Note: Prior chapter history: Ord. Nos. 08-05, 09-16, 12-01.
All citations to state code sections refer to those sections as they may be amended, superseded or repealed from time to time.
Abutting shall mean two or more lots or parcels of land sharing a common boundary line.
Access shall mean the place or way by which pedestrian and vehicles shall have safe, adequate and suitable ingress and egress to a property or use as required by this Code.
Accessory building or structure shall mean a detached building or structure, the use of which is incidental and accessory to that of the main building or structure, or to the main use of the land, and which is located on the same lot or parcel of land with the main building or structure, or use. Anything attached or joined to the main building shall be counted as part of the main building, except if attached by only a breezeway.
Accessory second unit shall mean an attached or detached dwelling unit that is subordinate to and on the same lot or parcel of property as a single-family dwelling unit in a residential district. Such second dwelling unit shall be designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with kitchen and sanitation facilities for the exclusive use of not more than one household.
Accessory use shall mean any use which is: (1) incidental, related or subordinate to a principal use; (2) located on the same lot as the principal use; (3) does not alter or adversely affect the principal use; (4) does not affect the use of other properties in the same zone; and (5) does not serve property other than the lot on which the principal use is located.
Adjacent shall mean nearby, adjoining, immediately preceding or following.
Adult day health center shall mean a licensed facility which provides an organized day program of therapeutic, social, and skilled nursing health activities and services to elderly persons or adults with disabilities with functional impairments, either physical or mental, pursuant to Chapter 3.3 of Division 2 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Agricultural operations and agricultural use shall mean any use of property for agricultural purposes, including, but not limited to, wholesale nurseries, farming, planting, harvesting or other similar operations/activities.
Alternative transportation shall mean the use of modes of transportation other than the single passenger motor vehicle, including but not limited to carpools, vanpools, bus pools, public transit, walking and bicycling.
Airport shall mean any area which is used or is intended to be used for the taking off and landing of aircraft, including helicopters, and any appurtenant areas which are used or intended to be used for airport buildings, or facilities, including open spaces, taxiways, or tie-down areas.
Alley shall mean public or private way, at the rear or side of property, permanently reserved as a means for secondary access to abutting property.
Ambient noise level shall mean the all-encompassing noise level associated with a given environment, being a composite of sounds from all sources, excluding the alleged offensive noise, at the location and approximate time at which a comparison with the alleged offensive noise is to be made. For the purpose of measurement, the ambient noise shall be the average noise level over a 15-minute period with the noise of the offending source, near the location and time of the alleged offense. The average noise level is ten times the logarithm of the arithmetic average of the antilog of 1/10 of the noise values for all measurements being averaged.
Ancillary shall mean associated with and directly related to, but incidental and subordinate to the predominant use. Ancillary use shall mean any use which is incidental, related to, or subordinate to a principal use; and does not alter or adversely affect the principal use. See 16.900.030, Accessory Use.
Antenna shall mean a device or other components constructed for and used in transmitting or receiving electromagnetic waves.
Antenna array shall mean one or more antennas which may include omnidirectional antennas (whip), directional antennas (panel), and parabolic antennas (disc).
Antenna height shall mean the overall vertical distance to the highest point of the antenna, including the support structure, measured from the average elevation of the ground under the antenna or support structure, or if such system is located on a building or other structure, the overall vertical distance, measured from the average elevation of the ground under the building or structures upon which the antenna or support structure is mounted.
Horizontal-wire or sloping-wire antenna shall mean a horizontal or sloping antenna which is constructed of wire and which does not include self-supporting tubing or booms or components and materials of similar visibility.
Panel antenna shall mean an antenna or an array of flat, rectangular antennas that are designed to concentrate electromagnetic signals in a particular direction or area. Also referred to as directional antennas.
Antenna mast-pole shall mean an antenna support structure which consists of a single pole supported only at or near its base except for visually obtrusive guying provisions.
Antenna support structure shall mean any structure, mast pole, tripod, or tower utilized for the purpose of supporting an antenna or antennas for the purpose of transmission or reception of electromagnetic waves.
