Nonconforming uses and development are uses and development that do not conform to the City's current land use and development regulations either because they were established prior to the enactment of such regulations or because they conformed at the time they were established but applicable City regulations have since changed.
Most nonconforming uses and development may be maintained, but may not be altered, without land use review. Nonconforming uses and development may be rebuilt if destroyed in some instances. In general, however, nonconforming uses and development shall be brought into conformance with applicable land use and development regulations when redevelopment occurs. In particular, the City does not support the continuation of high-impact nonconforming uses in perpetuity.
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
A specific site may be nonconforming because it contains a nonconforming use, nonconforming development, or both, as defined in Section 19.201. Determination of the legal status of a nonconforming use or development may be requested by the property owner pursuant to Section 19.903.
The following provisions apply to all nonconforming uses and development:
Changes in ownership may occur and do not affect the status of a nonconforming use or Development.
A nonconforming use or development is allowed to change to a conforming use or Development. Once a conforming use or development occupies the site, the nonconforming status is lost and the nonconforming use or development may not be reestablished.
Routine maintenance and repair, as defined in Section 19.201, is allowed. Alteration, as defined in Section 19.201 and further described in Section 19.804, or destruction, as described in Section 19.805, may require land use review and/or may result in the loss of the nonconforming status of the use or development.
Where other sections of the Milwaukie Municipal Code require nonconforming uses or Development to come closer to conformance, those provisions apply instead of the provisions of this chapter.
Provisions of this chapter do not apply to signs. Nonconforming signs are regulated by Title 14 Signs.
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
A nonconforming use or development may continue indefinitely pursuant to the provisions in Subsection 19.802.2 unless it is discontinued as described in this section, altered as described in Section 19.804, destroyed as described in Section 19.805, or amortized as described in Section 19.806.
If a nonconforming use is discontinued or abandoned, as defined in Section 19.201, for more than 1 year, the site will lose its nonconforming status and any subsequent use on the site shall conform to all applicable land use and development regulations.
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
The following provisions apply to the alteration of nonconforming uses:
A nonconforming use shall not be moved, in whole or in part, to any portion of the site other than that occupied by the nonconforming use, except as allowed per Subsection 19.804.1.B.1.
No additional development or physical alterations associated with the nonconforming use shall occur, except as allowed per Subsection 19.804.1.B.1. Additional development or physical alterations not associated with the nonconforming use and that conform to Title 19 are allowed.
No intensification of the nonconforming use shall occur, except as allowed per SubSection 19.804.1.B.1. Alterations that decrease the intensity of the nonconforming use are allowed.
Land Use Review Required
A nonconforming use shall not be moved, altered, or intensified unless such move, alteration, or intensification is approved by the Planning Commission through a Type III review per Section 19.1006. The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed move, alteration, or intensification would result in no more of a detriment to surrounding properties than the existing nonconforming use.
If a nonconforming use involving a structure is replaced by another use, the new use shall conform to Title 19 unless the Planning Commission determines that such structure is suitable only for another nonconforming use through a Type III review per Section 19.1006. The applicant shall demonstrate that the new nonconforming use would be no more detrimental to surrounding properties than the one it is replacing.
The following provisions apply to the alteration of nonconforming development:
Alterations or expansions that increase or extend the nonconformity are not allowed unless a variance is approved pursuant to Section 19.911.
Alterations or expansions that conform to Title 19 are allowed. For example, development that does not conform to height, yard requirements, or lot coverage may be altered provided that the alteration does not exceed the height, yard requirements, or lot coverage requirements of Title 19.
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
The following provisions establish when a nonconforming use or development may be reestablished or rebuilt following its intentional or accidental destruction:
When a nonconforming use or development is intentionally destroyed to an extent less than or equal to 50% of its replacement value, restoration is allowed. The restoration shall not result in an increase in the nonconformance of the use or development.
When a nonconforming use or development is intentionally destroyed to an extent exceeding 50% of its replacement value, restoration of the use or development shall conform to all applicable land use and development regulations.
If a nonconforming use or development is partially or totally destroyed by fire or other causes or natural hazards beyond the control of the owner, the use or development may be restored or replaced. The restoration or replacement shall not be more out of conformance with the land use or development regulations than the original use or development.
Restoration or replacement of nonconforming uses or development that have been partially or totally destroyed, whether intentional or by accident, must commence within 1 year from the date of destruction. If restoration or replacement does not commence within the 1-year period, the use or development will lose its nonconforming status, and any subsequent use or development on the site shall conform to all applicable land use and development regulations.
