A Planning and Zoning Board is hereby created and established to perform the functions designated in this Article. The Board shall be construed to be the "Planning Commission of the City" with respect to all matters with respect to which a planning commission must act in accordance with law. The Board may be denoted merely as the "Planning Board" or "Planning Commission" in any legal reference.
The Planning and Zoning Board shall consist of five members.
The five members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be designated respectively as members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Member No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 1.
Member No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 2.
Member No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 3.
Member No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 4.
Member No. 5 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council.
All Members shall be citizens of the City.
Officers or employees of the City (other than members of the City Planning and Zoning Board) shall not be eligible for appointment as members.
The terms of the present members of the Planning Commission are superseded by the provisions of the ordinance codified in this Section.
All current members of the Planning Commission and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however that each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 89-16 9-19-89)
Vacancies in the office of a member, whether by expiration of term or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 2-57 and shall be either for the ensuing term or for the remainder of the then current unexpired term, as the case may be.
Removal, either heretofore to hereafter, from a district to another district or readjustment of district lines shall not affect the tenure of any member as such for the unexpired portion of his or her then current term.
Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this Article, any member who absents himself from any three consecutive regular meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Board expressed by action of record in its minutes, or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Board in any six-month period without such consent of such Board so expressed of record, shall thereby automatically forfeit his or her position or office as a member of said Planning and Zoning Board, and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Board immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive regular meeting or of any such fifth regular meeting in any such six-month period, as the case may be, at which such member has not appeared. The secretary of the Planning and Zoning Board shall thereupon promptly notify the City Council, and any such person so ceasing to be such member, of such fact; whereupon the vacancy so created shall be filled by appointment under applicable provisions of this Article.
Permission is hereby granted to the Planning and Zoning Board to use the Council Chamber in the City Hall as the place for its meetings, provided that such meetings shall not conflict or interfere with meetings of the City Council.
Three of the members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall constitute a quorum of said Board for the transaction of business.
The Planning and Zoning Board Chairman shall be selected by the Mayor, a Vice Chairman shall be elected from its members, who shall serve during the pleasure of the Board. The Planning and Building Department Director shall designate a Secretary who may be a person in the classified civil service system of the City. The compensation of the Secretary shall be as determined by the personnel rules.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
No compensation shall be paid Planning and Zoning Board Members as such, but they shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Board members, not to exceed the amount budgeted therefor.
The City Council may, in making its annual tax levy, and as a part thereof, levy and collect a tax not to exceed in any fiscal year the sum of two mills on the dollar of assessed valuation, for the purpose of defraying the lawful expenses incurred by the Planning and Zoning Board acting as Planning Agency of the City in carrying out the purposes of said "Conservation and Planning Act," and may make appropriations from other funds therefor.
The Planning and Zoning Board and the respective members thereof shall perform the duties and shall have all the rights, powers and privileges specified and provided for in this Code or by said "Conservation and Planning Act." The Board shall further have the duties and powers set forth in the chapter relating to Planning and Zoning of this Code, and as assigned by City Council resolution.
The Planning and Zoning Board shall cause proper records to be kept of all of its official acts and proceedings, and shall make reports to the City Council, all as contemplated in and by said "Conservation and Planning Act."
Except as otherwise provided in this Code or by law, the Planning and Zoning Board shall have power to and shall provide for its own organization, shall adopt rules and regulations for the transaction of business before it, and shall designate the time and place for the regular monthly meeting or meetings of the Board.
The Planning and Zoning Board shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or any officer or department thereof for any money, debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of said Board in any fiscal year.
The City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to notify the Planning and Zoning Board of any matters which may hereafter be pending before the City Council and to forward to said Planning and Zoning Board from time to time any and all documents, proceedings and instruments which may hereafter be so pending and which matters, documents, proceedings and instruments according to law or to this Code are required to be submitted to such Planning and Zoning Board prior to final action thereon by the City Council.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, any reference in this Code to the "Board of Zoning Appeals" shall be deemed to apply to the Planning and Zoning Board, and in the event of any conflict between this Article and any other provision on the subject of the "Board of Zoning Appeals" or "Planning Commission," or both, this Article shall prevail.
(Ord. 2081 9-3-71)
There shall be and there is hereby established a Board to be known and designated as the Construction Appeals Board.
The Construction Appeals Board shall consist of five members who shall be designated respectively as Board Members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Board Member No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 1.
Board Member No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 2.
Board Member No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 3.
Board Member No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 4.
Board Member No. 5 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council.
All Members shall be citizens of the City.
The terms of the present members of the Construction Appeals Board are superseded by the provisions of the ordinance codified in this Section.
All current members of the Construction Appeals Board and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however that each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 89-16 9-19-89)
The Construction Appeals Board Chairman shall be selected by the Mayor. A Vice Chairman shall be elected from its Members who shall serve during the pleasure of the Board. The Planning and Building Department Director shall designate a Secretary, who may be a person in the classified civil service system of the City. The compensation of the Secretary shall be as determined by the personnel rules.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Members of the Construction Appeals Board shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Board Members, not to exceed the amount budgeted therefor.
Vacancies occurring in the office of Board Member whether by expiration of term, or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 2-73, and shall be either for the ensuing term or for the remainder of the then current unexpired term, as the case may be.
The Construction Appeals Board shall have the following duties and powers:
Those duties and powers ascribed to the "Board of Building Appeals" in the Uniform Building Code as adopted and amended as the Building Code of the City.
Those duties and powers ascribed to the "Board of Fire Appeals" in the Uniform Fire Code as adopted and amended as the Fire Code of the City.
Such other duties as are designated by City Council resolution.
The Superintendent of Building and Safety shall attend all meetings of the Construction Appeals Board unless excused therefrom by the Chairman. He or she shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any matter coming before the Board under the Building Code.
(Ord. 2397 5-5-81)
The Fire Chief shall attend all meetings of the Construction Appeals Board unless excused therefrom by the Chairman. He or she shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any matters coming before said Board under the Fire Code.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any reference in this Code to the "Board of Building Appeals" or "Board of Fire Appeals" shall be deemed to apply to the Construction Appeals Board, and in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this Article and any other provision on the subject of the "Board of Building Appeals" or "Board of Fire Appeals," this Article shall prevail.
(Ord. 2081 9-3-71)
There shall be and there hereby is established a Community Environment Commission.
The Community Environment Commission shall consist of ten Commissioners consisting ex officio of the five Planning and Zoning Board Members and the five members of the Construction Appeals Board.
The functions of the Community Environment Commission shall be as follows:
To coordinate interpretation and application of those ordinances and regulations affecting planning, zoning, building, property maintenance, sign erection, community development and redevelopment, housing, community environment, ecology and allied matters so as to enhance the environment, quality of life and economy of and in the City.
To advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on matters of policy and legislation within said areas of concern.
The Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Chairperson of the Construction Appeals Board shall alternate the chairmanship of the Community Environment Commission each quarter. The Community Environment Commission may also designate a vice-chairman, to be either alternating or permanent as the Commission shall elect. The Planning and Building Department Director shall designate a Secretary, who may be a person in the classified civil service system of the City. The compensation of the Secretary shall be as determined by the personnel rules.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Community Environment Commission shall meet quarterly or on the call of the Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Board, the Chairperson of the Construction Appeals Board or by the Planning and Building Department Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The City Administrative Officer and the Planning and Building Department Director shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any and all matters coming before said Commission.
(Ord. 2081 9-3-71; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
A Park and Recreation Commission is hereby created and established to perform the functions designated in this Article.
The Park and Recreation Commission shall consist of five members who shall be designated respectively as Commissioners Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Commissioner No. 1 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 1 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from said Councilmanic District.
Commissioner No. 2 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 2 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from said Councilmanic District.
Commissioner No. 3 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 3 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from said Councilmanic District.
Commissioner No. 4 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 4 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from said Councilmanic District.
Commissioner No. 5 shall be a citizen of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
(Ord. 2407 7-7-81)
The terms of the present members of the Park and Recreation Commission are superseded by the provisions of the ordinance codified in this Section.
All current members of the Park and Recreation Commission and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however that each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 89-16 9-19-89)
The members of the Park and Recreation Commission shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred and expended in the performance of their respective duties and functions as such Commissioners.
