It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle, or any portion thereof, at any of the following places:
Within any tunnel or upon any bridge, viaduct or approach thereto.
Within any parkway.
Within any intersection.
Where signs, painted curbs or markings prohibit or limit stopping, standing or parking during certain peak traffic hours to clear additional lanes for vehicular traffic.
Where signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking for street sweeping and/or refuse collection. Exception: such parking prohibition is not applicable when the specific street sweeping and/or refuse collection day, as posted on the signs, is observed as one of the following holidays: New Year's Day; Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day, or any additional holiday identified by City Council resolution or ordinance as being exempt from such parking prohibition.
Where red painted curb prohibits stopping, standing or parking at anytime, except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone.
Where blue painted curb and/or signs designate a blue or handicapped zone, except by a vehicle displaying a distinguishing license plate or placard issued to a disabled person pursuant to Section 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code or to a disabled veteran as specified in Section 9105 of the California Vehicle Code.
Where signs, markings or painted curbs, other than red or blue, limit stopping, standing or parking.
In any public parking lot owned or controlled by the city or any other governmental agency for a period of time in excess of the posted time limit.
(Ord. 2165 1-22-74; Ord. 2216 4-15-75; Ord. 96-33 12-3-96; Ord. 07-14 8-7-07)
Signs or marks prohibiting or limiting parking, stopping or standing may be installed upon the order of the Public Works Director when he or she shall have determined that traffic congestion or hazard would be reduced or eliminated by such prohibition at any of the following places:
At any place between a safety zone and the nearest curb and any place within twenty feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the midblock end of a safety zone.
At any place within thirty feet of an intersecting roadway in any business district except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop.
At any place adjacent to, in front of, or opposite any fire station, police station, theater, school ground or public assembly hall, bus or passenger station, or other gathering place.
At any place adjacent to and within thirty-five feet of any railroad tracks.
At any place within one hundred fifty feet of an intersection.
Within twenty-five feet of the approach to the nearest line of a crosswalk.
At any place between the portal of a tunnel and the nearest street intersection.
Upon any viaduct or upon the approach to any viaduct or bridge.
Upon any street or portion thereof contiguous to the frontage of any elementary school, junior or senior high school, where it is determined that parking will create a hazard to life or property, or a serious obstruction to vehicles or pedestrian passage.
Upon any street or portion thereof where, because of the narrowness of the street, the unusual characteristics thereof, parking would create a hazard to life or property or a serious obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian passage.
At any curb where the grade of the street exceeds twelve percent.
In front of any hall or place used for the purpose of public assemblage.
In front of the entrance to any place in use for business outside of any business district.
At any place between the northerly line of Manchester Boulevard and the southerly line of Mercantile Place in the unvacated portions of the public alley which runs northerly and southerly in the partial block bounded on the north by Mercantile Place, on the east by Market Street, on the south by Manchester Boulevard and on the west of La Brea Avenue.
Mercantile Place between the easterly line of La Brea Avenue and the westerly line of Market Street.
At any other place where special traffic conditions or hazards exist.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle upon private or public property contrary to a restriction to do so indicated upon a clearly visible sign. The owner or operator of private property may cause a vehicle parked upon such property contrary to the restrictions upon said sign to be towed away subject to the requirements of Vehicle Code Sections 22852 and 22853; provided, however, that no vehicle shall be towed away unless the words "Tow Away Zone" or equivalent words appear on a clearly visible sign posted on such property.
(Ord. 1664 7-24-62)
No person or business shall install, remove or alter any curb markings on any public street or alley without the prior authorization of the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to install curb markings with meanings as follows:
"Red" shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time, except that a bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone.
"Yellow" shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time between seven a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, provided that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than three minutes nor the loading or unloading of materials more than twenty minutes.
Loading zones shall be indicated by a yellow paint line stenciled with black letters at least three inches in height, "LOADING ONLY," upon the tops of all curbs within such zones.
"White" shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers which shall not exceed three minutes and such restrictions shall apply between seven a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday and except as follows:
When such zone is in front of a hotel the restrictions shall apply at all times;
When such zone is in front of a church, theater, auditorium or other place of public assembly, the restrictions shall apply at all times except when such church, theater, auditorium or other place of assembly is closed.
Passenger loading zones shall be indicated by a white line stenciled with black letters at least three inches in height, "PASSENGER LOADING ONLY," upon the tops of all curbs in said zones.
"Green" shall mean no standing or parking for longer than twenty minutes at any time between seven a.m. and six p.m. of any day except Sunday.
Yellow, with the words "Taxi Stand" stenciled thereon in black letters with a minimum height of two and one-half inches; provided, however, that a taxi stand may also be indicated by the posting of a sign or signs approved by the Public Works Director indicating a taxi stand.