(Ord. 2025 § 2, 2011)
The purpose of this section is to provide a process whereby the City could require the discontinuance of nonconforming uses through amortization in a manner that is fair, predictable, and transparent.
All legally established high-impact nonconforming uses, as defined in Section 19.201 and as identified on the City's inventory pursuant to Subsection 19.806.3.B, are subject to amortization and discontinuance. Illegally established uses are subject to enforcement proceedings by the City if not immediately discontinued or converted to a conforming use.
The following nonconforming uses are not subject to amortization and discontinuance:
Nonconforming uses that can be made conforming within 6 months, where the owner also enters into an agreement with the City to bring the use into conformance within 6 months.
Nonconforming uses that are protected under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.
Nonconforming uses that are identified as low-impact nonconforming uses, as defined in Section 19.201.
The City Council may direct the Planning Director to evaluate existing land uses within the city for the purpose of compiling an inventory of uses subject to amortization and discontinuance. Such direction shall be made by resolution at a public meeting.
The Planning Director's evaluation shall be undertaken as follows:
Create a list of all nonconforming uses pursuant to City Council direction as provided in Subsection 19.806.3.C below.
Remove all properties that are exempt under Subsection 19.806.2.B from the list.
Determine which nonconforming uses that remain on the list are high-impact nonconforming uses, as defined by Section 19.201.
Compile an inventory of all properties containing a high-impact nonconforming use.
At the time of a vote directing the Planning Director to perform an evaluation of nonconforming uses, the Council shall specify the following:
The amount of time the Planning Director has to perform the evaluation, which shall be no less than 60 days.
Whether the Planning Director shall evaluate all uses in the entire City or whether the evaluation should be limited to a specified geographic area, type of use, or zoning district.
No less than 60 days after the Planning Director's completion of the inventory, City Council shall review and adopt the inventory by resolution. Upon review of the Planning Director's evaluation and inventory, Council may add or remove properties from the inventory prior to its adoption.
No more than 30 days after the adoption of the inventory by City Council, the Planning Director shall provide notice to all property owners listed in the nonconforming use inventory. Such notice shall include the following:
A statement that the City has determined that the subject property contains at least one nonconforming use that is subject to discontinuance through amortization.
The findings from the Planning Director's evaluation.
A copy of this section.
The date of the first evidentiary hearing before the Planning Commission to determine the schedule of amortization and discontinuance. Such a hearing shall be scheduled no less than 60 days after the mailing of the notice.
For all properties with identified nonconforming uses that are included in the adopted nonconforming use inventory, the City shall require the discontinuance of such uses under a plan whereby the full value of any use-dependent structures and facilities are amortized within a definite and reasonable period of time. This action is a quasi-judicial action and shall utilize the Type IV review process pursuant to Section 19.1007. A separate hearing shall be conducted for each nonconforming use to determine the appropriate amortization schedule.
The approved amortization schedule shall be adopted by ordinance and shall commence upon the effective date of the ordinance.
The hearings conducted under this subsection, per Section 19.1007 Type IV Review, shall be limited to the determination of the following:
Whether the use is properly included on the inventory.
Whether the use is exempt from amortization and discontinuance under Subsection 19.806.2.B.
The duration of a reasonable amortization period and all terms associated therewith, based on the evaluation criteria in Subsection 19.806.5.
The City Council may, by ordinance, execute a compliance agreement with the owner of any property found to contain a high-impact nonconforming use. Such an agreement shall include a schedule for the property owner to bring the property into conformance through discontinuance of all nonconforming uses in a certain amount of time or by other means acceptable to the City. Such an agreement shall alleviate the City's obligation to schedule a hearing to determine an amortization period pursuant to Subsection 19.806.4.A or, alternatively, shall supersede the established amortization period for the subject property.
The City shall record in the Clackamas County real estate records all ordinances adopted pursuant to this subsection.
The City's review authorities shall consider the following criteria, at a minimum, in determining a reasonable length of time for the amortization period:
Nature of the use, its operations, and structures.
Character of the land and land uses in the surrounding area.
Location of the use in relation to surrounding uses.
Value of the land and its improvements.
Length of time the use has been in existence and the length of time the use has been nonconforming.
Amount of capital investment in the structures or improvements on the property at the time the use became nonconforming.
Amount of investment realized to date and the amount remaining, if any, to be recovered during the amortization period.
Existence or nonexistence of lease obligations.
Removal costs that are directly attributable to the establishment of a discontinuance date.
Other costs and expenses that are directly attributable to the establishment of a discontinuance date.
Burden on the property owner resulting from discontinuance of the use.
Benefit to the public resulting from discontinuance of the use.