The Park and Recreation Commission shall select from its members a chairperson and a vice chairperson, who shall serve, respectively, as such, during the pleasure of the Commission. The Commission shall also designate a secretary who shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Commission. The Secretary may, but need not be, a person in the Civil Service System of the City. The compensation of the Secretary, as such, shall be determined by the City Council, but the Commission shall have the right to make recommendations with reference thereto.
A vacancy occurring in the office of any Commissioner for any reason shall be filled by the City Council for the balance of the unexpired term.
Any Commissioner who absents himself or herself from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Park and Recreation Commission, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Commission, expressed by action of record in its official minutes or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Commission in any six-month period without such consent of such Commission, so expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his or her office as a member of the Park and Recreation Commission, and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Commission, immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or of any such fifth meeting in any such six-month period, as the case may be, at which such Commissioner has not appeared. The secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the person removed as Commissioner and the City Council.
Subject to the general control and authority of the City Council the Park and Recreation Commission shall have the power and authority to perform the following functions:
Adopt any and all lawful rules and regulations for its own organization and government.
Interpret the community Park-Recreation program to public officials and the general citizenship in terms of needs and results toward the end that the Park-Recreation program receives adequate moral and financial support from public and private sources.
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to public parks and recreation development and expansion in the City.
Review all general policies governing the services of the Recreation, Parks and Community Services Department and act in an advisory capacity to the Department in order to best carry out the purposes for which said Department is established.
Consider and act upon requests and recommendations coming from any source outside the City involving matters of general policy.
Review and comment upon the annual budgets for the Parks and Recreation, Parks and Community Services Department.
Review from time to time, and as often as the Commission may deem advisable, the ordinances and regulations of the City relating to the planting of trees, vines, and shrubs in the public streets and places within said City, and in the event Councilmanic action is required in order to establish, change, repeal, or enforce the same, to make recommendations to the Council with reference thereto.
Determine the types and kinds of trees and shrubs suitable and desirable for planting in the public streets and parkways within the City. Such determination shall be made by said Commission after consultation with competent arborists and nurserymen familiar with the subjects of such plantings. When such determination has been made, the Commission shall report its determinations in writing to the City Council in a report to be designated "FIRST OFFICIAL TREES AND SHRUBS PLANTING LIST, INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA." Said report shall be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk and, after such filing, the same shall be the official determination of said Commission in the premises. Thereafter said Commission may from time to time file second, third, fourth, etc., reports covering the same subject, each of which shall be complete in itself and each of which shall be transmitted and filed in the office of the City Clerk. The latest of such reports duly filed shall be the official list until supplanted by a subsequent list.
Consider appeals from the determinations of the Recreation, Parks and Community Services Director relative to the designation of kind, type and location of trees, or the kind, type and location of programs.
(Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99)
The Commission shall cause to be kept accurate records of its acts and proceedings in a suitable record or minute book, which shall at all times, during public working hours, be open to public inspection in the office of the Commission.
The Board of Education of Inglewood City Schools, the Board of Trustees of the Centinela Valley Union High School District, and all other agencies and individuals owning or controlling facilities, properties and means suitable for use in connection with the development and maintenance of the public park system and the public recreational program, or either of them, of the City are respectfully requested by the City Council to cooperate with the Park and Recreation Commission, hereinabove created, and to coordinate their facilities, activities and the use of their respective facilities, properties and means, through said Commission, to the end that the public park system of said City and its recreational program may be brought to their highest and best use.
The City Council specially requests that public bodies in the preparation of their respective budgets for the fiscal years hereafter give due consideration to the park and recreation needs of the community, and as far as reasonably possible develop through the agency of the Commission the maximum benefit which may be reasonably expected by the people served from such budgeted sources.
The City Council hereby respectfully requests all property owners, citizens, and members of the public within the City to cooperate in carrying into effect and supporting the comprehensive plan for City beautification, which is contemplated by this Article to the end that the existing natural beauty of the City may be enhanced and made even more evident.
A Library Board is hereby created and established to perform the functions designated in this Article.
The Library Board shall consist of five members who shall be designated respectively as Board members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Board Member No. 1 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 1 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from said Councilmanic District.
Board Member No. 2 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 2 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman from said Councilmanic District.
Board Member No. 3 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 3 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman from said Councilmanic District.
Board Member No. 4 shall be a citizen residing in Councilmanic District No. 4 of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman from said Councilmanic District.
Board Member No. 5 shall be a citizen of the City and shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from the citizens at large of the City.
The terms of the present members of the Library Board are superseded by the provisions of the ordinance codified in this Section.
All current members of the Library Board and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however that each member shall continue to serve until his/her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 89-16 9-19-89)
The Library Board shall select from its members a chairman and a vice chairman, who shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Board. The Board shall also designate a secretary who shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Board. The secretary may, but need not be, a person in the Civil Service System of the City. The compensation of the secretary, as such, shall be determined by the City Council, but the Board shall have the right to make recommendations with reference thereto.
A vacancy occurring in the office of Board Member for any reason shall be filled by the City Council for the balance of the unexpired term.
The Board shall hold at least one regular meeting of such Board in each calendar month at the time and place fixed by the City Council by resolution.
Any Board Member who absent himself from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Library Board, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Board, expressed by action of record in its official minutes or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Board in any six months period without such consent of such Board, so expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his position or office as a member of said Library Board, and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Board immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or of any such fifth meeting in any such six months period, as the case may be, at which such Board Member has not appeared. The Secretary of the Board shall thereupon promptly notify the removed person and the City Council of the fact of such removal.
The members of the Library Board shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred and expended in the performance of their respective duties and functions as such Board Members.
The Library Board shall have the following duties and functions:
to act in a general advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the municipal library operation and particularly to advise the City Council concerning the following:
recommend concerning library services offered to the community and the need for additional or expanded service and facilities;
recommend fees and charges necessary to be instituted or modified by the Library system;
recommend hours of operation of library facilities;
recommend the desirability of establishment or termination of reciprocal relationships with other library systems, including the borrowing, lending, or exchange of library material with other libraries;
recommend rules and regulations pertaining to the borrowing of library materials by non-residents and general conditions concerning the issuance of library cards or borrowing privileges; and
recommend as to the acceptance or rejection of all offers of donations of money, personal property or real estate to be used for library purposes except as provided otherwise in this Article.
to accept on behalf of the City all offers of donations of money or personal property, where no conditions or burdens are attached to such offer.
to assist and consult with the Library Director in the establishment of a book selection policy.
to adopt rules and regulations for its own organization and government consistent with the Charter of the City of Inglewood and this code.
to keep accurate records of its acts and procedures in a suitable minute book which shall be open at all times during regular business hours to public inspection.
There shall be and there is hereby created a Parking and Traffic Commission, which Commission shall have the duties as prescribed hereinafter.
The Parking and Traffic Commission shall consist of five members, who shall be designated respectively as Commissioners Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Commissioner No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees residing in Councilmanic District No. 1 and submitted by the Councilman from said District.
Commissioner No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees residing in Councilmanic District No. 2 and submitted by the Councilman from said District.
Commissioner No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees residing in Councilmanic District No. 3 and submitted by the Councilman from said District.
Commissioner No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees residing in Councilmanic District No. 4 and submitted by the Councilman from said District.
Commissioner No. 5 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees residing within the city.
(Ord. 2371 4-1-80; Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The terms of the present commissioners of the Parking and Traffic Commission are superseded by the provisions of the ordinance codified in this Section.
All current members of the Parking and Traffic Commission and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however, that each member shall continue to serve until his/her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 89-16 9-19-89; Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Parking and Traffic Commission Chairman shall be selected by the Mayor. The Commission shall select from its members a Vice Chairman who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The City Clerk shall act as ex-officio secretary to the Commission. The compensation of the secretary, as such, shall be determined by the City Council.
The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be entitled to reasonable and necessary expenses incurred and expended in the performance of their respective duties and functions as Commissioners.
(Ord. 2139 6-5-73; Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Commission shall hold regular meetings at least once each calendar month, the time and place of which shall be fixed by resolution of the Commission.
Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Any appointed Commissioner who absents himself from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Parking and Traffic Commission, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Commission, expressed by action of record in its official minutes, or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Commission in any six-month period without such consent of such Commission, so expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his position or office as a member of the Parking and Traffic Commission, and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Commission immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or any such fifth meeting in any such six-month period, as the case may be, at which such Commissioner has not appeared. The secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the removed Commissioner, and the Mayor and City Council of the fact of such removal. The Mayor shall thereupon appoint a new Commissioner to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. The ex officio members may designate alternates to appear and vote in their place.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Any vacancy occurring in the office of a Commissioner, whether by expiration of term or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment as in the first instance. Such appointee shall serve either for the ensuing term or for the remainder of the current unexpired term of such office, as the case may be.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Parking and Traffic Commission shall have the following duties and functions:
The conduct of safety campaigns, the carrying on of educational work in schools and among the public in general, the making of suggestions with reference to the enforcement of traffic rules and regulations, the changes in the traffic regulation orders, resolution and ordinances of the City, the elimination of traffic hazards, and generally the continuous application to the study of automotive and vehicular traffic safety within the City of Inglewood.
The Commission shall initiate, investigate and make reports and recommendations to the Public Works Director and the City Council concerning all matters affecting the safe and expeditious movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, on- and off-street parking and safety within the City and other matters related thereto.
Review from time to time, and as often as the Commission may deem advisable, the policies contained in the ordinances and regulations of the City relating to the subject of parking, traffic and vehicular safety and related matters and shall make such policy recommendations in the premises from time to time as the Commission may deem desirable with reference thereto.
Advise generally on all matters pertaining to location, placement, installation, servicing and maintaining of existing and new parking meters, involving both on-street and off-street public parking.
The preparation of traffic surveys relating to parking problems and the location, extent, development and improvement of public parking lots.
The promulgation of rules and regulations relating to public parking for submission to the City Council for its consideration.
Advise as to property acquisitions for public parking use including plans and arrangements for such acquisitions.
As a matter of original jurisdiction to determine and resolve all controversies and questions which may from time to time arise with reference to public parking within the City subject to appeal to the City Council.
Make recommendations to the City Council with reference to the use of funds received by the City from the operation of parking meters, parking facilities and traffic control subventions from the State of California.
Conduct public hearings for the purpose of approving or denying special site wireless telecommunications permits for wireless telecommunications facilities in the public right-of-way adjacent to designated zones in the City of Inglewood.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 99-2 1-26-99; Ord. 10-13 9-28-10)
All matters relating to traffic and parking within the City of Inglewood as they relate to the regulation thereof shall be referred to said Parking and Traffic Commission for report and recommendation, and when so referred, said Commission shall render to the City Council, or to the Public Works Director, whichever is appropriate, its report and recommendation within thirty days, unless additional time be requested and granted; provided, however, that special permits provided for by other sections of this Code, temporary regulatory measures over which the City of Inglewood has jurisdiction relating to its own corporate activities, and such matters as the City Council shall, in its discretion, decide shall be done by Council resolution, may be adopted or made by said Public Works Director of his own volition, but said action shall be reported to the Commission at its next succeeding regular meeting.
(Ord. 1999 6-6-69; Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
There shall be and there is hereby established a Youth Commission which shall perform the functions as prescribed hereinafter.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Youth Commission shall consist of ten representatives on a citywide basis who shall be residents of the City of Inglewood.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Youth Commissioners will be recommended and nominated for appointment after a selection process and will be officially appointed by the Mayor and City Council.
The Mayor and each Council member shall nominate two candidates for appointment to the Youth Commission.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Nominees for appointment to the Youth Commission shall be residents of the City of Inglewood and at least fourteen years of age but not more than nineteen at the time of appointment.
Nominees shall have maintained at least a 2.0 grade point average in the previous school year.
Nominees shall have participated in community activities through parks, schools, churches, etc. in the previous year.
Nominees shall provide references or letters of recommendation.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The desired term of office for Commission members is two years.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Vacancies in the office of Commission Member shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as set forth above with regard to appointments for the full term. Each member of the Commission shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. The City Council, by simple majority vote of those present, may remove any Commission Member from office at any time during a Member's term.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Any Commissioner who is absent from any three consecutive regular meetings of the Youth Commission, unless excused from such attendance by the consent of such Commission as expressed in the record of its official minutes or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of such Commission in any six-month period without the consent of the Commission as expressed in the record of official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his/her office as a Member of the Youth Commission, immediately after the adjournment of such third consecutive meeting or of any such fifth meeting in any such six-month period, at which such Commissioner has not appeared. The Secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the person removed as Commissioner and the City Council.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Six members of the Youth Commission shall constitute a quorum of such commission for the transaction of business.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission shall be elected from its Members.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
No compensation shall be paid to Youth Commission members provided, however, that they shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as authorized by budget appropriations and the Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
Subject to the general control and authority of the City Council, the Youth Commission shall have the power to perform the following functions and duties:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to youth issues and to cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of youth programs.
Assess the educational, social, and recreational needs of youth and present strategies for desired changes to the City Council for consideration.
Formulate general policies on youth services for approval by the City Council.
Advise the City Council concerning the development of youth facilities, programs and services.
Make periodic inventories of youth services that exist or may be needed and interpret the needs of the public to the City Council.
Aid in coordinating youth services with the programs of other governmental agencies, public service agencies, and volunteer organizations.
Generate dialogue in the community with respect to youth problems, concerns and issues.
Represent youth in community affairs.
Assist youth in undertaking and appreciating local government.
Encourage youth participation in civic affairs.
Assist in interpreting local ordinances that affect youth and disseminate information.
Review and update the Youth Master Plan.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The City Administrative Officer shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any and all matters coming before said Commission and shall determine the personnel assigned to provide staff assistance to said Commission. In addition, the Administrative Officer shall designate a member of the classified civil service system of the City to serve as secretary to the Commission.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Administrative Officer shall cause to be kept accurate records of the activities and actions of the Commission and its proceedings in a suitable record or minute book, which shall at all times, during public working hours be open to public inspection.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each calendar month at the time and place determined by the Commission at its first regular meeting.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
The Youth Commission shall serve entirely in an advisory capacity and, as such, shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or any agency, office or department thereof with regard to any official position or any debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of such Commission in any fiscal year.
(Ord. 99-2 1-26-99)
There shall be and there is hereby established an Inglewood Advisory Commission. Members shall be appointed to perform the duties hereinafter in this Article set forth.
The Inglewood Advisory Commission shall consist of forty members who shall be designated as Board Members Nos. 1 through 40.
Members No. 1 through 10 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman who represents Councilmanic District No. 1.
Members No. 11 through 20 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman who represents Councilmanic District No. 2.
Members No. 21 through 30 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman who represents Councilmanic District No. 3.
Members No. 31 through 40 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilman who represents Councilmanic District No. 4.
All Members shall be residents of or businessmen within the City.
The terms of the present members of the Inglewood Advisory Commission are superseded by the provisions of this Section.
All current members of the Inglewood Advisory Commission and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however, that each member shall continue to serve until his/her successor has been appointed and qualified.
Notwithstanding the above provisions, any member may be removed from the Commission by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council without the grounds for said removal being stated.
(Ord. 93-27 11-2-92)
Vacancies occurring in the office of Member, whether by expiration of term or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment as in the first instance and such appointee shall serve either for the ensuing term or the remainder of the then current unexpired term of such office, as the case may be.
The functions of the Inglewood Advisory Commission shall be as follows:
To serve as required in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters relating to the long-term future development of the Inglewood community;
To assist in developing long-range community objectives and goals for improvement;
To serve as a medium for applying community talents to the identification and solution of community problems, for promotion and coordination of related private and municipal problems, and for wide public understanding regarding community problems, and future development of resources.
The Inglewood Advisory Commission shall meet at such time and place as may be called from time to time by the Mayor. Those ten members for each councilmanic district shall meet as a sub-committee of the Commission at such time and place as may be called by the Councilman from such district and shall advise him, the Commission, or the City Council as the Councilman may direct.
