Note: Prior code history: Prior code Appx. B §§ 35(1)—35(8).
It is the intent of the commercial district "C-1" to permit retail merchandising activities in a concentrated area serving the general shopping needs of the trade area. Density and intensity of use may be considered moderate to high. Uses in this district are intended to be compatible with adjoining residential and commercial districts.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
In the commercial district "C-1," no structure or land shall be used and no structure altered, enlarged or erected which is arranged, intended, or designed for other than one of the uses listed in Section 17.56.040 of this chapter.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
The tract for use as a commercial district "C-1" shall not be less than 3,500 square feet in area.
The location of commercial district "C-1" uses shall be on property that has access to collector and/or minor arterial streets.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Motorized vehicle sales and services;
Mobile home, manufactured home, and travel trailer sales and services;
Facilities for repair of items in subsections A and B of this section conducted inside a building;
Parking lots and parking garages;
Bank, saving, and lending institutions and professional offices;
Builders supply and related trade shops;
Motels and hotels;
Membership clubs and lodges;
Multiple-family dwellings on each floor, including 50% maximum of the ground floor on the non-street side;
Human healthcare facilities;
Electric, telephone, cable substations and related equipment;
Tire repair shops conducted from within a permanent building;
Personal services;
Printing and newspaper offices;
Radio and television stations;
Restaurants, bars, convenient stores;
Retail sales whose business consists primarily of serving retail customers and conducted from within a permanent building;
Public and commercial recreational uses;
Public utility and public service installations and facilities for the protection and welfare of the surrounding area, provided repair and storage facilities are not included;
Public and private vocational and technical schools;
Wholesale sales conducted from within a permanent building;
Pet shops not containing facilities for boarding animals;
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to the uses permitted in commercial district "C-1";
Soil/water laboratory;
Storage units;
Light manufacturing.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006; Ord. 21-008 § 1, 2021; Ord. 21-009 § 1, 2021)
There are no requirements for percent of area occupied by buildings in this district except to meet all fire code regulations.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
No building or structure shall exceed 45 feet in height.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
As necessary for sight distance at intersection of streets;
A side and rear setback with sufficient width to meet regulations as found in Section 17.56.110 of this chapter;
No building or structure may be located on an easement or right-of-way.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Traffic flow and design of access points into and from the property will meet city specifications. Any design impacting a State Highway will require prior approval from the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) with copies of design and WYDOT approval submitted to city. The city reserves the right to redesign existing access points as it may deem best suited to insure safety and improve overall traffic flow on adjoining streets.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
All utility lines and their installation locations shall be approved by the city and the respective utility company.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be provided and located on the same premises requiring such activity. The loading and unloading areas shall also be located as to avoid encroachment with the public use of streets, alleys, and walkways. Size and location of loading and unloading areas to be approved by the city. Minimum size to be 12 feet wide, 80 feet long, and have a 14 foot above ground clearance.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Landscaping will be required on every side of the commercial property that adjoins a residential zoned property per:
A six-foot high solid fence, wall, and/or shrub planted area shall be installed on the commercial property and be maintained on both sides by the commercial property owner;
The rear or side wall of the building, located within three feet of the property line, will substitute for the requirements of subsection A of this section;
The fence, wall, or vegetation area shall comply with Section 17.16.050(A) and (B)(1).
Properties separated by an alley or walkway shall comply with this section.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
There are no restrictions on business operating hours.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Off-street parking shall be required per Riverton Municipal Code.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Signage shall adhere to Riverton Municipal Code and the International Building Code.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)
Appeals to these regulations may be taken to the board of adjustments.
(Ord. 06-007 § 1, 2006)