Vertical or whip antenna shall mean an antenna consisting of a single, slender, rod-like main element, perpendicular to the ground, which (1) is supported only at or near its base except for visually unobtrusive guying provisions; (2) may include visually unobtrusive horizontal or sloping wires, usually called radials or counterpoises, at its base; and (3) may include customary coils and/or small parallel elements along the length of the vertical element which do not significantly increase the visual impact of the antenna.
Apartment shall mean a room or group of rooms that is designed, used or intended to be used as a single-family unit and is located in a multiple-family dwelling.
Automobile service station shall mean an area which provides for the servicing of motor vehicles, including tube and tire repairs, battery charging, storage of merchandise, and supplies related to the servicing of motor vehicles, sale of gasoline and lubricants, automobile washing (not including mechanical car wash) and grease racks, but excluding body and fender work, painting, repair and rebuilding of electro-chemical batteries, or other work of a similar nature.
See Sections 16.900.030, Accessory Use, and 16.900.072, Ancillary; Ancillary Use.
"A" weighted sound level shall mean the total sound level in decibels of all sound as measured with a sound level meter with reference pressure of 20 micropascals using the "A" weighted network (scale) at slow response. The unit of measurement shall be defined as Db(A).
Basement shall mean a space wholly or partly underground, and having more than 1/2 of its height, measuring from its floor to its ceiling below the average adjoining grade; if the finished floor level directly above a basement is more than six feet above grade at any point, such basement, shall be considered a story.
Bed and breakfast establishment shall mean one or more buildings containing a dwelling unit and not more than 20 guest rooms, where only breakfast or similar early morning meal is provided to registered guests and the price of the meal is included in the price of the accommodations. The relationship between the operator of the establishment and the occupants of the guest rooms shall be that of innkeeper and guests. Guest rooms shall not be rented for a period of less than 18 hours at a time.
Bedroom shall mean any room having a minimum area of 70 square feet, other than a kitchen, dining room, family room, or bathroom, which is separated from other rooms, and which is designed or capable of being used for sleeping quarters.
Boarding and/or rooming house shall mean a structure containing a single-family dwelling unit and not more than five sleeping rooms for rent to no more than five persons. Meals may be provided in connection with such renting or the kitchen may be commonly used. Rooms shall not be rented for less than 30 days. Boarding house shall not include health and care facilities, rest homes, or establishments designed or used for transient occupancy such as hotel, motel or bed and breakfast establishment.
Breezeway shall mean a roofed, narrow, open or enclosed pedestrian passageway which connects two buildings (as a house and a garage), or halves of a building.
Building shall mean any permanently located structure having a roof supported by walls, and intended or used for shelter, housing or enclosure of any person, animal, process, equipment, goods and materials of any kind or nature.
Building frontage shall mean those building elevations which face upon a public street or parking area between such building and said street.
Building height shall mean the vertical distance to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs; to the deck line of mansard roofs; and to the midpoint between eaves and the highest ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs, measured from the curb level if the building is within 10 feet from the front property line, or from the average elevation of the ground under the building.
Main building shall mean a building within which is conducted the principal use permitted on the lot, as provided by this Code.
Bus pool shall mean a vehicle carrying 16 or more passengers commuting on a regular basis to and from work with a fixed route, according to a fixed schedule.
Canopy shall mean a structural, ornamental, roof-like appendage, freestanding or attached to a building, which extends over public or private walkways, driveways, etc.
Carpool shall mean a vehicle carrying two to six persons commuting together to and from work on a regular basis.
Carport shall mean a permanent roofed structure with not more than two enclosed sides, used or intended to be used for automobile shelter and storage.
Child day care facility shall mean a facility that provides nonmedical care to children under 18 years of age in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on less than a 24-hour basis. Child day care facility includes day care centers, employer-sponsored child care centers, and family day care homes, pursuant to Chapters 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 of Division 2 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Circulation element shall mean the circulation element of streets and highways of the City as shown on the General Plan adopted by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Commercial property shall mean a parcel of real property which is developed and used either in part or in whole for commercial purposes.
