It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or remodel any building or dwelling in the City without constructing, maintaining and repairing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streets in accordance with the City of Inglewood specifications along the street frontage adjoining the property upon which such building or dwelling is constructed, unless adequate curbs, gutters, sidewalks or streets already exist; provided, however, that the Public Works Director may authorize an exception in a specific instance or instances where sidewalks are impossible or impractical of construction.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 93-22 7-20-93; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct a curb, gutter, sidewalk or street within the City of Inglewood unless a permit from the Public Works Director has been issued prior to said construction.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
A fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule shall be paid for each improvement item for the issuance of a permit pursuant to Section 10-42. An inspection fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule shall also be charged for each inspection of a curb or gutter and a fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule shall be charged for each inspection of a sidewalk or street installation.
(Ord. 2342 1-4-83; Ord. 93-22 7-20-93; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
The Economic and Community Development Director shall deny final approval and acceptance and shall refuse to allow final public utility connections, to any such building or dwelling unless curbs, gutters, sidewalks and streets exist or are constructed, or unless cash is deposited with the Finance Department or a bond is deposited with the City Clerk to guarantee their construction in a sum equal to the estimated cost of construction of said improvements as determined by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 2397 5-5-81; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 20-16 9-22-20)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place, store or park any materials, rubbish bin or construction equipment or install any improvement in the public rights-of-way within the City of Inglewood, without first obtaining a permit from the Public Works Director. It is unlawful to install a wireless telecommunications facility in the City of Inglewood without first obtaining a wireless telecommunications permit pursuant to the requirements of Article 18 of Chapter 10 (Public Works) of the Inglewood Municipal Code. Exception: Temporary merchandise displays in conformance with Section 12-77.11 of Chapter 12 of the Inglewood Municipal Code shall not require a permit.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 93-22 7-20-93; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96; Ord. 10-09 5-25-10; Ord. 10-13 9-28-10)
Temporary Banner Program. Subject to the criteria set forth in this section, non-profit organizations may apply for permits from the Public Works Department to affix temporary banners advertising their non-profit event on designated light poles located in the public right-of-way along major arterial streets.
"Non-profit event"
shall mean an event or series of events sponsored by the non-profit organization to be held in the City of Inglewood with a reasonably expected in-person attendance of five hundred or more people for a single event or one thousand or more people for a series of events. Expected attendance may be demonstrated by attendance at that same or similar event or series of related events in previous years; by attendance projections for an event or series of events based on sales of tickets or reservations to the event or series of related events; or, for an event or series of events that is being organized for the first time, by another reasonable measure of expected in-person attendance to be determined by the Public Works Department. To be considered a non-profit event, the non-profit organization must be involved in all aspects of the event including creative direction, funding and fund development, marketing and media relations, and staffing and support services.
"Non-profit organization"
shall mean an organization that is organized and operating in full compliance as a non-profit or charitable organization under the laws of the State of California, or Internal Revenue Code Sections 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6).
"Series of events"
shall mean related non-profit events recurring over a period of time not to exceed ninety consecutive days. Examples may include a summer concert series, winter festival, etc.
Administrative Guidelines. The City Manager or designee is authorized to adopt administrative guidelines for this temporary banner program that are consistent with and further the terms and requirements of this section.
The Public Works Department shall not issue a permit to any non-profit organization unless the organization complies with the terms and conditions set forth in this section and the Administrative Guidelines promulgated hereunder. Permits may be revoked by the Public Works Department in whole or in part on one or more of the following grounds: (a) the maintenance of any temporary banner endangers public welfare, safety or property; (b) failure or refusal to observe any provision of this section or any regulation promulgated pursuant to authority granted by this section; or (c) a material misrepresentation in the application. The Public Works Director or designee shall have the right to immediately remove or cause the immediate removal of any banner that does not conform to the permit regulations promulgated hereunder.
The failure to obtain a permit required by this section is unlawful per Section 10-45.
(Ord. 21-11 8-3-21)
Prior to the issuance of any permit pursuant to Section 10-45, a fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule shall be paid for each item.
(Ord. 93-22 7-20-93; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
Prior to issuance of an outdoor restaurant encroachment permit pursuant to Section 10-45, a nonrefundable fee in the sum of $250 shall be paid to the Public Works Department for each outdoor restaurant encroachment permit and subsequently renewed thereafter on an annual basis. The outdoor restaurant encroachment permit fee shall pay for the cost of incidental sidewalk, curb and public right-of-way repairs and for maintenance associated with the normal use of the outdoor restaurant. The encroachment permit fee must be paid for after the Permits and Licenses Committee has approved the outdoor restaurant request.
A refundable security deposit of $250 must be paid by the outdoor restaurant operator to the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the outdoor encroachment permit. The refundable fee will be maintained on reserve by the City for the life of the permit but may also be applied to the cost of additional repairs, damage or vandalism to public property directly related to the use of the outdoor restaurant.
(Ord. 02-14 3-19-02)
Notwithstanding the provisions for issuance and renewal of an outdoor restaurant encroachment permit, the Public Works Director may immediately suspend the use and occupying of the public sidewalk utilized by an approved outdoor restaurant establishment for a designated time period at any time in the event that such use or occupation of the public sidewalk would interfere with street and/or utility improvements, repairs, construction, maintenance activities or emergency situations. In the event the temporary suspension exceeds five consecutive days, the restaurant operator may submit a written request to obtain a pro-rata refund of the annual encroachment permit fee. In the event of temporary suspension or other interruption of use, the operator shall hold the City harmless for any and all loss of business or operations.
