Note: Prior history: prior code Sections 7200—7218 as amended by Ord. 1535.
Subject to the additions, deletions and amendments specified herein, the rules, regulations, provisions and conditions set forth in "Los Angeles County Code, Title 20, Utilities, Division 2, Sanitary Sewers and Industrial Waste," as amended and in full force and effect on July 27, 1989, promulgated, adopted and published by the county of Los Angeles, three copies of which have been deposited with the city clerk and are open for inspection, use and examination of the public, and which as so on file are referred to and by this reference are expressly incorporated herein and made a part hereof as fully and for all intents and purposes as though set forth herein at length, are adopted, and the same shall be designated as the sanitary sewers and industrial waste code of and for the city.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1719 § 1, 1987; Ord. 1835 § 3, 1992; Ord. 1854 § 1, 1993)
Sections 20.24.160, 20.28.030, 20.28.050, 20.28.060, 20.28.080 and 20.36.295 and Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Chapter 20.32 of the county's sanitary sewers and industrial waste code are deleted.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1854 § 2, 1993)
Whenever any of the following words or terms are used in the sanitary sewers and industrial waste code, such words or terms shall mean the following:
means the city council.
"County of Los Angeles"
means the city of Monterey Park except in such instances where the county of Los Angeles is a correct notation due to circumstances.
"County sewer maintenance district"
means the county sewer maintenance district except in the instance where the territory concerned either is not within, or has been withdrawn from a county sewer maintenance district. In any such instance "county sewer maintenance district" means the city of Monterey Park.
means an ordinance of the city of Monterey Park except in such instances where the reference is to a stated ordinance of the county of Los Angeles.
"Public sewer"
means all sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto, lying with streets or easements dedicated to the city which are under the sole jurisdiction of the city.
"Trunk sewer"
means a sewer under the jurisdiction of a public entity other than the city of Monterey Park.
"Unincorporated area of the county of Los Angeles"
means the city of Monterey Park.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1854 § 3, 1993)
Section 20.24.200 of the county's sanitary sewers and industrial waste code is amended as follows:
20.24.200 Notification of Uncontrolled Discharges Required.
In the event of an uncontrolled discharge, the discharger or permittee shall immediately notify the County Director of Public Works and the City Engineer of the incident by telephone. The notification shall include location of discharge, type of material, concentration and volume, and correction actions taken.
Within 10 days after the uncontrolled discharge, the discharger or permittee shall submit to the County Director of Public Works and the City Engineer a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge, corrective action taken and measures to be taken to prevent future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the discharger or permittee of liability or fines incurred as a result of the uncontrolled discharge.
(Ord. 1854 § 4, 1993)
Section 20.28.100 is added to the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code and is amended to read as follows:
20.28.100 Exemptions.
Existing valid permits issued jointly by the City of Monterey Park and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County shall be subject to review beginning October 12, 1987 and ending November 25, 1987. This review shall include a determination to be made by the City of Monterey Park as to whether any existing industrial waste interceptor conforms to current City standards.
If an existing industrial waste interceptor is found to be not in compliance with current City standards. written notice of such determination shall be mailed to the owner of the property (as set forth in the latest available assessment roll) and to the occupant at the address at which the interceptor is located, advising of such determination and that such interceptor must be replaced with a unit that does comply with City standards. Replacement shall be complete within 45 calendar days of the date of mailing of the notice of determination.
Each existing industrial waste interceptor that conforms to current City standards shall be subject to an annual inspection fee, as set by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1719 § 2, 1987; Ord. 1720 § 1, 1987; Ord. 1835 § 4, 1992)
Section 20.32.690 of the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph thereto:
If the damaged public sewer is not in a Sewer Maintenance District, the violator shall reimburse the City within 30 days after the City Engineer renders an invoice for the same.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983)
Section 20.32.700 of the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code is amended to read as follows:
20.32.700 Additional Maintenance.
Whenever additional maintenance is required on a mainline sewer as a result of the discharge by a property which causes the restriction or cessation of sewage flow, the property owner shall be assessed all costs incurred by the City of Monterey Park to maintain such mainline.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1719 § 3, 1987; Ord. 1854 § 5, 1993)
Sections 20.36.230 and 20.36.245 of the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code are amended to read as follows:
Application Fee and Plan Review Fee. In addition to the application fee for industrial waste disposal permits and plan review fees for industrial waste listed above, each applicant shall be required to pay the actual costs for application and plan review to the City, including but not limited to costs of administration in connection with any proposed industrial or commercial use of the property from which industrial wastes would be emitted. Deposits for both the application fee and plan review fee, to be determined by resolution of the City Council, shall be submitted with any application, which deposits shall be applied to the costs set forth herein.
In the event the final costs to the City are more than the fees paid by the Applicant, the Applicant shall pay the deficiency upon demand and any excess shall be returned to the Applicant or applied toward the Annual Inspection Fee.
