For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases shall be construed as set forth in this section, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended.
"Children's boarding home"
is any institution or establishment providing room and board for the reception and care of one or more children below the ages of eighteen years regardless of sex, unrelated to caretaker, in absence of parents or guardian, with or without compensation.
"Day nursery" or "day nursery school"
is any institution or establishment providing day care for children between the ages of two years and four years and six months, inclusive, but shall not include any day nursery or day nursery school maintained by any public school of the federal government. If day care is also provided for children over four years and six months of age, as to all children under four years and six months of age, the institution or establishment shall be considered as a day nursery or a day nursery school.
"Home for aged"
is any institution, boarding home or other place for the reception or care of one or more aged persons sixty-five years of age or over, except any hospital as defined in Section 1401 of the Health and Safety Code of the state.
"Mental institution"
is any hospital, sanitarium, home or other place receiving or caring for any insane, allegedly insane, mentally ill, or other incompetent person.
"Private boarding school"
is any institution or establishment providing room and board and giving a course of training similar to that given in any grade of public school from kindergarten to the twelfth grade inclusive, but shall not include any institution or establishment maintained by a public school.
"Private day school"
is any institution or establishment providing a course of training similar to that given in any grade of public school from kindergarten to the twelfth grade, inclusive, but shall not include any institution or establishment maintained by any public school.
(Prior code §§ 5400—5406)
No person shall operate any home for aged, private day school, day nursery, day nursery school, private boarding school or children's boarding home in the city without having a valid and existing health permit therefor issued by the license collector (see Section 5.16.010) with the written approval of the fire chief and the health officer. No person shall be required to obtain a written health permit to operate any home for aged, private day school, day nursery, day nursery school, private boarding school or children's boarding home where less than four children or aged persons are housed who are not related to the immediate family.
(Prior code § 5407)
Every health permit issued by the city which is required by Section 5.56.020 shall expire twelve months from its date of issuance. Application for renewal shall be filed at least ten days prior to its expiration each year. If the application for renewal is not so filed, the permit shall terminate.
(Prior code § 5408)
Every application for a permit required by Section 5.56.020, or for any renewal thereof, shall be accompanied by an application fee of thirty dollars for seven or more children, aged or mentally ill persons, to operate any type of services or establishment, or forty-five dollars for a capacity of twenty-five or more children, aged or mentally ill persons, to operate any type of services or establishment, or in two or more types of services or establishments at one location; provided, however, that nonprofit organizations shall be exempt from any fee mentioned in this section.
(Prior code § 5409; Ord. 1470 § 8, 1978)