(Ord. 02-14 3-19-02)
Permits issued by the Committee on Permits and Licenses for any outdoor restaurant or food service use may be suspended or revoked by the Committee at any time for continued or repeated violations of any rule or regulation of the Inglewood Municipal Code, or for the violation of any ordinance of the City or laws of the State of California. The procedure for such suspension or revocation shall be that set forth in Sections 8-46 through 8-47 of the Inglewood Municipal Code.
(Ord. 02-14 3-19-02)
Where parkways and sidewalks are to be installed in a combined operation, one permit may be issued and one fee paid for both installations.
Any improvement in a parkway area installed pursuant to this Article shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard Plans of the City of Inglewood on file in the office of the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
It shall be unlawful for any person to install any roof drain running under a sidewalk and parkway area within the City of Inglewood without first obtaining a permit from the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
Prior to the issuance of any permit pursuant to Section 10-49, a fee as specified in the Master Fee Schedule shall be paid for each drain.
(Ord. 93-22 7-20-93; Ord. 13-04 11-5-13)
Any roof drain installed pursuant to a permit issued under Section 10-49 shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard Plans of the City of Inglewood on file in the office of the Public Works Director, or otherwise where authorized by the Public Works Director.
(Ord. 2348 7-31-79; Ord. 96-21 9-24-96)
It shall be unlawful for any person to paint, stencil or affix upon any public street or public curb surface any house or street number unless authorized by permit issued pursuant to Sections 10-51.1 through 10-51.5 inclusive.
(Ord. 05-07 8-23-05)
No person shall paint, stencil or affix, or cause to be painted, stenciled or affixed, any house or street number on any curb in or adjacent to any public street without first having obtained a city business license and a permit from the Department of Public Works.
All permits shall expire one year from the date of issuance.
The applicant shall file with the City a policy of public liability insurance in which the City has been named as insured or co-insured with the applicant. The policy of insurance shall insure the City and its officers and employees against all claims arising out of or in connection with the issuance of the permit or the operation of the applicant or agents or contractors pursuant to the permit. The policy of insurance shall provide coverage as follows:
Bodily injury—$25,000 each person, $50,000 each accident;
Property damage—$5,000 each accident.
The applicant shall post and maintain with the City a surety bond in the amount of $500. Such bond shall be executed to the satisfaction of the City and shall be approved by the City Attorney as to form and legality. Such bond shall be payable to the City, shall be executed by a reliable surety company authorized to do business in California and satisfactory to the City, and shall guarantee compliance with the provisions of this Section and all rules and regulations adopted by the City pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 05-07 8-23-05)
Address numbers shall be painted in conformance with Standards for Address Painting on Curbs issued by the Department of Public Works.
No work or soliciting between the hours from one hour before sunset to one hour after sunrise.
No address numbering shall be painted on curbs without first obtaining the approval of the fronting property owner.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the City, or any of its employees, agents or contractors authorized by the Public Works Director.
If the street numbering is incorrect, or of poor quality or appearance, as determined by the Public Works Director, the applicant shall, upon notification and within twenty-four hours thereafter, repaint the numbering at no charge to the residential owner or occupant.
The applicant may distribute printed materials notifying residential owners or occupants of the applicant's services, subject to compliance with the following requirements:
Printed material shall not make any reference to any law enforcement agency, or that such service is endorsed or required by the City, or that payment for such service is mandatory;
Printed material shall clearly identify the individual(s) or organization offering such service, including telephone number(s) and address of the applicant or the applicant organization. The address shall not be a post office box;
No printed materials advertising the applicant's services shall be deposited in a mail box by the applicant or an assistant nor left on residential properties.
The applicant shall immediately advise the Public Works Director of any change in address, telephone number or company name.
The applicant shall have a person on location to act as a manager at all times during which the street numbering activities are conducted.
The applicant shall maintain a record of the streets and curb numbers in which he or she paints street address numbers. A list of such streets shall be forwarded to the Public Works Director upon completion of the work on a weekly basis.
Solicitation for donations or payment for the work shall be made in a civil and courteous manner without inference that donations are mandatory, or that the City established or regulated the amount of such donations.
The City may adopt such reasonable rules and regulations in furtherance of the provisions of this Section as the Public Works Director shall determine are necessary, including, but not limited to, rules regarding the work to be performed and the method and manner of the solicitation for such work.
(Ord. 05-07 8-23-05)
Any person who violates Section 10-51.3, Standards and Procedures, or who provides false or misleading information, shall be guilty of an infraction punishable by a fine pursuant to the Inglewood Municipal Code Section 1-18.
(Ord. 05-07 8-23-05)
The City, nor any officer, employee or volunteer shall be liable nor responsible for any work done by any applicant under the provision of this Section, or by any employee, agent or independent contractor of the City who paints over, obliterates or removes any house or street address number upon any curb in the course of establishing any official traffic control or street identification sign, or in the process of repair or replacement of curbs.
(Ord. 05-07 8-23-05)