Issuance of an Industrial Waste Permit is contingent upon full and complete payment of the Application Fee and Plan Review Fee.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1719 § 4, 1987; Ord. 1835 § 5, 1992; Ord. 1854 § 5, 1993; Amended during 2005 recodification)
Section 20.36.250 of the county's sanitary sewers and industrial waste code is amended to include an additional inspection fee Class E category (see Section 14.04.07). Fee amounts shall be determined by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1719 § 6, 1987; Ord. 1835 § 6, 1992; Ord. 1854 § 7, 1993)
Table 1 of Section 20.36.260 of the sanitary sewers and industrial waste code is amended to revise the inspection class of only those commercial categories specified below. This revision is for the purpose of compensating the city for its costs incurred in inspecting food service businesses and insuring the proper and timely maintenance of industrial waste interceptors and disposal of collected waste.
Plan Review Class
Inspection Class
Public eating places and plant cafeterias
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1719 § 5, 1987; Ord. 1854 § 8, 1993)
Section 20.36.310 of the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code is hereby amended by amending paragraph B thereof and adding paragraph E thereto to read as follows:
The city engineer shall not grant such a permit if the sewer into which the discharge of public waste will be made is within any district identified in the sewer system master plan as containing a sewer system deficiency unless fees required by Chapter 14.06 of the Monterey Park Municipal Code have been paid.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a permit for the discharge into a public sewer of (i) an effluent or leachate from property that is being operated as or has been operated as a commercial dump or sanitary landfill or (ii) condensate or other substance from an electrical generating plant or methane recovery plant using gas or other by-products from a landfill, shall not be granted by the city engineer unless it has first been approved by the city council. The city council shall not approve a permit unless it has conducted a public hearing thereon and finds:
That the application and supporting information submitted for any permit complies with the provisions of the sanitary sewer and industrial waste code of this city; and
That the waste will not damage or destroy the public sewer, will not cause a substantial increase in the cost of maintenance of the public sewer, will not retard or inhibit the treatment of sewage, and can be made acceptable by pretreatment; and
That the waste meets uniform minimum standards and criteria established by this sanitary sewer and industrial waste code for pretreatment of such waste so as to assure that it will not create a public nuisance and will comply with applicable regulations of any other public agency.
The public hearing shall be conducted by the city council within 30 days after it receives a report from the city engineer on the application, and the city clerk shall give written notice of the time and place of the hearing to the applicant at least 10 days in advance thereof and any other notice ordered by the city council.
(Ord. 1618 § 1, 1984; Ord. 1673 § 1, 1986)
No person shall construct, use or alter any public or house connection sewer in the city without first obtaining a permit from the city engineer so to do; provided, however, that in the case of any sanitary sewer main which is used by a county sanitation district, this provision shall not apply.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983)
Any person desiring a permit for any of the purposes enumerated in Section 14.04.080 shall make application in writing to the city engineer, giving such information as said city engineer may require, on blanks to be furnished for that purpose, and if it appears therefrom that the work to be performed thereunder is to be done according to the regulations contained in this chapter, governing the construction of such work, a permit shall be issued upon payment of the fees as fixed by Sections 14.04.120 and 14.04.130.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983)
Nothing contained in Sections 14.04.080 or 14.04.090 shall be deemed or construed to require the application for, or the issuance of, a permit for the purpose of removing stoppages or repairing leaks in any public or house connection sewer, except when it is necessary to replace any or all of such sewer with other or different materials.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983)
The provisions of Section 14.04.080 shall not be construed to apply to contractors constructing sewers and appurtenances under contracts awarded and entered into under proceedings had or taken pursuant to any of the special procedure statutes of this state providing for the construction of sewers and the assessing of the expenses thereof against the lands benefitted thereby.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983)
The city engineer shall at all times, before granting any permit, upon an application filed in accordance with the provisions of Section 14.04.090, require the payment of an inspection and connection fee in an amount which shall be determined by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1779 § 9, 1989)
Any person desiring to construct a house connection sewer connecting to a city sewer any lot or part of lot located outside the city and located in county sanitation district No. 2 or No. 15, shall file an application for a permit therefor with the city engineer in the manner required by Section 14.04.090 and shall pay to the city engineer an inspection and connection fee in an amount to be determined by resolution of the city council. Upon the filing of such application and payment of said fee, the city engineer shall cause a permit to be issued. The lateral and the house connection from the sewer in front of such lot to the house located thereon shall be made by and at the expense of the owner thereof and shall conform to the requirements of this chapter, and shall be subject to inspection by the approval of the city engineer and said permit shall so provide.
(Ord. 1601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1835 § 7, 1992)
Every person violating any provision of the sanitary sewers and industrial waste code of the city, as adopted and amended by this chapter, or any condition or limitation of any permit issued pursuant thereto, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof is punishable pursuant to Chapter 4.10 of this code.
(Ord. 1713 § 1, 1987; Ord. 1854 § 9, 1993; Ord. 2127 § 4, 2016)