Pursuant to the provisions of Initiative Ordinance No. 657 of the City and Section 45000 of the Government Code, the provisions of this Article are hereby established as the City's Civil Service System.
The Personnel Clerk shall be appointed by the Administrative Officer or designee serving as Assistant to him or her in the Personnel Office. The Personnel Clerk's duties shall include the following:
Be custodian of all personnel records.
Be the official upon or with whom all notices, requests for hearings, complaints and other official documents shall be served or filed.
Establish and maintain a roster of officers and employees in the classified service.
Prepare a record of the length of service of each employee in the classified service, together with a concise statement of all duties being performed by said employee, the salary being paid, and other pertinent data concerning said employee.
Render such additional services in connection with such Civil Service System as may be required by the Administrative Officer or designee with the approval of the Mayor and City Council.
(Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
The duties of the Personnel Clerk may be modified at the discretion of the Administrative Officer or designee serving as Assistant to him or her in the Personnel Office.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69)
The Board of Review shall be comprised of five qualified electors of the City appointed by the City Council. The members shall serve without compensation and shall not hold any salaried public office or employment except as provided in Section 2-24.
Members of the Board of Review shall each serve for a term of three years; two members serving terms which expire June 30, 1972, one member serving a term which expires June 30, 1973 and two members serving terms which expire June 30, 1974. Before the expiration of each of the terms so provided for, but not earlier than sixty days prior to such expiration, a successor shall be appointed by the City Council for a term of three years.
Vacancies in the Board of Review shall be filled by appointment by the City Council for the unexpired term. Each member of the Board shall serve until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Any member of the Board of Review may be removed from office prior to the expiration of his or her term of office by a four-fifths vote of all the members of the City Council.
The Board may appoint some qualified person, either from among its members or otherwise, to act as secretary thereof; provided, however, that the City Council may in its discretion provide for the compensation of such secretary for his or her services as such whether such secretary is a member of said Board or otherwise.
In the event the City Council, under the powers reserved to it, at any time or from time to time, contracts with a governmental agency for the performance of any function which would otherwise be performed by the Board of Review, then and in that event, and immediately upon the taking effect of any such contract, any then existing Board of Review shall be automatically dissolved and the members thereof shall deliver to said contracting governmental agency all municipal and civil service records, files and documents in the possession of such Board of Review, or under its control.
In the event an outside agency is designated to serve as a Board of Review, it shall have all of the powers and be subject to all of the provisions of this Article as applicable to the Board of Review.
The City Council may contract with the legislative body or governing board of any municipality or County within this State, or with any State department for the performance by said governmental agency of such technical services in connection with personnel selection and administration as may be desired.
Services which may be contracted for include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
The preparation of rules and regulations for the administration of said Civil Service System for recommendation for adoption by the City Council, and recommendation upon all proposed amendments to such rules and regulations prior to the adoption thereof by the City Council.
A study of compensation being paid for each class of position under the classified service, and of the hours of labor, sick leaves and vacations applicable to each such class, and a report of the results of such study to the City Council with such recommendations as such agency deems warranted. Such studies may include: comparisons with rates of pay for comparable services in commercial and industrial establishments and in other public employments, surveys of prevailing market rates, costs and standards of living, and of the City's policies, finances and means with respect to the classified service.
Render general counsel and advice to the City Council and any other official of the City, relating to the installation, conducting or functioning of the Civil Service System, or any matter connected therewith.
Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the Board of Review shall hear all appeals or complaints filed or made under the Civil Service System of said City. The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings, and such records shall at all times during reasonable business hours, be open to public inspection. All such hearings shall be public, and shall be held within the City.
The Board of Review shall hear all appeals or complaints duly brought before it. All hearings conducted by the Board shall be open to the public and shall be held within the City. The Board of Review may act as a body of the whole or designate a lesser number of Board Members as a special Board to conduct any hearing as the Hearing Body. Hearings may be informally conducted and the rules of evidence need not apply. The Board of Review may cause to be made such investigation as it may deem necessary prior to holding a public hearing.
