This chapter is adopted by the people of Monterey Park for the purpose of requiring the city council to award solid waste franchises on a competitive basis.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
Beginning either on August 31, 2017 or upon the date any existing solid waste franchise is terminated, whichever is sooner, the city council must utilize this chapter for granting solid waste franchises. No solid waste franchise agreement in effect as of March 8, 2011 may be renewed or extended. However, the franchisee of any such franchise agreement may participate in the competitive bidding process set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter. Words and phrases not given a meaning by this chapter have the meaning set forth in the Act and the regulations promulgated to implement the Act, if defined therein, and if not, to the definitions found in RCRA and the regulations promulgated to implement RCRA, as amended.
means the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 codified in part at California Public Resources Code Sections 40000, et seq., as amended.
"Franchise" or "solid waste franchise"
means the right and privilege granted by the city:
To arrange for collecting solid waste;
To transport solid waste to landfills, transformation facilities or other licensed solid waste management facilities; and/or
To recycle solid waste collected within the city.
means the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as set forth at 42 U.S.C. Sections 6901, et seq., as amended.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
Unless it chooses to provide solid waste hauling services itself, the city must contract for and grant a franchise. Only persons with a franchise may engage in the business of solid waste collection, hauling, and disposal.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
The city must advertise for applications for a solid waste franchise by notice. The advertisement must be placed in a timely manner so as to allow for the orderly granting of a franchise in coordination with the termination of services under any existing franchise. Such notice must be posted at least one hundred twenty days before the expiration of any current franchise, state the duration (not to exceed seven years), terms, conditions, character and regulations under which the city proposes to consider granting a solid waste franchise. Nothing in this chapter is intended to, nor does it, preclude the city from providing solid waste services by itself.
A notice inviting applications must be published three days in a newspaper of general circulation and published and circulated in the city. Nothing precludes the city from publishing additional notice in other media.
A notice inviting applications will also state the time and place that sealed applications will be received and the time and place that said applications will be publicly opened.
The city council may require applicants to secure applications and performance in a manner approved by the city council and in a form approved by the city attorney. Unsuccessful applicants are entitled to the return of bid security within sixty days after the date the city council awards a solid waste franchise.
The city manager is authorized to promulgate administrative rules and procedures needed to implement this chapter.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
Applications for obtaining a franchise must contain all of the following information:
The names and addresses of persons authorized to act on behalf of the applicant with respect to the application.
Except for publicly traded companies, applicants must provide the following:
The names and addresses of the ten largest holders of an ownership interest in the applicant;
The names and addresses of all persons owning ten percent or more in the applicant;
All of applicant's officers and directors and persons in the applicant's direct ownership chain;
The corporate parent of the applicant.
A demonstration of the applicant's technical ability to meet the obligations of the franchise, including identification of key personnel.
A description of the applicant's previous experience in solid waste handling and disposal.
Identification of California cities and counties where the applicant or its principals own, or have an interest in, solid waste handling and disposal. If an applicant does not currently have operations in California, it must provide the information for its operations in other states. However, all applicants must have solid waste handling and disposal experience in California within the previous five years.
Identification of the area of the city to be used by the proposed enterprise, including a description of the proposed franchise area.
The proposed rate structure for the proposed enterprise which is responsive to the type of service and rate structure set forth in the request for applications, including the method, if any, by which rates would be increased over the life of the franchise.
Pro forma financial projections for the term of the proposed enterprise, including a statement of projected income and a schedule of planned capital additions, with all significant assumptions explained in notes or supporting schedules.
Applications must be submitted to the city clerk's office in a sealed envelope and be clearly marked as a bid along with the bidder's name and project number written on the outside of the envelope. The purchasing officer will open properly submitted applications at the time and place stated in the notice inviting applications. A written record and tabulation must be made at the time all applications are received and then opened.
Any other information as may be reasonably necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of applicable law.
An affidavit or declaration of the applicant or its authorized officer certifying the truth and accuracy of the information in the application, acknowledging the enforceability of application commitments, and certifying that the application meets all requirements of applicable law. If the applicant is a subsidiary of a corporate parent, the corporate parent is also required to execute the affidavit or declaration and execute a franchise agreement as a guarantor.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)
Review. Applications must be evaluated based upon the proposed monthly rates for service pursuant to the franchise; compliance with bid specifications including, without limitation, financial and technical responsibility; proposed diversion rate; proposed franchise fee; and any other reasonable and material criteria identified in the notice soliciting applications, the Monterey Park Municipal Code, or any other rule or regulation promulgated to implement this chapter. The city council is prohibited from utilizing criteria that is not material, reasonable or that results in disqualifying multiple bidders that have three or more solid waste franchises in California.
Public Hearings. Before deciding whether to grant one or more solid waste franchises, the city council may hold one or more public hearings or implement other procedures for obtaining public input.
Minor Irregularities. The city council may waive any minor irregularities in applications submitted to the city pursuant to this chapter.
Award. The city council must award the residential solid waste franchise to a single franchisee but may, at its discretion, award the commercial solid waste franchise to up to three franchisees. The city council must award any franchise based upon the applicant proposing the lowest proposed monthly rates to the customer. Such rates cannot be increased on an annual basis by percentage greater than the percentage increase in the consumer price index ("CPI") for all urban consumers as calculated by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County area, all items.
Exception—Findings. If the council determines that it is going to award the franchise to other than the lowest bidder, the council must make findings that the lowest bidder either cannot meet material requirements of the franchise or materially failed to file a responsive bid.
No Applications. If the city does not receive any applications, the city council may:
Abandon the solicitation;
Authorize a new solicitation on an informal basis; or
Award a franchise on a directly negotiated basis.
Failure to Execute Franchise. If a successful applicant refuses to comply with, or fails to execute, a franchise agreement with the city within twenty days after being awarded the contract, the city may cancel the award and retain any bid security. Compliance with franchise requirements includes, without limitation, submission of insurance documentation. Should this occur, the city council may award the franchise to the next lowest responsible applicant.
(Ord. 2081 § 3, 2011)