"Blue" shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time, except by a vehicle displaying a distinguishing license plate or placard issued to disabled persons pursuant to Section 22511.5 of the Vehicle Code or to disabled veterans as specified in Section 9105 of the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2390 11-25-80; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 05-12 12-20-05)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or object or thing along or adjacent to any of the curbs of the center parkways or intervening spaces between traffic lanes on any street or portion thereof where traffic lanes have been designated by or pursuant to this Article; provided, however, at least one "No Parking" sign has been erected for each block in which traffic lanes have been established.
The provisions of this Article:
Prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device; and
Imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions hereof or of State law prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to determine and to designate loading zones and passenger loading zones as follows:
At any place in any business district.
Elsewhere in front of the entrance to any place of business or in front of any hall or place used for the purpose of public assembly.
Within fifty feet of any entrance to any school or any other building used for the transaction of governmental business.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes exclusive of passenger loading zones at the entrances to public theaters.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, stop or leave standing a vehicle in a loading zone:
While loading or unloading materials for more than twenty minutes; or
While loading or unloading persons or personal baggage for more than three minutes.
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle in any alley.
The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to establish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses of common carriers of passengers engaged in local transportation, and to determine the location thereof.
No bus zone shall exceed fifty feet in length except that when satisfactory evidence has been presented to the Public Works Director showing the necessity therefor, said Director may extend bus zones in such places not to exceed one hundred twenty-five feet in length; nor shall any bus zone be established opposite and to the right of a safety zone.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
The Public Works Director shall cause to be painted a red line stenciled with white letters, "No Standing," together with the words "Bus Zone," upon the tops of all curbs and places specified as a bus zone.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
Unless permitted by other provisions of this Article, it shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the roadway headed in the direction of traffic and with the right hand wheels of the vehicle within eighteen inches of the curbline or edge of the roadway.
White lines at least two inches in width may be painted upon the street parallel to the curb to indicate authorized parallel parking or at an angle to indicate angle parking. When lines are painted on any street or Municipal Parking Lot indicating parallel or angle parking, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle in any manner so that any part of the vehicle extends over such painted lines or the front of the vehicle is not headed into the stall.
(Ord. 2165 1-22-74)
Particular streets within the City which are authorized as streets or portions thereof on which angle parking may be permitted are listed in the following ordinances which shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be repealed by the enactment of this Code: 1267, 1308, 1531.
To prevent the domination of available public on-street parking spaces by a limited number of vehicles being parked and/or stored for long durations of time, the duration of such parking may be restricted as provided hereinbelow. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on a public street for a duration exceeding the maximum time limit permitted by posted sign.
Those sides of public streets that abut properties zoned (per Chapter 12 of this Code) for commercial, manufacturing and other nonresidential uses, are hereby designated as streets located within a district that may be subject to special parking time limits for on-street parking. Additionally, that portion of a street side that abuts residentially zoned property on which a church, convalescent residence, daycare facility or comparable business or nonresidential activity occurs, shall be designated with such a special parking time-limit district; and both sides of a residentially zoned street upon which a public school or a public park are immediately situated shall be designated as being within such a special parking time-limit district.
Upon determination by the Public Works Director that there exists a need or public benefit to restrict the length of time vehicles may occupy on-street curbside parking spaces along a specific city block (or contiguous lengths of city blocks) if located within such a district, the Public Works Director is hereby authorized to establish maximum allowed parking durations of one hour, ninety minutes, two hours, three hours or four hours, during certain or all days of the week, and to install signs noticing such parking limitations along said street curbs. Exceptions:
An on-street parking space with a parking duration limit of twenty minutes within such district shall be identified with a green curb upon which the parking limit time is stenciled and/or posted on a sign, per Section 3-44 of this Chapter.
Loading zones, passenger-only loading zones and taxi stands may be established per Section 3-44 of this Chapter.
The establishment of any on-street parking space(s) or length of curb with a parking duration exceeding four hours within such district, excluding unlimited (all day) parking, shall be subject to approval by the City Council following consideration and any recommendation therefor by the Parking and Traffic Commission.
The establishment of any on-street parking space(s) or length of curb with a parking duration limit on any residentially zoned street, except as provided in subsection (2) of this Section, shall be subject to approval by the City Council following consideration and any recommendation made therefor by the Parking and Traffic Commission at a public hearing to which all residents along the subject street have been given and/or mailed notice of the hearing.
The hours during which residential permit parking restrictions are in force shall be established per Section 3-75 et seq., of this Chapter.
Nothing in this Section shall be construed to supersede the provisions for regulating municipal parking lots per Section 3-64 of this Chapter, for installing parking meters per Section 3-87 of this Chapter, for prohibiting parking, prohibiting parking during certain hours, prohibiting parking for street sweeping or refuse collection, or prohibiting parking in locations or circumstances specified in this Chapter and/or specified in the California Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 07-13 7-17-07)
Particular streets within the City authorized as streets or portions thereof which may be posted as tow-away zones are listed in the following ordinances which shall not be repealed by the enactment of this Code: 1267, 1748.