Commercial space shall mean an enclosed building or part of an enclosed building which is occupied by a single business.
Community housing and community housing project shall mean and include the following: a condominium project, as defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code; a community apartment project, as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more rights of exclusive occupancy; a stock cooperative as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more rights of exclusive occupancy, and a planned development as defined in Section 11003 of the Business and Professions Code, containing two or more separately owned lots, parcels or areas.
Condominium shall refer to the ownership of single units in a multi-unit project with common elements.
Covered patio, deck or balcony shall mean a patio, deck or balcony where there is a structure above the patio, deck or balcony, and the structure is such that less than 50 percent of its horizontal surface is open to permit the transmission of light, air and vision. A patio, deck or balcony with a structure above where more than 50 percent of the horizontal surface of the structure is open to permit the transmission of light, air and vision shall be considered an uncovered patio, deck or balcony for purposes of this Code.
Cumulative period shall mean an additive period of time composed of individual time segments which may be continuous or interrupted.
Cut shall mean an excavation of the earth.
Decibel (dB) shall mean a unit which denotes the ratio between two quantities which are proportional to power: the number of decibels corresponding to the ratio to two amounts of power is 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of this ratio.
Dedicated to the City shall mean land deeded to the City and legally accepted as such for public use.
Density shall mean the number of dwelling units that may be constructed per acre or per square foot of lot area.
Development shall mean the physical extension and/or construction of urban land uses. Development activities include: subdivision of land; construction or alteration of structures, roads, septic systems, utilities, and other facilities; grading, deposit of refuse, debris, or fill materials; clearing and planting of vegetative cover; and any use or expansion of the use of land. Routine repair and maintenance activities are exempted.
Inside dining shall mean the gross area of a restaurant that is enclosed in a building by three or more walls and a roof.
Outside dining shall mean the gross area of a restaurant that is enclosed in a building with two or fewer walls. Such an area may be covered by a roof. Outside dining areas may include, but shall not be limited to, trellises, arbors, gazebos and other open-air structures. Areas with landscaping shall not be included in the calculation of gross area.
Director of Community Development shall mean the department head authorized to perform the duties of the Director of Community Development, including Acting Director of Community Development or other City employee designated by the City Manager to perform the duties of the Director of Community Development, and the Director of Community Development's designee.
Display window shall mean a window through which the public can view products for sale within a commercial space.
Driveway shall mean a paved access to an off-street parking facility, having not less than ten feet in paved width and not encumbered by any properties to a height of not less than eight feet above the ground.
Dwelling unit shall mean a building or portion of a building designed, occupied, used, or intended for residential purposes by no more than a single-housekeeping unit. A dwelling shall contain a kitchen and shall have continuous interior access provided to all rooms and areas within the dwelling.
Educational institutions shall mean public and other institutions conducting regular academic instruction at pre-school, kindergarten, elementary, secondary and collegiate levels, and including graduate schools, universities, and non-profit research institutions. Such institutions must either (1) offer general academic instruction equivalent to the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education; or (2) confer degrees as a college or university of undergraduate or graduate standing; or (3) conduct research. This definition does not include commercial or trade schools.
Efficiency unit shall mean a dwelling unit consisting of not less than 400 square feet, which contains one habitable room together with kitchen or kitchenette and sanitary facilities for the exclusive use of not more than one household.
Emergency machinery, vehicle, work or warning alarm shall mean any machinery, vehicle, work, or alarm used, employed, performed, or operated in an effort to protect, provide, or restore safe conditions in the community or for the citizenry, or work by private or public utilities when restoring utility service or when utilizing emergency equipment.
Emergency shelter shall mean housing with minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less by a homeless person. No individual or household may be denied occupancy in an emergency shelter because of an inability to pay. (Health and Safety Code Section 50801(e)).
Employee parking area shall mean the portion of total required parking at a development which is allocated for use by on-site employees.
Family shall mean one or more individuals occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single household unit where individuals have common access to, and common use of, all living and eating areas, and all areas and facilities for the preparation and storage of food within the dwelling unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a boarding or rooming house, or hotel.
Feasible shall mean capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time taking into account economic, environmental, social or technological factors.