In any investigation or hearing conducted by it, the Board shall have the right and power to examine witnesses under oath and compel their attendance or the production of evidence before it by subpoenas issued in the name of the City, and attested by the City Clerk. Each member of the Board of Review shall have the power to administer oaths to witnesses.
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cause all such subpoenas to be served. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to attend or to testify in answer to such a subpoena duly served upon him.
Within ten days after the matter is submitted to it, the Board of Review shall render its findings and conclusions in writing and shall certify them to the City Council.
After a public hearing, the Board of Review shall render its decision as to the sufficiency of the reasons submitted for the discharge. If the Civil Service Board of Review finds that the reasons are sufficient to justify discharge, it shall so notify the Administrative Officer and the appointing authority concerned of its decision, and the employee will be deemed discharged. If the Civil Service Board of Review finds that the reasons are not sufficient to justify such discharge, it shall so notify the Administrative Officer and the appointing authority concerned and such employee shall be restored to duty.
The conclusions, findings and recommendations of the Board of Review and any action taken by the City Council, after receipt by it of such conclusions, findings or recommendations of the Board of Review, shall be final and conclusive and shall not be reviewable in any court.
The provisions of this Article shall apply to each and all of the appointive officers and employees of the City. All appointive officers and employees shall be deemed to be and shall be in the classified service of the City.
Rules and regulations governing the administration of the Civil Service System and all amendments and additions thereto shall be adopted by the City Council. All rules and regulations adopted by the City Council shall not conflict with the provisions of this Article.
See Civ. Serv. Rules and Reg., Council Reso. 6295. For similar State Law, see Gov. Code §§ 18500—19765.
Such rules and regulations shall provide for the following matters in addition to such others as may be necessary and proper in carrying out the intent and purposes of this Chapter:
The classification of all persons in the classified service.
The selection, employment, advancement, suspension, demotion, discharge and retirement of all persons in the classified service.
The holding of open, free, competitive examinations, and the administering of other suitable tests to fairly test the relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed. When appropriate, such tests shall include physical examinations and qualifications and manual skill.
The public advertisement of all examinations.
The right of the City Council, to be exercised in its discretion, to terminate the service or employment of any person under the classified service at any time after such person shall have reached the age of seventy years. No appeal from or review of any such action or determination of said Council shall be allowed, as the determination and action of said Council in all such cases shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 2058 6-18-71)
All appointments to positions or employments in the classified service shall be made by the City Council, or by the officer in whom is vested by law the appointive power (an officer having such power of appointment being hereafter designated as an appointing officer) from certified persons on eligible lists, which lists have been established pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted under the authority of this Chapter, except as hereinafter expressly otherwise provided.
Pursuant to California Penal Code Sections 11105 (b)(10) and 13300(b)(10) which authorize cities, counties and districts to access state and local summary criminal history information for employment, licensing or certification purposes, the City Council hereby authorizes access to summary criminal history information for employment, licensing or certification purposes to determine if there is specific criminal conduct on the part of the subject of the record that would exclude such subject from employment, licensing or certification.
The City shall not consider a person who has been convicted on a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude eligible for employment or licensing; except, that such conviction may be disregarded if it is determined that mitigating circumstances exist, or that the conviction is not related to the employment or license in question.
(Ord. 90-29 10-16-90)
Temporary appointments shall not continue for a longer period than six months and no person shall be eligible to serve as a temporary appointee in any one or more positions for more than an aggregate period of six months in any one fiscal year.
No credit shall be allowed in the giving of examinations for service rendered under a temporary appointment.
All appointing authorities having disciplinary power shall be allowed full freedom of action on such matters, it being the intent and spirit of this Article to provide a fair and just approach to municipal employment in order that City employees and officers may be selected on a basis of merit, but, in no sense, to handicap or curtail the responsible administrative officer in securing efficient service.
