Any person who moves any building or other oversized object over, along or across any street or other public place in the City shall first obtain a permit therefor from the City. The fee shall be ten dollars per unit, plus all costs to the City related to the permit, including but not limited to:
Costs of engineering services, including design, inspection, survey and tests;
Costs of any other inspection, transportation or tests made;
Costs of repairing or restoring the highways and altering, removal, replacement and repair of all appurtenant facilities, including utilities, to the same or equal condition that they were in before being cut or damaged as a result of the permittee's activities;
Costs of furnishing or maintaining any lights, barricades or warning devices;
Costs of alteration, removal, replacement or repair to traffic signals and devices, the removal of temporary or permanent traffic stripes and any other expense for traffic control;
Cost for removing or remedying any hazardous condition;
Costs of tree trimming;
Costs of special police escort if determined necessary;
Any other costs to the City caused pursuant to this permit.
The permit shall specify the building or other object to be moved, the route to be taken in the moving thereof and the time in which the building or other oversized object will be moved. The Public Works Department and Police Department shall approve of the route and the time within which the building or other object shall be moved.
As used in this chapter, the term "oversized object" means any object or thing which, when transported by a vehicle or combination of vehicles over, upon, along or across any highway, would be required to have a special permit in accordance with provisions of the Vehicle Code of the state and includes, but is not limited to, any house, vessel, machine, equipment, transformer, girder, boat or airplane.
(Prior code § 20.62)
In addition to the fee specified in Section 15.28.010, any person who seeks a permit to move a building or other oversized object within the City shall first furnish the City with a certificate of insurance in the amount of $100,000/$300,000 for public liability, automobile bodily injury liability, property damage liability, nonautomobile and automobile property damage liability. A cash bond or other surety, in the amount of at least one thousand dollars, may be submitted instead of a certificate of insurance if the Director of Public Works approves. After the completion of the movement of the building or other oversized object, the City shall inspect the route taken in the moving of the building or object and shall ascertain the damage, if any, to all streets, trees, buildings, overhanging wires and any and all property of any nature whatsoever with the City and shall present to the permittee a claim in the amount necessary to repair such damage, if any. Thereupon, the permittee shall cause such claim to be paid.
(Prior code § 20.63)
Before the City Manager issues any permit for the moving of any building over, along or across any street or other public place in the City, he or she shall first require the owner of the building to furnish him or her with a certificate from the City Engineer certifying that the building is of sufficiently sound construction and condition that the same may be moved without endangering persons or property. Before issuing such a certificate, the City Engineer may make such physical and mechanical inspection of the building as he or she deems necessary to ascertain the physical condition thereof.
(Prior code § 20.64)
No building shall be moved into a residential district as the same is defined by the zoning ordinance of the City, unless the same complies with all requirements of the building, plumbing and electrical codes for new construction in such district.
(Prior code § 20.65)
If the building to be moved does not comply with the requirements of the building, plumbing and electrical codes for new construction, it may nevertheless be moved; provided, that the owner thereof shall file with the building inspector plans and specifications and a detailed breakdown of costs for remodeling the building to conform to the requirements of such codes and at the same time files with the City Clerk a good and sufficient surety bond conditioned upon the completion of the remodeling in accordance with such plans and specifications, which bond shall be not less than one hundred twenty percent of the cost of such remodeling as shown by the detailed cost breakdown.
(Prior code § 20.66)