Tow-away signs prohibiting parking, during limited hours, on street-sweeping days may be installed on the order of the engineering director when the director shall have determined by survey, that trash and debris are accumulating on streets in a particular area as a result of vehicle parking during street-sweeping hours. Additionally, director may post tow-away/no parking signs when he or she determines by survey that additional traffic lane capacity is necessary for safe and efficient traffic movement.
(Ord. 2524 11-26-85)
Vehicles parked or left standing under the following circumstances may be removed if signs giving notice that the vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four hours prior to the removal:
When the use of a street, or portion thereof, is necessary for the cleaning, repair, or construction of the street, or for the installation of underground utilities;
When the use of the street, or a portion of the street, is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic, and the parking of a vehicle would prohibit or interfere with that use or movement;
When the use of the street, or a portion of the street, is authorized for the movement of equipment, articles, or structures of unusual size, and the parking of a vehicle would prohibit or interfere with that use or movement;
Wherever the parking or standing of a vehicle is prohibited by local ordinance.
(Ord. 14-05 3-25-14)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in or upon any public street or highway, or portion thereof, within the City for seventy-two or more consecutive hours; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing or modifying any provision or provisions of this Article prescribing a lesser period for such parking or leaving standing of any vehicle in or upon any specified public street or portion thereof.
Peace officers and persons designated by the Chief of Police, who are trained in directing traffic and enforcing parking laws and regulations, are authorized to remove or cause to be removed any vehicle that has been parked, stopped or left standing for seventy-two or more consecutive hours.
(Ord. 2150 8-28-73; Ord. 14-05 3-25-14)
The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to designate parking spaces for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying either a special identification license plate or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 5007, 22511.55 or 22511.59, upon a finding that such parking spaces will improve access to real property, or reduce hazards or impedance to traffic for a disabled person or disabled veteran. Any parking space designated under this Section shall be painted and have signs posted in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 22511.7 or any superseding law or regulation.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to designate stalls or spaces in publicly owned or operated off-street parking facilities for the exclusive use of vehicles displaying special license plates or distinguishing placards issued pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 5007, 22511.55 or 22511.59. Such designation shall be made whenever the Public Works Director determines that ingress and egress would be improved for disabled persons and disabled veterans and shall be accomplished by posting signs and markings in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 22511.8 or any superseding law or regulation.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
The Public Works Director is hereby authorized to issue a permit to allow a business to utilize a valet parking service within the public right-of-way only if said business and valet service fully comply with all required conditions and limitations of said permit. The Public Works Director is hereby further authorized to designate a specified length of curb for passenger-loading purposes only for use by the valet service, along any commercial street in the immediate proximity of the business to which the permit is granted, and such designation may be limited to specified hours of the day and to specified days of the week. If a valet service precludes the use of any metered parking space during the hours that metered parking is in effect, the valet service shall reimburse the City of Inglewood for all lost meter revenue based on the hourly parking rate of the meter for the affected hours. Failure to comply with any condition or limitation of said permit or any violation of any provision of the Inglewood Municipal Code or the California Vehicle Code may result in the temporary suspension or permanent revocation of the valet parking permit by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Department shall utilize approved regulations, conditions and fees for valet parking applications and permits, provided that the Public Works Director may impose additional conditions upon the issuance of the permit to mitigate or prevent actual or potential problems affecting the public welfare that may arise due to the individual location or other circumstance of each permit application. Any determination by the Public Works Director to impose additional conditions upon a valet parking permit or to suspend or revoke a valet parking permit may be appealed to the Parking and Traffic Commission.
(Ord. 04-01 1-13-04)
In order to relieve traffic congestion and serve the interests of the City and the efficient functioning of the City and of the various departments thereof, the City Council hereby reserves the right from time to time hereafter to designate by resolution spaces or areas in the public streets and places of the City and also on any property owned or controlled by the City which shall be reserved either at all times or at certain times for the parking of the vehicles of employees and of the official personnel of the City during the times that such employees or personnel are engaged in or charged with the performance of their duties or functions for the City; and when appropriate signs are in place, giving notice of the reservation of such areas or spaces and the time or times during which the same are so reserved, it shall be unlawful for any person other than an employee or member of the official personnel of the City to park any vehicle in any such reserved area or space during the time or times covered by any such limitation, restriction or reservation.
A certified copy of any such resolution shall be delivered by the City Clerk to the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director upon receipt of such resolution shall immediately cause appropriate signs giving notice of the limited, restricted or prohibited parking to be erected at, on or near the areas or spaces designated in such resolution, for such employee or official parking, and shall, until the further order of the Council expressed by resolution, maintain such signs so placed. Said signs shall be so located as to be clearly visible to persons entering any such areas or spaces.