In addition to the other grounds designated in this Code or the Civil Service Rules, employees and officers within the classified service shall be subject to suspension, demotion or termination for misconduct, incompetency, inefficiency, or failure to perform duties, or failure to observe the rules and regulations of the department, office or board, but subject to the right of appeal of the aggrieved party to the Board of Review in the manner set forth in the rules and regulations. Suspensions without pay shall not exceed a period of thirty days.
A reduction in pay greater than fifteen per cent in any twelve month period shall be deemed a demotion within the meaning of this Section, unless such reduction is a part of a general plan to reduce all salaries and wages as a part of an economy or general curtailment program.
Every employee shall be entitled to receive a written statement of the reasons for his suspension, demotion or removal within seven days thereafter and he shall have seven days' time after such statement to answer in writing thereto. In the event such employee files an answer, a copy of such written charges and of such answer shall be forthwith filed with the Personnel Director. Any employee who has been suspended, demoted or removed from office may, within ten days after filing his answer, or in the event written charges have not been made available to him within the time prescribed, then within ten days after the expiration of the period within which same should have been made available, file a written demand with the Personnel Director requesting that the Board of Review shall review such suspension, demotion or removal, in which event the Personnel Director shall without delay file a copy of said reasons and the answer of the employee, together with such other information as may be provided for in the rules and regulations, with the Board of Review.
During the period of suspension of an employee or pending final action on proceedings to review a suspension, demotion or dismissal of an employee, the vacancy created may be filled by the appointing power only by temporary appointment.
Whenever in the judgment of the City Council it becomes necessary in the interests of economy or because the position involved no longer exists, the City Council may abolish any position or employment in the classified service and discharge the employee or officer holding such position or employment. Should such position or employment or any position involving all or any of the same duties be reinstated or created within two years, the employee or officer discharged shall be eligible to be appointed thereto in preference to any other qualified persons on the eligible list for such position.
No person holding a position under the classified service shall: (a) seek or accept election, nomination or appointment as an officer of a political club or organization, or (b) take an active part in a county or municipal political campaign, or (c) serve as a member of a committee of such club or organization or circle, or (d) seek signatures to any petition provided for by any law, or (e) to act as a worker at the polls, or (f) distribute badges or pamphlets, dodgers or handbills of any kind favoring or opposing any candidate for election or for nomination to public office, whether county or municipal.
Any wilful violation of Section 2-48 or any failure to comply therewith through culpable negligence shall, of itself, be deemed to be sufficient grounds to authorize the discharge of an officer or employee.
The refusal of any officer or employee of the City to testify under oath before any Grand Jury having jurisdiction over any then pending cause or inquiry in which the investigation of government bribery or misconduct in public office is involved shall constitute good and sufficient ground for the immediate discharge of such public officer or employee.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent any officer or employee from becoming or continuing to be a member of a political club or organization, or from attendance at a political meeting, or from enjoying entire freedom from all interference in casting his or her vote or from seeking or accepting election or appointment to public office; provided, however, that a person holding a position in the classified service must resign his position in the classified service before seeking election to the office of Mayor, City Councilmember, City Clerk or City Treasurer.
(Ord. 1569 1-31-61)
It is unlawful to promote, employ, demote or discharge any person in the classified service, or to in any way favor or discriminate against such person, because of his or her political opinions, affiliations, religious belief or race.
No officer or employee of the City shall directly or indirectly solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving, any assessment, subscription, contribution or gift, whether voluntary or involuntary, for any local political purpose whatever, from anyone on the eligible lists or holding any position under the provisions of this Chapter.
The City Council shall appropriate such funds as are necessary to properly carry out the provisions of this Article.
The City Council shall not have the authority to withdraw any department, officer or employee from the operation of such Civil Service System, unless and until the withdrawal thereof shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the City at a special or regular municipal election held in the City, and shall have been approved by not less than a two-thirds vote of the electors voting on such proposition.
(Ord. 657 3-15-38)