This chapter may be cited as the "Sewer Service User Charge Ordinance."
Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 5470 et seq., the City is authorized to adopt fees and charges for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of sewerage facilities. This chapter is intended to ensure that sufficient revenues are collected to adequately acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, and operate the City's needed sewerage facilities. By imposing a charge that is reasonably related to the burdens imposed upon the sewerage facilities by sewer service customers, the City will be able to acquire and/or construct the required capital improvements to the sewerage facilities, undertake the needed reconstruction and maintenance of existing sewerage facilities, and operate the sewerage facilities in accordance with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's integrated infrastructure management program.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
shall mean the City of Huntington Beach.
"Public Works Director"
shall mean the Public Works Director or the Director's designee.
"Sewer charge customer category"
shall mean any of the specific use categories that have been listed in this chapter establishing sewer service user rates and charges pursuant to Section 14.54.040.
"Sewer service customer"
shall mean the person obligated to pay the sewer service user charge or other fee(s) established pursuant to this chapter.
"Sewer service fund"
shall mean the special fund established pursuant to this chapter into which all revenues from sewer service user charges will be deposited.
"Sewer service user charge" or "charge"
shall mean the charge imposed on sewer service customers pursuant to this chapter.
"Sewer system"
shall mean all sanitary sewer facilities owned or maintained by the City of Huntington Beach and used for the purpose of collecting and conveying sewage to the Orange County Sanitation District's treatment and conveyance facilities.
"Water customer"
shall mean any person with a City water utility account.
(3504-10/01, 3795-1/08)
Repair and maintenance of all sewer mains dedicated to the City shall be the responsibility of the City.
Except as provided herein, repair and maintenance of all privately-owned sewer mains and all lateral lines, equipment and appurtenances connected to the City sewer mains shall be the responsibility of the owner/user, and shall meet the requirements contained in Title 12 of this Code.
City will pay the cost of repair and maintenance of all lateral lines from the City-owned sewer main through the public right-of-way to the private property line. The owner is responsible for all costs of repair and maintenance of all lateral lines on private property not within the public right-of-way.
The Public Works Director shall prepare administrative guidelines to implement the provisions of this section. The guidelines shall include administrative procedures, application and appeals forms and such other information that will assist City staff, decision makers, sewer service customers and the general public to understand how the provisions of this section are to be implemented.
Pursuant to California Health & Safety Code Section 5470, et seq., including Sections 5471 and 5474, the City is authorized to adopt rates and charges for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of a sewerage system. This chapter is intended to ensure that sufficient revenues are collected to adequately acquire, construct, reconstruct, maintain, and operate the City's needed sewer facilities. By imposing a Sewer Service User Charge that is reasonably related to the burdens imposed upon the sewer facilities by sewer service customers, the City will be able to acquire and/or construct the required capital improvements to maintain and improve sewer facilities.
The City shall impose a Sewer Service User Charge. The Charge shall be set by a Resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the City Council. The charge shall be imposed monthly and collected monthly.
The City Council may include a schedule of adjustments, effective July 1 of each year, for up to five years as part of the Sewer Service User Charge it may authorize by Resolution. The adjustments may include an annual percentage adjustment reflecting the increase in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers ("CPIU") in Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties established by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Notice of any adjustment to the Sewer Service User Charge shall be provided by way of an insert in the monthly City water and sewer bill at least 30 days before the effective date of the Rate and Surcharge adjustment.
Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 5472, any person may pay under protest the Sewer Service User Charge, and bring an action against the City in the Orange County Superior Court to recover money which the City refuses to refund. Any protest shall be filed with the City Clerk no later than prior to or concurrently with the date payment of the charge is due.
(3504-10/01, 4158-5/18)
The City hereby establishes a special fund within the City's fiscal system to be known as the "sewer service fund."
All revenues from sewer service user charges and any related fees and charges shall be deposited to the sewer service fund.
The interest earned on the sewer service fund shall accrue to that account only.
The monies in the sewer service fund shall not be transferred, loaned or otherwise encumbered for any program except the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of the City's sewer system or as may be further authorized under state law in accordance with the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 5471.
Revenues derived pursuant to this chapter and placed into the sewer service fund shall not be used for the acquisition or construction of new local street sewers or laterals as distinguished from main trunk, interceptor and outfall sewers or as may be further prohibited under state law in accordance with the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 5471.
The City Council shall by Resolution set the specific amount of the Sewer Service User Charges for all water meter customers in the City.
The Sewer Service User Charge shall be based upon the Customer Category, and the number of dwelling units or commercial or industrial occupancies the water meter serves, all as further defined in the Resolution establishing the Charge. Public schools shall be charged based upon the student average daily attendance ("ADA"), with separate per student rates for kindergarten through eighth grade, and for high school. The Sewer Service User Charge shall not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the services, facilities or regulatory activity for which the charge is imposed.
(3504-10/01, 4158-5/18)
The sewer service fund shall be subject to an annual review and performance audit by the Public Works Commission. The City Council periodically, at least annually, shall receive at a regularly scheduled meeting, oral and written presentations as recommended by the Public Works Commission, concerning fees, rates, and/or charges proposed to be modified or added to the sewer service user charge. Such public meeting and oral and written presentations shall be provided prior to the City Council taking any action on any new or modified sewer service user charges. At least one such public hearing shall be held annually, in conjunction with the City's annual budget process and hearing.
The billing of the sewer service user charge for water customers of the City shall be made at such time and frequency and such method as the City Council may deem appropriate by ordinance.
All sewer service user charges, however billed, shall be subject to the payment, collection and enforcement procedures for water billings as set forth in Section 14.12.120.
Exemption Categories. The following water customers shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
The City of Huntington Beach.
Water customers with irrigation only accounts or meters as determined by the Public Works Director.
Water customers who are not connected to the City sewer system.
Claim for Exemption Required. Any claim of exemption under subsection (A)(3) of this section must be filed in the same manner and will be considered pursuant to the same procedure as for a sewer service user charge adjustment as provided in Section 14.54.110.
Within 60 days after the effective date of the ordinance enacting this chapter, the Public Works Director shall prepare administrative guidelines to implement the provisions of this chapter. The guidelines shall include administrative procedures, example fee calculations, application and appeals forms and such other information that will assist City staff, decision makers, sewer service customers and the general public to understand how the provisions of this chapter are to be implemented.