The Council may, from time to time, hereafter by resolution, repeal, amend or modify any resolution which it may have theretofore adopted under or pursuant to the provisions of this Section and in such case the Public Works Director shall either remove the signs affected or add additional signs as the case may be.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
(Ord. 17-15 8-8-17)
(Ord. 17-15 8-8-17)
Peace officers and persons designated by the Chief of Police, who are trained in directing traffic and enforcing parking laws and regulations, are authorized to remove or cause to be removed a vehicle to the extent authorized by law.
(Ord. 14-05 3-25-14)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any property within the City may be used for off-street parking purposes provided a permit for such purpose has been issued by the Permits and Licenses Committee. Said permits shall be issued only when the extensive parking need in the district requires the issuance of such permits to reduce traffic congestion and traffic hazards. One or more permits may be issued and the days upon which such permits are valid may be consecutive or non-consecutive. The requirements of this Section shall apply equally to parking facilities maintained in connection with business establishments which are otherwise registered under other provisions of this code when such facilities are made available for public parking and a fee is charged for rental of parking space.
In the event the Permits and Licenses Committee issues a permit pursuant hereto, the requirements of this Code concerning the paving and marking of parking places shall not be applicable to parking pursuant to such permit; provided, however, that the operator of a parking lot shall meet all of the following requirements:
Post a sign listing the cost of parking in letters not less than six inches in height.
Provide the lot with a permanent driveway and, in no event, use the sidewalk for an entrance or exit.
Have an attendant on duty at all times the lot is in operation who shall be licensed to operate motor vehicles in the State of California and holds a valid operators license therefor.
When a vacant lot is used as a parking area, it shall be free of weeds and other combustibles.
When there are more than twenty cars, there shall be provided at least one fire extinguisher readily available or such other fire prevention methods approved as adequate by the Fire Chief.
When residential property is used as a parking lot, a five-foot clearance around the dwelling and garage and any other buildings on the property shall be maintained.
Adequate provisions for access to the area shall be provided at all times.
(Ord. 2089 10-22-71)
The City of Inglewood may regulate the use of parking lots and structures owned or operated by the City, including, but not limited to, the installation and/or use of parking meters, designation of parking spaces, use of parking attendants to collect parking fees, and signs specifying any limitations on the time duration or the days of the week when vehicles may be parked and any other conditions on the use of a City parking lot. Such regulation shall be conducted under the authority of the Public Works Director of the City of Inglewood.
A City parking lot or structure may be closed or partially closed to vehicular access whenever it is utilized for a limited period of time for a special event conducted or sponsored by the City or by community organizations and the like, if such closure is authorized by the Public Works Director or designee. The Public Works Director shall cause notices to be posted in conspicuous locations at least twenty-four hours in advance, notifying drivers that a parking lot or structure will be closed for a special event and that unauthorized vehicles may be cited and/or towed at the owner's expense.
The City Council may establish, by resolution, fees for parking in any non-metered parking space located in municipal parking lots and structures. Such fees may be specified in a Master Fee Schedule. Fees for parking in any metered parking space shall be set by ordinance in accordance with the California Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 02-24 9-17-02; Ord. 15-08 1-13-15; Ord. 19-01 11-27-18)
It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or otherwise occupy or use a City parking lot per Section 3-64 of this Chapter in violation of any of the following provisions:
Parking time limitations, use limitations and the like as specified on posted signs and any applicable provision of the California Vehicle Code.
Any vehicle that is prohibited by weight or by type of vehicle from parking overnight on any public street, as specified per any Section of this Chapter, shall be prohibited from parking overnight in a City parking lot, unless authorization has been granted by the Director of Public Works or designee to allow such vehicle to park in the City lot on a temporary basis for a specified purpose.
Storage of motorized vehicles (if parked more than seventy-two hours or if exceeding the posted time limitation) or the storage for any length of time of trailers, boats, equipment, building materials or other merchandise in a City parking lot is prohibited, unless authorization has been granted by the Public Works Director or designee to store such in the City lot on a temporary basis for a specified purpose.
Use of a City parking lot as a campground or otherwise occupied by any automobile, recreational vehicle, truck, truck with camper shell, or trailer while said vehicle is utilized as a daytime and/or nighttime place of residence is prohibited.
City owned and operated public parking lots shall be available solely for the temporary parking of vehicles by members of the public while patronizing or employed at local businesses or while visiting or otherwise staying at local residences. Use of such lots by person(s) loitering or engaging in any games, gambling, vending of merchandise or services, consumption of alcoholic drink, or other activities not directly associated with and necessary for the parking of vehicles, is prohibited. Littering, depositing trash or waste materials, abandoning any vehicle or equipment in a City parking lot, or purposely defacing or damaging any park of a City parking lot is prohibited.
(Ord. 02-24 9-17-02)
It is unlawful for a person to park a commercial vehicle on any public street located in a residential district.
