Any activity directly related to the sale and/or dispensing of gasoline, other motor fuels, oil, air filters, wiper blades, compressed air, radiator coolant, water and similar minor accessories and services may be performed outdoors at a service station.
Any activity related to engine tune-ups, oil changes, lubrication, battery or muffler installation, tire changes, wheel alignment or balancing, and similar repairs and services shall be conducted only within a fully enclosed building, except where specifically permitted as an outdoor activity.
Body and fender repair, painting, dismantling and similar work to vehicles shall not be conducted at a service station. Storage of disassembled vehicles and of vehicles inoperative for periods longer than three days (weekends excluded) is prohibited.
The sale of merchandise directly related to the needs of a motorist, including, but not limited to, oil, sunglasses, maps and such products as soft drinks and cigarettes dispensed by vending machines, may be conducted within the premises of a service station.
The conversion, alteration, or development of a service station to permit a different or additional use on the premises, or to eliminate the sale of gasoline, shall be subject to prior Special Use Permit approval as specified in Article 25 of this Chapter. Such uses include, but are not limited to, automated car wash uses, convenience markets, restaurants, and the sale of other merchandise not directly related to the servicing of vehicles.
(Ord. 2346 7-3-79; Ord. 87-7 5-19-87; Ord. 02-36 1-7-03)
(Ord. 2346 7-3-79)
If the gasoline pumps are removed from a service station for a continuous period of six months, the sale of gasoline shall be deemed to be an abandoned use of the property and any canopy structures used to cover the gasoline pumps, and other objects related to the gasoline pumps, any raised concrete islands used to support the gasoline pumps, and other objects related to the gasoline pumps, shall be removed. Conversion of the site to another use shall comply with the requirements for a Special Use Permit as specified in Article 25 of this Chapter.
If the use of a service station facility for any permitted activity ceases for a continuous period of one year, the service station shall be deemed to be abandoned and all structures and other improvements shall be removed from the site. If, during this period of one year, the premises are left unsecured and unmaintained so that the premises are subject to vandalism, damage, accumulation of garbage, and/or the storage or abandonment of vehicles, the service station shall be deemed to be abandoned and all structures and other improvements shall be removed.
(Ord. 2119 9-1-72; Ord. 2346 7-3-79; Ord. 87-7 5-19-87)
All service stations hereinafter constructed or structurally altered shall meet and conform to the following development standards:
All planters and trash area enclosures shall be constructed of the same or similar materials as the building; and the colors of all walls, planters and trash areas shall be the same as colors of the building.
All service stations shall maintain an enclosed trash area. Said area shall be within a main structure or enclosed by a wall five feet in height.
Service stations shall be separated from adjacent property by a masonry wall of not less than five feet nor more than six feet in height. If the location of the ingress and egress areas of the site may hinder or obstruct vehicular visibility to and from the subject site, the Planning Commission may allow the wall to be reduced to a minimum of three feet in height for a maximum distance of eighteen feet from the street frontage property line.
All lube bays and wash racks shall take vehicular access from an interior side or the rear of the building except when side or rear openings face a property line abutting residentially zoned property or are separated from residentially zoned property by an alley.
Except as otherwise permitted, outside storage of new or used merchandise shall not be permitted.
Coin-operated vending machines may be permitted inside or outside of the building.
Storage and display of trailers for lease, hire, or rent shall be permitted outside of the building within a parking space provided, in addition to those parking spaces required by Article 19 of this Chapter.
All trailer hitches and other equipment shall be stored within a cabinet, bin, or similarly enclosed structure.
Uses which do not conflict with the operation of the service station or the use of required parking spaces, if not detrimental to surrounding property, may be permitted if approved as provided for approval of adjustments in Article 26.1 of this Chapter.
The site shall be landscaped and all landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent irrigation system.
Existing service station remodeling or reconstruction shall not reduce the size of the original service station site, except that a service station site larger than twenty thousand square feet may be reduced to not less than twenty thousand square feet of land area.
New service station sites shall contain not less than twenty thousand square feet of land.
(Ord. 2396 5-5-81; Ord. 87-7 5-19-87; Ord. 87-15 6-30-87; Ord. 02-36 1-7-03)
All automated car washing facilities authorized by this Chapter shall comply with the applicable development standards of the zone in which it is located as well as the following automated car wash standards. When car wash standards and any other applicable Inglewood Municipal Code regulations are different, the more restrictive standards/regulations shall apply. All automated car wash uses developed on service station sites shall meet and conform to the following standards:
Setbacks. No automated car wash building or structure shall be located within twenty-five feet of any public street right-of-way or within twenty-five feet of a residentially-zoned or developed property.
Walls. Other than along a street frontage, an automated car wash facility shall be separated from an adjacent property by a masonry wall of not less than five feet nor more than six feet in height. If the location of the ingress and egress areas of the site may hinder or obstruct vehicular visibility to and from the subject site, the Planning Commission may allow the wall to be reduced to a minimum of three feet in height for a maximum distance of eighteen feet from the street frontage property line. Materials, texture, colors, and design of all walls shall be compatible with the design of the principal structures on the subject site.
Queuing of Vehicles. An on-site queuing plan shall be approved by the City of Inglewood. Traffic circulation shall be designed to ensure efficient circulation on and off the subject site and ensure that the car wash will not obstruct the use of the service station gasoline dispensers, drive aisles, back-up areas, or parking spaces. Furthermore, vehicles should not queue onto a public street, alley or driveway.
Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the applicable Sections of Chapter 12 of the Inglewood Municipal Code. All street trees shall be preserved or replaced as required by the City, and driveways and vehicle approaches shall be designed to prevent the removal of any existing street trees.
Water Recycling. Recycling of water used for vehicle washing shall be maximized. The use of recycling water systems and the disposal of water fluids and solids shall comply with applicable state and Federal guidelines/standards and must be approved by the Inglewood Department a Public Works.
Air Quality. All mechanical ventilating equipment shall be directed to exhaust vents and cannot face adjacent residential properties. Exhaust systems shall be equipped with appropriate control systems to minimize or eliminate noxious pollutants that may impact ambient air quality and must adhere to all applicable local, state and Federal air quality standards.
Noise. All uses at the subject site must comply with the City's Noise Ordinance.
Outdoor Loudspeakers. There shall be no outdoor loudspeakers or public address systems allowed at the subject automated car wash sites.
Aesthetics. The automated car wash building must be aesthetically compatible with the buildings on site and in the surrounding neighborhood.
Facility size. No automated car wash building can exceed twenty feet in width, fifty feet in depth, and twenty-five feet in height.
Manual labor. Manual labor is not allowed in connection with the car wash use.
(Ord. 02-36 1-7-03)