Fence shall mean any structure, other than a building, made of any material or combination of materials, which is used as a barrier or boundary to screen or enclose areas of land. A "solid" fence shall be a fence which is constructed so less than 50 percent of the vertical surface is open to permit the transmission of light and air. This shall include concrete block, wood or other materials that are solid and are so assembled as to form a solid barrier. Fence shall not include a barrier of living material (i.e., hedge).
Fill shall mean deposits of soil, rock, or other similar irreducible materials placed by man.
First point of connection shall mean the point at which a utility line serving the development first connects with an off-site utility line having capacity to serve the project.
Fixed noise source shall mean a stationary device which creates sounds while fixed or motionless including but not limited to residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial machinery and equipment, pumps, fans, compressors, air conditioners, and refrigeration equipment.
Floor area shall mean the sum of the horizontal areas of all floors under a roof. For residential development, the horizontal areas of floors shall be measured from the exterior faces of the walls or exterior supports of the structure, including the area of an upper level not separated from a lower level by a floor/ceiling assembly. It shall include the floor area of covered patios and covered balconies, but not crawl spaces, uncovered patios, or uncovered balconies. It shall also not include basements and attics that are not designed or finished to be used for human occupancy, or where the floor to ceiling height is less than six feet, six inches. For nonresidential development, floor area shall be measured from the interior walls, and shall include only those horizontal areas within a building or tenant space where there are floors, except where the ceiling height is less than six feet, six inches.
Net floor area shall mean the total of all floor areas of a building excluding stairwells and elevator shafts, equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading, and spaces that are not designed for human occupancy. Net floor area shall also include all floors below the first or ground floor, except where the floor to ceiling height is less than six feet, six inches.
Private garage shall mean a detached accessory building or a portion of a main building on the same lot as a dwelling for the housing of vehicles of the occupants of the dwelling. Public garage shall mean any garage other than a private garage.
General Plan shall mean the comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the City as adopted by Ordinance.
Grading shall mean any excavating or filling of earth, material or any combination thereof conducted at a site to prepare said site for construction or other improvements thereon.
Gross area shall mean the total area of a parcel or lot including any proposed public highways, streets, or alleys or other public sites.
Guest room shall mean a room or rooms, within a commercial establishment—such as a hotel/motel or bed and breakfast establishment—that are designed, used, or intended to be used as temporary or overnight accommodations by transients.
Health care institution shall mean any hospital, convalescent home or other similar facilities which provide health care, medical treatment, room, board, or other services for the ill, retarded or convalescent.
Hertz (Hz) shall mean the unit which describes the frequency.
Hotel shall mean a commercial land use in a building or portion of a building containing guest rooms which are designed, occupied, used, or intended to be used, rented or hired out as temporary overnight accommodations. A hotel shall not include residential and health care facilities that provide care of persons in need of medical or nursing care, personal care, developmental and supportive services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living. Hotel is distinguished from motel by having the entry to more than 50% of the guestrooms through a lobby and/or through a common interior corridor.
Hotel/motel shall mean either a hotel (including a long-term stay hotel) or a motel as defined herein. These definitions do not include private residences made available for short term rentals, such as residences or rooms rented through Airbnb and Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO).
Very low-income household shall mean a household whose income does not exceed the very low-income limits applicable to Los Angeles County, as published and periodically updated by the State's Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50105 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Lower-income household shall mean a household whose income does not exceed the lower income limits applicable to Los Angeles County, as published and periodically updated by the State's Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50079.5 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Moderate-income household shall mean a household whose income does not exceed the moderate-income limits applicable to Los Angeles County, as published and periodically updated by the State's Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to Section 50093 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Intruding noise level shall mean the total sound level, in decibels, created, caused, maintained, or originating from an alleged offensive source at a specified location while the alleged offensive source is in operation.
Kennel shall mean any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises wherein four or more dogs or four or more cats are kept, whether for commercial, non-commercial or veterinary purposes, including places where dogs or cats are boarded, kept for sale or kept for hire.