A commercial vehicle means a motor vehicle that is either: (1) used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit; or (2) designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, and includes the following vehicles:
"For hire" passenger vehicle, such as a taxi, limousine, shuttle, livery, charter-party vehicle, or ambulance;
Motor truck, multipurpose vehicle, or pickup truck if any part of such vehicle (including any fixture or load thereon) measures more than seven feet in width or seven feet in height; and
Tow truck, truck tractor or yard truck.
Exceptions. A commercial vehicle is exempt from this Section: (1) when it is making pickups or deliveries of persons, goods, wares, or merchandise from or to any building or structure located in a residential district; or (2) while delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of a building or structure located in the residential district and for which a building permit was previously obtained; or (3) while displaying a valid temporary parking permit issued by the City.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
It is unlawful for a person to park any trailer, semitrailer, trailer coach, boat trailer, trailer bus, camper trailer or any other type of trailer (attached or unattached to another vehicle) on any public street located in the City.
Exception. A trailer is exempt from this Section when: (1) it is making pickups or deliveries of persons, goods, wares, or merchandise from or to any building or structure located in the City; or (2) while delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of a building or structure located in the City and for which a building permit was previously obtained; or (3) while displaying a valid temporary parking permit issued by the City.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
It is unlawful for a person to park a commercial vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, recreational vehicle or house car, as defined in the Vehicle Code or this Chapter, on a public street located in a residential district between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m.
It is unlawful for a person to park a commercial vehicle having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand pounds or more in a residential district at any time.
Exceptions. Subsection (a) shall not apply to any vehicle: (1) making pickups or deliveries of persons, goods, wares, or merchandise from or to any building or structure located in the residential district; or (2) while delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of a building or structure located in the residential district and for which a building permit was previously obtained; or (3) displaying a valid temporary parking permit issued by the City.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22507.5, the City may enforce this Section without first placing signs or markings giving notice of this parking restriction.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
It is unlawful for any person to park, store, leave, keep or maintain any boat, house trailer, camper trailer, detached camper trailer top, any other type of trailer, motor vehicle or dismantled motor vehicle on unimproved, unpaved or vacant lots or parcels except when such vehicle is being used in connection with and in aid of the ongoing performance of a service to or on property in the block in which such vehicle is located.
(Ord. 2374 5-6-80)
It is unlawful for a person to park a recreational vehicle as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 18010, a house car as defined in Vehicle Code Section 362, or any other similarly equipped vehicle on any public street located in the City.
Exemption. Subsection (a) shall not apply to any vehicle which displays a valid temporary parking permit issued by the City.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
The Police Department or other authorized City department shall establish a policy and procedure for the issuance of temporary parking permits to be approved by the City Manager. Any fee for a temporary parking permit shall be approved by resolution of the City Council and made part of the Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 18-06 5-8-18)
Whenever the Public Works Director shall determine that traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings or functions, or for other reasons, the Public Works Director shall have the authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets as the Public Works Director shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency and the Public Works Director shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter.
When signs authorized by the provisions of this Section are in place giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
The prohibitions of this Article pertaining to parking shall not be applicable to taxicabs, sightseeing vehicles or automobiles for hire standing in any zone marked or posted for their use during the hours designated in their respective permits.
Whenever under any of the provisions of this Article a maximum period is prescribed during which a vehicle may be lawfully parked or left standing, either within or without a parking meter zone, for a period of one hour or two hours, either with or without a coin deposit, as the case may be, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle to remain parked or left standing in or at the same location for longer than such one-hour to two-hour period, as the case may be. Each successive one-hour or two-hour period, as the case may be, during which such vehicle remains parked or left standing in the same location shall constitute a separate violation of this Article and the enforcing officer shall issue a separate citation for each such separate violation. Nothing herein contained shall operate to void or be construed as voiding or excusing any violation of any provision of this Article where a lesser lawful parking period than one hour is prescribed, as such provisions remain unaffected hereby and citations for violations thereof shall be issued accordingly.
(Ord. 23-17 9-12-23)
(Ord. 23-17 9-12-23)
(Ord. 2061 7-23-71; Ord. 2338 5-15-79; Ord. 23-17 9-12-23)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or stand any vehicle to be rented, leased or hired for the transportation of persons or property on any street while awaiting the renting, leasing, or hiring of such vehicle without first having obtained a written permit from the Permits and Licenses Committee allowing such parking and designating a specific location therefor.
(Ord. 2194 7-30-74)
It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, leave, place, or park in any street any cement or concrete mixer, wheelbarrow, push-cart, hand-drawn or hand-propelled vehicle or other object, thing or property in such a manner or for such a time as to interfere with traffic, either vehicular or pedestrian, in or upon such street or in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to the safety of traffic or of any person or persons or property in and upon such street, or fail to immediately remove the same upon order of any police or traffic officer of the City; provided, however, that the Public Works Director shall have the right and power to authorize in writing, for limited periods of time, the placing or parking of any such vehicle, object and/or thing on any street in such manner as will not constitute the same a nuisance or a hazard to life or property or unreasonably interfere with traffic in or upon such street.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park a vehicle upon any street for the purpose of displaying such vehicle for sale by sign or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a vehicle privately owned by a person not in the business of selling vehicles may have displayed on the inside of any side window one "For Sale" sign not exceeding two hundred square inches in size and indicating thereon the owner's address and phone number.
