Except as otherwise provided in this title, no person shall:
For occupancy or living purposes park any trailer or mounted camper on any street or other public place; or
Occupy or otherwise live in or habitate any trailer or mounted camper on any private tract of land, in excess of twenty-four hours; or
Park or store any trailer or mounted camper within the required side yards of any lot, except as provided for in Section 21.74.380(10); or
Operate any trailer park.
(Prior code § 6404.5)
No trailer parked on any premises shall be occupied by any person for more than fifteen days in any calendar year unless such trailer shall have been registered with the Motor Vehicle Department of the state for such calendar year.
(Prior code § 6404.6)
Emergency or temporary stopping or parking is permitted on any street for not longer than twenty-four hours, subject, however, to any other and further prohibitions, regulations or limitations imposed by the traffic and parking regulations or ordinances of the city governing the use of streets.
(Prior code § 6404.7)
No trailer shall be parked on any premises other than an approved trailer park, and no person shall occupy any trailer parked on any premises other than an approved trailer park; excepting, however, that any trailer owned by the owner or occupant of any premises may be parked on such premises owned or occupied by such person, and a trailer owned by a guest of such owner or occupant of any premises may be parked on such premises and occupied by such guest, provided, however, that altogether any and all such parkings and occupancies on any such property by any guest or guests shall not exceed a total of fifteen days in any calendar year. The owner or occupant of any such premises, immediately after the entry on such premises, of any trailer owned by a guest, shall report to the building department the date of such entry; the registration number of such trailer, and immediately after the departure of such trailer shall report the date of such departure, and failure of such owner or occupant of any such premises to make any such report shall constitute prima facie evidence of the existence of such parking and occupancy for a period of fifteen days in such calendar year.
(Prior code § 6404.8)
No trailer in a trailer park shall be parked within the required unoccupied front yard of the zoning district in which such trailer park is located, nor less than three feet from the side and rear boundary lines of the premises on which located, nor less than ten feet from any building or other trailer located on the same premises, provided however, that where an individual and separate service building is provided for a trailer-unit and adjacent thereto, an open space between such trailer and such individual service building shall not be required.
(Prior code § 6404.9)
No trailer parked on premises other than an approved trailer park shall be parked so that any portion thereof is within the required front, side, or rear yard or other required unoccupied space of a lot in the zoning district where such trailer is parked or within the area between the adjacent street and prolongation of the required front yard setback line on any adjoining lot.
(Prior code § 6404.10)