The City Council may by resolution determine, fix and establish fees or charges to be paid the City for providing and making available a service in the sweeping of streets, curbs, and gutters. Such charges may be established by classification for single-family dwellings, for all apartments of less than five units, and for commercial establishments, churches, schools, apartments of five or more units, and any other sources other than residential.
(Prior code § 11.40; 78-20)
The fees established by the City Council shall be billed to and paid for by the owner of the premises; provided, however, that the owner shall have the right to reimbursement from the respective occupants for whose benefit the charge is paid; and provided further, that such fees may be billed to and paid for by the owner, proprietor, or occupant of commercial establishments, churches, schools and any other source other than residential.
All owners of places and premises in the City are made liable for the fees as prescribed by this chapter except upon special exemption by the City Council.
(Prior code § 11.41; 78-20)
All fees for sweeping of streets, curbs, and gutters may be billed semiannually and shall be payable upon presentation date at the office of the City Clerk, and shall be delinquent thirty-one days after the date of such presentation. Such bills shall be issued by the City Clerk and may be combined with statements for other services. Fees shall be calculated in the same manner provided by this section for monthly charges, except the charges shall be increased by six times the amount of the monthly charge.
There shall be added to all delinquent fees a late charge in order to cover extra administration costs for failure to pay the fees before delinquency to be computed as follows: ten percent of the amount of the fee, plus one percent for each month or portion of a month, after the delinquent date.
(Prior code § 11.42; 78-20)
Any fees authorized pursuant to this chapter which remain unpaid for a period of six or more months after the date upon which they are billed may be collected thereafter by the City as provided in Section 8.08.160 of this Code.
(Prior code § 11.43; 78-20)