Terms used in this title are defined as provided in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise. Terms not defined in this chapter shall have the definitions found in the Oregon Vehicle Code, ORS Chapters 801 to 823.
(Ord. 1360 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1592 § 5, 1986)
"Abandoned" means left unoccupied and unclaimed, or in a damaged or dismantled condition upon the streets or alleys of a City.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(1), 1977)
"Alley" means a narrow passageway through the interior of a block or from the interior to the street.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Ambulance" means any privately- or publicly-owned motor vehicle that is regularly provided or offered to be provided for the emergency transportation of persons suffering from illness, injury, or disability. Police, fire, funeral home, and other vehicles which serve a dual purpose, one of which meets the definition of "ambulance," when actually used for ambulance purposes, are ambulances.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Bicycle" means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels, either of which is more than 14 inches in diameter, or having three wheels, all of which are more than 14 inches in diameter.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Block" means all four sides or streets surrounding or encompassing a plot of land including any adjacent street across from the block originally parked in.
(Ord. 1791 § 1, 1995)
"Bus loading zone" means the space adjacent to the curb reserved for the exclusive use of motor buses, trolley buses, and taxicabs in the loading and unloading of passengers and merchandise and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(5), 1977)
"Business district" means the territory contiguous to a street or highway where 50% or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of 600 feet or more on one side, or 300 feet or more on both sides is occupied by buildings in use for business.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(6), 1977)
"City" means the City of Milwaukie.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(7), 1977)
"Commercial vehicle" means:
A vehicle of over 8,000 pounds gross weight that is designed and being used to transport merchandise, or a vehicle of less than 8,000 pounds gross weight with the business name of the user permanently exhibited on one or both of its sides that is designed and being used to transport merchandise;
A station wagon with the business name of the user permanently exhibited on one or both of its sides, when used for transporting merchandise.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Construction zone" means the space adjacent to the curb and in immediate proximity to the premises where construction, alteration, remodeling, repairing, or similar work is in progress, and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(9), 1977)
"Controlled access highway" means every highway, street, or roadway in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting lands or other persons have no legal right of access to or from the same except at such points only and in such manner as may be determined by the public authority having jurisdiction over such highway, street, or roadway.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(10), 1977)
"Crosswalk" means that portion of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the street or highway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traveled roadway to the property lines or the prolongation of the lateral lines of a sidewalk, to the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street except when such prolongation would not meet such sidewalk on the opposite side of the street, or any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface of such roadway conforming in design to standards prescribed by the State Highway Commission; provided, however, that whenever marked cross-walks have been indicated, such crosswalks and no other shall be deemed lawful across such roadway at that intersection.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Curb" means any raised margin along lines established by ordinance as curb lines, defining the space in the street devoted to vehicular traffic; or if there are no raised margins, the extreme edge or shoulder of the roadway.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(12), 1977)
"Driver" means any person in actual control of a vehicle.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(13), 1977)
"Emergency vehicles" mean vehicles of the fire department, fire patrol, police vehicles, emergency vehicles of municipal departments of public service corporations, and ambulances while being used for emergency purposes and displaying the required lights and sounding a siren or other audible warning.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Emergency zones" means places designated with official signs, barricades, or other markings by the Department of Public Works or Bureau of Police where during emergencies or because of contingent emergencies no parking shall be allowed.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(15), 1977)
"Highway," "road," or "street" means every public way, thoroughfare, and place, including bridges, viaducts, and other structures within the boundaries of this municipality, used or intended for the use of the general public for vehicles except that:
The terms do not include any way, thoroughfare, or place owned by a district formed under ORS Chapters 545, 547 and 551 or a corporation formed under ORS Chapter 554; and
As used in those provisions relating to size and weight restrictions vehicles, the terms do not include any road or thoroughfare or property in private ownership or any road or thoroughfare, other than a State highway or County road, used pursuant to any agreement with any agency of the United States or with a license of such agency, or both.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Holiday," as used in this title or on signs or other devices erected in accordance with this title, means and includes Sundays, New Years, either Independence Day, either Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all other legal holidays.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(17), 1977)
"Intersection" means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curblines, or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more streets or highways which join another at an angle, whether or not one street or highway crosses the other.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Loading zone" means the space adjacent to the curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles actually engaged in the loading or unloading of passengers, goods, wares, merchandise, or materials, and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(19), 1977)
"Motor vehicle" means any vehicle which is self-propelled, including but not limited to tractors, forklift trucks, motorcycles, road building equipment, street cleaning equipment, and any other vehicle capable of moving under its own power, notwithstanding that the vehicle may be exempt from licensing under the Motor Vehicle Laws of Oregon.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle, except tractors, designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(21), 1977)
"Official car zone" means the space adjacent to the curb reserved for the exclusive use of official cars and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(22), 1977)
"Operator" means any person who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon the highways or streets of the City.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(23), 1977)
"Owner" means the person having all the incidents of ownership in a vehicle or where the incidents of ownership are in different persons, the person, other than a security interest holder or lessor, entitled to possession of a vehicle under a security agreement, or a lease for a term of 10 or more successive days.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Park," "parking," or "parked" means the stopping or standing of any vehicle upon any street or highway within the City, whether such vehicle is occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers or freight, or in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Parkway" means that portion of the street not used as a roadway or sidewalk.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(26), 1977)
"Pedestrian" means a person afoot; a person operating a pushcart; a person riding on, or pulling a coaster wagon, sled, scooter, tricycle, sidewalk bicycle, or a similar conveyance, or on roller skates; a baby in a carriage; or a person confined to a wheelchair or a similar apparatus.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Person" means any natural person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(29), 1977)
"Playground zone" means the space adjacent to or in the immediate proximity of any public playground and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(28), 1977)
"Premises open to the public" means and includes any premises owned or maintained by the City and open to the general public for the use of motor vehicles, whether or not a fee is charged for the use of the premises.