Studies, inquiries, hearings and reports by the Commission or sub-committees shall cover and pertain to such subjects as shall be directed by the Mayor or Councilman calling the meeting, as the case may be.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, any member of the Inglewood Advisory Commission who is absent from three or more consecutive meetings as called pursuant to Section 2-122 shall thereby automatically forfeit his position or office as a Member of the Commission, and his name shall automatically be removed from membership upon adjournment of said third meeting. The Secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the removed Member and the Mayor and City Council of such fact. The Mayor shall thereupon appoint a new Member according to the provisions of Section 2-120 to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term of the Member so removed.
The Mayor shall select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman of the Commission, each of whom shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
The Inglewood Advisory Commission shall establish its own rules and procedures not inconsistent with the intent of this ordinance and the policies of the City of Inglewood, and may determine such other organization matters as may be necessary.
The City through the Administrative Officer shall provide the Inglewood Advisory Commission and its sub-committees with a Secretary who shall be available as needed by the Commission and with such other clerical and professional assistance as may be necessary within reasonable limits of the allocation of the time of the officers and employees involved. Appropriations for the necessary supplies, materials, and other operating expenses may be made from time to time by the City Council.
(Ord. 2115 7-14-72)
There shall be and there is hereby established an Aviation Commission which shall perform the functions as prescribed hereinafter.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The Aviation Commission shall consist of five members who shall be designated respectively as Members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Member No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 1.
Member No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 2.
Member No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 3.
Member No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No.4.
Member No. 5 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
All members of the Aviation Commission shall be residents of the City.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
All members of the Aviation Commission shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual council member by whom they were nominated; provided, however that each member shall continue to serve until his/her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
Vacancies in the office of a Member, shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as set forth above with regard to appointments for the full term. Each member of the Commission shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. The City Council, by a simple majority vote of those present, may remove any Commission Member from office at any time during the term thereof.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
Any Commissioner who is absent from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Aviation Commission, unless excused from such attendance by the consent of such Commission as expressed in the record of its official minutes or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Commission in any six-month period without the consent of the Commission, as expressed in the record of official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his/her office as a Member of the Aviation Commission, immediately after the adjournment of such third consecutive meeting or of any such fifth meeting in any such six month period, at which such Commissioner has not appeared. The Secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the person removed as Commissioner and the City Council.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
Three members of the Aviation Commission shall constitute a quorum of said Commission for the transaction of business.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission shall be elected from its Members.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
No compensation shall be paid to Aviation Commission members provided, however, that they shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as authorized by budget appropriations and the Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
Subject to the general control and authority of the City Council, the Aviation Commission shall have the power to perform the following functions and duties:
Evaluate the impacts of existing and proposed Los Angeles World Airport (LAWA) operations on the quality of life for residents including, but not limited to noise, traffic and air pollution;
Review and make recommendations to the City Council on the land recycling and residential sound insulation elements and financial resource allocation of the Noise Mitigation Program prior to Council approval;
Review and make recommendations to the City Council on the methods for establishing noise contour, noise measurements, implementing noise monitoring and establishing priorities for noise mitigation;
Review and advise the City Council on community issues relative to existing and proposed LAWA operations by soliciting public participation through community hearings;
Review and comment to the City Council on environmental impact reports and other reports associated with the expansion of LAWA or other regionalized approaches to passenger and freight transport that impact the City;
Review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the allocation of funding from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Airports for the City's Noise Mitigation Program;
Review and make recommendations to the City Council regarding FAA regulation of aircraft noise, emissions, approach patterns, departure patterns and capping the number of flights at LAWA;
Review and comment upon any other matters related to aviation issues which are referred by the City Council for consideration by the Commission.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The City Administrative Officer shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any and all matters coming before said Commission and shall determine the personnel assigned to provide staff support to said Commission. In addition, the Administrative Officer shall designate a member of the classified civil service system of the City to serve as secretary to the Commission.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The Administrative Officer shall cause to be kept accurate records of the activities and actions of the Commission and its proceedings in a suitable record or minute book, which shall at all times, during public working hours be open to public inspection.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each calendar month at the time and place determined by the Commission at its first regular meeting.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
The Aviation Commission shall serve entirely in an advisory capacity and, as such, shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or any agency, office or department thereof with regard to any official position or any debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of said Commission in any fiscal year.
(Ord. 98-25 12-1-98)
There shall be and there is hereby established a Human Affairs Commission composed of 9 members, representing each major ethnic group and, as nearly as possible, the various professions, vocations, and trades; social, religious, and various age groups; and such other individuals from within the City who are interested in the future of Inglewood.
The nine members of the Human Affairs Commission shall be designated respectively as Members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Member No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 1.
Member No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 2.
Member No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 3.
Member No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Councilmanic District No. 4.
Member No. 5 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council to represent the housing industry (investors, lenders, builders, realtors, apartment owners and managers, and insurance brokers).
Member No. 6 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, to represent community organizations or groups concerned with improvement of mutual understanding and respect among all citizens.
Member No. 7 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, to represent the Inglewood Unified School District.
Member No. 8 shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, to represent business and industry interests in the community.
Member No. 9 shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council.
All members shall be residents of the City, and shall not hold membership or office on any other City, County, district, State or Federal board, commission, authority or agency.
The terms of the present members of the Human Affairs Commission are superseded by the provisions of this Section.
All current members of the Human Affairs Commission and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual Councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however, that each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 93-27 11-2-93)
Vacancies in the office of a member, whether by expiration of the term, moving from the City, or otherwise, shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 2-127 and shall be either for the ensuing term or for the remainder of the then current unexpired term as the case may be.
Removal, either heretofore or hereafter, from a district to another district or readjustment of district lines shall not affect the tenure of any member as such for the unexpired portion of his or her then current term.
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Article, any member who absents himself or herself from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Human Affairs Commission, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Commission, expressed by action of record in its official minutes, or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said board, in any six-month period without such consent of the Commission so expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit his or her position or office as a member of said Human Affairs Commission and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Commission immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or any such fifth meeting in any six-month period, as the case may be, at which such member has not appeared. The Secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the removed member and the Mayor of the fact of such removal; whereupon, the vacancy so created shall be filled by appointment under the provisions of Section 2-127 of this Code.
Five of the members of the Human Affairs Commission shall constitute a quorum of said Commission for the transaction of business.
The Human Affairs Commission Chairperson shall be selected by the Mayor, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. A vice-chairperson shall be elected from its members, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission.
The Planning and Building Department Director shall designate a secretary from the Human Affairs Division of his or her Department to serve the Commission. The compensation of the Secretary shall be paid in accordance with the schedules adopted by the City for such function.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
No compensation shall be paid Human Affairs Commission members as such, but they shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Commission members, provided that the Commission approves such expenditures of any member and provided further, that the total of such expenditures shall not exceed the amount budgeted therefor.
The functions of the Human Affairs Commission shall be as follows:
To advise the City Council on methods to promote mutual understanding and respect among all citizens.
To formulate a Human Affairs Master Plan designed to establish the City of Inglewood as a quality community for all its citizens; and, including identification of problems, possible solutions and responsibility for actions and when finally approved by the Commission, to recommend it to the City Council for adoption.
To recommend changes from time to time in the Human Affairs Master Plan.
To recommend methods of implementation of the adopted Human Affairs Master Plan in order that neighborhoods throughout the City will provide a stable environment for citizens of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds.
To evaluate possible sources of conflict in the field of intergroup relations and to provide a forum for expression of differences of opinion and clarification of issues.
To formulate the advantages of having a population of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and to recommend methods of dissemination thereof.
To make regular reports on accomplishments of the priorities established by the adopted Human Affairs Master Plan and undertake other studies in said areas of concern or as may be assigned by City Council.
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the Human Affairs Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for transaction of business before it, and shall designate the time and place for the regular monthly meeting or meetings of the Commission.
The Human Affairs Commission shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or any office or department thereof for any money, debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which City Council may have made for the purposes of said Commission in any fiscal year.
The City Clerk shall notify the Human Affairs Commission through its designated Secretary of any Human Affairs matters or documents which may hereafter be pending before the City Council.
