It is the intent of this chapter to establish an "Official Zoning Map" and procedures for its administration.
The zoning districts created by this title and the boundaries of such districts are shown upon a map attached hereto and made a part of this title, being designated as the "Official Zoning Map," and said map and all the notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of this title as if the matters and information set forth by said map were all duly described herein.
The original zoning map shall be kept on file with the Director and shall constitute the original record. A copy of said map shall also be filed with the City Clerk.
All amendments and changes shall be recorded by the City Clerk within 48 hours after such amendments or changes become effective. These data shall at that time be filed with the Director. A new amended Official Zoning Map shall be prepared by the Director at the end of each fiscal year upon which is shown all changes and amendments enacted during the previous period of time. Said Zoning Map shall hereafter be filed with the City Clerk, Building Official, and Director.
Where indicated, district boundaries are approximately street, alley or lot lines, said lines are determined to be the boundaries of the district. Otherwise, the boundaries shall be determined by the dimensions shown on the "Official Zoning Map." In the absence of a dimension, the boundary shall be determined by use of the scale shown on said map.
A street, alley, railroad or railway right-of-way, water course, drainage channel or body of water included on the Zoning Map shall, unless otherwise indicated, be included within the zone of adjoining property on either side thereof; and where such street, alley, right-of-way, water course, or drainage channel or body of water serves as a boundary between two or more different zoning districts, the center line of such right-of-way, water course, channel or body of water shall be considered the boundary between zoning districts.
In the event that a vacated street, alley, right-of-way, or easement was the boundary between two districts, the new zoning district boundaries shall be at the new property line or at a line established at or within 50 feet of the centerline of the street or alley that has been vacated.
Where uncertainties exist, the Commission shall, by written decision, determine the location of the District boundary.