jointly by several developers.
Approval of Plans and Permits Found to Be Under Substantial Conformance. For building permits and improvements plans found to be in substantial conformance with the Monrovia Nursery specific plan and any other subsequent discretionary zoning approvals granted by the city, including the project's environmental review, the city shall issue the requested permits or other necessary documentation required to exhibit the city's approval. The city may withhold the approval of any permit where an applicant has not obtained the approval of other agencies required by law or other authority to review and approve proposed development plans.
Approval of Entitlement and Permits Not Specified. Approval of entitlements or permits not specified shall follow the processes and procedures identified by the Glendora Municipal Code.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011; Ord. 2015 § 2, 2017)
The phasing of improvements in the specific plan area has been determined by the need to protect the health, safety, and welfare of future residents of the project as well as the people and property surrounding the project site. The lack of storm drain and flood control protection in the area subjects the specific plan area and surrounding properties to a potentially hazardous condition due to the substantial amounts of stormwater runoff which can be generated in the watershed above the project. The condition could be severely exacerbated if the foothills above the watershed experience a heavy rain event after a wildfire. Heavy flooding after a wildfire in unprotected watersheds is a well-documented occurrence and was most recently exhibited in the La Canada Flintridge area in the aftermath of the 2009 Station Fire.
While the project is not responsible for protecting existing homes exposed to the flooding hazard in the watershed new homes must be protected from the existing hazard. The project must also address any increases in runoff resulting from new development or alterations to drainage patterns caused as a result of the project.
Given the size of the project and the potential for areas of the site to be developed independently or by different developers, although developing the entire specific plan as one phase remains as a viable option, the phasing plan described below ensures that certain infrastructure needs of the site are not accomplished in a piecemeal fashion, but in a manner suitable to ensure the welfare of new and existing residents of the area.
Storm Drain/Flood Control Improvement Phasing—North Area. Due to the potential flood hazard immediately north of the project, no grading or construction for roads or dwelling units will be permitted in the north area until the completion of a final hydrology study. Final hydrology is subject to the review and approval of the city of Glendora and Los Angeles County. If the final hydrology determines that no additional flood control facilities are required beyond those provided for in preliminary hydrology, development of the north area may proceed with the installation of all of the improvements as described below:
The developer is required to construct facility G-1 and modify the Citrus Basin to its final configuration.
The storm drain system needed to serve the north area, to divert new and existing surface flows into and from the north area to facility G-1, shall be installed.
In the event the final hydrology study identifies that any part of the site is subject to flooding or debris flows, the developer shall install temporary or permanent facilities required to mitigate the threat as deemed necessary by the final hydrology, provided on-site debris facilities do not alter the master development plan.
Substantial Conformance Review Required. To implement storm drain/flood control infrastructure phasing for the north area, the developer shall submit a phasing plan for substantial conformance review and determination by the city. Onsite facilities required by the final hydrology study not identified by the specific plan will require evaluation for conformance with the specific plan through substantial conformance. Improvements shall be designed and built in accordance with the appropriate Los Angeles County design manuals.
Storm Drain/Flood Control Infrastructure Phasing—South Area. Infrastructure phasing for the south area has also been largely determined by the need to address the potential flood hazard north of the project. Development in the south area has the added requirement of accounting for increases in stormwater runoff resulting from development of the site overall and its effects on adjoining development in Azusa.
No grading or construction for roads or dwelling units will be permitted in the south area until the completion of a final hydrology study. Final hydrology is subject to the review and approval of the city of Glendora and Los Angeles County. If the final hydrology determines that no additional flood control facilities are required beyond those provided for in preliminary hydrology, development of the south area may proceed with the installation of all of the improvements as described below:
The developer shall construct a temporary detention basin in the north area that has the effect of reducing existing peak flow storm water runoff to 25% of existing conditions if adequate storm drain facilities have not been completed which convey existing runoff to facility G-1. In the alternative, permanent storm drain improvements may be constructed which convey existing and future runoff to facility G-1.
The Citrus Basin shall be modified to its final configuration and facility G-1 shall be constructed.
Permanent storm drain facilities shall be installed as necessary to intercept stormwater runoff entering the south area.
Substantial Conformance Review Required. To implement storm drain/flood control infrastructure phasing for the south area, the developer shall submit a phasing plan for substantial conformance review and determination by the city. On-site drainage facilities required by the final hydrology study not identified by the specific plan will require evaluation for conformance with the specific plan through substantial conformance. Improvements shall be designed and built in accordance with the appropriate Los Angeles County design manuals.
Street and Development Construction Phasing. Street and development construction phasing in the specific plan has been selected to be sensitive to the comfort of residents adjoining the specific plan area where possible and provide the circulation backbone needed to serve the development of the site. A specified street construction phasing provides for an orderly approach to the development of the site, minimize noise and traffic from construction activity, and obtain a finished project appearance for the community and neighborhood as quickly as possible.
Street construction phasing for the north area may occur independently of the south area and as follows in any order or concurrently:
West of Yucca Ridge: Street G1;
East of Yucca Ridge: Streets A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, and F1.
Street construction phasing for the south area shall occur as follows: Streets B and C, the Baldy Vista extension and Street A to Barranca Avenue, and the private street serving Lots 61-65 and 1325 East Sierra Madre Avenue.
Substantial Conformance Review Required. To implement this section, the developer shall submit a phasing plan for substantial conformance review and determination by the city. The plan shall identify the order in which lots or areas of the specific plan will be developed. As part of the substantial conformance review, the city shall identify the street construction necessary to serve development where not stated above.
(Ord. 1944 §§ 1, 2 (Exh. A), 2011)