The Human Affairs Division is hereby created in the Planning and Building Department to perform the following functions:
Make studies and conduct research relative to the development and maintenance of a Human Affairs Master Plan for the City of Inglewood.
Conduct regular, continuing and special studies and training seminars relating to the human needs and attitudes of residents of the City.
Advise the City Council, Administrative Officer, Human Affairs Commission and several departments, divisions and services of the City government relative to human affairs.
Provide staff assistance to the Human Affairs Commission.
Coordinate the overall activities of the Human Affairs Commission and other advisory boards, commissions, and committees in matters which may affect intergroup relations.
Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the City Council, Administrative Officer, or Planning and Development Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 08-05 4-22-08)
The Human Affairs Supervisor shall attend all meetings of the Human Affairs Commission unless excused therefrom by the Chairperson. He or she shall have the power to discuss and make recommendations with reference to any matter coming before the Commission under the Human Affairs Ordinance.
The Director of any other Department of the City, upon request of the Commission, may designate an ex-officio staff representative to attend meetings of the Commission who shall have the responsibility to discuss and make recommendations regarding topics on the agenda of the Commission which relate to plans and progress of his or her department.
The City Council, Administrative Officer, and any City Board or Commission may propose studies to the Human Affairs Commission. Such proposed studies shall be compatible with the statement of functions outlined in this Article.
(Ord. 2126 10-13-72)
There is hereby created and established a committee to be known as the Charter Study Committee.
The Charter Study Committee shall consist of eleven community members who reside in the City of Inglewood.
Each City Councilmember shall nominate two community persons from the Council District the Councilmember represents. The Mayor shall appoint the nominated person to the committee.
The Mayor shall appoint three community members to committee.
(Ord. 99-20 8-24-99)
The terms of the present members of the Charter Study Committee are superseded by the provisions of this Section.
All current members of the Charter Study Committee and all succeeding appointees shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual councilmember by whom they were nominated; provided, however, that each member shall continue to serve until his/her successor has been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 93-27 11-2-93)
The Charter Study Committee shall select from its members a chairman, vice chairman and secretary who shall serve respectively as such, during the pleasure of the Board. The City shall provide the Charter Study Committee with a secretary who shall be available as needed by the Committee and with such other clerical and professional assistance as may be necessary within reasonable limits of the allocation of the time of the officers and employees involved.
Vacancies in the Charter Study Committee, from whatever cause, shall be filled by appointment by the City Council for the unexpired term. Each member of the Committee shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any member of the Charter Study Committee may be removed from office prior to the expiration of his term of office by a four-fifths vote of all members of the City Council.
The Charter Study Committee shall meet on call of the Chairman of the Committee or the City Council. Said meeting shall be open to the public and notice of said meetings shall be published seven days prior to the date of said meetings in the City's official newspaper. The Chairman shall notify each member of the Committee seven days in advance of said meetings.
The members of the Charter Study Committee shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as such Committee members.
The duties and functions of the Charter Study Committee shall be as follows:
To study and make recommendations concerning charter revision proposals referred to it by the City Council.
Upon the Committee's own initiative, to make studies and conduct research and make recommendations to the City Council relative to proposals that would revise the charter to:
Conform to statutory and case law;
Meet modern conditions of the community; or
Reflect the present-day intent of the electorate of the City of Inglewood.
To conduct public hearings, upon its own motion, when deemed necessary to complete its studies upon a particular charter revision proposal.
(Ord. 2013 12-13-69)
There is hereby created and established a Civil Defense and Disaster Council.
The City Council of the City of Inglewood shall be and is the Inglewood Civil Defense and Disaster Council for all purposes whatsoever. The Mayor of the City of Inglewood shall be the Chairman of the Civil Defense and Disaster Council. This Section shall not be construed as a limitation on any duly authorized powers of the City Council.
(Ord. 2288 8-23-77; Ord. 2500 6-4-85)
There is hereby established the Office of the Director of Civil Defense and Disaster.
The Administrative Officer shall be the Director of Civil Defense and Disaster.
In the absence or unavailability of the Administrative Officer, the Assistant or Deputy Director shall be the Director.
(Ord. 2288 8-23-77; Ord. 2500 6-4-85; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
There is hereby established the Office of Assistant Director of Civil Defense and Disaster and the Office of Deputy Director of the Civil Defense and Disaster.
The Chief of Police shall be the Assistant Director of Civil Defense and Disaster.
A Police Officer, as designated by the Chief of Police, shall be the Deputy Director of Civil Defense and Disaster and shall be assigned the responsibility of planning and coordinating all aspects of the City's Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness Program.
The Director and Assistant Director of Civil Defense and Disaster may designate other such Deputy Directors as deemed appropriate.
(Ord. 1980 1-23-69; Ord. 2288 8-23-77; Ord. 2500 6-4-85)
As used in these sections, the term "civil defense" shall mean the preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency functions, other than functions for which military forces are primarily responsible, to prevent, minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from disaster. It shall not include, nor does any provision of these sections apply to, any condition relating to a labor controversy.
As used in these sections, the term "disaster" shall mean actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage, extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot, earthquake or other similar public calamity.
The Civil Defense and Disaster Organization of the City shall consist of (1) all officers and employees of the City; (2) all volunteer forces enrolled to aid them during a disaster; and (3) all groups, organizations and persons (including persons pressed into service pursuant to the provisions hereof) who may by agreement or operation of laws be charged with duties incident to the protection of life and property in the City during such disaster.
The organization, duties and functions of the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization (City emergency organization) and its relationship with the American National Red Cross shall be as set forth in the current civil defense and disaster emergency operations plan of the City. Insofar as possible, the form of organization, titles and terminology shall conform to the recommendations of the civil defense and disaster agencies of the Federal government and the State of California.
The Director is hereby empowered:
To request the City Council to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a disaster or an emergency and the termination thereof, if the City Council is in session, or to issue himself such proclamation if the City Council is not in session, subject to confirmation by the City Council at the earliest practicable time.
To request the Governor to proclaim a state of disaster or a state of extreme emergency when in the opinion of the Director the resources of the area or region are inadequate to cope with the disaster.
To control and direct the effort of the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization of the City for the accomplishment of the purposes of this Part.
To direct coordination and cooperation between divisions, services and staff of the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization of the City, and to resolve questions of authority and responsibility that may arise between them.
To represent the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization of the City in all dealings with public or private agencies pertaining to Civil Defense and Disaster.
In the event of the proclamation of a disaster or emergency as herein provided, or the proclamation of a state of disaster or a state of extreme emergency by the Governor or the Director of the California Disaster Office, the Director is empowered:
To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property as affected by such disaster; provided, however, such rules and regulations must be confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the City Council.
To obtain vital supplies, equipment and such other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of the life and property of the people, and to bond the City for the fair value thereof; and if required, immediately to commandeer the same for public use.
To require emergency services of any City officer or employee and, in the event of the proclamation of a state of disaster or a state of extreme emergency by the Governor in the region in which the City is located, to command the aid of as many citizens of this community as he thinks necessary in the execution of his duties; such persons shall be entitled to all privileges, benefits and immunities as are provided by state law for registered civil defense and disaster service volunteers.
To requisition necessary personnel or material of any City department or agency.
To execute all of his ordinary powers as Administrative Officer, all of the special powers conferred upon him by these Sections or by resolution or approved plan adopted pursuant thereto, all powers conferred upon him by any statute, by agreement approved by the City Council, or by any lawful authority.
(Ord. 2288 8-23-77; Ord. 2500 6-4-85; Ord. 97-19 9-2-97)
It shall be unlawful to:
Wilfully obstruct, hinder, or delay any member of the Civil Defense and Disaster Organization in the enforcement of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant to these Sections, or in the performance of any duty imposed upon him or her by virtue of this Chapter; or
Do any act forbidden by any lawful rules or regulations issued pursuant to these Sections; or
Wear, carry or display, without authority, any means of identification specified by either the Civil Defense and Disaster Agency of the State, or by the Inglewood Civil Defense and Disaster Organization.
