An Open Space District is established by this chapter. This district provides areas for public or private use and areas for preservation and enhancement. Three subdistricts have been identified:
OS-PR Open Space-Parks and Recreation Subdistrict.
OS-S Open Space-Shoreline.
OS-WR Open Space-Water Recreation Subdistrict.
The OS District shall be the base district for the use classifications listed in Section 213.06 where these classifications have a minimum contiguous site area of two acres, including alleys, streets or other rights-of-way. Open-space use classifications on sites of less than two acres shall be subject to the provisions of the base and overlay districts in which they are located.
In the following schedule, letter designations are used as follows:
"P" designates use classifications permitted in the OS District.
"L" designates use classifications subject to certain limitations prescribed by the "Additional Provisions" which follow.
"PC" designates use classifications permitted on approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning Commission.
"ZA" designates use classifications permitted on approval of a conditional use permit by the Zoning Administrator.
"TU" designates use classifications permitted on approval of a temporary use permit.
"P/U" for an accessory use means that the use is permitted on the site of a permitted use, but requires a use permit on the site of a conditional use.
Use classifications that are not listed are prohibited. Letters in parentheses in the "Additional Provisions" column refer to provisions following the schedule or located elsewhere in the Zoning Ordinance. Where letters in parentheses are opposite a use classification heading, referenced provisions shall apply to all use classifications under the heading.
OS District Land Use Controls
P = Permitted
L = Limited (see Additional Provisions)
PC = Conditional use permit approved by Planning Commission
ZA = Conditional use permit approved by Zoning Administrator
TU = Temporary Use Permit
P/U = Requires conditional use permit on site of conditional use
- = Not Permitted
Additional Provisions
Public and Semipublic
Park & Recreation Facilities
Public Safety Facilities
Utilities, Major
Utilities, Minor
Commercial Uses
Animal Sales and Services
Equestrian Centers
Commercial Recreation and Entertainment
Communication Facilities
Eating & Drinking Establishments
With Alcohol
With Take-Out Service, Limited
Vehicle/Equipment Sales and Services
Commercial Parking Facility
Accessory Uses
Accessory Uses and Structures
Temporary Uses
Animal Shows
Circuses and Carnivals
Commercial Filming
Nonconforming Uses
Allowed with a conditional use permit approval by the Zoning Administrator only as an ancillary use that is compatible with and part of a park or recreational facility. Only in the coastal zone overlay district, in public parks in both the Parks and Recreation and the Shoreline Subdistricts, only the following type of eating and drinking establishment shall be permitted: take-out service establishments where patrons order and pay for their food at a counter or window before it is consumed and may either pick up or be served such food at a table or take it off-site for consumption; and persons are not served in vehicles.
Public parking is permitted, but commercial parking facilities on City-owned land require a conditional use permit approval by the Planning Commission. Recreational vehicle overnight parking is limited to 10% of available public parking. No encroachment onto sandy beach area shall be permitted.
Beach concession stands for sale of refreshments and sundries (not to exceed 2,500 square feet) must be located a minimum 1,000 feet apart. Beach concession structures shall be located within or immediately adjacent to paved parking or access areas.
Only wireless communication facilities permitted subject to Section 230.96, Wireless Communication Facilities.
Eating and drinking establishments with full table service, with or without outdoor dining, located in Central Park may provide on-site sales, service and consumption of beer and wine upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. Public or private golf courses, with or without outdoor dining, may provide on-site sales, service and consumption of alcohol upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit approved by the Zoning Administrator.
Limited to facilities incidental to an open space use.
See Section 241.22, Temporary Use Permits.
See Chapter 236, Nonconforming Uses and Structures.
Private cantilevered decks abutting residential uses; private boat ramps, slips, docks, windscreen and boat hoists in conjunction with adjacent single family dwellings. See Residential Districts and Chapter 17.24.
See Section 230.48, Equestrian Centers.
The permitted uses for recreation areas on the Huntington Beach mesa shall be limited to low-intensity uses including picnic grounds, arboretums, bird sanctuaries, trails. High-intensity uses such as tennis courts, athletic fields, stables, campgrounds or other commercial or recreation uses shall be conditional only, and shall be located in nodes adjacent to existing developed areas or roads and shall avoid adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive habitats.
(3334-6/97, 3568-9/02, 4156-6/18)
The following schedule prescribes development standards for the OS-PR, OS-S and OS-WR subdistricts. The first three columns prescribe basic requirements for permitted and conditional uses in each subdistrict. Letters in parentheses in the "Additional Requirements" column refer to standards following the schedule or located elsewhere in the zoning ordinance. All required setbacks shall be measured from ultimate right-of-way and in accordance with definitions set forth in Chapter 203, Definitions.
OS-PR, OS-S, and OS-WR Districts: Development Standards
Additional Requirements
Nonresidential Development
Minimum Lot Area (sq. ft.)
5 ac
Minimum Lot Width (ft.)
Minimum Setbacks
Front (ft.)
Side (ft.)
Street Side (ft.)
Rear (ft.)
Maximum Height of Structures (ft.)
Maximum Lot Coverage (%)
Minimum Site Landscaping
See Ch. 232
Building Design
Fences and Walls
See § 230.88
Off-Street Parking/Loading
See Ch. 231
Outdoor Facilities
See § 230.74
Screening of Mechanical Equipment
See § 230.76
Refuse Storage Areas
See § 230.78
Underground Utilities
See Ch. 17.64
Performance Standards
See § 230.82
Nonconforming Structures
See Ch. 236
See Ch. 233
All development shall be compatible with the established physical scale of the area and shall not encroach on major view corridors. Public visual resources within the coastal zone shall be preserved and enhanced. Maximum height limit for development within the coastal zone in the Open Space Recreation Subdistrict shall be 35 feet.
To the extent feasible, mature trees shall be protected. Development shall ensure maximum protection of native vegetation and sensitive wildlife habitats.
All buildings and structures shall be sited and designed to ensure stability and structural integrity for their expected economic life span and to minimize alterations to natural landforms.
Underground utilities shall be provided unless underground installation would have a substantial adverse impact on the environment.
Facilities necessary for public safety may exceed maximum height.
All setback areas along street frontages in OS-PR shall be fully landscaped.
All applications for new construction and exterior alterations and additions shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review. Discretionary review shall be required as follows:
Zoning Administrator Review. Projects requiring a conditional use permit from the Zoning Administrator; projects on substandard lots.
Design Review Board. See Chapter 244.
Planning Commission. Projects requiring a conditional use permit from the Commission.
Projects in the Coastal Zone. A Coastal Development Permit is required unless the project is exempt; see Chapter 245.
(3870-3/10, 4093-10/16)