Kitchen shall mean a room or other space within a building designed, used or intended to be used for the cooking and/or preparation of food. Kitchens may include, but are not limited to, the following facilities: sinks, ovens, ranges, refrigerators, and stoves.
Landscaping shall mean the planting and continued maintenance of living ornamental plant materials and shall include the installation, use and continued maintenance of a permanent irrigation system. Exceptions shall be approved by the Director of Community Development.
Licensed shall mean the issuance of a formal license or a permit by the City or other governmental authority.
Loading space shall mean an off-street space or berth on the same lot with a main building, or contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading or unloading, and which abuts a street, alley, or other appropriate means of ingress and egress.
Location on private property which is visible from the street shall mean all locations on private property which can be seen while standing in a public street and which is not behind a five foot high opaque fence.
Location on private property which is visible from neighboring properties shall mean all locations on private property which can be viewed either from neighboring structures or from neighboring yards while one is in the normal standing position in any portion of those locations. However, it shall not include any location on private property that is totally enclosed in a roofed garage or other enclosed roofed structure.
Lot shall mean:
A parcel of real property with a separate and distinct number or other designation shown on a plat recorded in the Office of the County Recorder; and/or
A parcel of real property delineated on an approved record of survey, lot split or sub-parceling map as filed in the Office of the County Recorder or the Department of Community Development, and abutting at least one public street; and/or
A parcel of real property containing not less area than required by the district in which it is located, abutting at least one public street and held under separate ownership from adjacent property prior to May 1, 1958.
Lot area or size shall mean the total of the area, measured in a horizontal plane, within the lot lines of a lot.
Corner lot shall mean a lot located at the intersection or interception of two or more streets at an angle of not more than 120 degrees. If the angle is greater than 120 degrees, the lot shall be considered an interior lot.
Reversed corner lot shall mean a corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot lines of the lots to its rear, whether across an alley or lot lines of the lots to its rear or not.
Standard corner lot shall mean a corner lot which is not a reversed corner lot.
Lot coverage shall mean the total area of a lot covered by buildings and structures that are constructed on a foundation or slab, whether at ground level, above ground level, or below ground level. Lot coverage shall be measured from the exterior wall of the buildings and structures. (Refer to district development standards for explanation on what is included in maximum lot coverage calculations.)
Lot depth shall mean the perpendicular distance from the front property line to a line, within the lot, which has a length of not less than ten feet at a maximum distance from, and parallel to, the front property line.
Interior lot shall mean a lot other than a corner lot.
Through lot shall mean a lot having frontage on two dedicated streets, not including a corner or reversed corner lot. The Director shall determine which frontage or frontages shall be considered as the lot front or lot frontages for purposes of compliance with yard and setback provisions of this Code.
Lot width shall mean the distance from side property line to side property line, measured at a point midway between the front and rear property lines, parallel to the front property line or to a tangent at the midpoint of a curved front property line.
Master Architectural Review shall mean a long range plan for development of all or part of an educational institution or other institution which includes a conceptual site plan delineating the siting and intensity of development, location of open space areas, other physical improvements, data regarding anticipated student, faculty and staff growth resulting from the proposed improvements, and any necessary written components.
Mechanical equipment shall mean any heating, cooling, venting or similar equipment or appurtenance servicing a structure.
Micro-pascal shall mean the reference pressure level in calculating decibels.
Mini-warehouse facilities shall mean enclosed and lockable compartments, a structure, or group of structures for the dead storage of customer goods and wares where individual stalls or lockers are rented out to different tenants for storage. This may include indoor and/or outdoor storage of recreational vehicles.
Mobile home park shall mean any area or tract of land where space is rented or sold to owners or users of mobile homes, auto trailers or trailer coaches.
Motel shall have the same meaning as "hotel"; however, motel is distinguished from hotel by having at least 50% of all rooms having direct access to the outside without the necessity of passing through the main lobby or interior of the building.
Motor home shall mean a motor vehicle that is designed, altered, and/or used for human habitation that carries persons and property and that is in excess of nine feet in height and/or 19 feet in length. A van or truck with a detachable camper shell is not considered a motor home.