(Ord. 93-08 4-13-93)
The declared purpose of these regulations is to provide for the preparation and carrying out of plans for the protection of persons and property within the City in the event of a disaster, and to provide for the coordination of the civil defense and disaster functions of the City with all other public agencies and affected private persons, corporations and organizations. Any expenditures made in connection with such civil defense and disaster activities, including mutual aid activities, shall be deemed conclusively to be for the direct protection and benefit of the inhabitants and property of the City.
(Ord. 1880 9-2-66)
The Inglewood Employment Development Advisory Council is hereby created and established to perform the functions designated in this Chapter. The Council shall be composed of nine members. The membership of the Council shall represent the community organizations and institutions participating in, or made a part of, the City's comprehensive employment development planning. These organizations and institutions shall be:
The Employment Service of the State of California Educational institutions
Community based agencies
Organized labor
Other interested citizens or groups as may be deemed by the appointing authorities to be necessary to the employment development planning and programming effort.
(Ord. 2304 6-27-78; Ord. 2353 7-11-79; Ord. 2411 11-10-81)
Individual members of the City Council shall submit the names of nominees for the Advisory Council. Members of the Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the list of nominees. All members shall be either residents of or have their place of employment located in the City; provided, however, that if the Employment Development Plan includes participating agencies or participants from contiguous areas, such agencies or participants shall not be prohibited from serving on the Advisory Council.
The Employment Development Advisory Council shall consist of nine members who shall be designated as Council Members Nos. 1 through 9. Committee members shall serve a term of two years, except for initial appointments made after the amendments of this date. The terms of Council Members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall expire June 1, 1980, and the terms of Council Members Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9 shall expire June 1, 1981.
The staggered expiration provisions of this Section shall apply notwithstanding the two-year term of service provision of this Section and that of Section 2-152.12. Such exception shall apply only to initial appointments of Council Members Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9. Members appointed to such positions shall be eligible for appointment to an additional single term of office notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2-152.12.
(Ord. 2304 6-27-78; Ord. 2411 11-10-81)
Each member shall serve for a term of two years. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that a member who has served an incomplete term may serve for the ensuing two terms. Additionally excepted are members appointed to office as of June 1, 1978. Such appointees' terms shall not be limited by prior service. Such appointees shall serve from June 1, 1978, as if appointed for an initial first term in office.
(Ord. 2304 6-27-78)
Vacancies in the office of a member, whether by expiration of the term or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, and shall be either for the ensuing term or for the remainder of the current unexpired term, as the case may be.
Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Chapter, any member who is absent from any three consecutive meetings of said Advisory Council, unless excused from such attendance by consent of said Council, expressed by action of record in its official minutes, or who is absent from a total of six regular meetings of said Council, in any six-month period without such consent of the Council expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit membership of said Council and the name of such member shall be automatically removed from the membership of said Council. The Secretary of the Advisory Council shall promptly notify the removed member and the Mayor of the fact of such removal and the vacancy so created shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
Five of the members of the Employment Development Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of regular business.
(Ord. 2304 6-27-78; Ord. 2411 11-10-81)
The first Chairperson of the Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Mayor. Thereafter, at the first business meeting of each new fiscal year, the members of the Advisory Council shall nominate one of their number to serve as Chairperson. The nomination shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor. The Vice Chairperson of the Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Deputy City Administrator for Management and Budget, or a designee of the Deputy City Administrator for Management and Budget, shall serve as Secretary and Staff to the Advisory Council.
(Ord. 2353 9-11-79)
No compensation shall be paid to members of the Employment Development Advisory Council, but they shall be entitled to reasonable and necessary expenses which are allowable under the rules and regulations issued by the agencies funding the employment development programming. A budget shall be established which will specify allowable expenditures of the Advisory Council.
(Ord. 2411 11-10-81)
The functions of the Employment Development Council shall be as follows:
To make recommendations to the City Council relative to employment development plans, goals, policies, procedures and other activities conducted under the rules and regulations of the funding agencies, and specified by the City staff in the Employment Development Plan.
To provide objective evaluations of the employment and training programs conducted by the City staff under the rules and regulations of the funding agencies.
To review and comment, and to make recommendations to the City Council on the future employment and training needs of those residents targeted under the rules and regulations of the funding agencies as recipients of employment development program resources.
To advise the City Council on the allocation of resources made available through the funding agencies for purposes of employment development programming in the planning jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2411 11-10-81)
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the Advisory Council shall adopt rules and regulations for transaction of business before it, and shall designate the time and place for the regular monthly meeting or meetings of the Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or any office or department thereof for any money, debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of said Advisory Council in any fiscal year.
The City Clerk shall notify the Advisory Council through its designated Secretary of any Advisory Council matters or documents which may hereafter be pending before the City Council.
(Ord. 2251 3-9-76)
There shall be and there is hereby created a Housing Advisory Commission, which Commission shall have the duties as prescribed hereinafter.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76)
The Housing Advisory Commission shall consist of seven members who shall be designated respectively as Commissioners No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Commissioner No. 1 shall be appointed by the Mayor, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Council District No. 1, and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 2 shall be appointed by the Mayor, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Council District No. 2, and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 3 shall be appointed by the Mayor, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Council District No. 3, and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 4 shall be appointed by the Mayor, from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from Council District No. 4, and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 5 shall be nominated and appointed by the Mayor, and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 6 shall be appointed by the Mayor from the tenant body of the Inglewood Housing Authority and confirmed by the City Council.
Commissioner No. 7 shall be appointed by the Mayor from the tenant body of the Inglewood Housing Authority and confirmed by the City Council. This member shall be over sixty-two years of age, if the Authority has tenants over that age.
Tenant Commissioners No. 6 and 7 shall have all the powers, duties and privileges of any other Commissioner. Their terms of office, qualifications, method of appointment and removal are governed by the Housing Authorities Law (Health and Safety Code Section 34200 et seq.).
(Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
The terms of the present members of the Housing Advisory Commission shall be superseded by the provisions of this Section.
Commissioners No. 1 through 5 shall serve a term of four years, to coincide with the term of the person who nominated the Commissioner.
Tenant Commissioners No. 6 and 7 shall serve a term of two years as set forth in the Housing Authorities Law.
All Commissioners should serve until their successor has been appointed and qualified. All vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term.
(Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
Members of the Housing Advisory Commission shall comply with conflict of interest and disclosure provisions set forth in the Housing Authorities Law and the City's Conflict of Interest Code.
(Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
Except for Tenant Commissioners No. 6 and 7, whose removal is governed under the Housing Authorities Law, any Commissioner who absents him or herself from any three consecutive regular meetings of said Commission, unless excused from such attendance by consent of such Commission, expressed by action of record in its official minutes, or who is absent from a total of five regular meetings of said Commission, in any six-month period without such consent of the Commission so expressed of record in its official minutes, shall thereby automatically forfeit the position or office as a member of said Commission and the name of such person shall be automatically removed from the membership of the Commission immediately after the adjournment of any such third consecutive meeting or any such fifth meeting in any six-month period, as the case may be, at which such member has not appeared. The Secretary of the Commission shall thereupon promptly notify the removed member and the Mayor or the City Council of the fact of such removal; whereupon, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment under the provisions of Section 2-152.52 of this Code.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
The Housing Advisory Commission shall select from its members a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson, who shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Commission. The Commission shall also designate a Secretary who shall serve as such during the pleasure of the Commission. The Secretary may, but need not be, a person in the Civil Service System of the City. The compensation of the Secretary, if in the Civil Service System of the City, shall be as determined by the personnel rules.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
Members of the Housing Advisory Commission shall serve without compensation; provided, however that tenant members shall receive $50 per day for attendance at not more than four meetings per month of the Housing Advisory Commission.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 95-34 12-19-95)
Four of the members of the Housing Advisory Commission shall constitute a quorum of said Commission for the transaction of business.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 95-34 12-19-95; Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
The Housing Advisory Commission shall meet on call of the Mayor/Chairman of the City Council/Housing Authority at the time and place designated by the Mayor/Chairman for the meeting or meetings of the Commission.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76)
The functions of the Housing Advisory Commission shall be as follows:
To serve as required in an advisory capacity to the City Council/Housing Authority on matters relating to housing in the community.
To assist in developing long-range objectives and goals for housing in the community.
To recommend changes from time to time in the City Housing Assistance Plan.
