"Parkway," "easement" or "right-of-way"
means land owned by another over which the City has an easement or right-of-way for street and related purposes. "Parkway" refers to that portion of a street right-of-way which is available for landscaping, and not for curb, gutter or pavement.
It is unlawful for any person to surface any portion of the City-owned streets or parkways at any location in the City by paving the same with concrete, asphalt, masonry, or any other hard surface, without first obtaining a public works permit and an encroachment permit.
No person shall excavate within the public right-of-way any ditches, tunnels, trenches or irrigation lines with-out first obtaining a public works permit.
Permits shall not be granted if it is determined that the planting, surfacing or excavation would compromise the health of a City tree, would interfere with utilities such as sewer laterals of or the access to utilities, or would impede safe pedestrian or vehicular access.
It is unlawful for any person to have in any public parkway of any public street any plant material, such as shrubs or ground cover, that is more than thirty-six inches above the sidewalk level, and no growth shall be allowed to obstruct any portion of an adjoining sidewalk; provided, however, that the limitations contained in this section shall not apply to street trees which may exceed the height limitation of thirty-six inches, and which may branch over the sidewalk at a minimum height of seven feet.
Whenever the City Traffic Engineer finds that any hedge, shrubbery or tree growing within the public right-of-way obstructs the view of any intersection, or any traffic upon the streets approaching such intersection, he or she may cause the hedge, shrubbery or tree to be removed or reduced in height.
Except in those specific areas where the City has formally accepted maintenance through a development agreement or another instrument, the duties of any owner of private property whose property has a City parkway or easement on its street and related purposes are as follows:
To maintain and water any vegetation planted in the public easement area to no more than twelve inches, and to reduce the height of no more than thirty-six inches in compliance with Section 12.24.050; provided however, this section shall not apply to City trees; and
To remove all vegetation, garbage, and debris from any sidewalk, swale (improved or unimproved), or trail in the right-of-way easement over his or her property.