All policemen, patrolmen, motorcycle officers, firemen and deputies of said departments receiving compensation for their services, and all investigators, special officers or special firemen, employed without compensation, shall be appointed by the city manager, provided that in case of emergency all such deputies may be designated and appointed by the respective officers for whom such deputies act, and such deputies shall hold office subject to the pleasure of such officer and the city manager.
(Prior code § 4223)
The chiefs of the police and fire departments shall cancel and revoke all permits for special badges or insignia, except members of said departments now receiving compensation, and they shall call for, take, seize and sequester any and all badges, shields, stars or insignia, of their respective departments, in possession of any person not lawfully entitled thereto.
(Prior code § 4224)
Wherever the special badges and insignia have been purchased and paid for by persons having the same, it is hereby provided that the possessors thereof shall, upon surrender of said badge, be reimbursed in an amount equal to the cost which the city would be required to pay, if it were to purchase such badge from the manufacturer and thereafter when such badges are reissued as herein provided, the appointee shall be required to guarantee the return of said shield or badge, by a deposit of money equal to the purchase price thereof, which deposit shall be made to the city clerk.
(Prior code § 4225)
The city shall participate in the California State Employees' Retirement System as now amended or as it may hereafter be amended and it shall be the duty of the city council to enter into a contract on behalf of the city with the Board of Administration of the California State Employees' Retirement System, providing for retirement, death and disability and other benefits for persons in the employ of the fire and police departments of the city, and providing for the retirement at the lowest optional age for employees and with full (one hundred percent) credit for prior service to the full extent authorized by the California State Employees' Retirement Act.
(Ord. 616-1/2 § 1, 1952)
Said contract shall be subject to termination as provided in the California State Employees' Retirement Act.
(Ord. 616-1/2 § 2, 1952)
The council of the city shall levy and collect taxes sufficient to pay all costs and expenses to be paid by the city to enable the city to participate in and make its employees of the fire and police departments members of the California State Employees' Retirement System.
(Ord. 616-1/2 § 3, 1952)
Except as provided herein, police and fire service shall be provided by employees holding employment status as defined in Chapter 2.28 of the Monterey Park Municipal Code. Prior to the city council transferring or consolidating all or substantially all of the police and/or fire service performed by sworn city personnel to any other public entity other than the city of Monterey Park, the following findings shall be made:
Existing emergency response times and service levels, including but not limited to, on-duty staffing levels, facilities and equipment shall be maintained or enhanced.
There shall not be an increase in cost to either the police or fire department general fund allocation, or if a savings to any fund is projected it shall not be a result of significant service alterations or reductions.
Such evidence, including a report by an independent auditor of the financial costs associated with a final proposal, shall be submitted to an ad hoc committee of residents appointed by the city council. The purpose shall be to develop a report that would analyze any proposal in the form of a complete and final proposal and make a recommendation to the city council of such action. Prior to any such transfer or consolidation becoming effective, the proposed transfer or consolidation shall have been approved by a majority of the voters of the city voting thereon at any regular or special municipal election.
(Ord. 1950 § 1, passed by the voters at the 3/2/99 election)