The intent of this chapter is to establish standards and regulations for retail pharmacies and financial institutions such as banks and/or credit unions that sell products or provide services to occupants in vehicles, including drive-in or drive-up windows or drive-through services. When the word "Banks" is referred to in this chapter, it shall include credit unions and other federally regulated financial institutions. The special standards and regulations are intended to reduce or minimize impacts on adjacent uses, promote safety and efficient on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and reduce traffic conflicts with traffic on adjacent streets.
All bank and pharmacy establishments that include the operation of a drive-up or drive-through facility to provide retail sales of pharmaceuticals or banking services while a customer remains in a motor vehicle shall meet the requirements of this chapter.
It shall be unlawful for any person or business to operate a drive-up or drive-through facility that does not meet the requirements of this chapter and other applicable provisions of Title 16 and without a conditional use permit approved pursuant to Chapter 16.303. If a conditional use permit is approved pursuant to this chapter the provisions of Chapter 15.051 pertaining to drive-through facilities shall not be applicable.
A bank or pharmacy with a drive-in or drive-through facility permitted under this chapter shall be sited as a stand-alone facility or within a commercial center that has street frontage along a major or secondary arterial street as such are designated in the City's General Plan.
In addition to meeting all applicable commercial development standards of Chapters 16.040 and 16.051, all bank and pharmacy drive-through facilities shall also meet the following standards and requirements specific to pharmacy drive-through facilities:
All drive-through facilities shall be integrated with the design of the principal building in which the bank or pharmacy is located. The building and site layout shall be such that the design supports a pedestrian friendly environment and is oriented toward the street. To the extent possible, stacking lanes, vehicle service windows, and parking should be located to the rear and sides of a building, maximizing the view of the building from the street edge.
Separation from Sensitive Uses
All drive-through facilities shall be visually screened from residential development with landscaping, decorative concrete walls, other constructed development, or a combination thereof. The facility shall be oriented such that headlights of vehicles utilizing drive-through aisles do not directly illuminate nearby residential development or other sensitive uses.
Curb Cuts
The number of curb cuts shall be kept to the minimum determined necessary by the City Engineer. No curb cut shall be closer than 50 feet from the point of intersection of the street side property lines. Unless the City Engineer finds that additional curb cuts will improve on-site vehicular/pedestrian circulation, curb cuts for drive-through facilities shall be limited as follows:
If the bank or pharmacy is part of a commercial center, curb cuts shall be allowed only for driveways shared by the uses in the center.
If not part of a larger commercial center, there shall be no more than two curb cuts on any one street for driveways to the bank or pharmacy, and no more than one curb cut per street for driveways to the bank or pharmacy if located at the intersection of two streets. Where feasible, combined driveways with adjacent development are encouraged. In determining the feasibility of combined driveways, the City Engineer shall consider the typography of adjoining sites, building locations, and vehicle/pedestrian safety.
Cross Access Easements
Cross access easements with abutting properties shall be established wherever feasible and appropriate considering adjacent uses. Design features shall make it visually obvious that the abutting properties can be accessed via service drives between the properties. Stub-outs shall be provided if abutting properties are not yet developed.
On-Site Circulation
All sites with drive-through facilities shall provide an on-site circulation pattern that minimizes conflicts between drive-through traffic, and pedestrians and bicyclists. If pedestrian walkways intersect drive-through aisles, the walkways shall have clear visibility, be emphasized with enriched paving and striping, and include warning signs aimed at both the pedestrian and vehicle.
Drive-Through Aisles
No drive-through aisles shall exit directly into a public street. Aisles should be integrated with the on-site circulation and to merge with the driveway. Drive-through aisles shall have a minimum width of 11 feet on curves and a minimum 10 feet on straight sections.
Stacking Lane
A lane shall be provided for vehicles waiting for drive-through service. Such lanes shall be physically separated from other traffic circulation on the site. The stacking lane shall accommodate a minimum of two cars per drive-through window or automatic teller machine (ATM) in addition to car(s) receiving service. Where adjacent to other travel lanes, the stacking lane shall be separated from the other traffic lanes by landscaping, concrete or asphalt curbing, or other suitable protective device. On-site circulation shall be such that customers that park and shop are not forced to exit the parking area through the stacking lane.
Directional Signing
Pavement markers and signs shall be provided that indicate the entrance, exit, and one-way path of drive-through lanes.
Idling Limitation Signs
Signs shall be provided that instruct drivers to turn off engines while they are waiting in the drive-through queue.
All exterior lighting sources shall be installed, arranged, and shielded so as to prevent direct illumination of residential development or other sensitive uses. All lamps in exterior light fixtures shall be covered with diffusing lenses. No drop down lens shall be permitted in under canopy lighting (lens shall not extend below the bottom of the light fixture in under canopy lighting). Parking lot lighting shall be subject to parking lot lighting standards in Chapter 16.136 and a 30-day lighting level review pursuant to Chapter 16.154.
Any speaker boxes shall be oriented so as not to adversely impact residential development. As a condition of the conditional use permit, the speakers shall be subject to a 30-day staff review after they become operational. During the 30-day review the speaker noise will be evaluated. If staff finds the speaker noise to be excessive or a nuisance to adjacent development, the owner of the business shall be required to work with staff in mitigating the noise by reducing the speaker volume, reorienting the speakers, and/or by taking another action determined appropriate by the Director of Community Development.
Hours of operation shall be established by the Planning Commission as part of the conditional use permit approval as necessary to achieve compatibility with surrounding uses and may be modified over time as determined appropriate by the Planning Commission.
In addition to the notice requirements in Chapter 16.303 applicable to all conditional use permits, notice of any public hearing on a proposed drive-through facility or a physical modification of an existing drive-through facility shall also be given to one or more locally based organizations that provide support to the blind, aged, and/or disabled communities, in order that they may participate in such hearing.
The above standards constitute the minimum deemed necessary under general circumstances and in most cases to prevent adverse effects from permitted drive-through facilities. Other and further standards may be required as conditions of approval to ensure that such uses are in accordance with the intent of this chapter and the findings required for approval of conditional use permits pursuant to Chapter 16.303.
If any drive-through facility approved pursuant to this chapter is discontinued for a period of 12 months or longer, the conditional use permit for such facility shall be void pursuant to Chapter 16.303.