All advisory boards and commissions shall be established or dissolved by ordinance. Committees may be established or dissolved by resolution or Council action.
(2896-6/87, 3124-12/91, 4244-12/21)
Ad Hoc Council Committee.
A temporary committee created by Council action in response to an issue that is limited in scope and duration. Ad hoc Council Committees are made up of Councilmembers only (three or less) with staff support;
A body of members appointed pursuant to Huntington Beach Charter Section 405 to serve in a continuing advisory capacity to the City Council in a specific area, except for such boards which have decision-making authority pursuant to the particular establishing ordinance creating such a board;
A body of members appointed pursuant to Huntington Beach Charter Section 405 which may have decision-making authority in those activities delegated to them by the City Council;
A body of members appointed pursuant to the Huntington Beach Charter Section 405 to advise City Council on a particular subject for a limited amount of time;
Council Liaison.
Councilmembers assigned by the Mayor to serve as the liaison to a specific advisory board;
Standing Council Committee.
A standing committee created by City Council action in response to an ongoing issue. Standing Council Committees are made up of Councilmembers only (three or less) with support from a staff liaison. This Committee is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act
(2896-6/87, 3250-10/94, 4244-12/21)
When deemed necessary, the City Council may cause to be set aside in the budget for each fiscal year an amount necessary for the functioning of such boards and commissions.
The City shall assign a staff liaison to each board and commission.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
Unless otherwise specified, all members of boards and commissions shall be residents and electors of the City of Huntington Beach.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
No person shall serve on more than one board or commission at any one time. No person shall serve more than two consecutive terms on any one board or commission, and no person who has been a member for more than two years of a term to which some other person was appointed a member shall be appointed to the same board or commission for more than one further consecutive term. No person who has served two consecutive terms on any one board or commission shall be eligible for reappointment to the same board or commission within 30 days of the expiration of the person's most recent term. Any board or commission with direct councilmember appointment shall be reduced to seven members and shall not in the future exceed seven members.
(2896-6/87, 3256-11/94, 3323-5/96, 3327-5/96, 3776-9/07, 4281-3/23)
Unless otherwise specified, or removed, members shall serve until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The City Council shall have the power to fill any vacancies. Unless otherwise specified, terms of members of boards and commissions shall be four years, staggered so that the majority of terms shall end in odd-numbered years following the election of four council members and remainder of the terms shall end in odd-numbered years following the election of three council members.
(3391-8/98, 4244-12/21)
Every person appointed to a Board, Commission or Committee listed in the City's Conflict of Interest Code shall file a statement of economic interests with the City Clerk. Statements of economic interests shall be filed within 30 days of taking office and annually thereafter, and upon leaving office. Any such person who fails to file a statement of economic interests as provided in this section may be required to vacate the office.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
No person serving on any board or commission shall hold any full or part-time paid office or employment in the Huntington Beach personnel system while so serving, unless otherwise specified.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
Persons appointed to any City board, commission or committee are required to attend regular and/or special meetings. Upon request to be absent, in writing, each advisory body shall have the authority to determine whether an absence is excused.
Members with unexcused absences greater than one third of the scheduled meetings during a calendar year or miss more than two consecutive unexcused absences shall automatically vacate the office.
The appointing authority shall appoint a successor to fill the vacancy for the unexpired remaining term.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
Members may be appointed and positions maintained by individual or majority of City Council.
(2896-6/87, 4244-12/21)
All meetings of boards, commissions and committees shall be subject to the public per the Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950) including requirement that meeting be open to the public.
(3124-12/91, 3323-5/96, 4244-12/21)
Records (e.g. meeting agendas, minutes, and staff reports) of the boards and commissions and committees shall be retained per the City's Records Retention Guideline.
Each board and commission may adopt such bylaws and rules as may be necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business, subject to approval of the City Council.
This chapter shall apply to all boards and commissions.