To undertake studies in said areas of concerns or as may be assigned by the City Council/Housing Authority.
To review and make recommendations on all matters to come before the Inglewood Housing Authority prior to Authority action, except emergency matters and matters which the Housing Advisory Commission, by resolution, excludes from its review; and to make final decisions on matters which the Authority, by resolution, specifically delegates to the Housing Advisory Commission.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 95-34 12-19-95; Ord. 18-02 10-31-17)
The Commission shall cause to be kept accurate records of its acts and proceedings in a suitable record or minute book, which shall at all times, during working hours, be open to public inspection in the office of the Housing Authority.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76)
The City Clerk shall notify the Housing Advisory Commission through its designated secretary of any Housing Advisory Commission matters or documents which may hereafter be pending before the City Council/Housing Authority which may require their advice.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76)
Except as expressly delegated by the City Council or the Housing Authority, the Housing Advisory Commission shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City or Authority or any officer or department thereof for any money, debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of said Commission in any fiscal year.
(Ord. 2266 9-21-76; Ord. 95-34 12-19-95)
There is hereby created a Citizen Police Oversight Commission.
(Ord. 02-23 8-20-02)
The Citizen Police Oversight Commission shall be composed of eleven members who shall broadly represent the racial, ethnic, religious, age, gender, sexual orientation, and disabled members of the general public. Members shall reside or be owners/operators of a business in the City of Inglewood. Members of the Commission shall be appointed as follows:
The Mayor and each councilmember shall be entitled to appoint two members, and such members shall serve for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing member;
The Chief of Police shall be entitled to appoint one member, and such member shall serve for a term of one year; and
The Commission shall select from its members a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission.
Members may be re-appointed at the conclusion of their term of office. Vacancies shall be filled immediately. Any member of the Commission may be removed for cause by the appointing authority with the concurrence of the City Council.
(Ord. 02-23 8-20-02; Ord. 04-16 7-13-04)
(Ord. 04-16 7-13-04)
The Commission shall have the following authority and responsibilities:
To receive allegations of misconduct. A copy of any complaint against the Police Department or any employee of the department shall be conveyed by the Commission to the Chief of Police or his designee, within twenty-four hours (or sooner if practicable) of its receipt by any commission member or its staff. A copy of any complaint filed with the Police Department shall be conveyed to the Commission within forty-eight hours.
The Chief of Police, upon receipt of any allegation of misconduct either alleged by or involving the public, shall cause an investigation into said allegation. The matter shall be investigated in the manner deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall have the authority to utilize an outside (non-Inglewood Police Department) investigator when appropriate to conduct investigations into more serious allegations. The outside investigator shall be chosen from a pre-approved list provided by the City Attorney's Office. If the Chief of Police determines that it is appropriate to employ an outside investigator he shall immediately notify the Commission, City Administrator, and the City Attorney.
Upon completion of any investigation conducted pursuant to sections (2) and (3) above, the Chief of Police (or his designee), will report the results to the Commission.
The Commission shall review the results of the investigation and make recommendations concerning allegations of misconduct to the Chief of Police, who shall have final disciplinary authority.
The Commission shall adopt an administrative manual which shall serve as their rules and procedures within one hundred twenty days of the first meeting and shall revise same thereafter as required.
(Ord. 02-23 8-20-02; Ord. 04-16 7-13-04)
The hearing process shall be open to the public to the extent legally possible and insofar as it does not conflict with state or Federal law. All deliberations of, or documents possessed by the Commission shall be handled in accordance with applicable state and Federal law regarding the confidentiality of police personnel records.
(Ord. 02-23 8-20-02; Ord. 04-16 7-13-04)
There shall be and there is hereby created an Arts Commission which shall perform the functions as prescribed hereinafter.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The Arts Commission shall be composed of eight members. A minimum of five members shall be Inglewood residents. Members shall be designated respectively as Members Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Member No. 1 shall be a community member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 1.
Member No. 2 shall be a community member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 2.
Member No. 3 shall be a community member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 3.
Member No. 4 shall be a community member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Council member from Council District No. 4.
Member No. 5 shall be a community member appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from the nominees submitted by the Mayor.
Member No. 6 shall be a staff member from the Community Development Department appointed by the City Administrative Officer.
Member No. 7 shall be a staff member from the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department appointed by the City Administrative Officer.
Member No. 8 shall be a staff member from the Library Department appointed by the City Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Commission members should be Arts professionals in the visual, performance or literary fields. Specifically, the Arts Commission should consist of artists, curators, artistic directors, critics, historians, fine art collectors, architects, and/or other design professionals with a relevant arts background.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
All members of the Arts Commission who are appointed by the Mayor shall serve terms which coincide with the terms of the individual Council Member or Mayor by whom they were nominated. Arts Commission members who were appointed by the Mayor shall continue to serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Vacancies, whether by expiration or term or otherwise, shall be filled by appointment, for the unexpired term, in the same manner as set forth in Section 2-152.69. Each member of the Commission shall serve until their successor is appointed and qualified. The City Council, by a simple majority vote of those present, may remove any Arts Commission Member from office at any time during the term thereof. Additionally, should the representative from the Community Development Department, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department and/or the Library Department vacate its respective Commission position, his or her position on the Arts Commission shall terminate automatically.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Removal, either heretofore or hereafter, from a district to another district or readjustment of district lines shall not affect the tenure of any member as such for the unexpired portion of his or her then current term.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
In the event that a Commission member is absent for three consecutive regularly scheduled Arts Commission meetings or who is absent from a total of five regularly scheduled Arts Commission meetings in any six-month period without the consent of the Commission, the attendance record of such member shall be reviewed by the Arts Commission. The Arts Commission shall consider the reasons for the absences with the member and make a determination whether the absences should be excused or unexcused by the City Council. The report and recommendation shall be transmitted to the City Clerk who shall agendize the matter for City Council consideration. The City Council shall take appropriate action including, but not limited to, excusing the absences, removing the member, or such other action as the Council deems appropriate.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Permission is hereby granted to the Arts Commission to use the Council Chamber in the City Hall as the place for its meetings, provided that such meetings shall not conflict or interfere with meetings of the City Council.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Arts Commission members #1 through #5 shall be voting members and members #6 through #8 shall be non-voting members. Three voting members of the Arts Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The Chair and Vice Chair of the Arts Commission shall be elected from its members.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
No compensation shall be paid to Arts Commission members who were appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council provided, however, that they shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as authorized by budget appropriations and the City Administrative Officer.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
Subject to the general control and authority of the City Council, the Arts Commission shall have the power to perform the following functions and duties:
To promote the development and utilization of a Public Arts Program for the City of Inglewood.
To increase the understanding and enjoyment of public art by Inglewood residents and visitors.
To provide, when possible, unusual and challenging employment opportunities for Inglewood residents.
To encourage collaboration between artists, architects, engineers, businesses, non-profit organizations, and City of Inglewood Staff.
To encourage a variety of temporary and/or permanent art forms throughout the City.
To encourage and support arts education and art in institutions in the City.
To encourage the continuing development of the City's cultural infrastructure and its support facilities.
To encourage the implementation of the Cultural Arts Master Plan of the City of Inglewood.
To develop standards, guidelines, and procedures for implementation of the Percent of Arts Program of the City of Inglewood including, but not limited to:
Definitions and/or qualifications for artworks, art projects, and art programs.
Application procedures.
Procedures and criteria for reviewing and approving art project proposals.
Appraisals and other determinations of the valuation of artwork or art projects.
Contract agreement administration.
Public art exhibition locations and durations.
Maintenance of Public Art Fund.
Support services and assistance for artists.
Participation by community and business organizations.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The City Administrative Officer shall designate a member of the classified civil service system of the City to serve as secretary to the Commission and determine if any other personnel should be assigned to provide staff support to the Arts Commission.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The City Administrative Officer shall cause to be kept accurate records of the activities and actions of the Commission and its proceedings in a suitable record or minute book, which shall at all times, during public working hours be open to public inspection.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The Arts Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting in each calendar month at the time and place determined by the Commission.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
The Arts Commission shall serve entirely in an advisory capacity and, as such, shall have no power or authority to bind or obligate the City, or any agency, office, or department thereof with regard to any official position or any debt, undertaking or obligation of any kind in excess of the appropriation which the City Council may have made for the purposes of said Commission in any fiscal year.
