City commissions shall consist of seven members. Members of City commissions shall be appointed by the City Council. At the time of his or her appointment, and during his or her tenure of office, each commission member shall reside within the City. Provided under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the City Council, one member of each commission may reside up to one quarter mile outside of the City limits.
The terms of members appointed after the effective date of this section shall, at the sole discretion of the City Council, be for up to four years and until their respective successors are appointed and take office. All terms shall expire on August 31st of the year established by the City Council when the appointment was made.
Meetings of all commissions shall be at a stated time and in a public place.
(Prior code §2.17-1)
The City Council shall establish policies and procedures for appointing and removing commissioners. Said policies and procedures may be amended from time to time as determined by the City Council.
(Prior code § 2.21; 95-06)
A commission member may be reimbursed for the costs of attending a conference or meeting in accordance with such policies as may be adopted by the City Council.
(Prior code § 2.23)
City commissions shall be advisory to the City Council, except that a commission may make a final decision on a matter delegated to it by law, subject to appeal to the City Council. When making recommendations or decisions on matters before a commission, each commission should weigh the environmental ramifications such an action may have. All decisions and/or recommendations shall be predicated upon the goals and policies contained in the City's general plan and address the unique characteristics of the City through the preservation of neighborhood preservation, quality of life and economic vitality.
(Prior code § 2.24; 95-06)
City commissions shall be advisory to the City Manager on administrative matters.
(Prior code § 2.25)
The City Manager or his or her representative shall attend commission meetings but shall serve in an advisory capacity only and shall have no voting rights.
(Prior code § 2.25-1)
A member is bound by the provisions of the Government Code relating to non-contractual conflicts of interest. In addition to the requirements of such code, a member shall disclose any direct or indirect personal financial interest in any matter coming before the Commission on which he or she serves and the secretary shall record this disclosure. He or she shall refrain from participating in any discussion of the matter, except that he or she may temporarily leave his or her seat as a commission member and present a case on behalf of a client, and he or she shall abstain from voting on the matter.
(Prior code § 2.22)