No operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade; provided, that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral procession or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the police department.
(Prior code § 13.37)
No person shall operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on or across any private driveway approach or sidewalk area of the driveway itself without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property if a sign or markings are in place indicating that the use of such driveway is prohibited.
(Prior code § 13.39; 04-04)
No person shall ride, drive, propel or cause to be propelled any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk excepting over permanently constructed driveways and excepting when it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further, that written permission shall be previously obtained from the City Traffic Engineer.
(Prior code § 13.40)
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier sign, cone marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or markings, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
(Prior code § 13.41)
No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully established.
(Prior code § 13.42)
No person shall drive or operate any bicycle, motor-driven cycle or any vehicle which is not drawn by a motor vehicle upon any street established as a freeway, as defined by state law, nor shall any pedestrian walk across or along any such street so designated and described except in space set aside for the use of pedestrians; provided, that official signs are in place giving notice of such restrictions.
(Prior code § 13.43)
No person shall operate a vehicle contrary to the directions or provisions of any barrier or sign erected:
Pursuant to the provisions of any ordinance of the City;
By any public utility;
By any department of the City;
By any other person pursuant to law or contract with the City.
No unauthorized person shall move or alter the position of any such barrier or sign.
(Prior code § 13.44)
No person, public utility or department in the City shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the City Traffic Engineer, or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street by any person, public utility or by any department of this City.
(Prior code § 13.45)
It is unlawful to operate any type of motorized vehicle, motorcycle or motor-driven cycle upon the private property of another without first obtaining the written permission of such owner. Persons who obtain permission from private property owners to operate motorized vehicles, motorcycles or motor-driven cycles thereon shall maintain in their possession such written permission at all times when operating such vehicles on such private property.
No person shall operate a motorized vehicle, a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle, other than a publicly owned vehicle, upon any public sidewalk, walkway, parkway, median island or in any public park or recreational area, or upon any other publicly owned property, except highways, within the City. This shall not be construed to prohibit the operation of such vehicles having a valid state vehicle registration, by any person possessing a valid state operator's license, upon the public highways of the City.
This section in no way prohibits the use of private property by:
Emergency vehicles;
Vehicles of commerce in the course of the conduct of normal business;
Vehicles being operated on property devoted to commercial purposes where the general public is expressly or impliedly invited to such property, unless such property is not open for business;
Vehicles operated on property actually used for residential purposes where such vehicle is there at the express or implied invitation of the owner or occupant.
(Prior code § 13.46)