When the use of certain streets is prohibited to trucks exceeding a specified weight, no person shall operate a truck on such streets contrary to such prohibition, except for the purpose of delivering or picking up materials or merchandise, but then only by entering and leaving by the shortest legal route.
(Ord. 1360 § 9(1), 1977)
When written application is made therefor, the City Manager, in accordance with applicable provisions of the Motor Vehicle Laws of Oregon, may grant permits for the use of the streets by vehicles, combination of vehicles or other property, which are prohibited by State law from using the streets because of excessive weight, length, or width; and he or she may set out in such permit such conditions, regulations and restrictions as the public interest may require, and which shall be sufficient to prevent injury or damage to streets, sidewalks, and all other improvements or private property and to protect the public. Such permit may be cancelled at any time by the City Manager upon satisfactory proof that the permittee has violated any of the terms of the permit, or when in the judgment of the City Manager the public interest requires cancellation.
(Ord. 1360 § 9(2), 1977)
Any and all vehicles weighing in excess of 10 tons gross weight are prohibited from operating on 37th Avenue, between Highway 224 and Railroad Avenue.
(Ord. 1374 § 1, 1977)
The City shall not directly, indirectly, or through any agency enter into any agreement approving or facilitating, or otherwise authorize or permit traffic of motor trucks possessing more than two axles to proceed through the City by traveling upon any portion of Johnson Creek Boulevard within the boundaries of the City that is located west of Brookside Drive.
As used in this section, "motor truck" means a motor vehicle that is primarily designed or used for carrying loads other than passengers, possesses more than two axles, and conforms with the definition of "truck tractor" under ORS 801.575 and "truck trailer" under ORS 801.580.
(Ord. 1610 §§ 1, 2, 1986)