Noise disturbance shall mean any intruding noise level in excess of the maximum allowable exterior noise level as established in this Code.
Nursery school shall mean public or private educational facilities for five or more pre-school and/or kindergarten children.
Occasional sale shall mean any sale of four or more items of personal property from a residential district including a garage sale, a patio sale, a moving sale, rummage sale, or any similar sale.
Off-site improvements shall mean the installation or construction of facilities outside the boundaries of a private parcel or lot such as street paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street trees, street lights, street signs, sewers, utilities, and drainage structures.
Online educational institution shall mean an institution offering academic instruction through online or other digital methods. An online educational institution shall not offer regularly scheduled classes on-site and its students shall not convene regularly at the institution's physical location. Online educational institutions shall not include educational institutions which offer academic instruction in both physical and online settings. In terms of parking, an online educational institution shall be considered an office use.
Open space shall mean any space or area that is open and unobstructed from the ground upward except for permitted encroachments and is not used for private streets, driveways, parking or loading.
Common open space shall mean an open space at ground level held in common ownership in one or more lots and developed for the recreational use of all residents in a residential unit development. Common open space shall not include the front or street side yard setback established by the general development plan. Structures designed for recreational use may be allowed in this space.
Outdoor living area shall mean open area set aside for the use of occupants of dwelling units on the same lot.
Park or parking shall mean the standing of the vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.
Private parking area shall mean an area (including driveways) of a prepared surface (i.e., crushed rock, cement or asphalt) used for the parking of automobile vehicles capable of movement under their own power. The area and location of private parking shall be restricted by the provisions of Title 16 of this Code.
Parking space shall mean a space exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, loading areas, or work areas, within a building or open parking area for the parking of one automobile.
Passive solar shall mean a method for heating or cooling buildings or for heating domestic water in which thermal energy flows by natural means, without pumps or fans.
Pedestrian arcade shall mean a one- or two-story structure with 2 or more commercial spaces having access onto an interior covered pedestrian walkway.
Person shall mean any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation or company.
Pools, swimming or ornamental, shall mean any body of water measuring more than 18 inches deep at its deepest point, whether above or below the surface of the ground. Said pools shall not be located in any required front yard.
Preferential carpool/vanpool parking shall mean parking spaces designated for use by potential carpool and vanpool vehicles that are provided in a location more convenient to a place of employment than parking spaces provided for single occupant vehicles. The spaces shall be assigned, as demand warrants, for carpool and vanpool vehicles through use of a sign or painted space markings.
Recreation court shall mean any area with an impervious or permeable surface designed or intended to be used for sport, athletic or game activities, such as tennis, handball, volleyball, basketball, shuffleboard, and ball batting. Included as part of the recreation court shall be any fencing, overhead enclosures, netting, equipment, and other applicable structures design, used or intended to be used in the activity.
Residence shall mean a building or portion thereof designed or used for human habitation.
Residential property shall mean a parcel of real property which is zoned or developed and used either in part or in whole for residential purposes, other than transient uses such as hotels and motels.
Room shall mean an unsubdivided portion of the interior of a dwelling unit, excluding bathrooms, closets, hallways and service porches.
Rooming house shall have the same meaning as boarding house.
Row house shall mean a residence which shares a common sidewall or walls with another residence.
Setback shall mean the minimum horizontal distance between the lot line and the structure line, or a line parallel to the lot line if there is no structure.
Shopping center shall mean a group of commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit, with parking provided on the property.
Simple tone noise shall mean a noise characterized by a predominant frequency or frequencies so that other frequencies cannot be readily distinguished. If measured, simple tone noise shall exist if the one-third octave band sound pressure levels in the band with the tone exceeds the arithmetic average of the sound pressure levels of the two contiguous one-third octave bands as follows: 5 dB frequency settings at 500 Hertz (Hz) and above; or by 8 dB for frequency setting between 160 and 400 Hertz (Hz); or by 15 dB for frequency settings less than or equal to 125 Hertz (Hz).
Single-family and/or one-family dwelling shall mean a detached building containing one dwelling unit designed, used or intended for the exclusive occupancy by one household.
