This Article shall be known as the "Condominium Conversion Tax Ordinance."
"Dwelling unit"
shall mean one or more habitable rooms which are occupied or which are intended to be occupied by at least one family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
shall mean any individual or group of individuals living in a dwelling unit.
shall mean all domestic and foreign corporations, associations, syndicates, joint stock companies, partnerships of every kind, joint ventures, trusts, societies, or individuals seeking to convert apartment buildings or projects to private ownership of independent dwelling units.
The City Council finding that multiple ownership created by condominium conversions presents a greater demand upon city services, in particular, property maintenance enforcement, hereby imposes a tax upon every person seeking to convert apartment buildings or projects to private ownership of independent dwelling units within said buildings or projects.
The amount of the tax imposed by this Article shall be $600 per independent dwelling unit contained in the subject building or project.
(Ord. 06-18 10-10-06)
The tax imposed by Section 9-92 shall be due and payable at the time the Special Use Permit application is submitted to the Planning Commission pursuant to Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-95.1 and 12-96.1; provided, however, that the tax shall not be applicable to persons who obtained said approval prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Article.
(Ord. 2325 11-14-78)
Payment of the tax imposed by Section 9-92 shall be a condition precedent to the final approval of the Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission required by Inglewood Municipal Code 12-95.1 and 12-96.1.
(Ord. 2325 11-14-78)
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 9-94 and 9-95 hereinabove, when a community apartment is converted to a condominium the tax imposed by Section 9-92 shall be due and payable at the time each unit is initially sold as a condominium unit. Recordation of a covenant binding each owner at the time of conversion to pay said tax at the time of transfer shall be a condition precedent to final approval of the conversion.
(Ord. 2460 12-13-83)
In the event that the apartment building or project is not converted to condominium or independent dwelling ownership after the final subdivision map is approved, the tax paid will be refunded to whomsoever paid said tax upon filing with the City Clerk of payor's statement under penalty of perjury that he has abandoned the conversion and upon his relinquishment of the Special Use Permit granted under Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-95.1(18). Any further development within the project or attempted sale of condominium units after the tax paid has been refunded shall be unlawful.
The tax imposed by this Article is for revenue purposes only and all funds collected pursuant to the tax shall be deposited into the City's General Fund.
(Ord. 2181 5-21-74)