(Ord. 1680 § 1, 1990)
"Private road or driveway" means every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(30), 1977)
"Right-of-way" means the right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle or pedestrian approaching under such circumstances of direction, speed and proximity as to give rise to danger of collision unless one grants precedence to the other; or
An area that allows for the passage of people or goods. Right-of-way includes passageways such as freeways, pedestrian connections, alleys and all streets. A right-of-way may be dedicated or deeded to the public for public use and under the control of a public agency or it may be privately owned. A right-of-way that is not dedicated or deeded to the public is usually in a tract or easement. See also "street."
(Ord. 1360 § 1(31), 1977; Ord. 2021 § 2, 2010)
"School bus" means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency and operated for the transportation of children to or from school, or privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of children to or from school. "School bus" does not include vehicles commonly known and used as private passenger vehicles and not operated for compensation except in the transportation of children to or from school.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"School zone" means the space adjacent to or in the proximity of a school building or the grounds thereof, or a school crossing and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(33), 1977)
"Shoulder" means that portion of the highway, whether paved or unpaved, contiguous to the roadway primarily for use by pedestrians for the accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(34), 1977)
"Sidewalk" means that portion of a street between the curblines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property line intended for the use of pedestrians.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Stop," when required, means a complete cessation of movement. When prohibited, "stop" means any halting even momentarily of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a Police Officer or traffic control sign or signal.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(37), 1977)
"Street" or "highway" means the entire width between the right-of-way lines for vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic and includes the terms "road," "roadway," "highway," "lane," "place," "avenue," "alley," and other similar designations.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977; Ord. 2021 § 3, 2010)
"Taxicab" means every motor vehicle equipped with a taximeter which is used as a basis for determining rates.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(38), 1977)
"Taxicab zone" means the space adjacent to the curb reserved for the exclusive use of taxicabs, and designated by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(39), 1977)
"Towaway zone" means the space adjacent to the curb on any street or avenue, or portion thereof, on which stopping or parking has been prohibited for specific hours of the day, or otherwise, and which is designated as a towaway zone by official signs or markings.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Traffic control signal" means any device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is directed.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977)
"Traffic lane" means that area of the roadway used for the movement of a single line of traffic.
(Ord. 1360 § 1(41), 1977)
"Truck," as used in this chapter, means and applies to any vehicle licensed as a motor truck, or any vehicle 72 inches or more in width, or any vehicle, including but not limited to a motor truck trailer, designed or operated for the transportation of property, or any piece of movable equipment operable on the City streets, and whose body weight or whose combined body and load weight exceeds 6,000 pounds. "Truck" shall not, for the purpose of this chapter, be applied to automobile passenger vehicles nor to that form of truck commonly referred to as a "pickup," nor to those vehicles commonly referred to as recreation vehicles.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1824 § 1, 1997)
"Vehicle" means every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon any public street or highway including the following:
"Camper" as defined in ORS 801.180;
"Mobile home" as defined in ORS 801.340;
"Motor bus" as defined in ORS 801.200;
"Motorhome" as defined in ORS 801.350;
"Motor truck" as defined in ORS 801.355;
"Recreational vehicle" as defined in ORS 446.003;
"Trailer" as defined in ORS 801.560;
"Travel trailer" as defined in ORS 801.565; and "Truck tractor" as defined in ORS 801.575.
(Ord. 1361 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1791 § 2, 1995)