Site plan shall mean a plan, prepared to scale, showing accurately and with complete dimensioning, all of the uses proposed for a specific parcel of land. The data contained on said plan shall include information on all buildings, structures, signs whether on or separated from parking, access, vehicular circulation, loading, and lighting. In addition thereto, the site plan shall include such other data as may be necessary to clearly define the intended use of the subject property.
Solar shall mean derived from, or relating to, the sun.
Solar access easement shall mean a right to receive sunlight across the real property of another for any solar energy system.
Solar energy system shall mean any solar collector or other solar energy device or any structural design feature of a building whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage and distribution of solar energy for space heating or cooling, for water heating or for electricity.
Sound shall mean an oscillation in pressure, particle displacement, particle velocity or other physical parameter, in a medium with internal forces that causes compression and rarefaction of that medium. The description of sound may include any characteristic of such sound, including duration, intensity and frequency.
Sound level shall mean the weighted sound pressure level obtained by the use of a sound level meter and frequency weighting network, such as A, B, or C as specified in American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI S1.4-1971 or the latest revision thereof). If the frequency weighting employed is not indicated, the A-weighting shall apply.
Sound level meter shall mean an instrument meeting American National Standards Institute's Standard S1.4-1971 or most recent revision thereof for Type 1 or Type 2 sound level meters or an instrument and the associate recording and analyzing equipment which will provide equivalent data.
Sound pressure level of a sound, in decibels, shall mean 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound to a reference pressure, which reference pressure shall be explicitly stated.
Staff shall mean the Community Development Director of the City of Claremont, or another designated by the City Manager or the Director to perform any task assigned to staff in this Code.
Story shall mean a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there is no floor above, then the space between such floor and the ceiling or roof above.
Street shall mean a public thoroughfare or right-of-way dedicated, deeded or condemned for use as such, other than an alley, which affords the principal means of access to abutting property including avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road and any other thoroughfare, except as excluded in this Code.
Collector streets shall mean that system of streets next in importance to secondary streets.
Street frontage shall mean the linear frontage of a parcel of property abutting a public street.
Major streets shall mean that system of streets designated as major streets on the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
Minor streets, local streets, and cul-de-sacs shall mean all other streets, except alleys designed to provide direct access to abutting land.
Private streets shall mean any land not dedicated as a public street over which a private easement for road purposes has been recorded and used or intended to be used for ingress to or egress from a lot or lots, which may or may not have frontage on a public street.
Secondary streets shall mean that system of streets designated as secondary streets on the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
Service street shall mean a street adjacent to a major or secondary highway, or freeway, separated therefrom by a dividing strip and providing ingress to and egress from abutting property.
Structure shall mean anything constructed or built, any edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner, which requires location on the ground or is attached to something having a location on the ground, excepting outdoor paved patio areas, walks, driveways, playing surfaces or outdoor tennis courts, and other similar types of paved recreational surfaces.
Supportive housing shall mean housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an on-site or off-site service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community. "Target population" means persons with low incomes who have one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided pursuant to the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500) of the Welfare and Institutions Code), and may include, among other populations, adults, emancipated minors, families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, and homeless people. This type of housing shall be permitted as a residential use, subject only to restrictions that apply to other residential dwellings of the same type in the same zone. (Government Code Section 65582.)
Support structure shall mean any structure designed and constructed to support an antenna array, including self-supporting lattice towers, guy-wire support towers, and monopole towers.
Toxic or noxious matter shall mean any solid, liquid, or gaseous matter containing properties which by chemical means are inherently harmful or irritating and likely to impair health or capable of causing injury to well-being of persons or damage to property.
Automobile trailer shall mean a vehicle without motive power, designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle and to be used for human habitation or for carrying persons and property, including a trailer coach and mobile home.
Transient shall mean a person who is receiving sleeping or overnight accommodations for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, at a location within the City, for a price, with or without meals.
Transitional housing and transitional housing development shall mean buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance. This type of housing shall be permitted as a residential use, subject only to restrictions that apply to other residential dwellings of the same type in the same zone. (Government Code Section 65582.)