To protect the public health, welfare, security and peace of persons residing or conducting business in the vicinity of certain major entertainment, commercial or industrial facilities whose employees and/or patrons can cause traffic congestion, introduce transient persons and/or adversely reduce the availability of public street parking in the adjacent neighborhood, there exists the need to limit parking on the street(s) fronting their homes and local businesses to the residents and local business persons who would otherwise lack adequate parking accommodations for their respective premises. Under such circumstances, a Permit Parking District may be established for the affected neighborhood limiting on-street parking during specific days and times to those residents and business persons of the neighborhood who display a parking permit upon their vehicles. A Permit Parking District shall not be established for the purpose of creating an exclusive parking zone on public streets for the pleasure of local residents when there is no outstanding evidence of a severe and large-scale shortage of on-street parking and/or related traffic congestion caused by a neighboring facility that generates such parking demand or traffic congestion on local streets. The City of Inglewood shall maintain standards and regulations for the establishment and maintenance of a Permit Parking District, for the issuance of parking permits and for the enforcement of these regulations.
(Ord. 2339 5-22-79; Ord. 88-3 2-9-88; Ord. 90-9 3-20-90; Ord. 99-17 6-1-99; Ord. 02-05 2-5-02)
A Permit Parking District may be established in any of the following manners:
Upon the receipt of a petition from the residents and/or business persons of a particular neighborhood requesting the establishment of a Permit Parking District and citing the reasons for such request, the Public Works Director or designee shall study the request and the site of the request to determine if a district is warranted and if there are alternative means to resolve any neighborhood parking problems that instigated the petition. The Director or designee shall further determine the appropriate boundary of any prospective district. The petition must bear the signatures of adults from a minimum of ten different households and/or businesses as evidence of a neighborhood desire to establish a district.
The findings of the study and recommendations of the Director or designee shall be presented to the Parking and Traffic Commission at a public hearing. Both petitioners and owners of those properties fronting on the street(s) that may be included within the district shall be duly notified of the public hearing. After receiving the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the comments of the public, the Commission shall determine if the establishment of a Permit Parking District is warranted and what the boundaries of the district should be. If determined to be warranted by the Commission, the Public Works Director or designee shall mail or otherwise deliver one questionnaire to each readily known address within the proposed district (properties fronting on any street or portions of streets that will be subject to permit parking) requesting approval or disapproval of the establishment of the district. If a minimum of seventy-five percent of the questionnaires returned to the Public Works Director, within a minimum period of thirty calendar days, support the establishment of the district, an ordinance establishing the Permit Parking District shall be submitted to the City Council for consideration and adoption to amend the Municipal Code accordingly.
City staff may recommend the establishment of a Permit Parking District to the City Council and introduce an ordinance for the City Council's consideration.
The City Council may, at its discretion, direct City staff to study the establishment of a Permit Parking District and introduce an ordinance for the City Council's consideration.
(Ord. 2297 3-7-78; Ord. 2339 5-22-79; Ord. 88-3 2-9-88; Ord. 90-9 3-20-90; Ord. 99-17 6-1-99; Ord. 02-05 2-5-02; Ord. 07-04 3-6-07; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
The procedures by which an existing Permit Parking District can be amended or terminated shall be pursuant to any of the procedures set forth in Section 3-76 of this Article.
(Ord. 07-04 3-6-07; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
The City shall not enforce any Permit Parking District prohibition or restriction unless signs or markings giving adequate notice have been placed in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 22507. It shall be the duty of the Public Works Director to cause such signs or markings to be placed.
(Ord. 02-05 2-5-02; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
Applications for Parking Permits. Applicants for a parking permit shall be required to present such proof as is required by the City, including, but not limited to, proof of residence, employment, or ownership of a business in the Permit Parking District for which a parking permit is sought; ownership of the vehicle, license plate number, and proof of current registration. An application for a renewal of a parking permit shall conform to the requirements of this Section.
Types of Permits and Fees. City staff shall prepare a chart specifying the various types of parking permits the City may issue, including, but not limited to, residential, business, or guest permits; daily, monthly, or annual permits; the maximum number of permits that may be issued to each residence or business, by type of parking permit; the fees for each type of parking permit; and any other rules governing the use of the parking permits. The chart shall be presented to the City Council for adoption by resolution and the parking permit fees shall be made part of the Master Fee Schedule.
A residence or business applicant shall have a street address located in the Parking Permit District for which a permit is sought. An applicant whose residence or business is located on a street that is the border of two or more Permit Parking Districts may be issued a permit to park a vehicle on either side of the bordering street.