(Ord. 04-24 11-30-04)
There is hereby created a Measure "IT" Independent Citizen's Oversight Committee.
(Ord. 07-09 4-25-07)
The Independent Citizens Oversight Committee shall consist of seven members appointed by the City Council and consistent with the categories of membership described below. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The City Administrator shall appoint a City staff representative to serve as the Oversight Committee Secretary and custodian of records, who shall not have a vote.
The Independent Citizens Oversight Committee must be composed of the following:
One designated representative of the Inglewood Police Officers' Association, as officially nominated by the Association.
One designated representative of the Inglewood Police Management Association, as officially nominated by the Association.
One City of Inglewood Block Captain or Homeowner Association representative. Applications and interviews for this representative shall be conducted through an open community application process. At the time of application, applicants must have resided within the City of Inglewood for at least five years.
One Chamber of Commerce or local business representative, particularly a representative with expertise in finance or accounting. Applications and interviews for this representative shall be conducted through an open community application process. At the time of application, applicants will have either:
Resided within the city of Inglewood for at least five years and held a principal position in an Inglewood business for at least two years; or
Held a principal position in an Inglewood business for at least seven years.
One member representing the Inglewood Senior Citizen constituency. Applications and interviews for this representative shall be conducted through an open community application process. At the time of application, applicants must have resided within the City of Inglewood for at least five years.
One high school junior or senior representing City of Inglewood youth. Applications and interviews for this representative shall be conducted through an open community application process. At the time of application, applicants must have resided within the City of Inglewood for at least five years.
One member representing the Los Angeles County Firefighters Association, Local 1014, as officially nominated by the Association.
Upon their appointment and during their incumbency, the four members of the Oversight Committee not officially nominated by the public safety associations shall be and remain residents of the city; provided, however, that city employees (excluding Police Association members), other city officials and city vendors shall not be qualified to serve as Oversight Committee members.
Should one of the four members not officially nominated by the public safety associations cease to be a city resident or hold a principal position in an Inglewood business as appropriate to the seat, the office shall be deemed vacant and the term of such member terminated. The Oversight Committee Secretary shall notify the City Council and City Administrator of such termination as soon as administratively possible.
The City Administrator shall be responsible for creating an application process and informing the public of the opportunity to serve on the Oversight Committee. At the close of the application period, the City Administrator and Personnel Director will review applications and use a standard rating system to rank the candidates for each of the four seats not officially nominated by the public safety associations. The City Administrator will present the results of this rating process to the City Council, and the City Council will make the appointments at a City Council meeting.
All members of the Oversight Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Inglewood City Council and may be removed by a majority vote of the City Council at any time.
Of the members of the Oversight Committee first appointed, each shall be appointed for a term of one year. The City Council may approve an additional one year for each member first appointed. Succeeding members shall be appointed for terms of two years. The Oversight Committee Secretary's term shall be designated by the City Administrator. All members shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified.
Should a member of the Oversight Committee fail to attend three consecutive meetings, unless excused for cause by the Oversight Committee Chairperson, that member's office shall be deemed vacant and the member's term ended. The Oversight Committee secretary shall immediately notify the City Council and City Clerk of such termination.
(Ord. 07-09 4-25-07)
The Oversight Committee shall annually organize and elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from its membership for a one-year term. After the first election, each succeeding election shall take place in January. In the chairperson's or Vice-Chairperson's absence or disability, the Oversight Committee may designate a Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson pro tempore.
Regular meetings shall be held on the day and time established by resolution of the Oversight Committee as amended from time to time.
The Oversight Committee shall establish a procedure for calling special meetings and may also adopt application requirements, meeting procedures such as Robert's Rules of Order, and/or other reasonable rules and regulations for conducting business. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and the Oversight Committee Secretary shall deliver copies of minutes to the City Administrator and City Clerk for filing and distribution to City Council members.
The Oversight Committee may designate one of its members, or a subcommittee composed of not more than two members, to study, review, consider, or make recommendations to the Committee concerning any matter within its purview.
(Ord. 07-09 4-25-07)
The Oversight Committee is charged with the following responsibilities: (i) reviewing all appropriations of revenues received by the City of Inglewood from the transactions (sales) and use taxes generated by Measure "IT," to determine whether such funds are being spent in a fiscally accountable manner, consistent with the community's best interests, and the Strategic Priority Guidelines adopted by the City Council; (ii) reviewing the audit prepared by an Independent Auditor retained by the city to determine whether such funds have been spent responsibly; (iii) prepare and issue the Oversight Committee's own annual report setting forth their findings in regard to the foregoing within one hundred eighty days after the end of the preceding fiscal year.
The Oversight Committee shall confine itself specifically to funds received by the City of Inglewood from the transactions (sales) and use taxes imposed pursuant to Measure "IT." City revenues and funds generated through other sources are outside the scope of the Oversight Committee. However, the Oversight Committee shall have the responsibility of monitoring the City's conformance with maintaining its existing level of general fund support for the city's police services to insure that the revenues received from the transactions (sales) and use tax imposed pursuant to the provision of this Chapter add to, and do not substitute for, the existing level of general fund support for such services.
In order to preserve the integrity and independence of the Oversight process, Committee members will not play a formal role in contracting, project management, construction, or any other aspect of Measure "IT" funding. In addition, the Oversight Committee is not charged with decision-making on spending priorities, construction schedules, project details, funding source decisions (e.g., leveraged funds, developer fees, etc.), financing plans, tax rate assumptions, or selection of consultants, design and construction firms.
(Ord. 07-09 4-25-07)
There is hereby created and established a Rental Housing Board to perform the functions designated in this Article.
Membership of Board. The Rental Housing Board shall consist of five members who shall be designated respectively as Board Member Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Board Member No. 1 shall be a residential landlord or owner appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from District No. 1.
Board Member No. 2 shall be a residential landlord or owner appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from District No. 2.
Board Member No. 3 shall be a residential tenant appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from District No. 3.
Board Member No. 4 shall be a residential tenant appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Councilmember from District No. 4.
Board Member No. 5 shall be a City of Inglewood Employee as designated and appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from nominees submitted by the Mayor and serve as the chairperson of the Board unless otherwise unavailable.
Board Members Nos. 1 through 4 shall be residents of the City. Board Member No. 5 shall be an employee of the City. The Board Members shall consist of at least two owners and two tenants. Three members of the Rental Housing Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ord. 21-09 5-10-21)
Term. Unless otherwise removed by the City Council for any reason, all Board Members shall serve terms which coincide with the term of the elected official who nominated the Board Member. Provided, however, that each member shall continue to serve until a successor has been appointed and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided in Section 2-152.88 and shall be for the remainder of the then current term.
Compensation. Board Members shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be entitled to their reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as Board Members, not to exceed the amount budgeted therefor. This provision shall not prevent Board Member Number 4 from receiving full compensation under an employment agreement with the City.
(Ord. 21-09 5-10-21)
The Rental Housing Board shall have the following duties and powers:
To hold regular meetings at least once each calendar month, or as needed, to review applications submitted by owners or tenants under Chapter 8, Article 9 (Just Cause Eviction Protections) or Article 10 (Rent Control Regulations) of the Municipal Code. Such meetings shall be fixed by resolution of the Board, and any application fee shall be established by City Council resolution in the City's Master Fee Schedule.
To establish policies and procedures for administration and enforcement of Just Cause Eviction Protections and Residential Rent Regulations, subject to limitations imposed by State law, including, but not limited to, Civil Code Sections 1940—1954.05 and 1954.50—1954.535, and Government Code Sections 7060—7060.7.
To conduct hearings on petitions filed pursuant to Chapter 8, Articles 9 and 10 or appeals of decisions of a Hearing Officer filed pursuant to Section 8-135(n).
Such other duties as are designated by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 21-09 5-10-21)
Any decision of the Rental Housing Board shall be final unless judicial review is sought in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Board decision shall take effect immediately unless provided otherwise in the decision regardless of whether a party seeks judicial review.
(Ord. 21-09 5-10-21)