Transportation Demand Management shall mean the alteration of travel behavior—usually on the part of commuters—through programs of incentives, services, and policies. TDM addresses alternatives to single occupant vehicles such as carpooling and vanpooling, and changes in work schedules that move trips out of the peak period or eliminate them altogether (as in the case of telecommuting or compressed work weeks).
Trip reduction shall mean reduction in the number of trips made by single occupant vehicles.
Unpaved area shall mean an area lacking a concrete, asphalt, or other continuous connected surface. However, areas covered with a large quantity of substances such as matching small rocks or decomposed granite will not be classified as an unpaved area if they are installed for the purpose of paving in conformance with the prior written approval of the Director of Community Development.
Office use shall mean the use of an area where professional, administrative and clerical work is performed. Office uses shall include, but not be limited to, general, medical offices, architects, real estate brokers, interior designers, and research institutes.
Retail use shall mean the use of an area where the business of selling to the general public, at retail, of goods, wares, merchandise or commodities is performed.
Utility lines shall mean electric, communications, street lighting, and cable television transmission lines, not including appurtenances and equipment associated with those lines, such as surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes, meter cabinets, facilities necessary to the transmission or reception of wireless communication media, and concealed ducts for an underground system.
Off-site utility line shall mean any utility line not located within or on the boundaries of the parcel or lot at the time an application for development or subdivision is made.
On-site utility line shall mean a utility line within or on boundaries of the parcel or lot at the time an application for development or subdivision is made.
Utility service provider shall mean any company, public or private, established for the purpose of providing electric, communications, street lighting, or cable television services.
Vacant parcel shall mean a parcel which has no structure(s) located thereon or which contains a structure or structures which are not habitable or are not regularly frequented by employees in the course of business operations.
Vanpool shall mean a vehicle carrying seven or more persons commuting together to and from work on a regular basis, usually in a vehicle with a seating arrangement designed to carry no more than 15 adult passengers, on a prepaid subscription basis.
Vegetation shall mean all plant life.
Vehicle shall mean a device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved or drawn upon a highway, street, alley, or road except as a device moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
Vibration shall mean any movement of the earth, ground or other similar surface created by a temporal and spatial oscillation of displacement, velocity or acceleration in any mechanical device or equipment located upon attached, affixed or in conjunction with that surface.
Wall shall mean a fence made of concrete, concrete block, brick, stone or similar masonry materials. (See Fence.)
Accessory wireless equipment shall mean all equipment or materials including any structure to house the equipment or materials which are necessary for operation of a wireless telecommunications facility, including equipment referred to as Base Transceiver Station (BTS) units.
Personal wireless facilities shall mean transmitters, antenna structures and other types of installations used for commercial mobile services (including cellular telephone services regulated under Part 22 of the FCC's rules, specialized mobile radio transmitter services regulated under Part 90 of the FCC rules, and personal communication services regulated under Part 24 of the FCC rules) and unlicensed wireless services (telecommunication services using duly authorized devices which do not require individual licenses excluding direct-to-home satellite services), and common carrier wireless exchange access services.
Wireless telecommunications facility shall mean a land use that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic communication signals that enable people and/or devices to communicate independent of location, an unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of wireless telecommunications services, or a wireless tower or base station within the meaning of 47 U.S.C. Section 1455(a), usually consisting of an antenna array, a support structure, an equipment facility, and accessory wireless equipment.
Yard shall mean the area of a lot located between a lot line and the building or buildings on the lot. The front yard is the horizontal area of lot located between the building or buildings and the front property line, extending the width of the lot. A street side yard is the horizontal area of the lot located between the building and a property line, other than the front property line, which abuts the street, extending the depth of the lot.
Front yard shall mean a space between the front yard setback line and the front lot line or highway setback line, and extending the full width of the lot.
Rear yard shall mean a space between the rear yard setback line and the rear lot line, extending the full width of the lot.
Side yard shall mean a space extending from the front yard, or from the front line where no front yard is required by this Code, to the rear yard, or rear lot line, between a side lot line and the side yard setback line.