No appointive city officer or employee shall:
Campaign for or against any candidate for public office or public ballot measure during the hours of his or her municipal employment;
Circulate a petition for the promotion or defeat of any such candidate or ballot measure during the hours of his or her municipal employment;
Wear a campaign button, badge or in any way exhibit any other symbol or insignia for the promotion or defeat of any such candidate or ballot measure during the hours of his or her municipal employment;
Affix any poster, sign, sticker, symbol or other matter relating to the promotion or defeat of any such candidate or ballot measure to any city property, including any city vehicle;
Participate in, or circulate any petition for, the promotion or defeat of any such candidate or ballot measure while wearing a city uniform, or exhibiting city credentials, insignia, or identification of any kind, or otherwise representing himself as a representative, officer, or employee of the city;
Solicit directly, or through a third person, an employee, who is directly under his or her authority, to campaign for his or her candidacy for public office or for or against any other candidate or ballot measure;
Directly or indirectly solicit political funds or contributions, knowingly from other city officers or employees or persons on city employment lists at any time; provided, however, that this subsection shall not prohibit communicating through the mail or by other means requests for political funds or contributions to a significant segment of the public, which may include city officers or employees;
Participate in any political activities prohibited by state law.
(Ord. 1461 § 1, 1978)
This chapter is not to be construed as prohibiting any political activities by city officers or employees not specifically prohibited by Section 2.30.010.
(Ord. 1461 § 1, 1978)
The violation of any provision of Section 2.30.010 is grounds for discipline of the offending officer or employee.
(Ord. 1461 § 1, 1978)