No person shall cut, break, destroy, remove, deface, tamper with, paint, color, mar, injure, disfigure, interfere with, damage, tear, remove, change or alter any of the following:
Public street or sidewalk or easement or right-of-way;
Part of any building belonging to the city;
Electric lamp erected or suspended on or over any street, sidewalk or park and used in the lighting thereof, or any wire or other apparatus immediately attached to such lamp,
Any lamp standard or lamp pole, nor attach thereto any banner, pennant, streamer, flag, sign, picture, wire, rope or other attachment of any kind for any purpose without first obtaining a permit to do so from the city manager;
Parts or appurtenances of the fire alarm, telegraph system or police signal system, lamp post, street sign post, fire alarm box, police signal box, post, standard, or pole or any fixture or apparatus used about or in connection with any such post, box, standard or pole;
Water main, pipe, conduit, hydrant, reservoir or ditch, or to tap the same without permission of the public works director;
Water meter or any box containing any pipe, stopcock or cut-off valve of the water department of this city or cover the same with earth, brick, stone, mortar, debris, or building material;
Tree, shrub, tree stake or guard in any public street, or affix or attach in any manner any other thing whatsoever, including any guy wire or rope, to any tree, shrub, tree stake or guard except for the purpose of protecting it or unless otherwise authorized by this code;
Property owned by any public utility located on any street or sidewalk;
Other property owned or leased by this city or the United States government or any political subdivision or department thereof, and not specifically enumerated in this section;
Public document, notice or advertisement or any legal document required to be posted or exhibited in the manner and place provided by law.
(Prior code § 4256; Ord. 1193 § 1, 1967)
No person shall wilfully and maliciously break, destroy or injure any real or personal property not his own within the city or break open or unlawfully enter any pound for the purpose of removing, or aiding the escape of any animal that may have been placed in said pound by the police or pound master of such city.
(Prior code § 4242)
No person shall cut down, injure, girdle, destroy or remove any standing or growing trees or shrubbery, or any ornament or improvement in any public park or street of the city without first being issued a permit as provided in this chapter; provided, however, this section shall not apply to the removal of trees or shrubbery by the director of public works when the same constitutes a public nuisance or safety hazard.
(Prior code § 4236; Ord. 1317 § 1, 1972)
The recreation and parks commission shall designate the type and species of tree to be planted in or along every street within the city. Every tree hereafter planted in or along any street shall be of the type and species designated for such street or portion thereof by the recreation and parks commission.
(Prior code § 4236.1; Ord. 1317 § 2, 1972)
Unless a permit shall have been issued therefor as hereinafter provided, no tree shall be planted in any portion of any public street nor within five feet of any curb or sidewalk. Upon investigation and finding by the recreation and parks director that any proposed tree will not damage public property or constitute a safety hazard, the recreation and parks director shall issue a written permit which shall designate the location of the tree or trees so authorized. Any person aggrieved by the refusal of the recreation and parks director to issue such a permit may appeal in writing to the recreation and parks commission within fifteen days after such refusal, and thereupon the recreation and parks commission shall, upon similar investigation and findings, render a decision. Such decision shall be final unless any person aggrieved by such decision appeals in writing to the city council within fifteen days after such decision. The decision of the city council thereon shall be final.
(Prior code § 4236.2; Ord. 1317 § 2, 1972)
Persons desiring to remove trees from public property abutting property they own or occupy shall make application to the recreation and parks director for a tree removal permit. Application for said permit shall be in writing and set forth the reasons such removal is desired. If upon investigation and finding by the recreation and parks director that the tree desired to be removed constitutes a private nuisance, is not of the type or species designated by the recreation and parks commission for such street, or other good cause appearing, he shall issue a permit allowing such tree to be removed. Said permit may require the replanting of another tree after said removal, and, if a replacement is required, applicant shall deposit the prescribed fee with the recreation and parks director for each tree to be replaced before said permit shall be issued. If all the conditions of said permit are nor complied with the deposit herein required will be forfeited to the city. If such conditions are complied with, said deposit shall be refunded to applicant. Any person aggrieved by the refusal of the recreation and parks director to issue a permit or by the requirements of such permit may appeal to the recreation and parks commission in the time and manner specified in Section 9.63.050. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the recreation and parks commission may appeal to the city council in the time and manner specified in Section 9.63.050. The decision of the city council thereon shall be final.
(Prior code § 4236.3; Ord. 1317 § 2, 1972)