Full Payment of Fees. All parking permit applications shall include full payment of the parking permit fee. Furthermore, no parking permit shall be issued to any applicant until the applicant has paid all outstanding parking citations, including any civil penalties and related fees.
Issuance and Use of Permit. A parking permit may be issued and enforced using either a virtual or physical permit. A virtual permit shall be issued to the license plate number of the applicant's registered vehicle and enforced through an Automated License Plate Reader System (ALPRS). Each virtual permit holder shall be responsible for ensuring that their license plate is capable of being read by the ALPRS.
The City may issue a physical permit, such as a sticker or hanging tag, to the applicant. The holder of a physical permit shall be responsible for making sure that the physical permit is displayed in accordance with the City's rules so as to be clearly visible from outside of the vehicle.
A parking permit is valid only for parking in the specified Permit Parking District and it does not guarantee the availability of a parking space. The parking permit holder shall be subject to each and every condition and restriction set forth in this Chapter and as provided for the Permit Parking District for which it was issued. The issuance of a parking permit does not exempt the holder from compliance with any other parking regulation, including, but not limited to, vehicle type, height or weight restrictions; zones that prohibit the stopping, parking or standing of vehicles; and street sweeping parking restrictions.
Revocation of Parking Permit. A parking permit holder shall not sell, rent or otherwise transfer a parking permit to another person, unless authorized by the City, or present false or fraudulent information to obtain a parking permit. A parking permit may not be altered or reproduced. A violation of any City rule regulating the application for or use of parking permits may result in the revocation of the parking permit, the revocation of any other permits issued to the permittee, and the disqualification of the permittee from being issued any future parking permit.
Replacement of Permit. A permittee seeking replacement of a lost or stolen permit shall pay a replacement permit fee as established by City Council resolution and set forth in the Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 14-09 7-22-14; Ord. 19-05 1-8-19; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
Only the following vehicles shall be exempt from enforcement of the Permit Parking District prohibitions in Section 3-80:
Any vehicle displaying a valid parking permit.
Any licensed physician's vehicle parked while making a professional call.
Any vehicle parked in an individual curbside parking space governed by a parking meter.
Any vehicle parked in an individual curbside parking space that is specifically exempt by a posted sign or marking, so long as said vehicle is in compliance with all other parking conditions or limitations specified on the sign or marking.
Any vehicle exempt under any other applicable law, including, but not limited to, Municipal Code Sections 3-65(c), 3-65.1(b), 3-65.2(c), and 3-80(b).
(Ord. 92-6 6-9-92; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99; Ord. 02-05 2-5-02; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
Upon designation of a Permit Parking District, the Public Works Director shall determine whether permit parking restrictions apply twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (24/7), or any portion thereof, based upon the needs of the Permit Parking District, and cause appropriate signs or markings to be placed indicating prominently thereon, the parking limitation, period of the day for its application, and the fact that vehicles with valid permits shall be exempt therefrom. Unless an exemption in Section 3-79 applies, it is unlawful for a person to park a vehicle on a City street located on or in Permit Parking District, at any time, without displaying a valid parking permit.
As authorized by Vehicle Code Section 22651(n), the City may cause to be removed any vehicle parked in violation of this Section, and the registered owner thereof shall be responsible for paying the impoundment and storage fees established by the City. It shall be the duty of the Public Works Director to identify areas where signs giving notice of removal for a violation of this Section shall be placed and cause such signs to be placed. No vehicle shall be removed for a violation of this section unless signs giving notice of removal have been placed in accordance with Vehicle Code Section 22651(n) and Municipal Code Section 3-58.
(Ord. 1961 9-13-68; Ord. 02-05 2-5-02; Ord. 06-08 6-20-06; Ord. 09-23 12-15-09; Ord. 10-11 6-22-10; Ord. 14-09 7-22-14; Ord. 15-09 2-3-15; Ord. 15-20 9-1-15; Ord. 17-10 7-11-17; Ord. 17-12 8-1-17; Ord. 17-13 8-1-17; Ord. 17-17 9-19-17; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
The boundaries of each Permit Parking District are defined by the Permit Parking Districts map presented to the City Council for adoption as part of Ordinance No. 20-09. All City streets located on or within the boundaries of a Permit Parking District shall be subject to the permit parking prohibitions or restrictions of that District only when appropriate signs or markings giving adequate notice have been placed.
The Public Works Department shall be responsible for maintaining the official Permit Parking Districts map and any subsequent changes to the map shall require City Council approval by ordinance.
(Ord. 88-9 6-7-88; Ord. 2297 3-7-78; Ord. 2339 5-22-79; Ord. 88-3 2-9-88; Ord. 90-9 3-20-90; Ord. 99-17 6-1-99; Ord. 02-05 2-5-02; Ord. 06-08 6-20-06; Ord. 09-23 12-15-09; Ord. 10-11 6-22-10; Ord. 14-09 7-22-14; Ord. 15-09 2-3-15; Ord. 15-20 9-1-15; Ord. 17-02 11-01-16; Ord. 17-10 7-11-17; Ord. 17-12 8-1-17; Ord. 17-13 8-1-17; Ord. 17-17 9-19-17; Ord. 9-02 12-4-18; Ord. 19-03 12-11-18; Ord. 20-09 6-16-20)
Peace officers and persons designated by the Chief of Police to enforce parking laws and regulations are authorized to issue a notice of parking violation pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 40202.
(Ord. 2329 2-6-79; Ord. 2352 8-7-79; Ord. 2477 6-12-84; Ord. 88-11 6-28-88; Ord. 90-28 9-11-90; Ord. 99-1 1-26-99; Ord. 14-05 3-25-14)
The City shall impose the following civil penalties for each notice of parking violation:
The applicable parking base fine(s) set forth in subsection (2), Schedule of Parking Penalties;
Any surcharges or assessments to parking penalties which are mandated by state law shall be added to the base fine imposed for a parking violation. Additionally, when a hold on a vehicle registration renewal is imposed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles, the base fine shall be increased by the amount of the fee the State charges for the hold on the registration;
If no payment or request to contest a parking citation is filed within the period provided by law after a notice of delinquent parking violation is issued, a separate delinquency penalty shall be assessed against that person for late payment;
If the City incurs costs of collection for a parking citation, that cost shall be added to the penalty and the violator shall be liable to the City for both the civil penalties and the cost of collection.
Schedule of Parking Penalties.
Parking Violation
Base Fine Amount
IMC 3-41(1)
Stopping, standing or parking tunnel, bridge, viaduct
IMC 3-41(2)
Stopping, standing or parking parkway
IMC 3-41(3)
Stopping, standing or parking intersection
IMC 3-41(4)(a)
Stopping, standing or parking during peak hours
IMC 3-41(4)(b)
Street sweeping or trash collection
IMC 3-41(4)(c)
Red curb/zone
IMC 3-41(4)(d)
Blue curb/disabled person parking zone
IMC 3-41(4)(e)
Stopping, standing or parking prohibited by sign
IMC 3-41(5)
Exceeding posted time limit public parking lot
IMC 3-43
Private property posting
IMC 3-49
Loading limitation
IMC 3-50
Parking in alleys prohibited
IMC 3-53
Parallel parking required, 18 inches from curb
IMC 3-54
Parking outside lines, no backing into stall
IMC 3-56(1)
Exceeding posted time limit
IMC 3-59
72-hour parking prohibited
IMC 3-61
City vehicle parking only
IMC 3-64.1(1)-(5)
Municipal Parking Lot Restrictions
IMC 3-65(a)
Commercial vehicle in residential prohibited
IMC 3-65.1(a)
Trailer parking prohibited
IMC 3-65.2(a)
No oversized vehicle parking in residential districts 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.
IMC 3-65.2(b)
No parking commercial vehicles over 10,000 lbs in residential districts anytime
IMC 3-65.4(a)
Recreational vehicle parking prohibited
IMC 3-66
Temporary no parking
IMC 3-80
Permit parking
IMC 3-92(g)
Failure to pay special event parking meter rate
IMC 3-96
Parking meter expired
IMC 3-97
Exceeding maximum time limit for metered parking space
CVC 21113(a)
Unauthorized parking public property
CVC 21461(a)
Regulatory sign violation
CVC 22500(a)
No parking intersection
CVC 22500(b)
No parking crosswalk
CVC 22500(c)
No parking safety zone
CVC 22500(d)
No parking 15 feet fire station driveway
CVC 22500(e)
No parking in front of driveway
CVC 22500(f)
No parking sidewalk
CVC 22500(g)
Obstruction Excavation
CVC 22500(h)
Double parking
CVC 22500(i)
Bus loading zone
CVC 22500(j)
No parking tunnel
CVC 22500(k)
No parking bridge
CVC 22500(l)
No parking curb for wheelchair access
CVC 22502(a)
Parallel parking 18 inches of curb
CVC 22507.8(a)
Disabled person parking
CVC 22507.8(b)
Blocking access to disabled person parking space
CVC 22507.8(c)(1)
Parking on lines of disabled parking stall
CVC 22507.8(c)(2)
Parking in area marked with crosshatch lines by disabled person parking stall
CVC 22511.1(a)
Parking in an EV space while not connected for charging
CVC 22511.1(b)
Obstructing, blocking or barring access to EV parking space
CVC 22514
Parking within 15 feet of fire hydrant
CVC 22515
Failure to set parking brake
CVC 22516
Leaving person locked inside vehicle
CVC 22521
Parking on or near rail tracks
(Ord. 17-15 8-8-17; Ord. 18-06 5-8-18; Ord. 19-01 11-27-18; Ord. 24-04, 1/30/2024)